73 research outputs found

    The effect of cognitive-behavioral therapy on acromegalics after a 9-month follow-up

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    Introduction: The quality of life of acromegalics is compromised. Treatment with the “Think healthy and feel the difference” technique has been described as effective in the improvement of the quality of life of these patients in the short term. However, its effectiveness in the long term needs to be evaluated. Objective: The purpose of this study was to evaluate whether the good results obtained from the “Think healthy and feel the difference” technique in the short termpersists in the long term, after the end of the treatment. Method: This is a non-randomized longitudinal study with 23 acromegalic divided into two groups: an intervention group with 10 patients and a control group with 13 patients. The intervention itself covered nine group sessions, organized weekly, using a technique called “Think healthy and feel the difference.” The control group did not receive the aforementioned treatment. The Short Form 36 Question Health Survey (SF-36) and the Beck Depression Inventory were administered before the sessions began, at the end of the nine therapy sessions and at the 9-month follow-up. Results: At the end of the treatment, the results of the SF-36 showed improvement in the mental health of the intervention group compared to the control group. The effects of therapy were maintained at the 9 month follow-up. Conclusion: Cognitive-behavioral therapy, applied in a group format, can improve the quality of life of acromegalic patients in the short- and long-term

    Classic cardiovascular risk factors improve in very elderly hypopituitary patients treated on standard hormone replacement in long term follow-up

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    Background - Hypopituitarism in the elderly population is an underdiagnosed condition and may increase comorbidities related to glucose metabolism, dyslipidemia, and cardiovascular risk factors. Optimization of hormone replacement that considers alterations in clearance rates of hormones, interaction with other medications, and evaluation of the risk-benefit ratio of treatment is a big challenge for clinical practice. Objectives - This study aimed to evaluate classic cardiovascular risk factors in hypopituitary septuagenarians and octagenarians by diagnosis and after long-term hormone replacement. Methods - This is a retrospective observational study, with patients recruited and selected from a registry in a tertiary medical center. We included patients aged 70–99 years with hypopituitarism, evaluated hormonal and biochemical parameters, and cardiovascular risk scores were calculated by diagnosis and compared after long-term follow-up. All patients gave informed consent. Patient data were compared to a sex and age-matched control group, with long-term geriatric follow-up, without endocrine diseases. Results - Thirty-five patients were included, 16 patients aged 70–75 years (72.61), 12 patients 76–80 years (72.28), 7 patients 81–99 years (89.28). Pituitary macroadenomas were the main cause of hypopituitarism, mean maximal diameter 3.4 cm (2.9–4.3), and invasive craniopharyngiomas. At the moment of diagnosis, most patients were overweight, and abdominal adiposity was observed in 76.9% of women and 36.4% of men, primarily in octagenarians and nonagenarians. Comorbidities were frequent; 85.7% presented hypertension, 37.1% diabetes, 53.1% low HDL, 51.5% hypertriglyceridemia. Most patients presented more than two combined pituitary deficiencies; hypogonadism in 88.6%, central hypothyroidism in 82.9%, GH deficiency in 65.7%, and adrenal insufficiency in 25.7%. Analysis of cardiovascular risk prediction in the total cohort showed that 57.1% of patients presented a reduction in the General Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) Risk Prediction Score and 45.7% in atherosclerotic CVD risk estimated by ACC/AHA 2013 Pooled Cohort Equation, despite being submitted to conventional hormone replacement, during the mean follow-up of 14.5 years. This reduction was not observed in the control group. Discussion and conclusion - In this study, aged hypopituitary patients presented a reduction in estimated general CVD risk during long-term follow-up, despite replacement with corticosteroids, levothyroxine, or gonadal steroids. Early diagnosis and treatment of hypopituitarism in the elderly remain challenging. Larger studies should be performed to assess the risk-benefit ratio of hormone replacement on the metabolic profile in septuagenarian and octogenarian patients

    Persistência de hiperprolactinemia após tratamento de hipotiroidismo primário e suspensão do uso prolongado de estrogênio : os neurônios dopaminérgicos túberoinfundibulares são permanentemente lesados?

