12 research outputs found

    Effects of calpastain (CAST) polymorphisms on carcass and meat quality traits in Mongcai pigs

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    Calpastain (CAST) activity plays a major role in muscle growth and proteolytic changes post-mortem and the CAST gene has been considered as a candidate gene for carcass and pork quality characteristics. The aim of this study was to analyze the association of two polymorphisms namely CAST_HinfI (allele A and B) and CAST_MspI (allele C and D) with carcass and meat quality traits in Mongcai, a Vietnamese indigenous pig breed. Polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) was used to genotype the animals at these loci. Results indicate that the CAST_HinfI single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) had a low frequency of allele A as compared to allele B, while the C and D allele distribution was almost the same for the CAST_MspI SNP. In the association analysis, significant effects on dressing percentage of carcass were detected. The CAST_HinfI locus was associated with the pH24, while the CAST_MspI position was in association with pH45 min, drip loss48 and redness color. Additional analysis showed a variation in muscle fiber type composition with higher proportion of IIx fiber in pigs with AB genotype (P < 0.05). Three constructed haplotypes namely AB/CD, AB/DD and BB/CC also had significant effects on carcass, type IIa and IIb fiber percentages.Keywords: Association, carcass, pork quality, Vietnamese local pi

    The effect of different media and temperature conditions for Salmonella bacteriophage preservation

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    This research aimed to determine the optimal media and temperature conditions for the long-term storage of bacteriophages. In this study, the viability of Salmonella phages in 50% glycerol, 10% sodium chloride-magnesium sulfate (SM) buffer, and 5% dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) media at room temperature, 4oC, -20oC, and -80oC for 12 months was determined. In 50% glycerol, at the end of the experiment, no significant difference was found between four temperature conditions on phage density, ranging from 6.20-6.23 log10 PFU/mL (P>0.05). Under 10% SM medium, phage preservation at room temperature provided the optimum density at 6.31 log10 PFU/mL. In addition, phages preserved in a 5% DMSO medium were of similar density values across all temperature treatments. Still, their availability after 12 month-storage (88.0-88.5%) was significantly lower (P<0.05) than that of 50% glycerol and 10% SM. Moreover, for phage lysis capacity, low temperatures (4oC, -20oC, and -80oC) were superior to room temperature used for preservation. Considering the density, lysis capacity, and practical convenience, storing phages at 4°C in a 50% Glycerol medium is recommended

    Blood biochemical profiles of Brahman crossbred cattle supplemented with different protein and energy sources

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    Aim: The experiment was carried out to evaluate the effects of supplementing different levels of protein and energy sources on blood biochemical profiles of Brahman crossbred cattle. Materials and Methods: The study consisted of two experiments in Brahman crossbred cattle in An Giang Province. In trial 1, 28 cattle of 178±12.5 kg were arranged in a completely randomized block design. In the second trial, another 24 cattle of 182±14.3 kg were allocated in a 2 × 3 factorial design. The experiments lasted for 90 days. Blood samples were taken at the end of the experiments, and plasma concentrations of metabolites and enzymes were analyzed by an automated biochemical analyzer (Humalyzer 3000, USA). Results: The glucose concentration was highest at 1.83 mmol/L when supplemented with urea (60 g/head/d). Urea and creatinine content was not significantly different between treatments when cattle were supplemented with different protein and energy sources. In the treatment with 360 g/head/d soybean meal supplementation, cholesterol concentration was lowest (2.50 mmol/L), compared with the highest concentration (3.86 mmol/L) in the treatment with soybean meal at 720 g/head/ day. The total protein concentration showed the highest values at 94.5 g/L and 96.3 g/L when supplemented with soybean meal (720 g/head/day) and fish oil, respectively. Conclusion: There were slightly altered blood biochemical profiles among cattle at different protein and energy source supplements

    Isolation and molecular characterization of extended-spectrum β-lactamase producing Escherichia coli from industrial food animals in Mekong Delta, Vietnam

