24 research outputs found

    Percepción sobre cambio climático de la población en los sectores aledaños al mar de la ciudad de Chimbote

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    Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Facultad de Ciencias. Departamento Académico de Ingeniería Ambiental, Física y MeteorologíaEl presente trabajo de investigación tiene como objetivo evaluar la percepción sobre el cambio climático de los pobladores de los sectores aledaños al mar en la ciudad de Chimbote, mediante la aplicación de encuestas y técnicas prospectivas. Se eligió esta ciudad por su importancia económica y ecológica, así como por su grave situación de deterioro ambiental e institucional, características que le otorgan alta vulnerabilidad frente al cambio climático. El estudio tuvo dos etapas. La primera consistió en la realización de encuestas mediante muestreo aleatorio simple de 430 pobladores de las zonas costeras, con la finalidad de evaluar su percepción y actitud respecto al cambio climático. La segunda etapa involucró la recopilación documentaria, participación de expertos y uso de técnicas de análisis prospectivo para la elaboración de escenarios de vulnerabilidad al 2030, para lo cual se tomó como referencia los métodos de prospectiva estratégica MICMAC, MACTOR y SMIC, determinándose las variables y actores estratégicos y generándose los escenarios de vulnerabilidad más probables. Se encontró que la población está familiarizada pero poco sensibilizada con el cambio climático y que, al estar expuesta a problemas relacionados a la satisfacción de sus necesidades básicas, la reducción de sus efectos no es considerada prioridad. Sin embargo, un 79% de la población está dispuesto a involucrarse en actividades relacionadas a ello, lo que es un buen precedente para la implementación de cualquier estrategia. Se determinó que las variables con mayor influencia actual y potencial sobre la vulnerabilidad al cambio climático de Chimbote son las relacionadas con los aspectos políticos, institucionales, educativos y sociales (Tabla 20). Se concluye, de acuerdo al escenario tendencial más probable (Tabla 23), que la reducción de la vulnerabilidad al 2030 es posible pero aún poco probable (21.9%), esto último está en función a las acciones que se tomen en el presente tomando en cuenta las variables analizadas.The objective of this research is to evaluate the perception on climate change of the inhabitants of the sectors bordering the sea in the city of Chimbote, through the application of surveys and prospective techniques. This city was chosen for its economic and ecological importance, as well as for its serious environmental and institutional deterioration which characteristics give it high vulnerability to climate change. The study had two stages. The first consisted of simple random sampling surveys of 430 coastal residents in order to assess their perception and attitude towards climate change. The second stage involved the collection of documents, the participation of experts and the use of prospective analysis techniques for the elaboration of scenarios of vulnerability to 2030, for which it was taken as reference the methods of strategic prospecting MICMAC, MACTOR and SMIC determining the variables and strategic actors from which the most likely vulnerability scenarios were generated.It was found that the population is familiar but not very sensitive to climate change and since they are exposed to problems related to the satisfaction of their basic needs, the reduction of their effects is not considered a priority. However, 79% of the population is willing to engage in activities related to it, which is a good precedent for the implementation of any strategy. It was determined that the variables with the greatest current and potential influence on Chimbote's vulnerability to climate change are those related to political, institutional, educational and social aspects (Table 20). It is concluded, according to the most probable trend scenario (Table 23), that the reduction of vulnerability to 2030 is possible but not yet probable (21.9%), the latest is based on the actions that are taken in the present, taking into account the analyzed variables.Tesi

    Comparative evaluation of 11 commercialized rapid diagnostic tests for detecting Trypanosoma cruzi antibodies in serum banks in areas of endemicity and nonendemicity

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    Chagas disease is one of the main public health issues in Latin America. Increasingly during the past few decades, Trypanosoma cruzi infection has been detected in North America, Europe, and the Western Pacific, mainly as a result of population movement. The limited availability of rapid serological diagnostic tests hinders rapid diagnosis and early treatment in areas of endemicity and nonendemicity. In collaboration with 11 national reference laboratories (NRLs) from different geographical areas, we evaluated the performances of commercialized serological rapid diagnostic tests (RDT) for T. cruzi infection. Eleven commercialized T. cruzi infection RDTs were evaluated on a total of 474 samples extensively tested with at least three different techniques for Chagas disease, maintained at controlled low temperatures, and stored in the serum banks of the 11 NRLs. We measured the sensitivity, specificity, and concordance of each RDT and provided an additional questionnaire to evaluate its ease of use. The selected RDTs in this study were performed under controlled laboratory conditions. Out of the 11 RDTs, we found 8 of them to be useful, with the cassette format favored over the strip. We did not observe significant differences in RDT performances in the different regions. Overall, the performance results were lower than those disclosed by the manufacturers. The results of this evaluation validate the possibility of using RDTs to diagnose Chagas disease, thereby decreasing the time to treatment at a primary health care facility for patients who are willing to be treated. Further studies should be conducted in the laboratory and in the field to confirm these data, expressly to evaluate reproducibility in resource-limited settings, or using whole blood in clinical settings in areas of endemicity and nonendemicity