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    Uso prolongado de altas doses de estrogênio e a presença de hiperprolactinemia crônica pode, pelo menos no rato, provocar lesão nos neurônios dopaminérgicos tuberoinfundibulares (TIDA) responsáveis pelo controle da secreção de prolactina (Prl). Essa ocorrência, ainda não bem documentada em humanos, pode ter ocorrido em uma paciente em tratamento crônico com contraceptivo oral (OC), que veio para consulta por hipotiroidismo primário, hiperprolactinemia e uma massa hipofisária. Após reposição de hormônio tiroidiano, suspensão do tratamento com o OC e a bromocriptina, essa paciente não manteve níveis normais de Prl, necessitando tratamento contínuo com agonista dopaminérgico, mesmo quando a RM da região selar indicava uma situação normal. A função dos neurônios TIDA foi investigada pelo teste do TRH (200µg IV), realizado antes e após 25mg de carbidopa e 250mg de L-dopa a cada 4 horas por um dia. TSH basal (3,9µU/mL) era normal, enquanto Prl (67,5 ng/mL) estava alta; ambos aumentaram apropriadamente após o estímulo com TRH, com picos de 31,8µU/mL (TSH) e 157,8ng/mL (Prl). Após tratamento com carbidopa/L-dopa, os níveis de TSH (1,6µU/mL) e Prl (34ng/mL) diminuíram e a resposta ao TRH foi parcialmente bloqueada (10,3µU/mL e 61ng/mL, respectivamente). Apesar da resposta normal, discutimos a possibilidade que a persistência da hiperprolactinemia é devida a uma lesão dos neurônios TIDA, produzida pelo longo uso de altas doses de estrogênios e pela presença de hiperprolactinemia crônica.Long term use of high doses of estrogen and the presence of chronic hyperprolactinemia may, at least in the rat, provoke lesions in the tuberoinfundibular dopaminergic (TIDA) neurons responsible for the control of prolactin (Prl) secretion. This occurrence, which is not yet well documented in humans, may have taken place in a patient on chronic oral hormonal contraceptive (OC) treatment who was seen for primary hypothyroidism, hyperprolactinemia and a pituitary mass. After thyroid hormone replacement, OC withdrawn and bromocriptine treatment, this patient could not maintain normal Prl levels, unless continuously treated with a dopaminergic agonist even when MRI was indicative of a normal situation. Function of TIDA neurons was investigated by TRH test (200µg IV) performed before and after treatment with 25mg carbidopa plus 250mg L-dopa every 4 hours for one day. Basal TSH was normal (3.9µU/mL) whereas basal Prl was high (67.5 ng/mL); both TSH and Prl levels appropriately increased after TRH: peaks 31.8µU/mL and 157.8 ng/mL, respectively. After treatment with carbidopa/L-dopa, basal TSH (1.6µU/mL) and Prl (34ng/mL) decreased and the response to TRH was partially blocked (10.3µU/mL and 61ng/mL, respectively). In spite of a normal response, we discuss the possibility that the persistence of hyperprolactinemia is due to lesion of the TIDA neurons produced by the long term use of high doses of estrogens and by the presence of chronic hyperprolactinemia

    Tratamento medicamentoso dos tumores hipofisários. Parte II : adenomas secretores de ACTH, TSH e adenomas clinicamente não-funcionantes

