22 research outputs found

    Usulan Penempatan Barang Jadi di Area Warehouse Produk Jadi dengan Konsep 5s di PT. Nobi Putra Angkasa

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    Saat ini penempatan barang jadi di warehouse produk jadi di PT. Nobi Putra Angkasa tidakmenggunakan rak penyimpanan yang ada, penempatan produk ditempatkan diatas lantai denganmenggunakan pallet saja dan tidak beraturan. Sehingga mengakibatkan banyaknya waktu yangterbuang akibat pada saat pengambilan produk yang akan dikirim ke customer harus memindahkanproduk yang lainnya. Tahapan penelitian dilakukan dengan menghitung utilitas gudang awal ,frekuensi perpindahan, jumlah tempat penyimpanan, jarak perpindahan, ongkos material handling.Perbaikan dimulai dengan mengurutkan jenis panel berdasarkan frekuensi perpindahan danmembentuk 3 kelas, yaitu kelas A, B, C. Untuk melakukan perancanagn tata letak, dilakukanpenentuan luas penyimpanan kemudian membuat dua alternatif layout. Hasil penelitianmenunjukkan bahwa berdasarkan frekuensi perpindahan, produk jadi di kelompokan menjadi kelasA: Panel KWH dan MDP, kelas B: NCE dan ACPDB, kelas C: SS 3000. Alternatif layout terpilihyaitu alternatif A yang mampu meningkatkan jumlah penyimpanan produk jadi lebih banyak padasetiap kelasnya yaitu kelas A sejumlah 50 pallet dari total 54 pallet, kelas B sejumlah 24 pallet daritotal 48 pallet, dan kelas C sejumlah 28 pallet

    Implementasi Simple Additive Weighting (Saw) Untuk Penentuan Pengadaan Bahan Baku Pembuatan Tas Di CV. Banua

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    CV Banua merupakan industri yang bergerak dibidang manufaktur, yaitu memproduksiberbagai model tas wanita. Tas yang diproduksi oleh CV Banua ada yang merupakan pesanan daripelanggan dan ada juga yang dijual di pasar grosir Senen Jaya. CV Banua telah memiliki pelanggan dari berbagai propinsi di Indonesia. Pemesanan tas dapat dilakukan via telepon atau datang langsung ke pusat grosir milik CV Banua berdasarkan katalog yang sudah disediakan. Pemesanan yang banyaktentu membutuhkan bahan baku yang banyak, hal ini berdampak pada kebutuhan ruang gudang yang besar. Permasalahan yang dihadapi CV Banua adalah keterbatasan ruang gudang sehingga penumpukan dan peletakan material (bahan baku) yang digunakan sebagai bahan utama dan asesoris-asesoris yang digunakan sebagai hiasan yang dipakai untuk pemanis tas, diletakkan di ruang produksi atau ruang bukan gudang, sehingga mengganggu dalam proses produksi. Pemesanan bahan baku dilakukan tanpa melihat kebutuhan produksi sehingga ada bahan baku yang pemakaiannya sedikit tapi dipesan banyak sehingga hal ini juga membutuhkan ruang penyimpanan. Penggunaan metode Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) dapat membantu menyelesaikan permasalahan tersebut yaitu pemesanan barang hanya sesuai dengan kebutuhan produksi hal ini dapat dilihat dari nilai yang diberikan dari masing- masing order yang diterima disesuaikan dengan kapasitas ruang penyimpanan bahan baku produksi

    Perbaikan Tata Letak Fasilitas Cell Produksi Dengan Menggunakan Work Cell in Proses Layout Untuk Meningkatkan Effisiensi Cell 8 Di PT. Shyang Yao Fung

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    Masalah yang dihadapi Perusahaan saat ini adalah ketidakteraturan dalam aliran proses kerja sehingga aliran proses material menjadi tidak teratur dan jarak tempuh material pun menjadi lebih panjang. Salah satu yang dapat dilakukan Perusahaan adalah mongoptimalkan kinerja dilapangan dengan melakukan pengaturan tata letak fasilitas dan aliran bahan (Material handling) sehingga pelaksanaan pekerjaan dapat lebih efisien dan dapat menghemat waktu pengerjaan sehingga akan meningkatkan efisiensi line, dan mengoptimalkan jarak perpindahan material. Salah satu USAha untuk meningkatkan efisiensi adalah dengan melakukan analisa terhadap tata letak fasilitas pada area produksi. Dengan pengolahan data yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini, didapatkan tata letak fasilitas Cell In Process dapat memperpendek lintasan yang sebelumnya 218.75meter menjadi 73.45meter. Penurunan panjang lintasan sebesar 145.3 meter ataupun sebesar 66.4%. Dikarenakan jarak lintasan yang semakin pendek didapat pula penurunan waktu kerja dari sebelumnya 1558 detik menjadi 1502.2 detik.Serta Perubahan tata letak fasilitas memberikan efek terhadap effisiensi line (LLER), yang mana terjadi peningkatan sebesar 20.95% dari sebelumnya 60% menjadi 80.95