    Memoria del III Coloquio Internacional sobre Diversidad Cultural y Estudios Regionales

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    Del 05 al 07 de noviembre de 2014 se llevó a cabo en la Sede de Occidente de la Universidad de Costa Rica, el III Coloquio Internacional sobre Diversidad Cultural y Estudios Regionales, dicado a Julieta Dobles Izaguirre, Premio Nacional de Cultura Magón, 2013. Este III Coloquio Internacional fue organizado por el Centro de Investigaciones sobre Diversidad Cultural y Estudios Regionales (CIDICER), primer Centro de Investigaciones de una Sede Regional de la Universidad de Costa Rica. Se contó con personas investigacdoras nacionales e internacionales quienes presentaron sobre temas relacionados con la diversidad cultural y los estudios regionales.Universidad de Costa Rica/[836-B4-702]/UCR/Costa RicaUCR::Sedes Regionales::Sede de Occidente::Recinto San Ramón::Centro de Investigaciones sobre Diversidad Cultural y Estudios Regionales (CIDICER

    Features and Outcomes of 899 Patients With Drug-Induced Liver Injury: The DILIN Prospective Study

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    The drug-induced liver injury network (DILIN) is conducting a prospective study of patients with DILI in the United States. We present characteristics and subgroup analyses from the first 1257 patients enrolled in the study

    La renovación de la palabra en el bicentenario de la Argentina : los colores de la mirada lingüística

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    El libro reúne trabajos en los que se exponen resultados de investigaciones presentadas por investigadores de Argentina, Chile, Brasil, España, Italia y Alemania en el XII Congreso de la Sociedad Argentina de Lingüística (SAL), Bicentenario: la renovación de la palabra, realizado en Mendoza, Argentina, entre el 6 y el 9 de abril de 2010. Las temáticas abordadas en los 167 capítulos muestran las grandes líneas de investigación que se desarrollan fundamentalmente en nuestro país, pero también en los otros países mencionados arriba, y señalan además las áreas que recién se inician, con poca tradición en nuestro país y que deberían fomentarse. Los trabajos aquí publicados se enmarcan dentro de las siguientes disciplinas y/o campos de investigación: Fonología, Sintaxis, Semántica y Pragmática, Lingüística Cognitiva, Análisis del Discurso, Psicolingüística, Adquisición de la Lengua, Sociolingüística y Dialectología, Didáctica de la lengua, Lingüística Aplicada, Lingüística Computacional, Historia de la Lengua y la Lingüística, Lenguas Aborígenes, Filosofía del Lenguaje, Lexicología y Terminología

    Uso de encuestas en escolares para la evaluación de la cobertura y oportunidad de la vacunación en Costa Rica Using surveys of schoolchildren to evaluate coverage with and opportunity for vaccination in Costa Rica