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    Este artigo revisa o potencial papel do tratamento medicamentoso para os adenomas hipofisários secretores de ACTH, TSH e aqueles clinicamente não-funcionantes (ACNF), Metirapona, mitotano e cetoconazol (preferível por causar menos efeitos colaterais) são as drogas mais eficazes no controle do hipercortisolismo, mas nenhuma delas supera a eficácia da cirurgia transesfenoidal (TSA). O tratamento medicamentoso da doença de Cushing está, portanto, melhor indicado para pacientes aguardando o efeito pleno da radioterapia ou, como alternativa para esta última, em casos de hipercortisolismo persistente após TSA, e para pacientes com rejeição ou limitações clínicas para a cirurgia. Outra indicação potencial seria em idosos com microadenomas ou pequenos macroadenomas, ou em casos associados a sela vazia. No que se refere aos adenomas secretores de TSH, os análogos somatostatínicos (SRIFa) proporcionam normalização dos hormônios tiroideanos em até 95% dos casos. Assim, eles podem se mostrar úteis em casos de insucesso da cirurgia ou como terapia primária de casos selecionados. Ocasionalmente, agonistas dopaminérgicos (DA), sobretudo a cabergolina, também podem ser eficazes. Em contraste, DA e SRIFa raramente induzem uma significante redução das dimensões dos ACNFs. Por isso, em pacientes com tais tumores, essas drogas devem ser principalmente consideradas diante de contra-indicações ou limitações clínicas para a cirurgia ou quando a cirurgia e a radioterapia tenham sido mal-sucedidas.This article reviews the potencial role of medical treatment for both ACTH and TSH secreting pituitary adenomas, as well as for clinically non-functionning pituitary adenomas (CNFPA). Metyrapone, mitotane and ketoconazole (preferable for causing less side-effects) are the most effective drugs for the control of hypercortisolism but none of them surpasses the efficacy of transsphenoidal surgery (TSA). Drug therapy in Cushing's disease is therefore better indicated for patients waiting for the full effect of radiotherapy or, as an alternative to radiotherapy, for cases of TSA failure as well as patients that refuse or have clinical limitations to surgery. Other potential indications for medical treatment in Cushing's disease include elderly patients with microadenomas or small macroadenomas, as well as cases associated to an empty sella. Concerning TSH-secreting adenomas, somatostatin analogues (SRIFa) lead to normalization of thyroid hormones in up to 95% of treated patients. Therefore they may represent an useful tool for long-term treatment of such rare tumors in case of surgery failure or as primary therapy for selected cases. Occasionaly, dopamine agonists (DA), especially cabergoline, may also be efficacious in normalizing hormone levels. In contrast, DA and SRIFa rarely induce significant tumor shrinkage in patients with CNFPA. Thus, these drugs should be considered particularly for patients who are poor candidates for surgery or in whom surgery and radiotherapy have failed to control the disease

    Tratamento medicamentoso dos tumores hipofisários. Parte I : prolactinomas e adenomas secretores de GH

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    O recente desenvolvimento de novas drogas, particularmente os análogos da somatotastina (SRIFa), representou um grande progresso na terapia dos tumores hipofisários. Os SRIFa mostram-se bastante eficazes na normalização dos níveis de GH e IGF-1 em acromegálicos e podem ser uma alternativa para a cirurgia transesfenoidal, mas seu uso como terapia primária da acromegalia fica limitado pelo pequeno efeito dessas drogas na redução das dimensões do tumor. Os resultados preliminares com os antagonistas do receptor de GH, como o pegvisomant, são bastante animadores. Tais drogas permitem a normalização do IGF-1 e melhora clínica em mais de 80% dos casos; entretanto, não causam redução tumoral. Agonistas dopaminérgicos (DA) representam a terapia de escolha para microprolactinomas sintomáticos e macroprolactinomas, permitindo normalização dos níveis da prolactina e redução do volume do adenoma na maioria dos pacientes. Podem também ser eventualmente eficazes em acromegálicos, sobretudo naqueles com adenomas co-secretores de prolactina e níveis não muito elevados de GH e IGF-1. Devido a sua maior eficácia e melhor tolerabilidade, a cabergolina representa o DA de escolha para o manuseio dos prolactinomas e da acromegalia.The recent development of new drugs, particularly the somatostatin analogues (SRIFa), represents a great advance in the therapy of pituitary tumours. SRIFas are very effective in normalizing GH and IGF-1 levels in acromegaly and may be an effective alternative to transsphenoidal surgery. However, their usefulness as primary therapy for acromegaly is limited due to the small effect on tumour size. According to early data from clinical trials, pegvisomant, a GH receptor antagonist, seems to be a promising therapeutic tool in the management of acromegalic patients. This drug induces significant clinical improvement and normalization of IGF-1 levels in nearly all patients. However, it does not induce tumor shrinkage. Dopamine agonists (DA) are the preferred therapy for both symptomatic microprolactinomas and macroprolactinomas; their use result in normalization of prolactin levels and tumor shrinkage in most treated patients. They also may be useful in acromegaly, mainly in patients whose adenoma co-secrete prolactin and those with mild elevation of GH and IGF-1 levels. Due to its greater effectiveness and better tolerability, cabergoline represents the DA of choice for the management of prolactinomas and acromegaly

    Prolactinomas Resistant to Treatment With Dopamine Agonists: Long-Term Follow-Up of Six Cases

