10 research outputs found

    Determinants of Employee Performance Analysis In Installation Dok II Hospital Nutrition Jayapura Papua 2015

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    Performance is a means to get better results than organizations, teams, and individuals with the means to understand and manage the performance in terms of objectives, standards, and requirements agreed attributes. The purpose of this study were 1) to analyze the influence of leadership on employee performance in the Installation Nutrition Hospital Dok II Jayapura, 2) to analyze the influence of human resources the performance of employees in the Installation Nutrition Hospital Dok II Jayapura, 3) to analyze the influence of discipline on employee performance Installation Nutrition Hospital Dok II Jayapura, 4) to analyze the effect of motivation on employee performance in Nutrition Installation Dok II Jayapura District Hospital, and 5) to analyze the influence of job satisfaction on employee performance in Nutrition Installation Hospital Dok II Jayapura. This research uses explanation research is to see the influence / relationship between independent variables and the dependent variable with quantitative approach. The location of the research conducted at the Hospital Nutrition Installation Dok II Jayapura Papua with research time July - September 2015. The method used was survey by using instrument list of questions or the questionnaire as a data collection tool

    Determinants Related to the Implementation of Early Breastfeeding Initiation at the Maternity of Regional General Hospital of Yowari, Jayapura Regency

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    Early Initiation of Breastfeeding is the first step towards the success of breastfeeding, one of the important factors of the development of human resources in the future. This is in accordance with the recommendation of the World Health Organization where every newborn should be breast-fed for the first hour after birth. But in reality there are many mothers who did not. Research in Indonesia showed that only 44% breastfed in the first hour after birth. This study aims to determine the determinant associated with the implementation of Early Initiation of Breastfeeding in hospitals Yowari Jayapura district. Factors identified include knowledge of the mother, the husband of support, the role of health workers, motivation, psychology, fatigue and culture. The study design was a cross sectional study, using the technique of accidental sampling with unit observation post partum mothers of 50 people. The data were analyzed using univariate, bivariate with chi square test and multivariate analysis with multiple logistic regression. Statistical analysis showed that the variables significantly related to the implementation of Early Initiation of Breastfeeding is the husband support P = 0.012 and PR = 5,357. The role of health workers p = 0.000 and PR = 96 600. Logistic regression analysis showed that the most dominant factor related to the implementation of Early Initiation of Breastfeeding is the husband support the value of p = 0418 in the maternity hospital room Yowari Jayapura district

    Factors Affecting the Performance of Employees at Health Department in Nduga Regency, Papua

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    Development in the field of human resources not only aims to improve the quality of Indonesian human resources, but Also Aimed to improve the quality of government employees. Human resource development geared toward improving the quality of the state apparatus as construction administrator who has the attitude and behavior of the core devotion, honesty, responsibility, disciplined and motivated, so as to provide excellent service and the best to the people. The success and failure of development cannot be separated from the role played. Employees of Nduga District Health Office were duties as Civil Servants and public service. The variables were observed in this study namely education, motivation, leadership style, work environment, and infrastructure towards the employee performance. 42 people as the total sample were Involved. Partially only education variable has a significant influence on employee performance, whereas other variables such as education, leadership style, work environment, and infrastructure not significantly affect employee performance. Simultaneously variables studied have a weak influence, and no significant effect on employee performance. Suggestions need to add other variables in order to improve the models

    Determinants Affecting Performance of Village Midwife in Biak Numfor Regency

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    Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR) in Indonesia is still high, particularly in rural areas such as the area in Biak Numfor, so that the required performance from a health professional, the midwife who is the potential energy in the implementation of the program Maternal and Child Health (MCH) particularly care Pregnant women, postpartum mothers, newborns, delivery assistance and training TBAs. This study aims to determine the effect of working life, motivation, supervisors, compensation and age midwife on the performance of midwives in Biak Numfor and the determinant factors that affect the performance of midwife. This is a descriptive study with cross sectional design. Samples taken as many as 63 people as respondent. The data collection questionnaire from the interview. Data were analyzed through chi square test and prevalence ratio. The results showed that the No influence between midwives working life with the performance of midwives (p = 0.080; RP = 6.250 95% CI; 0.774 to 50.467). There is no effect between midwife motivation with performance of midwives (p = 0.166 RP = 2.938; 0.658 to 13.117). Supervisor / Supervision affect the performance of midwives (p = 0.001; RP = 17.50; 95% CI 2.223 to 137.750). Compensation affect the performance of midwives (p = 0.023; RP = RP = 6.875; 95% CI: 1.665 to 28.388). No effect of age on the performance of midwives (p = 0.684; RP = 1.600; 0.316 to 8.109). Supervisor / supervision is a determinant factor affecting the performance of midwives (p = 0.004; RP = 26.667)