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    OBJETIVO: Identificar diferencias en el nivel de cobertura y en la oportunidad de la vacunación de escolares residentes en tres tipos de zonas de Costa Rica: urbana, rural y fronteriza (rural de la frontera norte del país). MÉTODOS: Mediante encuesta, previa selección de escuelas por probabilidad proporcional, se reunió al azar a alumnos de primero y segundo grados de enseñanza primaria de tres zonas: urbana (n = 961), rural (n = 544) y fronteriza (n = 811). Los datos de las vacunas aplicadas se obtuvieron del carné (cartilla) de vacunación. Se evaluaron las diferencias en la cobertura con BCG, DPT3, VOP3, SRP1 y SRP2 y en la oportunidad de la administración de DPT1 + VOP1 antes de los 3 meses, de DPT3 + VOP3 antes de los 7 meses y de DPT4 + VOP4 + SRP1 antes de los 24 meses de edad, entre las tres zonas. RESULTADOS: Del total de alumnos seleccionados, 80% presentaron carné de vacunación en la zona urbana, 73% en la rural y 72% en la fronteriza (P <0.05). Las coberturas con BCG, DPT3, VOP3 fueron >95% en las zonas urbana y rural, y se encontraron cifras significativamente menores (P <0,05) en la zona fronteriza: BCG, 83%, VOP3, 88% y DPT3, 88%. La cobertura con SRP1 y SRP2 fue similar en las tres zonas. El porcentaje de escolares con dos o más dosis de sarampión fue: 98% en la zona urbana, 92% en la rural y 85% en la fronteriza (P <0,05). Una proporción de 90% recibió DPT1 y VOP1 antes de los tres meses de edad en la zona urbana, 89% en la rural y 80% en la fronteriza (P <0,05). El porcentaje de aplicación del esquema básico completo (DPT4 + VOP4 + SRP1) antes de los 24 meses fue: 93% en la zona urbana, 95% en la rural y 84% (P <0,05) en la fronteriza. CONCLUSIONES: La zona fronteriza mostró menor cobertura y oportunidad en la aplicación de vacunas del esquema básico, con excepción de SRP. La realización de campañas de seguimiento para la erradicación del sarampión ha elevado las coberturas con la SRP1 y el refuerzo de sarampión en todas las zonas, pero el incremento ha sido mayor en la urbana. Debe hacerse un mayor esfuerzo por identificar a niños con esquemas incompletos, principalmente en zonas de alta migración.<br>OBJECTIVE: To identify differences in the level of coverage of and opportunity for vaccination among schoolchildren in three areas in Costa Rica with different characteristics: an urban area (with the highest level of socioeconomic development of the three areas), a rural area (with a medium level of socioeconomic development), and a border area (a rural area in northern Costa Rica, on the border with Nicaragua, with the lowest level of socioeconomic development and the highest proportion of foreign immigrants). METHODOLOGY: Following selection of schools by proportional probability, surveys were used with children chosen at random from the first and second grades of elementary schools in the three areas: urban (961 students), rural (544 students), and border (811 students). The data on the vaccines that had been administered were obtained from the children's vaccination cards. Differences among the three areas were evaluated: (1) in the coverage with BCG; with three doses of diphtheria-tetanus- pertussis vaccine (DTP3); with three doses of oral polio vaccine (OPV3); with the first dose of measles-mumps-rubella vaccine (MMR1); and with the second dose of MMR vaccine (MMR2) and (2) in the "opportunity" for the children having received DTP1 + OPV1 before 3 months of age, DTP3 + OPV3 before 7 months of age, and DTP4 + OPV4 + MMR1 before 24 months of age. RESULTS: Out of all the students who had been selected, 80% of them in the urban area had a vaccination card, 73% did in the rural area, and 72% did in the border area (P < 0.05). The coverage levels for BCG, DTP3, and OPV3 were each over 95% in both the urban area and the rural area; however, the coverage levels were significantly lower (P < 0.05) in the border area: BCG, 83%; OPV3, 88%; and DTP3, 88%. Coverage with MMR1 and MMR2 was similar in the three areas. The percentage of schoolchildren with two or more doses of measles vaccine was 98% in the urban area, 92% in the rural area, and 85% in the border area (P < 0.05). In terms of opportunity, 90% of the children had received DTP1 + OPV1 before 3 months of age in the urban area, 89% had in the rural area, and 80% had in the border area (P < 0.05). The percentage of application of the complete basic schedule (DTP4 + OPV4 + MMR1) before 24 months of age was 93% in the urban area, 95% in the rural area, and 84% in the border area (P < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: The border area had lower coverage of and opportunity for the basic schedule of vaccines, except for MMR. Follow-up campaigns for measles eradication have increased the coverage of the initial and booster doses in all three areas, but the increase has been greatest in the urban area. A greater effort should be made to identify children with an incomplete schedule of vaccinations, with priority going to areas that have a high proportion of immigrants

    Distribution and ecological aspects of Rhodnius pallescens in Costa Rica and Nicaragua and their epidemiological implications

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    In light of the Central American Initiative for the control of Chagas disease, efforts were made on the part of Costa Rican and Nicaraguan teams, working separately, to determine the present status of Rhodnius pallescens in areas close to the common border of the two countries, where the insect has appeared within the last few years. The opportunity was also used to establish whether R. prolixus, a vector present in some areas of Nicaragua, has been introduced in recent years into Costa Rica with Nicaraguan immigrants. It became evident that wild adults of R. pallescens are common visitors to houses in different towns of a wide area characterized as a humid, warm lowland, on both sides of the frontier. Up to the present, this bug has been able to colonize a small proportion of human dwellings only on the Nicaraguan side. There was strong evidence that the visitation of the adult bug to houses is related to the attraction of this species to electric lights. There were no indications of the presence of R. prolixus either in Nicaragua or in Costa Rica in this area of the Caribbean basin. Triatoma dimidiata, a widespread domestic species in both countries, was totally absent in the explored areas of Costa Rica but occasionally occurs on the Nicaraguan side. Serological surveys in children of both areas showed that transmission of Chagas disease takes place in a rather small degree in Costa Rica and more commonly in Nicaragua, indicating that R. pallescens could be a potential threat as a vector in this particular region

    Percepción sobre cambio climático de la población en los sectores aledaños al mar de la ciudad de Chimbote

