173 research outputs found

    Plus-minus construction leads to perfect invisibility

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    Recent theoretical advances applied to metamaterials have opened new avenues to design a coating that hides objects from electromagnetic radiation and even the sight. Here, we propose a new design of cloaking devices that creates perfect invisibility in isotropic media. A combination of positive and negative refractive indices, called plus-minus construction, is essential to achieve perfect invisibility (i.e., no time delay and total absence of reflection). Contrary to the common understanding that between two isotropic materials having different refractive indices the electromagnetic reflection is unavoidable, our method shows that surprisingly the reflection phenomena can be completely eliminated. The invented method, different from the classical impedance matching, may also find electromagnetic applications outside of cloaking devices, wherever distortions are present arising from reflections.Comment: 24 pages, 10 figure

    Experimental and theoretical study of free-free electron-helium scattering in a CO2 laser field

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    International audienceFree-free transitions during the scattering of electrons by helium in the presence of a linearly polarized CO2 laser field are investigated both experimentally and theoretically. Signals for laser-assisted scattering at 22 eV with absorption or emission of up to two photons are measured at scattering angles between 20° and 70°, and are compared to the values obtained from an 11-state R-matrix Floquet calculation and from the low-frequency approximation of Kroll and Watson. The two sets of theoretical results are found to be in very good agreement for the scattering geometries considered in the experiment. The order of magnitude of the experimental results is reproduced by calculations with intensities in the region of 107 W cm-2. Agreement is improved by averaging the theoretical results over the spatial distributions of the three beams as well as the temporal intensity profile of the laser pulse, and by allowing for some misalignment of the three beams in the experiment

    On the Role of Penning Ionization in Photoassociation Spectroscopy

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    We study the role of Penning ionization on the photoassociation spectra of He(^3S)-He(^3S). The experimental setup is discussed and experimental results for different intensities of the probe laser are shown. For modelling the experimental results we consider coupled-channel calculations of the crossing of the ground state with the excited state at the Condon point. The coupled-channel calculations are first applied to model systems, where we consider two coupled channels without ionization, two coupled channels with ionization, and three coupled channels, for which only one of the excited states is ionizing. Finally, coupled-channel calculations are applied to photoassociation of He(^3S)-He(^3S) and good agreement is obtained between the model and the experimental results.Comment: 14 pages, 18 figures, submitted to the special issue on Cold Molecules of J. Phys.

    Hydrodynamic object recognition using pressure sensing

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    Hydrodynamic sensing is instrumental to fish and some amphibians. It also represents, for underwater vehicles, an alternative way of sensing the fluid environment when visual and acoustic sensing are limited. To assess the effectiveness of hydrodynamic sensing and gain insight into its capabilities and limitations, we investigated the forward and inverse problem of detection and identification, using the hydrodynamic pressure in the neighbourhood, of a stationary obstacle described using a general shape representation. Based on conformal mapping and a general normalization procedure, our obstacle representation accounts for all specific features of progressive perceptual hydrodynamic imaging reported experimentally. Size, location and shape are encoded separately. The shape representation rests upon an asymptotic series which embodies the progressive character of hydrodynamic imaging through pressure sensing. A dynamic filtering method is used to invert noisy nonlinear pressure signals for the shape parameters. The results highlight the dependence of the sensitivity of hydrodynamic sensing not only on the relative distance to the disturbance but also its bearing

    Rotationally induced Penning ionization of ultracold photoassociated helium dimers

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    We have studied photoassociation of metastable \tripS helium atoms near the \tripS-\tripP asymptote by both ion detection in a magneto-optical trap and trap-loss measurements in a magnetic trap. A detailed comparison between the results of the two experiments gives insight into the mechanism of the Penning ionization process. We have identified four series of resonances corresponding to vibrational molecular levels belonging to different rotational states in two potentials. The corresponding spin states become quasi-purely quintet at small interatomic distance, and Penning ionization is inhibited by spin conservation rules. Only a weak rotational coupling is responsible for the contamination by singlet spin states leading to a detectable ion signal. However, for one of these series Bose statistics does not enable the rotational coupling and the series detected through trap-loss does not give rise to sufficient ionization for detection.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, submitted to EuroPhysics Letter

