20 research outputs found

    A Normative Balance Dynamic Model of Regional Economy for Study Economic Integrations // Economic integration, competition and cooperation. 6th International Conference . 2007. Opatija - Croatia: University of Rijeka. April 19-20.(CD-Book: Session 6) 15 pp.

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    A simplest multi-sector dynamic model for regional economy is a normative balance mathematical model, but it contains a lot of unspecified parameters which are not defined directly by the data of economic statistics. Only confidence intervals for the unknown parameters can be computed from the statistical data. This work presents a method for estimation of the model parameters by application of parallel computations on multi-processors systems and by some heuristic algorithms. They determine the unknown parameters of economic model by indirect way, comparing time series for macro indexes calculated by model with statistical time series for these indexes. A new wavelet based measure of similarity was used. The use of the method is illustrated by the parameter estimation of a macroeconomic model of Kirov (Vyatka) Region of Russia for 2000-2006. The each production sector shadow money stock grows due to sale of shadow final product to households and as intermediate product to other sectors. Calibrated model is used for estimation of the Regional Government economic politics in particular for politics of regional economic integration.Dynamic model; regional economy; economic integration

    A Model of Demographic and Economic Processe Interaction

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    This paper gives a description of fertility influence on education level of population and its well-being. We carry out the consideration by a demographic model keeping age structure. We suppose that (i) a part of GDP ia used for investment in education, (ii) the production level depends on the education level, and (iii) the pollution ia directly prportional to the size of population. We are carrying on research on the dependence of average consumption on demographic structure of the population for an industrialised economy. in the model each age group of population has different skilled level determined by education and different level of potential labour productivity. The education level is complitly determined by education expenditures. We have found the relation between the value of average consumption of population and the children adults ratio, share of education expenditures in GDP. We have found that yhe quality of life can be improved by descrease of the population size not only ecologically but also economically.education level, skilled labour, fertility, well-being, age group, pollution, ecology, ndustrialised economy, quality of life, population size

    Production Function of Skilled and Unskilled Labour in a Model of a Non-Growing Russian Economy. - Aberdeen: ILM Conference Proceedings, October 11-12, 1999. PP.560-575.

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    This paper builds a production function of skilled and unskilled labour for the economy that does not grow. The paper uses the constant elasticity of substitution production function (CES) of skilled and unskilled labour on the micro level as an important building stone. The paper obtains a production function on the macro level using the generalised Houthakker-Johansen model. The paper uses the macro production function as a core for description of production sectors in the model of Russian economy. Using Russian statistical data on output variables, this paper discussed the identification of new medium-run employment and wage equations of the model. The identification is based on the accuracy of fitting measured by the Theil’s index and on the accuracy of direction measured by the correlation index. The paper shows that an employment problem of the skilled workers in Russia follows from the problem of absence of proper investments.production function, skilled and unskilled labour, transition economy

    Parallel calculations in identification of dynamic models of economy

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    Dynamic models of economy contain a lot of parameters. Such models seldom manage to be identified so precisely that results of calculation have appeared are close to historical data. Parallel calculations facilitate the decision of a problem of identification, owing to essential acceleration of calculation of parameters. By search of the optimum decision this or that convolution of criteria of affinity of statistical and settlement macroparameters is used. For studying properties of a turning out nonlinear problem of optimization and detection of the latent dependence of parameters it is convenient to use methods of sets of approachibility and their visualization. Determination of parameters for interacting regional economies can be carried out in parallel on each of regions.Параллельные вычисления; идентификация динамических моделей экономики; взаимодействующие региональные экономические системы

    Parallel calculations in mathematical modelling of regional economy

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    Parallel calculations on modern multiprocessing technics open new opportunities in application of mathematical models for research ekonomy of region. Use of normative models was limited to complexity of their identification due to a lot of unknown parameters. In work the technique of identification of models of economy is offered, criteria of affinity and similarity of time numbers of the economic parameters, used for indirect definition of unknown parameters by comparison of settlement parameters with their statistical analogues are presented. Are yielded results of numerical experiments with balance normative multisector model of economy of the Kirov Region from Russia, a model of regional economy being by working prototype.параллельные вычисления; математические модели экономических систем; идентификация параметров

    Параллельные вычисления в идентификации динамических моделей экономики // Параллельные вычислительные технологии (ПаВТ'2008): Труды международной научной конференции (Санкт-Петербург, 28 января – 1 февраля 2008 г.). – Челябинск: Изд. ЮУрГУ, 2008. – 599 с. C.207-214.

