2,727 research outputs found

    Hard Exclusive Electroproduction of Two Pions off Proton and Deuteron at HERMES

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    Exclusive electroproduction of π+π−\pi^+\pi^- pairs off hydrogen and deuterium targets has been studied with the HERMES experiment. The angular distribution of the π+\pi^+ in the π+π−\pi^+\pi^- rest system has been studied in the invariant mass range 0.3<mππ<1.50.3 < m_{\pi\pi} <1.5 GeV. Theoretical models derived in the framework of the Generalized Parton Distributions show that this angular distribution receives only contributions from the interference between the isoscalar channel I=0 and the isovector channel I=1.Comment: 5 pages, LaTex, 9 EPS figures. Talk given by R.Fabbri at SPIN 2002, BNL. References modifie

    Jet Quenching: the medium modification of the single and double fragmentation functions

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    The physics of the quenching of hard jets in dense matter is briefly reviewed. This is presented within the framework of the partonic medium modification of the fragmentation functions. Modifications in both deeply inelastic scattering (DIS) off large nuclei and high-energy heavy-ion collisions are presented.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, Proceedings of the First Meeting of the APS Topical Group on Hadronic Physics, Fermilab, Batavia, Illinois, Oct 24-26, 200

    Investigations of Azimuthal Asymmetry in Semi-Inclusive Leptoproduction

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    We consider the azimuthal asymmetries in semi-inclusive deep inelastic leptoproduction arising due to both perturbative and nonperturbative effects at HERMES energies and show that the kT2/Q2k_T^2/Q^2 order corrections to <cosâĄÏ•>< \cos\phi > and aresignificant.Wealsoreconsidertheresultsofperturbativeeffectsfor are significant. We also reconsider the results of perturbative effects for at large momentum transfers \cite{A1} using the more recent sets of scale-dependent distribution and fragmentation functions, which bring up to 18{%} difference in .Inthesameapproachwecalculatethe. In the same approach we calculate the as well.Comment: 8 pages, LaTeX, 6 PS figures, final version, to appear in EPJ

    The LHCspin project

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    The LHCspin project aims to bring both unpolarized and polarized physics at the LHC through the installation of a gaseous fixed target at the upstream end of the LHCb detector. The forward geometry of the LHCb spectrometer (2 &lt; η &lt; 5) is perfectly suited for the reconstruction of particles produced in fixed-target collisions. The fixed-target configuration, with center-of-mass energies ranging from √sNN = 72 GeV in collisions with Pb beams to √s = 115 GeV in pp interactions, allows to cover a wide backward center-of-mass rapidity region, corresponding to the poorly explored high x-Bjorken and high x-Feynman regimes. The project has several ambitious goals regarding heavy-ion physics and new-era quantitative searches in QCD through the study of the nucleon's internal dynamics in terms of both quarks and gluons degrees of freedom. In particular, the use of transversely polarized H and D targets will allow to study the quarks TMDs in pp collisions at unique kinematic conditions. Furthermore, being LHCb specifically designed for heavy-flavor physics, final states with c- or b-quarks (e.g. inclusive quarkonia production) will be efficiently reconstructed, thus providing, among other fundamental measurememnts, access to the so-far unknown gluons TMDs. The status of the project is presented along with a selection of physics opportunities

    High Pt hadron-hadron correlations

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    We propose the formulation of a dihadron fragmentation function in terms of parton matrix elements. Under the collinear factorization approximation and facilitated by the cut-vertex technique, the two hadron inclusive cross section at leading order (LO) in e+ e- annihilation is shown to factorize into a short distance parton cross section and the long distance dihadron fragmentation function. We also derive the DGLAP evolution equation of this function at leading log. The evolution equation for the non-singlet and singlet quark fragmentation function and the gluon fragmentation function are solved numerically with the initial condition taken from event generators. Modifications to the dihadron fragmentation function from higher twist corrections in DIS off nuclei are computed. Results are presented for cases of physical interest.Comment: 7 pages, 8 figures, Latex, Proceedings of Hot Quarks 2004, July 18-24, Taos, New Mexic

    Hard spectra and QCD matter: experimental review

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    The most significant experimental results on hadron spectra at large transverse momentum available at the time of Quark Matter 2004 conference are reviewed. Emphasis is put on those measurements that provide insights on the properties of the QCD media, ``Quark Gluon Plasma'' and ``Color Glass Condensate'', expected to be present in nucleus-nucleus collisions at collider energies.Comment: 2 plots updated. Minor changes in tex

    Nuclear Attenuation of high energy two-hadron system in the string model

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    Nuclear attenuation of the two-hadron system is considered in the string model. The two-scale model and its improved version with two different choices of constituent formation time and sets of parameters obtained earlier for the single hadron attenuation, are used to describe available experimental data for the zz-dependence of subleading hadron, whereas satisfactory agreement with the experimental data has been observed. A model prediction for Μ\nu-dependence of the nuclear attenuation of the two-hadron system is also presented.Comment: 8 page

    Hadron attenuation in deep inelastic lepton-nucleus scattering

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    We present a detailed theoretical investigation of hadron attenuation in deep inelastic scattering (DIS) off complex nuclei in the kinematic regime of the HERMES experiment. The analysis is carried out in the framework of a probabilistic coupled-channel transport model based on the Boltzmann-Uehling-Uhlenbeck (BUU) equation, which allows for a treatment of the final-state interactions (FSI) beyond simple absorption mechanisms. Furthermore, our event-by-event simulations account for the kinematic cuts of the experiments as well as the geometrical acceptance of the detectors. We calculate the multiplicity ratios of charged hadrons for various nuclear targets relative to deuterium as a function of the photon energy nu, the hadron energy fraction z_h=E_h/nu and the transverse momentum p_T. We also confront our model results on double-hadron attenuation with recent experimental data. Separately, we compare the attenuation of identified hadrons (pi^\pm, \pi^0, K^\pm, p and pbar) on Ne and Kr targets with the data from the HERMES Collaboration and make predictions for a Xe target. At the end we turn towards hadron attenuation on Cu nuclei at EMC energies. Our studies demonstrate that (pre-)hadronic final-state interactions play a dominant role in the kinematic regime of the HERMES experiment while our present approach overestimates the attenuation at EMC energies.Comment: 61 pages, 19 figures, version accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    On the asymptotic behaviour of solutions to the fractional porous medium equation with variable density

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    We are concerned with the long time behaviour of solutions to the fractional porous medium equation with a variable spatial density. We prove that if the density decays slowly at infinity, then the solution approaches the Barenblatt-type solution of a proper singular fractional problem. If, on the contrary, the density decays rapidly at infinity, we show that the minimal solution multiplied by a suitable power of the time variable converges to the minimal solution of a certain fractional sublinear elliptic equation.Comment: To appear in DCDS-
