962 research outputs found

    Heavy-flavor baryons

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    This is a contribution to the review "50 Years of Quantum Chromdynamics" edited by F. Gross and E. Klempt [arXiv:2212.11107], to be published in EPJC. The contribution reviews the properties of baryons with one heavy flavor: the lifetimes of ground states and the spectrum of excited states. The importance of symmetries to understand the excitation spectrum is underlined. An overview of searches for pentaquarks is given.Comment: 10 pages, 8 tables, 7 figure

    Free days for future? Longitudinal effects of working time reductions on individual well-being and environmental behaviour

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    Working time reductions (WTR) are a promising strategy to foster both environmental behaviour and individual well-being. It is unclear, however, whether these possible effects are more likely due to reduced income or to more discretionary time. Moreover, prior studies have only tested the environmental effects of WTR cross-sectionally, and have only tested the well-being effects of WTR including wage compensations. We conducted a longitudinal three-wave study with Swiss employees, including one group who voluntarily reduced their working hours following the first questionnaire. Between-subject analysis suggested that decreased working time is associated with decreased GHG-related behaviours, and increased individual well-being. While the improved GHG-related behaviour is mainly due to reduced income, the well-being effects arise despite lower income. Analyses over time revealed that after reducing their working hours, participants reported increased well-being, more intent-related pro-environmental behaviour, less car commuting, and decreased clothing expenditures. However, no improvement was found regarding other GHG-related behaviours, which are strongly linked to income levels. Thus, reducing standard working time, and simultaneously reducing income, may be a promising strategy. However, voluntarily working a day less per week will probably not reach the full ecological potential of a societal-level WTR


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    Public support for worktime reductions in Switzerland in the context of a transition to a post-growth society

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    Work time reductions (WTRs) may contribute to a transition to a post-growth society. We analysed Swiss stakeholders’ perceptions of the effects of WTRs and their support for measures to implement them. It is assumed that public support will play a significant role in putting WTRs into practice. There is some scientific evidence that work time reductions (WTRs) have beneficial ecological, social, and economic effects that could contribute to a transition to a post-growth society. However, little research has been conducted on whether the occurrence of such desired effects is acknowledged: Do they form part of the public debate and is there any public support for WTRs? We conducted a two-round survey among Swiss stakeholder groups (N = 51/28) to identify what effects they believe WTRs have, and what measures to implement WTRs they would be most likely to support. Stakeholders perceived WTRs to have several beneficial social and economic effects, including effects that are relevant for a transition to a post-growth society. However, they did not assume that ecological effects occur. Measures voluntarily implemented on an organisational level by businesses were more popular than those implemented on a national policy or social partnership level. Certain incremental measures and/or those that are merely conducive to WTRs were uncontested. Other more direct and extensive measures were predominantly supported, but not uncontested

    Mobiles Online-Erfassungssystem für telemedizinische Anwendungen in der arbeits- und präventivmedizinischen Forschung

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    Das in dieser Arbeit vorgestellte Erfassungssystem erlaubt die kabellose, kontinuierliche Überwachung verschiedener physiologischer und dialogbasierter Parameter eines Patienten unabhängig von dessen Standort und dem des Untersuchers. Das Zusammenwirken moderner Übertragungstechnologien mit mobilen Sensor- und Rechnersystemen ermöglicht eine erhebliche Steigerung der Untersuchungsqualität. Das entwickelte System arbeitet vollautomatisiert und wurde bis dato von insgesamt über 150 Probanden, im Rahmen präventiv- und arbeitsmedizinischer Untersuchungen, getestet

    Wirkungsmessung Klimagespräche

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    In der vorliegenden Studie untersuchte das Centre for Development and Environment (CDE) der Universität Bern die Auswirkungen der Klimagespräche in der Schweiz. Dies im Auftrag der Organisatorinnen der Klimagespräche in der Schweiz Fastenaktion und HEKS (“KlimaGespräche”) und Artisans de la Transition (“Conversations carbone”). Dabei interessierten wir uns für mögliche Wirkungen der Gespräche auf die Treibhausgasemissionen der Teilnehmenden (d.h. ihren Klimafussabdruck), ihr selbstberichtetes Umweltverhalten, ihre Verhaltensabsichten, sowie ihr emotionales Erleben und ihre klimabezogenen Einstellungen

    Reduktion der Erwerbsarbeitszeit – aber wie umsetzen?

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    Der potenzielle Beitrag einer Reduktion der Erwerbsarbeitszeit zu einer sozial-ökologischen Transformationen wird zunehmend angepriesen. Doch von welcher Reduktion ist die Rede? Und wie müssen sie und ihre Rahmenbedingungen ausgestaltet sein, damit sie einer sozialökologischen Transformation möglichst gerecht werden