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    El presente trabajo de investigación tiene como objetivo evaluar la percepción sobre el cambio climático de los pobladores de los sectores aledaños al mar en la ciudad de Chimbote, mediante la aplicación de encuestas y técnicas prospectivas. Se eligió esta ciudad por su importancia económica y ecológica, así como por su grave situación de deterioro ambiental e institucional, características que le otorgan alta vulnerabilidad frente al cambio climático. El estudio tuvo dos etapas. La primera consistió en la realización de encuestas mediante muestreo aleatorio simple de 430 pobladores de las zonas costeras, con la finalidad de evaluar su percepción y actitud respecto al cambio climático. La segunda etapa involucró la recopilación documentaria, participación de expertos y uso de técnicas de análisis prospectivo para la elaboración de escenarios de vulnerabilidad al 2030, para lo cual se tomó como referencia los métodos de prospectiva estratégica MICMAC, MACTOR y SMIC, determinándose las variables y actores estratégicos y generándose los escenarios de vulnerabilidad más probables. Se encontró que la población está familiarizada pero poco sensibilizada con el cambio climático y que, al estar expuesta a problemas relacionados a la satisfacción de sus necesidades básicas, la reducción de sus efectos no es considerada prioridad. Sin embargo, un 79% de la población está dispuesto a involucrarse en actividades relacionadas a ello, lo que es un buen precedente para la implementación de cualquier estrategia. Se determinó que las variables con mayor influencia actual y potencial sobre la vulnerabilidad al cambio climático de Chimbote son las relacionadas con los aspectos políticos, institucionales, educativos y sociales (Tabla 20). Se concluye, de acuerdo al escenario tendencial más probable (Tabla 23), que la reducción de la vulnerabilidad al 2030 es posible pero aún poco probable (21.9%), esto último está en función a las acciones que se tomen en el presente tomando en cuenta las variables analizadas.The objective of this research is to evaluate the perception on climate change of the inhabitants of the sectors bordering the sea in the city of Chimbote, through the application of surveys and prospective techniques. This city was chosen for its economic and ecological importance, as well as for its serious environmental and institutional deterioration which characteristics give it high vulnerability to climate change. The study had two stages. The first consisted of simple random sampling surveys of 430 coastal residents in order to assess their perception and attitude towards climate change. The second stage involved the collection of documents, the participation of experts and the use of prospective analysis techniques for the elaboration of scenarios of vulnerability to 2030, for which it was taken as reference the methods of strategic prospecting MICMAC, MACTOR and SMIC determining the variables and strategic actors from which the most likely vulnerability scenarios were generated.It was found that the population is familiar but not very sensitive to climate change and since they are exposed to problems related to the satisfaction of their basic needs, the reduction of their effects is not considered a priority. However, 79% of the population is willing to engage in activities related to it, which is a good precedent for the implementation of any strategy. It was determined that the variables with the greatest current and potential influence on Chimbote's vulnerability to climate change are those related to political, institutional, educational and social aspects (Table 20). It is concluded, according to the most probable trend scenario (Table 23), that the reduction of vulnerability to 2030 is possible but not yet probable (21.9%), the latest is based on the actions that are taken in the present, taking into account the analyzed variables.TesisUniversidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Facultad de Ciencias. Departamento Académico de Ingeniería Ambiental, Física y Meteorologí

    A survey on Triatoma dimidiata in an urban area of the province of Heredia, Costa Rica

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    Triatoma dimidiata has been found in several cities and towns of those countries where the insect is a domestic or peridomestic pest. In Central America, urban infestations occur in the capitals of at least five countries. During 2001 and 2002 a survey was carried out in the county of San Rafael, Heredia province, located 15 km northwest of San José, capital of Costa Rica, in order to determine the degree of infestation by T. dimidiata in an entire city block. Six peridomestic colonies of the insect were detected in the backyards of eight households. The ecotopes occupied by the insects consisted of store rooms with old objects, wood piles or firewood, and chicken coops. A total of 1917 insects were found in the six foci, during two sampling periods, and a mean infection rate by Trypanosoma cruzi of 28.4% was found in 1718 insects examined. The largest colony found in one of the households yielded 872 insects that were thriving mainly at the expenses of two dogs. Opossums and adult insects were common visitors of the houses and it became evident that this marsupial is closely related to the peridomestic cycle of the Chagas disease agent. Lack of colonization of the insect inside the human dwellings is explained by the type of construction and good sanitary conditions of the houses, in contrast to the situation in most peridomiciliary areas. Stomach blood samples from the insects showed that the main hosts were, in order of decreasing frequency: rodents, dogs, fowl, humans, opossums, and cats. The fact that no indication of infection with Chagas disease could be detected in the human occupants of the infested houses, vis a vis the high infection rate in dogs, is discussed