110 research outputs found

    Hydrogen plasma treatment of silicon thin-film structures and nanostructured layers

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    The review concentrates on the analysis of the RF hydrogen plasma effect on thin-film metal-dioxide-silicon and silicon-dioxide silicon structures which are a modern basis of micro- and nanoelectronics. The especial attention is paid to athermic mechanisms of transformation of defects in dioxide, SiO₂-Si interface and SiO₂-Si nanocrystal ones and thin layers of silicon; atomic hydrogen influence on the annealing of vacancy defects and the implanted impurity activation in a subsurface implanted silicon layer; and the hydrogen plasma effect on luminescent properties of nanostructured light emitting materials

    The charge trapping/emission processes in silicon nanocrystalline nonvolatile memory assisted by electric field and elevated temperatures

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    In this work, the influence of elevated temperatures on charge trapping in Si nanoclusters located in oxide layer of MOS structure has been comprehensively studied. The samples with one layer of nanocrystals in the oxide have been studied using the modular data acquisition setup for capacitance-voltage measurements. The memory window formation and memory window retention experimental methods were used with the aim to study the trapping/emission processes inside the dielectric layer of MOS capacitor memory within the defined range of elevated temperatures. The trap activation energy and charge localization were determined from measured temperature dependences of charge retention. The electric field dependence of the activation energy with subsequent charge emission law have been determined

    Full Counting Statistics of Charge Transfer in Coulomb Blockade Systems

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    Full counting statistics (FCS) of charge transfer in mesoscopic systems has recently become a subject of significant interest, since it proves to reveal an important information about the system which can be hardly assessed by other means. While the previous research mostly addressed the FCS of non- interacting systems, the present paper deals with the FCS in the limit of strong interaction. In this Coulomb blockade limit the electron dynamics is known to be governed by a master equation. We develop a general scheme to evaluate the FCS in such case, this being the main result of the work presented. We illustrate the scheme, by applying it to concrete systems. For generic case of a single resonant level we establish the equivalence of scattering and master equation approach to FCS. Further we study a single Coulomb blockade island with two and three leads attached and compare the FCS in this case with our recent results concerning an open dot either with two and three terminals. We demonstrate that Coulomb interaction suppresses the relative probabilities of large current fluctuations.Comment: 17 pages, 16 figure

    SIMS study of deuterium distribution and thermal stability in ZMR SOI structures

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    SIMS measurements and thermal effusion experiments were performed to study the distribution and thermal stability of deuterium in SOI structures fabricated by zone melting recrystallization technique. It was found that the disordered structure at the silicon-buried oxide interfaces is directly related to the distribution of deuterium in the SOI system. The diffusion coefficient of deuterium in the top silicon layer at 250°C was determined. For the first time, the high-temperature (up to 600°C) stability of deuterium in the buried oxide was demonstrated, without any diffision into silicon layers.У роботі вивчались методами вторинної іонної мас-спектрометрії (ВІМС) і термостимульованої десорбції дейтерію розподілення дейтерію і його термічна стабільність у системі кремній-на-ізоляторі (КНІ), виготовленій за допомогою технології зонної лазерної рекристалізації полікремнію. Показано існування прямого зв.язку між розупорядкуванням структури на межах розподілу кремній-внутрішній діелектрик і розподіленням дейтерію у системі КНІ. Визначено коефіцієнт дифузії дейтерію у кремнієвій рекристалізованій плівці при 250°С. Вперше продемонстровано високотемпературну стабільність дейтерію (до 600°С включно) у внутрішньому діелектрику системи КНІ, за відсутності дифузії дейтерію до кремнієвих шарів.В работе методами вторичной ионной масс-спектрометрии (ВИМС) и термостимулированной десорбции дейтерия изучались распределение дейтерия и его термическая стабильность в структурах кремния-на-изоляторе (КНИ), изготовленных с помощью технологии зонной лазерной рекристаллизации поликремния. Показано существование прямой связи между разупорядочением структуры на границах кремний-внутренний окисел и распределением дейтерия в КНИ системе. Определен коэффициент диффузии дейтерия в рекристаллизованном слое кремния при 250°С. Впервые продемонстрирована высокотемпературная стабильность дейтерия (до 600°С включительно) во внутреннем окисле КНИ структуры при отсутствии диффузии дейтерия в кремниевые слои

    Influence of traps in gate oxide-Si film transition layers on FD MOSFET's characteristics at cryogenic emperatures

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    The results of experiments on the influence of recharging the electron traps in a Si-SiO₂ transition layer on the low-temperature characteristics of fully depleted silicon in insulator MOSFET devices are presented. It is shown that the low-dose gammaradiation improves electrophysical parameters of the transition layer

    Electrical Properties of High-k Oxide in Pd/Al2O3/InGaAs Stack

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    The paper presents the results of capacitance-voltage (C-V) characterization of metal-oxidesemiconductor (MOS) structure, namely Pd/Al2O3/ In0.53Ga0.47As/InP. It is shown that MOS structure under study exhibit both electron and hole trapping with permanent and temporary charge trapping contributions. The interfacial transition layer between the high-k oxide and InGaAs has the greatest influence on this charge trapping phenomenon. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3504

    Bethe Subalgebras in Twisted Yangians

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    We study analogues of the Yangian of the Lie algebra glNgl_N for the other classical Lie algebras soNso_N and spNsp_N. We call them twisted Yangians. They are coideal subalgebras in the Yangian Y(glN)Y(gl_N) of glNgl_N and admit homomorphisms onto the universal enveloping algebras U(soN)U(so_N) and U(spN)U(sp_N) respectively. In every twisted Yangian we construct a family of maximal commutative subalgebras parametrized by the regular semisimple elements of the corresponding classical Lie algebra. The images in U(soN)U(so_N) and U(spN)U(sp_N) of these subalgebras are also maximal commutative.Comment: 26 pages, amstex, misprints correcte

