10 research outputs found

    Cambio climático en el Perú. Consideraciones en relación al impacto económico y social

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    El Perú es uno de los países donde el fenómeno del Cambio Climático (CC) merece ocupar un lugarcentral dentro de las políticas de estado, dada su importancia en relación a las perspectivas decrecimiento económico sostenible y desarrollo y bienestar social. Con una geografía diversa, que serefleja en una variedad de ecosistemas, el Perú es uno de los países con mayor potencial para eldesarrollo de mecanismos de mitigación del CC; sin embargo a la vez resulta ser altamente vulnerablea este mismo fenómeno y sus secuelas. De igual forma, la realidad socioeconómica del país deja enclaro que existen sectores de la población en situación de riesgo; que son precisamente aquellosque históricamente han sido victimas de la inequidad y la marginación. Así, el costo estimado dehacer frente al CC debe ser considerado como un inversión necesaria, a fin de prevenir los mayorescostos; económicos y sociales; que produciría la inacción del estado en este frente. Por ello, serequiere una política de estado frente al CC de carácter integral, que combine y balancee iniciativastanto en el campo de la mitigación como de la adaptación, con el objetivo de contribuir y asegurar elcrecimiento sostenible e inclusivo

    La educación en el presupuesto público para el año 2023 : asignaciones y prioridades. Documento de trabajo

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    El presente documento ofrece una perspectiva preliminar sobre la asignación de recursos para la Educación en el PP para el año 2023, en sus diversas áreas de gasto, identificando las prioridades y su concordancia con lo establecido por el PEN 2036, en particular con la orientación estratégica N° 8, que propone: Un financiamiento público suficiente que prioriza la asignación de recursos según la diversidad de necesidades garantizando equidad, transparencia y rendición de cuentas

    Cambio climático en el Perú. Consideraciones en relación al impacto económico y social

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    El Perú es uno de los países donde el fenómeno del Cambio Climático (CC) merece ocupar un lugar central dentro de las políticas de estado, dada su importancia en relación a las perspectivas de crecimiento económico sostenible y desarrollo y bienestar social. Con una geografía diversa, que se refleja en una variedad de ecosistemas, el Perú es uno de los países con mayor potencial para el desarrollo de mecanismos de mitigación del CC; sin embargo a la vez resulta ser altamente vulnerable a este mismo fenómeno y sus secuelas. De igual forma, la realidad socioeconómica del país deja en claro que existen sectores de la población en situación de riesgo; que son precisamente aquellos que históricamente han sido victimas de la inequidad y la marginación. Así, el costo estimado de hacer frente al CC debe ser considerado como un inversión necesaria, a fin de prevenir los mayores costos; económicos y sociales; que produciría la inacción del estado en este frente. Por ello, se requiere una política de estado frente al CC de carácter integral, que combine y balancee iniciativas tanto en el campo de la mitigación como de la adaptación, con el objetivo de contribuir y asegurar el crecimiento sostenible e inclusivo

    The Endocrine Disruptor Compound Bisphenol-A (BPA) Regulates the Intra-Tumoral Immune Microenvironment and Increases Lung Metastasis in an Experimental Model of Breast Cancer

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    Breast cancer (BC) metastasis represents the main physiopathology leading to poor prognosis and death. Bisphenol A (BPA) is a pollutant, classified as an endocrine-disrupting chemical compound with estrogenic properties, their exposure in the early stages of neonatal life leads to an increase in the size and weight of breast tumors and induces cellular changes in the tumoral immune microenvironment where cytokines play a key role. Thus, we used female BALB/c mice exposed neonatally to a single dose of BPA. Once mice reached sexual maturity, a mammary tumor was induced, injecting 4T1 cells in situ. After 25 days of injection, we evaluated endocrine alterations, cytokine expression, tissue alterations denoted by macro or micro-metastasis in the lung, and cell infiltration induced by metastasis. We found that BPA neonatal treatment did not show significant endocrine alterations. Noteworthy, BPA led to an augmented rate of metastasis to the lung associated with higher intratumoral expression of IL-1β, IL-6, IFN-γ, TNF-α, and VEGF. Our data suggest that cytokines are key players in the induction of BC metastasis and that BPA (an environmental pollutant) should be considered as a risk factor in the clinical history of patients as a possible inductor of BC metastasis

    Sex-associated protective effect of early bisphenol-A exposure during enteric infection with Trichinella spiralis in mice.