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    The aim of this study was to investigate if extended-spectrum β-lactamase producing Escherichia coli (ESBL-EC) is present in intestinal tracts of apparently healthy broiler chickens at large-scale chicken farm and pigs, and their environments in Vietnam. ESBL-EC was isolated from 86.7% cloacal swabs of chickens (13 out of 15), 55.0% rectal swabs of pigs (11 out of 20) and 100% from their surroundings (2 beddings in a chicken farm and 2 drainages in pig farms). All the isolates from chicken and pig farms were multidrug-resistant. Interestingly, 94.7% (36/38) isolates from chicken were resistant to ciprofloxacin and mcr-1 gene-positive (related to colistin resistance), respectively, while ciprofloxacin resistance and mcr-1 gene was found in only 12.8% (5/39) and none (0/39) from pig, respectively. CTX-M type in most of the chicken isolates belonged to group-1 whereas that in the pig isolates belonged to group-9. Virulence gene profiling revealed that some of these isolates indeed carry eae or astA pathogenic genes. Plasmid profiling and PFGE analysis indicated that most of them showed various genotypes although some isolates showed nearly identical genotype, suggesting that a number of ESBL-EC with various genotypes were distributed in chickens and pigs in Mekong Delta. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report regarding isolation of ESBL-EC from broiler chickens in large scale-farms and pigs in Vietnam. Taken together, these results suggest that chickens and pigs in Mekong Delta, Vietnam used for food industry could also serve as reservoirs of ESBL-EC isolates carrying virulence genes


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    Soil properties are strongly controlled by soil-forming factors and are one of the essential factors influencing plant growth. This paper aimed to investigate soil properties as a basis for arranging crops and planning specialized agricultural production areas. Seventy-five soil samples were collected to analyze the chemical, physical and mineralogical properties. The results show that most samples are clay silt or silt, with a density above 2.7 g·cm–3. The soil is acidic to slightly acidic, with a pH ranging from 4.25 to 5.66. The total organic carbon and total nitrogen are average to poor; the total phosphorus is average to moderate; the potassium content is poor to rich; the Al3+ and H+ ions are exceptionally high. The soil consists of primarily kaolinite, mica, and vermiculite. The standard deviation of the values ranges from ±0.01 to ±4.56 (a = 0.05). According to FAO, the soil characteristics in A Luoi district are moderate for crop growth; therefore, it is necessary to improve the soil quality.Tính chất đất chịu sự tác động của các yếu tố hình thành và là một trong những yếu tố tác động đến sự sinh trưởng và phát triển của cây trồng. Mục tiêu của bài báo là nghiên cứu tính chất đất nhằm bố trí cây trồng, phát triển vùng chuyên canh sản xuất nông nghiệp ở huyện A Lưới. Nghiên cứu đã thu thập 75 mẫu đất từ các loại hình sử dụng đất khác nhau để phân tích tính chất vật lý, hóa học và khoáng sét. Kết quả cho thấy tính chất vật lý của đất chủ yếu là thịt và thịt nặng; tỷ trọng của đất lớn hơn 2,7 g·cm–3. Đất có phản ứng ít chua đến rất chua, dao động từ 3,77 đến 5,66. Hàm lượng chất hữu cơ và đạm tổng số ở mức trung bình và nghèo; lân tổng số từ trung bình đến khá; kali từ nghèo đến giàu; hàm lượng Al3+ và ion H+ trong đất cao. Thành phần khoáng sét trong đất chủ yếu là kaolinite, mica và vermiculite. Kết quả xử lý thống kê cho thấy biến động tính chất vật lý và tính chất hóa học có khoảng tin cậy từ ±0,01 đến ±0,25 và giá trị a ≤ 0,05. Nhìn chung, theo FAO thì tính chất đất ở huyện A Lưới thích hợp ở mức trung bình với các loại hình sử dụng đất sản xuất nông nghiệp và cần tăng cường biện pháp cải tạo đất

    Efficacy, persistence and presence of Synergistes jonesii in cattle grazing leucaena in Queensland: on-farm observations pre- and post-inoculation

