5 research outputs found

    Review Paper on Image and Video Based Steganography

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    مع التطور الكبير في تقنيات المعلومات الإلكترونية والشبكات ، وفي ضوء بعض الظروف التي تفرض العمل على الإنترنت ، والتي تعتبر بيئة غير آمنة للمعلومات السرية ، أصبح الحفاظ على أمن البيانات ذات أولوية مهمة. من أهم التقنيات المستخدمة للحفاظ على سرية البيانات المنقولة وعدم إخضاعها للمهاجمين هي الإخفاء والتشفير ، وتعتمد هاتان التقنيتان أيضًا على الوسيط الذي ينقل البيانات السرية ، سواء كان ملف صورة أو صوت أو فيديو. علم إخفاء المعلومات هو علم دمج البيانات الرقمية بطريقة لا يمكن لأحد الشك في وجودها. التشفير هو تقنية أخرى تستخدم لحماية البيانات ، عند استخدامه مع إخفاء المعلومات يزيد من قوة حماية المعلومات. تقدم هذه الورقة لمحة عامة عن تقنيات إخفاء المعلومات النصية داخل ملفات الصور والفيديو. تهدف هذه الدراسة إلى تقديم ملخص للطريقة الأكثر أمانًا وأمانًا وقدرة حمولتها على إخفاء البيانات.With the great development in electronic and network information technologies, and in light of some circumstances that impose work on the Internet, which is considered to be an insecure environment for confidential information, therefore maintaining data security has become an important priority. The most important techniques used to maintain the confidentiality of the transferred data and not subject it to attackers are concealment and encryption, and these two technologies also depend on the medium that transmits the secret data, whether it is an image file, sound or video. Steganography is the science of embedding digital data in such a way no one can doubt its existence. Encryption is another technology used to protect data, when used with steganography increases the power of information protection. This paper provides an overview of techniques for hiding textual information within image and video files. This study aims to provide a summary of the method that is safer, more secure, and the ability of its payload to hide data

    Text in Image Hiding using Developed LSB and Random Method

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    Information Hiding is a task that face difficult challenges in current time. The reason for these challenges is the rapid development of methods of detection of hidden information. So, researchers have been interested in developing methods of concealment, making it difficult for attackers to access hidden information using new methods of concealment. Such as the introducing a complex algorithms, use a random methods and invent more complicated and difficult steps. This paper presents a new method of hiding information within the image. This method creates a new sequence of mysterious and difficult steps by dividing the secret text on all image and random distributing of bits to each row. Then using a special reverse method to hide the bits in that row. The LSB method has also been developed to make it more difficult to hide the pixel. The results presented illustrate the strength and security of the method and provide greater protection for hidden information. Also, the result illustrate the quality of the stego image compared with the original image using PSNR and SSIM quality measures

    A new method for watermarking color images using virtual hiding and El-Gamal ciphering

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    One of the important issues in the era of computer networks and multimedia technology development is to find ways to maintain the reliability, credibility, copyright and non-duplication of digital content transmitted over the internet. For the purpose of protecting images from illegal usage, a watermark is used. A hidden digital watermark is the process of concealing information on a host to prove that this image is owned by a specific person or organization. In this paper, a new method has been proposed to use an RGB logo to protect color images from unlicensed trading. The method depends on retrieving logo data from specific locations in the host to form a logo when the owner claims the rights to those images. These positions are chosen because their pixels match the logo data. The locations of matching pixels are stored in a table that goes through two stages of treatment to ensure confidentiality: First, table compression, second, encoding positions in the compressed table through El-Gamal algorithm. Because the method depends on the idea of keeping host pixels without change, PSNR will always be infinity. After subjecting the host to five types of attack, the results demonstrate that the method can effectively protect the image and hidden logo is retrieved clearly even after the attacks

    Hide text depending on the three channels of pixels in color images using the modified LSB algorithm

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    At the moment, with the great development of information and communications technology, the transfer of confidential and sensitive data through public communications such as the Internet is very difficult to keep them from hackers and attackers. Therefore, it is necessary to work on the development of new and innovative ways to transfer such information and protect it to ensure that it reaches the desired goal. The goal of a new technique to hide information design not only hides the secret message behind the center cover, but it also provides increased security. The most common way to transfer important and confidential data is through embedding it into cover medium files in a way that does not affect the accuracy of the carrier file, which is known as hiding. In this paper, encryption and concealment techniques were used to protect data transferred from attackers. The proposed method relied on encryption of confidential information using the encryption key and the Xnor gate, after which the encrypted information was hidden in a color image using the LSB algorithm. The method of concealment depends on the extraction of chromatic channels of three RGB for each pixel and specifying the channel in which the bit of the encryption message will be hidden. Some metrics have been adopted to measure the quality of the resulting picture after hiding as PSNR and MSE, and achieve good results

    A Review on the Potential Applications for Cadmium Selenide and Graphene Materials

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    The unique physical and chemical properties for nanomaterials make them suitable to be used in different applications such as optoelectronic devices, sensors, and biomedical applications. Physical and chemical methods are used to prepare material in nanoscale region. Physical methods depend on the technique used, temperature, and substrate. Cadmium selenide has high sensitive to technique used. Its absorbance and photoluminescence changed with increased size of particles. The surfaces of CdSe can adsorbent different atoms and molecules to saturate dangling bond. Therefore, CdSe nanoparticales are used in chemical and biological sensors. In this review some of recent applications and properties of CdSe are analyzed. Graphene considers one of the important material in the present time, because of unique properties such as high conductivity, high luminance, more hardness materials than diamonds. It is have wide applications in the physical and chemical sensor, also suitable material in the photonic device. In the present review paper we are present the application of graphene materials in the gas sensor and solar cell application.&nbsp