77 research outputs found

    Assimilation of SCIAMACHY Total Column CO Observations: Regional Analysis of Data Impact

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    Carbon monoxide (CO) total column observations from the SCanning Imaging Absorption SpectroMeter for Atmospheric CHartography (SCIAMACHY) on board ENVISAT are assimilated into the Global Modeling and Assimilation Office (GMAO) constituent assimilation system for the period July 18-October 31, 2004. This is the first assimilation of CO observations from a near infrared sounder. The impact of the assimilation on CO distribution is evaluated using independent Measurement of Ozone and Water vapor by Airbus In-service Aircraft (MOZAIC) in-situ CO profiles. Assimilation of satellite data improves agreement with MOZAIC CO globally, especially in the upper troposphere

    Impacts on air dose rates after the Fukushima accident over the North Pacific from 19 March 2011 to 2 September 2015

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    A fleet of thirteen in-service global container ships continuously measured the air dose rates over the North Pacific after the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (FDNPS) accident. The results showed that the elevated air dose rates over the Port of Tokyo and the FDNPS emissions are significantly correlated (log(emission fluxes) = 54.98 x (air dose rates) (R = 0.95, P-value<0.01), and they are also significantly correlated with the Tsukuba deposition fluxes (log(deposition fluxes) = 0.47 + 30.98 (air dose rates) (R = 0.91, P-value<0.01). These results demonstrate the direct impact of the FDNPS emissions on the depositions of radionuclides and the air dose rates over the Port of Tokyo. Over the North Pacific, the correlation equations are log(emission fluxes) = -2.72 + 202.36 x (air dose rates over the northwestern Pacific) (R = 0.40, P-value<0.01), and log(emission fluxes) = -0.55 + 80.19 x (air dose rates over the northeastern Pacific) (R = 0.29, P-value = 0.0424). These results indicate that the resuspension of the deposited radionuclides have become a dominant source in the transport of radionuclides across the North Pacific. Model simulations show underestimated air dose rates during the periods of 22-25 March 2011 and 27-30 March 2011 indicating the lack of mechanisms, such as the resuspension of radionuclides, in the model

    On the representation of IAGOS/MOZAIC vertical profiles in chemical transport models:contribution of different error sources in the example of carbon monoxide

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    Utilising a fleet of commercial airliners, MOZAIC/IAGOS provides atmospheric composition data on a regular basis that are widely used for modelling applications. Due to the specific operational context of the platforms, such observations are collected close to international airports and hence in an environment characterised by high anthropogenic emissions. This provides opportunities for assessing emission inventories of major metropolitan areas around the world, but also challenges in representing the observations in typical chemical transport models. We assess here the contribution of different sources of error to overall modeldata mismatch using the example of MOZAIC/IAGOS carbon monoxide (CO) profiles collected over the European regional domain in a time window of 5 yr (20062011). The different sources of error addressed in the present study are: 1) mismatch in modelled and observed mixed layer height; 2) bias in emission fluxes and 3) spatial representation error (related to unresolved spatial variations in emissions). The modelling framework combines a regional Lagrangian transport model (STILT) with EDGARv4.3 emission inventory and lateral boundary conditions from the MACC reanalysis. The representation error was derived by coupling STILT with emission fluxes aggregated to different spatial resolutions. We also use the MACC reanalysis to assess uncertainty related to uncertainty sources 2) and 3). We treat the random and the bias components of the uncertainty separately and found that 1) and 3) have a comparable impact on the random component for both models, while 2) is far less important. On the other hand, the bias component shows comparable impacts from each source of uncertainty, despite both models being affected by a low bias of a factor of 22.5 in the emission fluxes. In addition, we suggested methods to correct for biases in emission fluxes and in mixing heights. Lastly, the evaluation of the spatial representation error against modeldata mismatch between MOZAIC/IAGOS observations and the MACC reanalysis revealed that the representation error accounts for roughly 1520% of the modeldata mismatch uncertainty

    Mise au point d'un analyseur d'oxydes d'azote a haute sensibilite. Application a l'etude de l'ozone et de ses precurseurs dans la troposphere

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    SIGLEAvailable from INIST (FR), Document Supply Service, under shelf-number : T 82505 / INIST-CNRS - Institut de l'Information Scientifique et TechniqueFRFranc

    La littérature philippine de langue espagnole (1898-2008) (histoires et identités)

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    Si l on considère l exophonie hispanique écrite, on peut y inclure les Philippines. En effet, au XVIe siècle, les Espagnols colonisent l archipel et le castillan se mêle aux langues natives, et fait naître des langues hybrides et un sentiment d appartenance hispanique : l hispanité. En 1898, les USA s imposent et les Philippins résistent en parlant et écrivant en espagnol et en langues natives. Grâce à la littérature, les natifs revendiquent les valeurs espagnoles, l hispanité, le castillan, et expriment leur désir de retour de leurs valeurs originelles et donc de leur identité hispano-philippine. Dans leurs écrits, ils parlent aussi de leur désespoir, leur impression d insignifiance face à la perte de cette identité et dénoncent les non-patriotes corrompus par les Américains. Ainsi, la poésie et le théâtre permettent de lutter pour conserver l espagnol dans leur nation et prouvent que cette langue a beaucoup d importance dans leur culture et leur histoire.BREST-BU Lettres (290192101) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Estimation des parametres de croissance en longueur des individus males et femelles du stock de lieu noir (Pollachius virens) de l'ouest-Ecosse

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    Some otoliths of saithe (Pollachius virens) have been collected by sex in the west of Scotland's stock. Growth's parameters of the VON BERTALANFFY equation and their precisions are calculated by the likelihood method.Des otolithes d'individus mâles et femelles de lieu noir (Pollachius virens) ont été récoltés dans le secteur ouest Ecosse (VI A). Leur lecture a permis d'obtenir la croissance moyenne en longueur de la population de lieu noir pour les deux sexes séparément. Les paramètres de l'équation de VON BERTALANFFY et leur précision sont calculés par la méthode du maximum de vraisemblance

    Micro-PIXE characterization of interactions between a sol-gel derived bioactive glass and biological fluids

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    Bioactive glasses possess the ability to bond to living tissues through the formation of a calcium phosphate-rich layer at their interface with living tissues. This paper reports the different steps of this bioactivity process via a complete micro-PIXE characterization of a sol-gel derived SiO2-CaO bioactive glass in contact with biological fluids for different delays. Multi-elemental cartography at the glass/biological fluids interface together with major and trace elements quantification permit a better understanding of the five reaction stages involved in the bioactivity mechanisms. The presence of phosphorus was detected at the periphery of the material within 6 h of interaction with biological fluids. A calcium phosphate-rich layer containing magnesium is formed after a few days of interaction and presence of bone-like apatite is deduced from the calculation of the Ca/P ratio at the material interface. That is of deep interest for clinical applications, because this biologically active behavior results in the formation of a strong interfacial bond between the glass and host tissues, and will stimulate bone-cell proliferation
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