    Analysis of measurement and calculation of MSD complaint of chassis assembly workers using OWAS, RULA and REBA method

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    Car assembly is a combination of all components that form one completed vehicle unit. The work process is manually done and repeatedly, which contributes to a risk of musculoskeletal disorders (MSD). Chassis assembly is a job with a high level of complexity and associated with MSD risk for its employees. This study consists of 30 assembly activities divided into six groups based on posture and working methods used during the work process. Group A consists of 7 assemblies, Group B consists of 8 assemblies, Group C consists of 5 assemblies, Group D consists of 2 assemblies, Group E consists of 5 assemblies, and Group F consists of 3 assemblies. This study aims to compare the measurement and calculation of the risk level of MSD workers by using the RULA, REBA, and OWAS methods. The results of the measurements and computations acquired using these three approaches yielded the same risk category: 83.33 % medium risk/dangerous in working groups A, C, D, E, and F, and 16.67 % very high risk/highly hazardous in working group B. These six groups, particularly group B, requires immediate attention to reduce worker complaints of MSD

    The effect of quick response manufacturing in supply chain activities: A case study of automotive company in Malaysia

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    The new era of industrial revolution 4.0, requires a lot of improvement especially in automotive assembly line. A poor flow on supply chain especially on logistic in the company affect the company performance. Insufficient planning may lead to less efficiency, quality and productivity loss. The objective of this study is to improve the critical supply chain in the automotive industry by studying the current data given by the company and used it to simulate on WITNESS. The output from the current simulation will determine on how to improve the supply chain by doing some changes in which lead to the optimized condition. After series of simulations, the output shows improvement especially on idle time and busy time. The idle time that possessed was under 20% while the busy time between 70% until 90% across the mechanical and trim sections

    Integration of QRM and ergonomics in the design of a framework in identification complaints among automotive assembly line workers

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    The assembly line is the most critical area of automotive manufacturing. The smoothness of the production process depends on the situation and conditions of the environment and its workers. The assembly process is done manually by using humans to install all the related components in the production line. Complaints felt by workers during the manufacturing process can hinder the smooth running of production in meeting capacity, thus affecting the company's performance. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to design a framework for identifying workers' complaints by using a combination of Quick Response Manufacturing (QRM) and ergonomics. This framework is expected to identify grievances felt by workers from all aspects of the assembly environment that could potentially impact employment grievances. Framework design is created using the main concept of QRM which consists of time is money, tailoring your dynamics, focusing on the target market segment and thinking gold. Each of these concepts contains ergonomic elements such as workload variables and complaints of musculoskeletal disorders related to production schedules, production time, overtime, facility layout and equipment used. It is hoped that this framework can achieve the desired goal of minimizing work risk in optimizing the production process of the assembly line

    The effect of the supply chain in the quick response manufacturing (QRM) environment in the automotive industry

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    The manufacturing industry is having an issue regarding the quality of the company's planning to produce efficient performance throughout the year. The improvement needs to be carried out to give customers considerable satisfaction regarding the quality of the products and the delivery time. As the manufacturing industry evolves throughout the decades, the demands are becoming more challenging: faster delivery and better quality of products. The markets will interrupt a good supply chain of a company. The Quick Response Manufacturing (QRM) approach significantly benefits companies whose focus is on lead time reduction. This study aims to reduce the lead time and to improve the supply chain of a selected automotive production line by using Witness software simulation. The improvement also sought to implement the Just-In-Time (JIT) inventory management method. The data collected from company X is simulated to get the percentage of idle, blocked, and overall process time. By using the data from the selected line, the improvement of the overall process time is 27.5%, meaning that the company is ready to implement the JIT inventory management method

    The effect of quick response manufacturing in factory layout: Assessment using Witness software

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    Nowadays, in a new era of industrial revolution 4.0, there are still many manufacturing companies that tend to neglect the knowledge of optimizing the factory layout. By doing so, the productivity can be increase and lessen the burden of the operator while making sure the quality and also the number of products are also at optimum. The objective of this study is to conduct an analysis on the actual arrangement assembly line using witness software based on QRM in V model assembly and also to propose a new arrangement of the assembly line using Witness software. The data has been collected and recorded through some observation during the visit to X Company. The current layout of the V model assembly line is simulated in the Witness software to get its actual process, percentage of idle, and also the setup time. The software is also used for the new improvement of the assembly line layout to get the comparison for the current layout and after the improvement. Based on the current result, there is some station that has a high percentage of blockage occur in the layout and after the improvement, the percentage of blockage has been reduced which help in increase the production of the model per day. The data that has been recorded from the current is compared with the data after the improvement has been made to the assembly line