6,719 research outputs found

    Ultrasonic superharmonic imaging

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    The relationship between curiosity and academic achievement among black and white junior high school science pupils in Cape Town

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    Bibliography: pages 80-84.In this investigation an ex-post facto research method was used to gather the curiosity scores and academic science achievement results of approximately 200 pupils in one black and two predominantly white schools in Cape Town suburbs. Curiosity scores were also obtained for 150 pupils from five other high schools who submitted projects for the annual Young Scientists Exhibition (EXPO) in June 1988. The data was collected by means of two instruments devised and validated by Maw & Maw (1964) and by author-designed tests of curiosity, after refinement using a pilot study. The scores were analysed by means of t-tests, X2- (chi-square) tests and correlations. It was found that: 1) No significant differences existed samples of black and white junior between the high school science pupils on measures of curiosity. 2) No overall significant difference was found between high achieving and low achieving science pupils on the curiosity tests given to both the standard 6 and standard 7 pupils in the three chosen schools. 3) A highly significant difference on measures of curiosity was found between the group of Expo pupils (voluntary young scientists), and the ordinary groups of science pupils from the three different schools. 4) Significant correlations were found between the science pupils' inherent curiosity levels and their achievement in general science in several instances

    Ultrasonic superharmonic imaging

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    As tecnologias do corpo no debate público. Análise do debate parlamentar da Lei de Identidade de Gênero argentina

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    Este artículo interroga el modo en que las transformaciones recientes en el campo de la biomedicina tienen eco en regulaciones que procesan demandas de los colectivos de travestis, transexuales y transgéneros en Argentina. Para ello, analiza el debate parlamentario que culminó con la sanción de la Ley de Identidad de Género, de 2012. Dicho debate es abordado prestando especial atención a los sentidos en torno de las tecnologías biomédicas de transformación corporal y su vínculo con representaciones de género, cuerpo, así como de lo que se concibe como público o privado.This paper interrogates how recent tranfsormations in the biomedical field have resonated upon regulations responding to the legal claims of transvesti, transsexual, and transgender collectives in Argentina. The parliamentary debates that lead to the passing of the Gender Identity Act of 2012 are analyzed, looking in particular at the meanings of biomedical technologies of body transformation, representations of gender and the body, as well as conceptions of public and private.Este artigo indaga sobre o modo com o qual as transformações recentes no campo da biomedicina têm eco em regulações que processam demandas dos coletivos de travestis, transexuais e transgênero na Argentina. Para isso, analisa-se o debate parlamentar que culminou com a sanção da Lei de Identidade de Gênero de 2012. Tal debate é abordado dando-se especial atenção aos sentidos em torno das tecnologias biomédicas de transformação corporal e seu vínculo com representações de gênero, corpo, assim como do que se concebe como público ou privado.Fil: Farji Neer, Anahí. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    New Late Tertiary Fish Fossils from the Sinda Region, Eastern Zaire

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    An assemblage of about 200 fish remains, recently collected from late Miocene early Pliocene deposits of the Sinda area, is described. Although the collection is small, several taxa not previously reported from these localities are included. Gymnarchus, Hydrocynus and Bagrus are new for the Sinda-Mogari ichthyofauna, whereas the previously doubtful presence of Clariidae is now confirmed by several finds, including one identifiable as Clarias. The discovery of three outer premaxillary teeth of Shungura Sindacharax along with the numerous Sindacharax lepersonnei specimens is surprising. The Shungura form is considered conspecific with Sindacharax lepersonnei. Other represented taxa are Synodontis, Auchenoglanis and Lates rhachirhinchus. Comparison of the ichthofauna from the oldest deposits (Ongoliba Beds) with that of the Middle Member of the Sinda Beds shows a decline in characiforms and an increase in siluriforms through time. Reconstruction of the former aquatic environment indicates a large and deep permanent water-body with shallow and marshy habitats at its margins

    Producción generizada de los cuerpos en el discurso jurídico argentino. Análisis de tres fallos correspondientes al período 1970 – 2010

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    This paper analyzes how bodies in contemporary societies are produced and socially regulated through legal discourses. Three rulings produced by the Argentine Justice Department between 1970 and 2010 are analyzed.  These rulings constitute requests for genital reassignment surgery, change of name and sex in legal registers, petitions made by people whose corporalities defy the dominant gender rules. The analysis aims to trace changes and continuities in the epistemic frames available for reading the other bodies crystallized in legal discourse, as well as to inquire the characteristics of the current ways of thinking. The essay shows that through the analysis of the regulation of bodies and sexualities it is possible to visualize mechanisms through which we define what is considered human, and how ideals of citizenship are historically configured.Este trabajo se propone analizar la producción y regulación social de las corporalidades en las sociedades contemporáneas a través del discurso jurídico. Se analizan tres fallos producidos por el poder judicial argentino entre los años 1970 y 2010 que procesan solicitudes para la realización de cirugías de reasignación genital y cambio de nombre y sexo en el documento de identidad de personas cuyas corporalidades desafían la normatividad de género. El análisis indaga en torno a los cambios y continuidades en los marcos epistémicos disponibles para la lectura de los cuerpos-otros en el discurso jurídico y profundiza en las características de los esquemas actualmente vigentes. Del trabajo se desprende que a través del análisis de la regulación de los cuerpos y las sexualidades es posible visualizar los mecanismos a través de los cuales se define tanto lo humano como los ideales de ciudadanía históricamente configurados

    Meaningful International Service Learning Experiences: Looking at the Reciprocal Nature of Reflection and Group Connection

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    International service learning trips can provide meaningful and deep experiences where students are impacted and challenged by these experiences. In order to maximize the experience, one must understand the reciprocal relationship between reflection and group connection. In this critical reflection I will explore the ways in which reflection and group connection reciprocate each other in an international service-learning context. I discuss three concepts that I believe play crucial roles in this reciprocal relationship and their roles in three different contexts of the service immersion experience. These three concepts are reflection, stability, and vulnerability. They are explained within the contexts of pre-trip reflection, self reflection, and group reflection. By bringing this relationship and its components to the attention of civically engaged faculty, students, and leaders we can work to create more challenging and meaningful service immersion experiences