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    Introduction: Prolactinomas are preferentially treated with dopamine agonists. However, a few adenomas are resistant to this treatment.Objective: To evaluate the characteristics of patients with resistance to dopamine agonists in the long-term.Method: A retrospective study of six cases was made. Patients who did not achieve normalized prolactin blood concentrations and a reduction of more than 50% of the tumor volume with the minimum dose of 3.5 mg per week of cabergoline for 3 months or the maximum supported dose of bromocriptine for 6 months were considered resistant to dopamine agonists. Patients were followed up at the Clinic of Neurology and Endocrinology or the University Hospital of Brasilia.Results: Six patients were selected. Three patients were initially treated with bromocriptine prior to treatment with cabergoline. Four patients were men, and two were women. At the time of diagnosis, ages ranged from 9 to 62 years. Initial prolactin concentrations ranged from 430 to 14,992 ng/mL and in the last assessment ranged from 29.6 to 2,169 ng/mL. The tumor volume ranged from 0.77 to 24.0 mm3. Tumor regression occurred in all patients, ranging from 20 to 100%, but total disappearance of the adenoma with an empty sella occurred in one patient. The maximum weekly doses of cabergoline ranged from 3.0 to 4.5 mg. Follow-up time ranged from seven to 17 years. Normalization of prolactin concentrations occurred only in one woman after 17 years of treatment. Three patients also underwent surgery, but only one woman was cured of the disease.Conclusion: This study confirms that tumors resistant to dopamine agonists are more aggressive, since we did not have any microadenoma; treatment with high dose of cabergoline may reduce the size of the tumor without its disappearance, and that normalization of prolactin concentration rarely occurs. To our knowledge, this is the longest follow-up of a series of cases with resistance to dopamine agonists

    Avaliação da atividade física na prática de vida diária comparada com o nível de atividade da doença em pacientes acromegálicos : impacto na percepção da qualidade de vida

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    OBJETIVO: Avaliar a qualidade de vida e sua associação com a prática de vida diária e controle metabólico em pacientes portadores de acromegalia. SUJEITOS E MÉTODOS: Estudo seccional de série de casos, composto por 42 pacientes recrutados na Unidade de Neuroendocrinologia do Hospital Universitário de Brasília. O nível de atividade física foi estimado pelo Questionário Internacional de Atividade Física (IPAQ-6), que avalia o tempo gasto semanalmente em atividades físicas que variam de intensidade em diferentes contextos de vida. A qualidade de vida foi avaliada pelo questionário SF-36. Os dados obtidos foram comparados aos níveis de hormônio do crescimento (GH) e fator de crescimento semelhante à insulina (IGF-1). Os testes t Students e Fisher foram aplicados e p < 0,05 foram considerados significativos, SPSS 17.0. RESULTADOS: Avaliaram-se 22 mulheres com idades de 51,33 ± 14,33 e 20 homens com idades de 46,2 ±13,18. Artralgia foi relatada em 83% dos pacientes. Em homens, os sítios de dor mais comuns foram os joelhos (73%), coluna vertebral (47% lombar, 53% segmentos torácico e cervical), mãos e quadris (40%). Os maiores escores no SF-36 foram observados em pacientes com níveis intermediário ou alto de atividade física, sobretudo nos domínios social (75 CI 57,3-92,6), saúde geral (75,5 CI 60,4-90,5), saúde mental (70 CI 57,8-82,1). CONCLUSÕES: A presença e a severidade do prejuízo no desempenho físico e dor não se associaram com Gh e IGF-1 no diagnóstico, tempo de exposição prévio à doença. Todavia, pacientes considerados controlados apresentaram melhores escores nos domínios físico e emocional, comparados com pacientes com hipersomatotrofismo persistente. Tais achados sugerem benefícios do controle metabólico na qualidade de vida.OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the quality of life and its association with daily physical activity and disease control in acromegalic patients. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: A cross-sectional, case series study, composed of 42 patients recruited from the Neuroendocrinology Unit of the University Hospital of Brasilia. Level of physical activity was accessed by the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ 6-short-form), which evaluates the weekly time spent on physical activity of moderate to vigorous intensity in different contexts of life. Quality of life was evaluated by The Medical Outcome Study Questionnaire Short Form (SF-36). Data was compared to growth hormone (GH) and insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1) levels. Students' t test and Fisher test were used, p < 0.05, SPSS 17.0. RESULTS: Twenty-two women, aged 51.33 ± 14.33 and 20 men, aged 46.2 ± 13.18 were evaluated. Arthralgia was present in 83% of cases. In men, the most common sites of pain were the knees (73%), spine (47% lumbar, and 53% thoracic and cervical segments), hands and wrists (40%). Higher scores on SF-36 were observed in patients with intermediate or high levels of physical activity, in the domains social functioning (75 CI 57.3-92.6), general health (75.5 CI 60.4-90.5), mental health (70 CI 57.8-82.1). CONCLUSIONS: In this study, the presence and severity of physical disability and pain were not associated with initial GH and IGF-1 levels or time of exposure to GH excess. However, the patients considered controlled, with normal a normal age-adjusted IGF-1, presented higher scores in SF-36, in physical and emotional domains, compared with patients with persistent hypersomatotrophism. These findings suggest benefits of metabolic control in self-reported quality of life

