5 research outputs found

    Uncoupling DELLAs Function in Growth Repression and Abiotic Stress Signalling

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    Tesis Doctoral inédita leída en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Facultad de Ciencias, Departamento de Biología Molecular. Fecha de Lectura: 19-02-2021Esta tesis tiene embargado el acceso al texto completo hasta el 19-08-2022DELLA proteins play a master role in the control of gibberellin (GA) signalling. In the absence of GAs, these GRAS repressors act as growth inhibitors through the interaction with several transcription factors (TFs) or signalling regulators, like the PHYTOCHROME INTERACTING FACTORS (PIFs), and prevent them for binding to DNA, thus interfering with the expression of their target genes. DELLA proteins can also co-occupy promoter regions in a complex with TFs by binding a protein region different than the DNA-binding domain, thus acting as co-activators or co-repressors of their transcriptional partners (Davière and Achard, 2015). Moreover, GA-deficient/-insensitive mutants which accumulate DELLAs are more tolerant to abiotic stresses, although the molecular mechanisms driving this response are little understood (Colebrook et al., 2014). In this work, we postulate that DELLAs lead to growth inhibition and protection against abiotic stresses via each of these alternative sequestration or co-activation mechanisms. Our aim has been to uncouple both functions by identifying allelic mutations that interfere with DELLA-PIFs interaction, and therefore cancel their blocking effects on these growth promoting factors. To do so, we have screened an allelic GAI library for mutations that compromise the interaction of this protein with the PIF DNA binding domain but preserve its binding to the WUSCHEL-related factor WOX9, conferring tolerance to salinity. Mutations A325V, D315G and A325T identified by Y2H locate into the second leucine heptad repeat (LHRII) of the GRAS DELLAs domain and are exposed to the protein surface, revealing this external region as a PIF-interacting domain. Plants expressing a stable form of the GAI A325T allele show longer floral stems, develop more branches and generate a greater number of siliques and seeds than those expressing a stable form the wild-type protein, whereas both lines display a similar behaviour upon salt stress. In addition, we have in vivo validated a role of several DELLA-interacting TFs in enhancing plant tolerance to salinity in greenhouse assays. New TFs found to confer tolerance to salt stress include SEPALLATA 2 (SEP2), AINTEGUMENTA (ANT) and TRASPARENT TESTA 2 (TT2), therefore identifying these TFs as novel loci to the selection of genotypes that better cope with the osmotic and ionic toxicity effects of saline irrigation water.Las proteínas DELLA ejercen un papel central en el control de la señalización por giberelinas (GAs). En ausencia de GAs, estos represores GRAS actúan como inhibidores del crecimiento debido a su la interacción con diversos factores de transcripción (FTs), como los PHYTOCHROME-INTERACTING FACTORS (PIFs), impidiendo la unión de éstos al ADN e interfiriendo así en la expresión de sus genes diana. Las DELLAs son además capaces de coocupar regiones promotoras junto a diversos FTs interactuando a través de una región de la proteína diferente a su dominio de unión al ADN, ejerciendo una función co-activadora o co-represora de la transcripción (Davière y Achard, 2015). Asimismo, se ha visto que una deficiente señalización por giberelinas, lo cual supone una acumulación de las DELLAs, confiere tolerancia a distintos estreses abióticos. Sin embargo, los mecanismos moleculares que conducen a esta respuesta son aún desconocidos (Colebrook et al., 2014). En este trabajo, proponemos que el papel de las DELLAs en la represión del crecimiento y en la protección frente a estreses abióticos depende de estos mecanismos alternativos de secuestro y co-activación. Nuestro objetivo ha sido el de desacoplar ambas funciones mediante la identificación de mutaciones alélicas que interfieren con la interacción DELLAs-PIFs y, por tanto, anulan su inhibición sobre estos factores de crecimiento. Para ello, hemos cribado una genoteca de variantes alélicas de GAI e identificado varias mutaciones que comprometen la interacción de esta proteína con los PIFs, pero conservan su interacción con WOX9, el cual confiere tolerancia a salinidad. Las mutaciones identificadas por Y2H – A325V, D315G y A325T – se localizan en el segundo motivo de héptada repetida de leucinas (LHRII) y están expuestas en la superficie de la proteína, lo que revela que esta región es un dominio de interacción con los PIFs. Las plantas que expresan una forma estable del alelo GAI A325T muestran un fenotipo con tallos florales más largos, generan más ramas y silicuas que el alelo silvestre, mientras que ambos son capaces de promover tolerancia a salinidad. Finalmente, hemos validado in vivo el papel de una serie de FTs que interactúan con las DELLAs en promover la tolerancia a salinidad en ensayos en invernadero. Estos factores incluyen a SEPALLATA 2 (SEP2), AINTEGUMENTA (ANT) y TRASPARENT TESTA 2 (TT2), lo cual identifica a estos genes como nuevos candidatos para la selección de variedades con una mejor respuesta adaptativa a la salinidad

    A quantitative gibberellin signalling biosensor reveals a role for gibberellins in internode specification at the shoot apical meristem

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    Growth at the shoot apical meristem (SAM) is essential for shoot architecture construction. The phytohormones gibberellins (GA) play a pivotal role in coordinating plant growth, but their role in the SAM remains mostly unknown. Here, we developed a ratiometric GA signalling biosensor by engineering one of the DELLA repressors, to suppress its master regulatory function in GA transcriptional responses while preserving its degradation upon GA sensing. We demonstrate that this novel degradation-based biosensor accurately reports on cellular changes in GA levels and perception during development. We used this biosensor to map GA signalling activity in the SAM. We show that high GA signalling is found primarily in cells located between organ primordia that are the precursors of internodes. By gain- and loss-of-function approaches, we further demonstrate that GAs regulate cell division plane orientation to establish the typical cellular organisation of internodes, thus contributing to internode specification in the SAM

    A quantitative gibberellin signaling biosensor reveals a role for gibberellins in internode specification at the shoot apical meristem

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    Abstract Growth at the shoot apical meristem (SAM) is essential for shoot architecture construction. The phytohormones gibberellins (GA) play a pivotal role in coordinating plant growth, but their role in the SAM remains mostly unknown. Here, we developed a ratiometric GA signaling biosensor by engineering one of the DELLA proteins, to suppress its master regulatory function in GA transcriptional responses while preserving its degradation upon GA sensing. We demonstrate that this degradation-based biosensor accurately reports on cellular changes in GA levels and perception during development. We used this biosensor to map GA signaling activity in the SAM. We show that high GA signaling is found primarily in cells located between organ primordia that are the precursors of internodes. By gain- and loss-of-function approaches, we further demonstrate that GAs regulate cell division plane orientation to establish the typical cellular organization of internodes, thus contributing to internode specification in the SAM

    La vivienda cueva en el Altiplano de Granada. Proyecto “La Herradura”, Huéscar. Universidad y Patrimonio

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