6,190 research outputs found

    Using Farm Accounts to Find the Leaks in the Farm Business

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    Air Force research in optical processing

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    Optical and optical electronic hybrid processing especially in the application area of image processing are emphasized. Real time pattern recognition processors for such airborne missions as target recognition, tracking, and terminal guidance are studied

    Absolute optical flux observations of the 18 October 1967 total eclipse of the moon

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    Absolute optical flux observations of total moon eclipse on 18 October 196

    Fundamental spectrophotometry of the major planets Progress report, 1 Jun. 1970 - 1 Feb. 1971

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    Spectrophotometry of Neptune, Uranus, and Plut

    Micro-scale crease-and-fold apparatus

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    Crease and fold resistance of polymeric films and test equipment for determining mechanical properties is discussed. Components of equipment and method of operation are described. Illustration of test device is provided

    JHK Imaging and Photometry of Low z QSOs and Radio Galaxy

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    We describe J,H,K deep imaging of 90 arcmin fields around 4 QSOs and one Radio galaxy at redshifts in the range 0.06 to 0.30, and show their images, luminosity profiles, and NIR 2-colour diagrams of objects. We find that the QSO hosts are all resolved, and compare them with previous CCD images. The host galaxy colours are consistent with old and young stellar populations at the QSO redshift. The colours of nearby galaxies suggest that all the AGN live in groups of generally smaller companion galaxies, mostly with evolved populations at the same redshift. The two radio-loud objects live in richer cluster environments than the others. Gissel population models indicate reddening in the galaxies, star-forming regions, and possibly a systematic H-K offset. The QSO luminosity profiles are complex and reveal some of their tidal disturbance and star-formation history.Comment: 22 pages of text (latex), 2 tables )latex), and 15 figures (postscript). Accepted for publication in AJ, February 1997. Also available at http://www.dao.nrc.ca/DAO/SCIENCE/science.htm

    Self-supported aluminum thin films produced by vacuum deposition process

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    Self-supported aluminum thin film is produced by vacuum depositing the film on a polyvinyl formal resin film and then removing the resin by radiant heating in the vacuum. The aluminum film can be used as soon as the resin is eliminated

    Geometry of logarithmic strain measures in solid mechanics

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    We consider the two logarithmic strain measuresωiso=devnlogU=devnlogFTF and ωvol=tr(logU)=tr(logFTF),\omega_{\rm iso}=\|\mathrm{dev}_n\log U\|=\|\mathrm{dev}_n\log \sqrt{F^TF}\|\quad\text{ and }\quad \omega_{\rm vol}=|\mathrm{tr}(\log U)|=|\mathrm{tr}(\log\sqrt{F^TF})|\,,which are isotropic invariants of the Hencky strain tensor logU\log U, and show that they can be uniquely characterized by purely geometric methods based on the geodesic distance on the general linear group GL(n)\mathrm{GL}(n). Here, FF is the deformation gradient, U=FTFU=\sqrt{F^TF} is the right Biot-stretch tensor, log\log denotes the principal matrix logarithm, .\|.\| is the Frobenius matrix norm, tr\mathrm{tr} is the trace operator and devnX\mathrm{dev}_n X is the nn-dimensional deviator of XRn×nX\in\mathbb{R}^{n\times n}. This characterization identifies the Hencky (or true) strain tensor as the natural nonlinear extension of the linear (infinitesimal) strain tensor ε=symu\varepsilon=\mathrm{sym}\nabla u, which is the symmetric part of the displacement gradient u\nabla u, and reveals a close geometric relation between the classical quadratic isotropic energy potential μdevnsymu2+κ2[tr(symu)]2=μdevnε2+κ2[tr(ε)]2\mu\,\|\mathrm{dev}_n\mathrm{sym}\nabla u\|^2+\frac{\kappa}{2}\,[\mathrm{tr}(\mathrm{sym}\nabla u)]^2=\mu\,\|\mathrm{dev}_n\varepsilon\|^2+\frac{\kappa}{2}\,[\mathrm{tr}(\varepsilon)]^2in linear elasticity and the geometrically nonlinear quadratic isotropic Hencky energyμdevnlogU2+κ2[tr(logU)]2=μωiso2+κ2ωvol2,\mu\,\|\mathrm{dev}_n\log U\|^2+\frac{\kappa}{2}\,[\mathrm{tr}(\log U)]^2=\mu\,\omega_{\rm iso}^2+\frac\kappa2\,\omega_{\rm vol}^2\,,where μ\mu is the shear modulus and κ\kappa denotes the bulk modulus. Our deduction involves a new fundamental logarithmic minimization property of the orthogonal polar factor RR, where F=RUF=R\,U is the polar decomposition of FF. We also contrast our approach with prior attempts to establish the logarithmic Hencky strain tensor directly as the preferred strain tensor in nonlinear isotropic elasticity