    Antenatal Care Utilization Determinants by Pregnant Mother in Wamena Health Center, Jayawijaya Regency 2015

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    The title of this research is "Determinants of Utilization of Antenatal Care By Pregnant Women in Health Center Jayawijaya Wamena Year 2015. This study aimed to obtain information about the determinant factor utilization of antenatal care services by pregnant women at health centers Jayawijaya Wamena. And looking at the relationship of education, knowledge, attitudes, affordability and husband support the utilization of antenatal care services. This research method using cross sectional design which will look at the relationship the determinant factor in the utilization of antenatal care by pregnant women (K1 and K4). Samples are pregnant women, there is the region with the city of Wamena Puskesmas third trimester gestational age (> 24 weeks). A large sample of 90 samples in accordance with the size of the sample population (proportional). Ujistatistik used Chi-Square Test. The results showed that of the five independent variables were examined at the health center Wamena town there is only one variable that knowledge relating to the utilization of antenatal care, dimananilai p = 0.001 <0.05. However, the education factor, attitude, affordability and support this husband showed no effect, although not significantly

    Effect of Giving Food Hospital,Nutrition Intake and Nutritional Status of Patients Tuberculosis Room in the Lungs General Hospital Dok II Jayapura

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    It is estimated that there are 8.6 million cases of tuberculosis in 2012. There are 450,000 people who suffer from MDR TB and 170,000 fatalities. These deaths in developing countries is 25% of the mortality of the disease, which may be held prevention. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of food and nutrition on nutritional status of patients with TB. This type of research is descriptive analytic approach "Cross-sectional Study". The experiment was conducted at room of Lungs Hospital Dok II Jayapura with a sample of the total population of TB patients by the number 46. The results showed that of the 46 samples, both feeding and feeding 76% less 24%. For good nutritional intake and nutrient intake of 30% less 70%. Based on Chi Square test found no effect between feeding and nutritional status of patients (p = 0.002), and there is influence between nutrient intake and nutritional status of patients (p = 0.00). The food intake of the hospital is one of the factors supporting the nutritional status changes that occur in hospitalized patients in the hospital, where the better nutrition of the hospital, the better the nutritional status changes. Counseling and nutritional counseling by a nutritionist in patients and families of patients suffering from tuberculosis of nutritious foods to support and help cure tuberculosis, and for the families of patients who are exposed to tuberculosis, so that the condition and stamina to stay healthy and not easily infected with the same disease

    Determinants Implementation of Management Information System in the Health Department of Keerom, Papua

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    This study aims to determine whether the management information system has been implemented to see the effect of the completeness of the data on the implementation of management information systems, the effect of the human resources field of information technology on management information systems, the effect of the allocation of funds to the management of information systems and the effect of the information technology (Hard Ware and Soft Ware) on the implementation of management information systems. This research was conducted at the Department of health and health centers in Keerom 2015. The method used in this research is to transmit a questionnaire to a hundred and twenty officers are responsible for reporting on duty at the Health Department and Community Health Center as respondents. Questionnaires distributed to respondents using a scale Gutman. This research method using a cross sectional study (CSS). Data were analyzed using statistical analysis through cross tabulation (Crosstab) followed by chi - squere and then analyzed using Multiple Logistic Regression. The results showed that the implementation of information systems management has not fulfilled 100% with an assessment of the implementation of new information systems reached 35.2%, the influence of the completeness of the data with good data 90.74%.Assessment of human resources 17.9% field of new IT implementation, allocation 19.1% of new funds and the implementation of IT devices of 24.1% implementation. Thus, to speed up the implementation of information systems, human resources in IT, allocation of funds and IT devices become part must be repaired and improved

    AITCS as a Reliable Instrument for Evaluating IPC (Interprofessional Collaboration): A Systematic Review

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    This study aims to summarize, evaluate, and systematically describe AITCS instruments as well as find the most appropriate collaborative practice assessment instruments for measuring IPC. A systematic literature review was conducted on 4 databases namely PubMed, Science Direct, Wiley, and Ebsco. The last 8 years of articles written in English related to the use of AITCS in evaluating/measuring IPE were gathered. Based on 8 articles analyzed, AITCS had undergone several development processes. AITCS (37 items) had been shortened to 23 items (AITCS II). AITCS had been adapted and developed in Swedish and Japanese versions. Various articles showed the overall Cronbach alpha value ranged from 0.89 to 0.98. Each item rated has a Cronbach alpha > 0.70 (acceptable). Thus, this study indicates that AITCS will continue to be developed in the future for it is an appropriate instrument that can be used to evaluate IPE