    A Novel Design of Dielectric Perfect Invisibility Devices

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    The aim of an invisibility device is to guide light around any object put inside, being able to hide objects from sight. In this work, we propose a novel design of dielectric invisibility media based on negative refraction and optical conformal mapping that seems to create perfect invisibility. This design has some advantages and more relaxed constraints compared with already proposed schemes. In particular, it represents an example where the time delay in a dielectric invisibility device is zero. Furthermore, due to impedance matching of negatively refracting materials, the reflection should be close to zero. These findings strongly indicate that perfect invisibility with optically isotropic materials is possible. Finally, the area of the invisible space is also discussed

    Fake R^4's, Einstein Spaces and Seiberg-Witten Monopole Equations

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    We discuss the possible relevance of some recent mathematical results and techniques on four-manifolds to physics. We first suggest that the existence of uncountably many R^4's with non-equivalent smooth structures, a mathematical phenomenon unique to four dimensions, may be responsible for the observed four-dimensionality of spacetime. We then point out the remarkable fact that self-dual gauge fields and Weyl spinors can live on a manifold of Euclidean signature without affecting the metric. As a specific example, we consider solutions of the Seiberg-Witten Monopole Equations in which the U(1) fields are covariantly constant, the monopole Weyl spinor has only a single constant component, and the 4-manifold M_4 is a product of two Riemann surfaces Sigma_{p_1} and Sigma_{p_2}. There are p_{1}-1(p_{2}-1) magnetic(electric) vortices on \Sigma_{p_1}(\Sigma_{p_2}), with p_1 + p_2 \geq 2 (p_1=p_2= 1 being excluded). When the two genuses are equal, the electromagnetic fields are self-dual and one obtains the Einstein space \Sigma_p x \Sigma_p, the monopole condensate serving as the cosmological constant.Comment: 9 pages, Talk at the Second Gursey Memorial Conference, June 2000, Istanbu

    Lambda<0 Quantum Gravity in 2+1 Dimensions II: Black Hole Creation by Point Particles

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    Using the recently proposed formalism for Lambda<0 quantum gravity in 2+1 dimensions we study the process of black hole production in a collision of two point particles. The creation probability for a BH with a simplest topology inside the horizon is given by the Liouville theory 4-point function projected on an intermediate state. We analyze in detail the semi-classical limit of small AdS curvatures, in which the probability is dominated by the exponential of the classical Liouville action. The probability is found to be exponentially small. We then argue that the total probability of creating a horizon given by the sum of probabilities of all possible internal topologies is of order unity, so that there is no exponential suppression of the total production rate.Comment: v1: 30+1 pages, figures, v2: 34+1 pages, agruments straightened ou

    Myers' type theorems and some related oscillation results

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    In this paper we study the behavior of solutions of a second order differential equation. The existence of a zero and its localization allow us to get some compactness results. In particular we obtain a Myers' type theorem even in the presence of an amount of negative curvature. The technique we use also applies to the study of spectral properties of Schroedinger operators on complete manifolds.Comment: 16 page

    Zeros of the i.i.d. Gaussian power series: a conformally invariant determinantal process

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    Consider the zero set of the random power series f(z)=sum a_n z^n with i.i.d. complex Gaussian coefficients a_n. We show that these zeros form a determinantal process: more precisely, their joint intensity can be written as a minor of the Bergman kernel. We show that the number of zeros of f in a disk of radius r about the origin has the same distribution as the sum of independent {0,1}-valued random variables X_k, where P(X_k=1)=r^{2k}. Moreover, the set of absolute values of the zeros of f has the same distribution as the set {U_k^{1/2k}} where the U_k are i.i.d. random variables uniform in [0,1]. The repulsion between zeros can be studied via a dynamic version where the coefficients perform Brownian motion; we show that this dynamics is conformally invariant.Comment: 37 pages, 2 figures, updated proof