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    Dynamic models of economy contain a lot of parameters. Such models seldom manage to be identified so precisely that results of calculation have appeared are close to historical data. Parallel calculations facilitate the decision of a problem of identification, owing to essential acceleration of calculation of parameters. By search of the optimum decision this or that convolution of criteria of affinity of statistical and settlement macroparameters is used. For studying properties of a turning out nonlinear problem of optimization and detection of the latent dependence of parameters it is convenient to use methods of sets of approachibility and their visualization. Determination of parameters for interacting regional economies can be carried out in parallel on each of regions

    A Normative Balance Dynamic Model of Regional Economy for Study Economic Integrations // Economic integration, competition and cooperation. 6th International Conference . 2007. Opatija - Croatia: University of Rijeka. April 19-20.(CD-Book: Session 6) 15 pp.

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    A simplest multi-sector dynamic model for regional economy is a normative balance mathematical model, but it contains a lot of unspecified parameters which are not defined directly by the data of economic statistics. Only confidence intervals for the unknown parameters can be computed from the statistical data. This work presents a method for estimation of the model parameters by application of parallel computations on multi-processors systems and by some heuristic algorithms. They determine the unknown parameters of economic model by indirect way, comparing time series for macro indexes calculated by model with statistical time series for these indexes. A new wavelet based measure of similarity was used. The use of the method is illustrated by the parameter estimation of a macroeconomic model of Kirov (Vyatka) Region of Russia for 2000-2006. The each production sector shadow money stock grows due to sale of shadow final product to households and as intermediate product to other sectors. Calibrated model is used for estimation of the Regional Government economic politics in particular for politics of regional economic integration

    Параллельные вычисления в математическом моделировании региональной экономики // Параллельные вычислительные технологии - 2007. Труды первой международной научной конференции. Челябинск: Изд-во Южно-Уральского государственного университета, 2007. C.140-151.

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    Parallel calculations on modern multiprocessing technics open new opportunities in application of mathematical models for research ekonomy of region. Use of normative models was limited to complexity of their identification due to a lot of unknown parameters. In work the technique of identification of models of economy is offered, criteria of affinity and similarity of time numbers of the economic parameters, used for indirect definition of unknown parameters by comparison of settlement parameters with their statistical analogues are presented. Are yielded results of numerical experiments with balance normative multisector model of economy of the Kirov Region from Russia, a model of regional economy being by working prototype

    A Normative Balance Dynamic Model of Regional Economy for Study Economic Integrations // Economic integration, competition and cooperation. 6th International Conference . 2007. Opatija - Croatia: University of Rijeka. April 19-20.(CD-Book: Session 6) 15 pp.

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    A simplest multi-sector dynamic model for regional economy is a normative balance mathematical model, but it contains a lot of unspecified parameters which are not defined directly by the data of economic statistics. Only confidence intervals for the unknown parameters can be computed from the statistical data. This work presents a method for estimation of the model parameters by application of parallel computations on multi-processors systems and by some heuristic algorithms. They determine the unknown parameters of economic model by indirect way, comparing time series for macro indexes calculated by model with statistical time series for these indexes. A new wavelet based measure of similarity was used. The use of the method is illustrated by the parameter estimation of a macroeconomic model of Kirov (Vyatka) Region of Russia for 2000-2006. The each production sector shadow money stock grows due to sale of shadow final product to households and as intermediate product to other sectors. Calibrated model is used for estimation of the Regional Government economic politics in particular for politics of regional economic integration

    Параллельные вычисления в идентификации динамических моделей экономики // Параллельные вычислительные технологии (ПаВТ'2008): Труды международной научной конференции (Санкт-Петербург, 28 января – 1 февраля 2008 г.). – Челябинск: Изд. ЮУрГУ, 2008. – 599 с. C.207-214.

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    Dynamic models of economy contain a lot of parameters. Such models seldom manage to be identified so precisely that results of calculation have appeared are close to historical data. Parallel calculations facilitate the decision of a problem of identification, owing to essential acceleration of calculation of parameters. By search of the optimum decision this or that convolution of criteria of affinity of statistical and settlement macroparameters is used. For studying properties of a turning out nonlinear problem of optimization and detection of the latent dependence of parameters it is convenient to use methods of sets of approachibility and their visualization. Determination of parameters for interacting regional economies can be carried out in parallel on each of regions