    Transient elastography and controlled attenuation parameter (CAP) in the assessment of liver steatosis in severe adult growth hormone deficiency

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    Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is common in patients with growth hormone deficiency (GHD). Some noninvasive techniques have been used to quantify liver fat, such as the controlled attenuation parameter (CAP). Objective: To evaluate CAP as a tool to identify liver steatosis and its relationship with different clinical and biochemical metabolic parameters in a group of patients with severe adult growth hormone deficiency (AGHD), and to compare the evolution of metabolic profiles after 6 months of human growth hormone (rhGH) replacement therapy in a subgroup of patients. Methods: Cross-sectional observational study at baseline of naive rhGH multiple pituitary hormonal deficiency (MPHD) hypopituitarism patients. A 6-month intervention clinical trial in a selected group of a non-randomized, non-controlled cohort was also applied. Results: Liver stiffness measurement (LSM) was normal in severe AGHD patients. CAP evaluation showed steatosis in 36.3% of baseline patients (8/22), associated with higher BMI, waist circumference, insulin, and alanine aminotransferase (ALT) levels. According to steatosis degree by CAP, child-onset growth hormone deficiency (CO-GHD) was graded as 68.75% (11/16) S0, 12.5% (2/16) S1, and 18.75% (3/16) S3, whereas AO-GHD was graded as 50% (3/6) S0, 16.66% (1/6) S2, and 33.33% S3. After 6 months of hrGH replacement, CAP measurements did not change significantly, neither on group without hepatic steatosis at baseline (194.4 ± 24.3 vs. 215.4 ± 51.3; p = 0.267) nor on the group with hepatic steatosis (297.2 ± 32.3 vs. 276.4 ± 27.8; p = 0.082). A significant improvement of body composition was observed only in the first group. Conclusions: We have demonstrated the importance of CAP as a non-invasive tool in the liver steatosis identification on hypopituitary patients. This method may be an important indicator of the severity of metabolic disorders in MPHD patients. In our study, no liver health modification in LSM at baseline or after 6 months of rhGH replacement was found. Longer studies can help to establish the potential repercussions of growth hormone replacement therapy on liver steatosis

    A review on the diagnosis and treatment of patients with clinically nonfunctioning pituitary adenoma by the Neuroendocrinology Department of the Brazilian Society of Endocrinology and Metabolism

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    Clinically nonfunctioning pituitary adenomas (NFPA) are the most common pituitary tumors after prolactinomas. The absence of clinical symptoms of hormonal hypersecretion can contribute to the late diagnosis of the disease. Thus, the majority of patients seek medical attention for signs and symptoms resulting from mass effect, such as neuro-ophthalmologic symptoms and hypopituitarism. Other presentations include pituitary apoplexy or an incidental finding on imaging studies. Mass effect and hypopituitarism impose high morbidity and mortality. However, early diagnosis and effective treatment minimizes morbidity and mortality. In this publication, the goal of the Neuroendocrinology Department of the Brazilian Society of Endocrinology and Metabolism is to provide a review of the diagnosis and treatment of patients with NFPA, emphasizing that the treatment should be performed in reference centers. This review is based on data published in the literature and the authors’ experience. Arch Endocrinol Metab. 2016;60(4):374-9