19 research outputs found

    Nja… En korpusbaseret undersøgelse af interjektioner i talesprog

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    Interjections have often been viewed as unsystematic and unimportant to the description of language. Ordbog over Dansk Talesprog challenges this idea of interjections as irregular and insignificant by creating a dictionary of Danish interjections, in this article exemplified by the Danish interjection nja. By examining interjections in Danish spoken language, it is found that interjections can in fact be systematically described and are very relevant to language description. Also a sound based approach to language produces new lemmas which are not orthographically distinct and thus not visible in the written language. This way Ordbog over Dansk Talesprog can supplement traditional orthography based dictionaries and contribute to a more precise and thorough description of the Danish language

    Hvordan valideres tværsproglige kategorier? Aspekt som eksempel

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    The precise status of cross-linguistic categories remains a contested issue in contemporary linguistics. This paper proposes a solution based on a functional rethinking of classic concepts in Danish structural linguistics. It is argued that the level of content substance constitutes the necessary starting point for typological categories (such as tense and aspect), distinct from but presupposed by structural categories. This theory is compared to Haspelmath’s influential notion of “comparative concepts”. Comparative concepts arise as subjective stipulations (as claimed by Haspelmath), but we argue that they can be evaluated and potentially validated as cross-linguistically real substance descriptions. A validation procedure based on semantic mapping is proposed and illustrated in an analysis of Comrie’s (1976) category of aspect, which is argued – in contrast to what is generally assumed – not to constitute a cross-linguistically valid semantic domain. We conclude, however, that the category of aspect does constitute a different type of generalization: a generalization over cross-linguistically frequent distinctions

    Language Works 5(2)

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    Welcome to this edition of Language Works and merry Christmas and happy New Year from the editorial team. This time in Santa’s linguistic gift sack, we have six articles that represent a wide selection of linguistic areas and that show that linguistic analysis can shed light on many very different issues. In this issue, we travel far and wide. For example, we dive into the Danish Health Authority’s corona communication, we enter into the mind itself in an article on mentalization, and in one article, we go all the way to South America. In short, there’s an article for everyone.Welcome to this edition of Language Works and merry Christmas and happy New Year from the editorial team. This time in Santa’s linguistic gift sack, we have six articles that represent a wide selection of linguistic areas and that show that linguistic analysis can shed light on many very different issues. In this issue, we travel far and wide. For example, we dive into the Danish Health Authority’s corona communication, we enter into the mind itself in an article on mentalization, and in one article, we go all the way to South America. In short, there’s an article for everyone

    Language Works 6(1)

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    Velkommen til denne udgave af Language Works og glædelig sommer til alle fra redaktionen. Mens vi skriver dette, er solen kommet frem, EM ruller over tv-skærmene, og det begynder at føles som om der faktisk er et liv efter Corona-pandemien. Selvom det sidste år har handlet mest om forsamlingsrestriktioner, Zoom-undervisning og meget forsigtig genoplukning, og selvom det nogle gange har føltes som om at verden var sat helt på pause, så er vi stolte af at Language Works har holdt fanen højt og her kan præsentere artikler fra forfattere der i hvert fald ikke har stået på pause.Welcome to this issue of Language Works and a happy summer so all from the editors. While we write this, the sun is out, the European Football Championship is being played, and it is beginning to feel like there may actually be a life after the Corona pandemic. Even though the last year has been most concerned with social gathering limitations, Zoom education and very slow returns to normal, and even though it has at times felt like the entire world had been put on pause, we are proud to say that Language Works is still going strong. And here we can present articles from authors who certainly have not been put on pause

    Language Works 5(2)

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    Welcome to this edition of Language Works and merry Christmas and happy New Year from the editorial team. This time in Santa’s linguistic gift sack, we have six articles that represent a wide selection of linguistic areas and that show that linguistic analysis can shed light on many very different issues. In this issue, we travel far and wide. For example, we dive into the Danish Health Authority’s corona communication, we enter into the mind itself in an article on mentalization, and in one article, we go all the way to South America. In short, there’s an article for everyone.Welcome to this edition of Language Works and merry Christmas and happy New Year from the editorial team. This time in Santa’s linguistic gift sack, we have six articles that represent a wide selection of linguistic areas and that show that linguistic analysis can shed light on many very different issues. In this issue, we travel far and wide. For example, we dive into the Danish Health Authority’s corona communication, we enter into the mind itself in an article on mentalization, and in one article, we go all the way to South America. In short, there’s an article for everyone

    Language Works 6(1)

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    Velkommen til denne udgave af Language Works og glædelig sommer til alle fra redaktionen. Mens vi skriver dette, er solen kommet frem, EM ruller over tv-skærmene, og det begynder at føles som om der faktisk er et liv efter Corona-pandemien. Selvom det sidste år har handlet mest om forsamlingsrestriktioner, Zoom-undervisning og meget forsigtig genoplukning, og selvom det nogle gange har føltes som om at verden var sat helt på pause, så er vi stolte af at Language Works har holdt fanen højt og her kan præsentere artikler fra forfattere der i hvert fald ikke har stået på pause.Welcome to this issue of Language Works and a happy summer so all from the editors. While we write this, the sun is out, the European Football Championship is being played, and it is beginning to feel like there may actually be a life after the Corona pandemic. Even though the last year has been most concerned with social gathering limitations, Zoom education and very slow returns to normal, and even though it has at times felt like the entire world had been put on pause, we are proud to say that Language Works is still going strong. And here we can present articles from authors who certainly have not been put on pause


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    Las definiciones que existen sobre sistema multimedia, no siempre expresan lascaracterísticas esenciales o no toman en consideración aspectos didácticosactuales basados en el uso de las tecnologías digitales en el proceso deenseñanza- aprendizaje. Los sistemas multimedia, están incrementando supresencia en numerosas esferas de la actividad social, incluida la educación,donde se espera que puedan tener en los próximos años un gran empleo. Losautores coinciden en considerar, que el producto final de un sistema multimediaes algo novedoso como medio de enseñanza, este no significa la suma de lasposibilidades de cada medio que emplea, sino algo completamente distinto ensus relaciones, es decir, el sistema. El trabajo de revisión bibliográfica realizado,permitió comprender en los conceptos analizados, que el sistema multimedia esun conjunto de medios u objetos, que establecen una relación entre sí, la queinfluye en el funcionamiento pedagógico final del conjunto. Estasconceptualizaciones, permiten llegar a considerar cuando estamos en supresencia. El artículo por tanto tiene como objetivo, explicar los fundamentosteórico, mediante un acercamiento al concepto de sistema multimedia comorecurso informático importante en el proceso de enseñanza – aprendizaje

    Language Works 6(2)

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    Velkommen til denne udgave af Language Works i den mørkeste og vådeste del af året. Da vi udgav sidste nummer, var vi sikker på at nu var Covid et overstået kapitel. Men så kom omikron og kastede sine skygger, og som vi skriver dette, ser vi igen på nye restriktioner på universitetslivet. Men endnu engang holder redaktion og forfattere fanen højt, så på trods af alle bekymringer er her endnu et nummer af Language Works. Velkommen til og god læsning