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    Bisphenol A (BPA) is an endocrine disruptor compound with estrogenic activity, possessing affinity for both nuclear (ERα and ERβ) and membrane estrogen receptors. The main source of BPA exposure comes from the contamination of food and water by plastic storage containers or disposable bottles, among others, in which case BPA is easily ingested. Exposure to BPA during early pregnancy leads to lifelong effects; however, its effect on the immune system has not been fully studied. Since endocrine and immune systems interact in a bidirectional manner, the disruption of the former may cause permanent alterations of the latter, thus affecting a future anti-parasitic response. In this study, neonate BALB/c mice were exposed to a single dose of BPA (250 μg/kg); once sexual maturity was reached, they were orally infected with Trichinella spiralis (T. spiralis). The analyses performed after 5 days of infection revealed a decreased parasitic load in the duodenum of mice in the BPA-treated group. Flow cytometry analyses also revealed changes in the immune cell subpopulations of the infected animals when compared to the BPA-treated group. RT-PCR analyses of duodenum samples showed an increased expression of TNF-α, IFN-γ, IL-4, IL-5, and IL-9 in the BPA-treated group. These findings show a new aspect whereby early-life exposure to BPA contributes to the protection against T. spiralis by modulating the anti-parasitic immune response

    Green Approach Extraction of Perezone from the Roots of Acourtia platyphilla (A. Grey): A Comparison of Four Activating Modes and Supercritical Carbon Dioxide

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    Perezone, a sesquiterpene quinone, is a very important molecule due to its pharmacological activities in addition to the fact that it is considered to be the first secondary metabolite isolated in the new world (America–Mexico, 1852). This study aims to offer a green comparative study about the extraction of the target molecule from the roots of the vegetable specimen Acourtia platyphilla (A. Grey). The study was performed comparing five different modes of extraction: supercritical CO2, electromagnetic infrared and microwave irradiations, mechanical-wave ultrasound versus typical mantle heating procedure. An exhaustive comparative-discussion of the obtained results is provided. It is worth noting that the corresponding quantifications were established using 1H NMR, correlating appropriately the integrals of the vinylic proton H-6 of perezone with the aromatic singlet of p-dinitrobenzene employed as an internal reference. It is also important to highlight that the four presented procedures are novel modes to extract perezone. Finally, a complementary study about the solubility of the target sesquiterpene quinone related to the use of supercritical CO2 is also reported

    Intratumoral Treatment with 5-Androstene-3β, 17α-Diol Reduces Tumor Size and Lung Metastasis in a Triple-Negative Experimental Model of Breast Cancer

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    Breast cancer treatment failure is related to low response rates, high costs, and long-term toxicities. Thus, it is necessary to find less toxic, cheaper, and more effective treatments. In situ administration ensures drug delivery to tumor cells and decreases systemic toxic effects. The androstene-3β, 17α-diol (α-AED) reduces breast tumor cell proliferation and is an ideal candidate to treat mammary tumors. This study aims to identify the in vitro and in vivo effects of α-AED on a triple-negative mammary tumor model. An in vitro biphasic steroid effect was observed in mouse and human mammary tumor cells treated with α-AED. In this sense, cells treated with higher doses (100 and 200 μM) showed an antiproliferative effect. The α-AED administrated intratumorally reduced average tumor weight and increased the percentage of natural killer cells (NK), plasmatic, and plasmablast cells in mice tumors. Of note, VEGF levels in all α-AED-treated tumors was lower than in the control and vehicle groups. The tumor in situ increased response was reflected systemically by higher anti-4T1 IgG concentration in serum from α-AED-treated mice, but no other associated systemic changes were detected. The reduction in tumor size for the local injection of α-AED is associated with the anti-proliferative effect of this steroid, and the lower local levels of VEGF may be related to the imperceptible macroscopic metastasis in α-AED-treated mice. The above suggests that α-AED may be used in clinical studies to prove its efficacy as an alternative breast tumor treatment or in conjunction with already established therapies

    Tópicos selectos de ciencias químicas

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    La Química es una de las ramas de la ciencia que ha tomado mayor importancia en las últimas décadas. Es imposible no pensar en ella al escuchar los avances milagrosos de fármacos, materiales inteligentes, tecnología nanométrica, computadoras cuánticas o procesos catalíticos, donde la transformación controlada de la materia ha logrado la creación de sustancias con propiedades hechas a medida. En ese sentido, el papel de la Facultad de Química, en la formación de profesionales de dicha área, cobra una importancia superlativa; además del compromiso y la responsabilidad de formar sujetos no sólo con conocimiento, sino desarrollar su conciencia social y ecológica, indispensables para la situación actual y futura.Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México