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    A study of eight commercial cattle herds grazing leucaena (Leucaena leucocephala subsp. glabrata) pastures was undertaken to determine (1) the efficacy of in vitro Synergistes jonesii inoculum (produced in an anaerobic fermenter) in degrading the dihydroxypyridone (DHP) isomers produced during digestion of leucaena forage; and (2) the persistence of the inoculum in the rumen of cattle following a period grazing non-leucaena pastures. Cattle were introduced to the leucaena pastures for an initial period varying from 17 to 71 days. Fourteen to fifteen animals were then sampled for (1) urine and blood plasma to determine toxicity status as indicated by concentration of DHP; (2) faeces for estimation of diet composition; and (3) rumen fluid for detection of S. jonesii by nested polymerase PCR analysis. After a further 42-56 days, animals were resampled as before to confirm toxicity status and inoculated with the in vitro S. jonesii inoculum; the herds were then sampled a third time (42-60 days after inoculation) to test the effectiveness of the inoculum in degrading DHP. Five of the herds were then removed from leucaena pastures for periods ranging from 80 to 120 days and returned to leucaena pastures for 21 days to check persistence of the inoculum as indicated by retention of capacity to degrade DHP. The data indicated (1) a very slow build up of capacity to degrade DHP isomers on some properties before inoculation; (2) frequent occurrence of high levels of 2,3-DHP in urine indicating partial toxin degradation, both before and after inoculation; (3) a low incidence of detection of S. jonesii in rumen fluid after inoculation based on nested PCR analysis; (4) failure of inoculation to degrade DHP on one of two properties tested; and (5) loss of capacity to degrade DHP on some properties afte

    The Association between POU1F1 Gene Polymorphisms and Growth as well as Carcass Traits of Noi Native Chickens

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    The study was conducted to detect and analyze the association between single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) in the POU1F1 (POU class 1 homeobox 1) gene and growth as well as carcass traits in Noi native chickens. Blood samples were taken at the wings, DNAs were extracted based on the phenol: chloroform technique and genotypes were analyzed by PCR-RFLP method. The frequencies of CC genotypes for three polymorphic sites (POU1F1_HhaI SNP, POU1F1_EcoRI SNP, POU1F1_BspHI SNP) were the highest. The corresponding C allele frequencies were higher than those of T alleles. Of three polymorphisms, POU1F1_BspHI SNP was found to be significantly linked with growth and carcass traits. Chickens bearing TT genotype showed higher body weight at 91 days, carcass weight, breast weight, and thigh weight than those of chickens with CC genotype. This SNP can be a useful marker for the selection of Noi chicken for improvement of growth and carcass traits

    Effects of Lysine Supplemented on Growth, Apparent Nutrient Digestibility, and Slaughter Yield of Noi Broilers from 56–84 Days of Age

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    A total of 192 Noi broilers at 56 days of age were allotted in a completely randomized design consisting of four treatments and four replicates to evaluate the effect of dietary lysine added on body weight gain (BWG), feed conversion ratio (FCR), apparent nutrient digestibility (AND), and carcass characteristics. Treatments included a control with 0.8% lysine in the diet and three experimental treatments (Lys+0.1; Lys+0.2; Lys+0.3) with lysine added at 0.1, 0.2, and 0.3%, respectively. Crude protein (CP) was 15%, and metabolizable energy was 3,000 kcal/kg of feed. At 77 days of age, for each replicate, one male and one female chicken were selected for the estimation of AND by using Fe2O3 marker. The chickens were fed ad libitum and vaccinated against common diseases. The results showed that lysine's addition to the diet at 0.2–0.3% significantly improved the BWG and FCR (P &lt;0.05). Furthermore, the addition of 0.1–0.3% lysine to the diet resulted in a significant increase in apparent CP digestibility and overall amino acid digestibility (P &lt;0.05) but did not affect the apparent digestibility of Ca and P of Noi broilers. Finally, concerning the breast weight and yield of both male and female chickens, whereas the male broilers' dressing improved with the addition of 0.3% lysine to the diet, the breast yield of their female counterparts bettered when supplemented with 0.2% lysine