Параллельные вычисления в математическом моделировании региональной экономики // Параллельные вычислительные технологии - 2007. Труды первой международной научной конференции. Челябинск: Изд-во Южно-Уральского государственного университета, 2007. C.140-151.


Parallel calculations on modern multiprocessing technics open new opportunities in application of mathematical models for research ekonomy of region. Use of normative models was limited to complexity of their identification due to a lot of unknown parameters. In work the technique of identification of models of economy is offered, criteria of affinity and similarity of time numbers of the economic parameters, used for indirect definition of unknown parameters by comparison of settlement parameters with their statistical analogues are presented. Are yielded results of numerical experiments with balance normative multisector model of economy of the Kirov Region from Russia, a model of regional economy being by working prototype

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