    High-temperature characteristics of zone-melting recrystallized silicon-on-insulator MOSFETs

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    The characteristics of enhancement-mode MOS transistors fabricated on zone-melting recrystallized (ZMR) silicon-on-insulator (SOI) films were systematically experimentally investigated in the temperature range 25–300°C. The main temperature-dependent parameters (the threshold voltage, the channel mobility, subthreshold slope, off-state leakage currents) of ZMR SOI MOSFETs are described and compared with both theory and SIMOX devices. It is shown that high carrier mobilities and low off-state leakage currents can be obtained in thin-film ZMR SOI MOSFETs at elevated temperatures. At T = 300°C, far beyond the operating range of bulk silicon devices, the off-state leakage current in ZMR SOI MOSFETs with a 0.15 mm-thick silicon film was only 0.5 nA/mm (for VD = 3 V), that is 3–4 orders of magnitude lower than typical values in bulk Si devices. The presented results demonstrate that CMOS devices fabricated on sufficiently thin ZMR SOI films are well suited for high-temperature applications.Проведені кропіткі експериментальні дослідження високотемпературних (25-300°С) характеристик МОН транзисторів на базі КНІ-структур, виготовлених методом зонної лазерної перекристалізації. Розглянута поведінка основних температрно-залежних параметрів КНІ МОН транзисторів (порогової напруги, рухливості носіїв, підпорогового нахилу та струму витоку). Проведено порівняння отриманих результатів з теорією та аналогічними параметрами приладів, створених за допомогою ЗІМОХ технології. Показано, що при підвищених температурах тонкоплівкові транзистори, отримані лазерною зонною перекристалізацією, виявляють високу рухливість носіїв і низькі струми витоку закритого транзистора. При Т = 300°С, що значно перевищує робочий діапазон приладів на об.ємному кремнії, струм витоку в КНІ транзисторах з плівкою Si товщиною 0,15 мкм ст всього лишу 0,5 nA/mm (при VD = ЗВ), що на 3-4 порядка нижче типових величин для приладів на об.ємному кремнії. Наведені результати свідчать, що тонкі плівки КНІ, створені методом лазерної зонної перекристалізації, можуть успішно використовуватись для створення КМОН ІС для високотемпературних застосувань.Проведено детальное экспериментальное исследование высокотемпературных (25-300°С) характеристик МОП транзисторов на основе КНИ-структур, изготовленных методом лазерной зонной перекристаллизации. Рассмотрено поведение основных температурно-зависимых параметров КНИ МОП транзисторов (порогового напряжения, подвижности носителей, подпорогового наклона и тока утечки). Проведено сравнение полученных результатов с теорией и аналогичными параметрами приборов, созданных SIМОХ технологией. Показано, что при повышенных температурах тонкопленочные транзисторы, полученные лазерной зонной перекристаллизацией, проявляют высокую подвижность носителей и низкие токи утечки закрытого транзистора. При Т = 300°С, значительно превышающей рабочий диапазон приборов на объемном кремнии, ток утечки в КНИ транзисторах с пленкой Si толщиной 0,15 мкм составляет всего лишь 0,5 nA/mm (при VD = ЗВ), что на 3-4 порядка ниже типичных величин для приборов на объемном кремнии. Приведенные результаты свидетельствуют, что тонкие пленки КНИ, полученные методом лазерной зонной перекристаллизации, могут успешно использоваться для создания КМОП ИС для высокотемпературных применений

    Characterization of charge trapping processes in fully-depleted UNIBOND SOI MOSFET subjected to γ-irradiation

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    An investigation of radiation effect on edgeless accumulation mode (AM) p-channel and fully-depleted enhancement mode (EM) n-channel MOSFETs, fabricated on UNIBOND silicon on insulatior wafers (SOI), is presented in the paper. Characterization of trapped charge in the gate and buried oxides of the devices was performed by measuring only the front-gate transistors. It was revealed that the irradiation effect on EM n-MOSFET is stronger than that on AM p-MOSFET. Radiation-induced positive charge in the buried oxide proved to invert back interface what causes back channel creation in EM n-MOSFET but no such effect in AM p-MOSFET has been not observed. The effect of improving the quality of both interfaces for small irradiation doses is demonstrated

    Photoluminescent properties of oxidized stochiometric and carbon-rich amorphous Si₁₋xCx:H films

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    Near-stochiometric and carbon-rich a-Si₁₋xCx:H thin films were deposited using the magnetron sputtering of Si target in Ar/CH₄ gas mixture. As-deposited nearstochimetric (x = 0.5) sample showed weak blue photoluminescence (PL), while PL of as-deposited carbon-rich (x = 0.7) sample was 20 times stronger and white in color. The films were annealed in pure argon, wet argon, and dry oxygen at 450 °C for 30 min. The intensity of PL in a-Si₁₋xCx:H layers were enhanced by the factor from 2 to 12 after annealing in dependence on the annealing atmosphere. The strongest oxidation and strongest light emission were observed in carbon-rich series (x = 0.7) after annealing in oxidizing atmosphere. Structural properties of the films were characterized by infra-red absorption spectroscopy, ellipsometry and electron paramagnetic resonance. The effect of carbon enrichment of a-Si₁₋xCx:H films and annealing atmosphere on the evolution of photoluminescence and local interatomic bonding structure in annealed material were studied and analyzed. It has been found that main effects of thermal treatments is strong enhancement of photoluminescence accompanied by formation of Si:C–Hn and Si–OxCy bonding. The strongest oxidation effect as well as strongest hotoluminescence were observed in carbon-rich a-SiC:H films