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    Jurnal Masyarakat Epidemiologi Indenesia. Vol 2, Nomor 2 Januari-Juni 2014This study aimed to analyze the effect of Tai Chi and regular exercise to reduce osteoarthritis knee pain of elderly in Panti Sosial Tresna Werdha ???Gau Mabaji??? Gowa, 2013. This is a quasi experiment research nonrandomized pretest-posttest control group design. Samples were 21 elderly consisting of tai chi group, regular exercisers group and control group. Sampling is collected by purposive sampling, consider of inclusion and exclusion criteria. The data was collected using check lists, questionnaires and Lequesne index as a instrument to measure pain responders. Data were analyzed using Wilcoxon test, Mann-Whitney test and the Kruskall Wallis. The results showed that there was no significant difference (p = 0.221) of osteoarthritis knee pain reduction after and before doing Tai Chi. Regular exercise also showed no significant difference (p = 0.705) of osteoarthritis knee pain reduction after and before doing intervention. Mean difference osteoarthritis knee pain reduction of Tai Chi and regular exercise was not statistically significant (0.85).\ud \ud Keywords: Tai Chi, Elderly, Osteoarthritis\ud \ud PENDAHULUAN\ud Di seluruh dunia, osteoartritis (OA) diperkirakan menjadi penyebab utama keempat kecacatan. Osteoartritis terjadi pada lebih dari 27 juta penduduk amerika (Helmick et al, 2008). Di Inggris dan Wales sekitar 1,3 hingga 1,75 juta orang menderita simptom osteoartritis. Di Amerika, 1 dari 7 penduduk menderita osteoartritis. Dimana, Badan Kesehatan Dunia (WHO), penduduk yang mengalami Osteoartritis tercatat 8,1% dari penduduk total. Pravelansi mencapai 5% pada usia <40 tahun, 30% pada usia 40-60 tahun, dan 65% pada usia 61 tahun.\ud Aktifitas fisik merupakan salah satu upaya untuk meningkatkan kualitas kesehatan dan menurunkan risiko terjadinya nyeri karena oasteoarthritis pada lansia. Hasil penelitian Ayu (2012) berupa terapi senam lansia yang dilakukan selama seminggu menunjukkan bahwa sebesar 86,7% lansia memiliki skala nyeri 0 atau tidak nyeri dan 13,33% lansia mempunyai skala nyeri 1 atau skala nyeri ringan. \ud Selain senam lansia, terdapat Tai Chi adalah olah raga tradisional Cina dengan gerakan lambat, pernafasan yang dalam, dan pemusatan pikiran dengan unsur meditasi. Gerakan yang lembut dari Tai Chi ini dapat menjadi pilihan olahraga yang baik bagi para orang tua. Hal ini dapat terlihat dari dimasukkannya Tai Chi sebagai rekomendasi olahraga bagi lansia pada website osteoartritis (Arthtritis Foundation). Penelitian yang dilakukan oleh Wang (2009), di minggu ke-12 Tai Chi menunjukkan penurunan yang signifikan pada nyeri lutut sesuai dengan skala WOMAC jika dibandingkan dengan kelompok kontrol yaitu -118,80 (95% CI -183,66 to -53,94; p = 0,0005). \ud Dibandingkan dengan senam, gerakan Tai Chi lebih lemah lembut, gemulai. Gerakan yang tenang, lambat, beraturan akan membawa emosi yang tenang pula. Itu akan mempunyai efek terapeutis pada keadaan emosi yang gelisah, bergejolak. Tampaknya sifat gerakan Tai Chi inilah yang membuatnya lebih disukai dan dinikmati masyarakat dunia. Di sinilah letak keunggulan Tai Chi terhadap jenis senam lainnya yang juga tergolong aliran garis lunak. Dan salah satu upaya kuratif dalam menanggulangi OA lutut pada lansia

    Study of Covid 19 Occurrence in Relation to Masks and Hand Sanitizers Use

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    Covid-19 is an infectious disease that has the potential to cause a public health emergency. Therefore, preventive measures against these types of infectious diseases must be carried out as soon as possible. Indonesia as a rule of law, therefore the prevention of these types of infectious diseases must be established in a rule or regulation. The purpose of this literature review is to describe an intervention regarding the use of masks and handsanitizers against the incidence of Covid 19. The database searches used include ProQuest, SciVerse Science Direct, Scopus, Pubmed, Cohcrane library, Springer and Sci-hub. Keywords used in the search for articles were mask, hand sanitizer, preventive, COVID-19. There are 18 journal articles obtained through objective analysis, topic suitability, research method used, sample size, research ethics, the results of each article, and the limitations that occur. There have been effective results in implementing the distribution of covid 19 events related to the use of masks and hand sanitizers. There have been effective results in using masks and hand sanitizers against the incidence of covid-1