27 research outputs found

    Untersuchungen zum Einfluss von 17 beta-Estradiol auf Gelenkknorpelgewebe unter proinflammatorischen Bedingungen in vitro

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    Osteoarthrose, eine Gelenkerkrankung in dessen Mittelpunkt die fortschreitende Zerstörung des Gelenkknorpels steht, erlebt aufgrund unserer alternden Gesellschaft eine steigende Inzidenz. Epidemiologische Untersuchungen zeigen die Besonderheit, dass postmenopausale Frauen besonders häufig unter Arthrose leiden, so dass man vermutet, die Knorpeldegeneration sei mit einem Mangel an Estradiol assoziiert. Experimente mit isolierten Knorpelzellen konnten den vermuteten protektiven Effekt des Estradiols überwiegend bestätigen, wohingegen Daten zu der Wirkung von Estradiol auf den Gewebeverband kaum vorliegen. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird daher an einem in vitro Modell untersucht, welchen Einfluss Estradiol auf Knorpelexplantate unter proinflammatorischen Bedingungen ausübt

    Systematic review on diabetes mellitus and dental implants: an update

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    Purpose Dental implant surgery was developed to be the most suitable and comfortable instrument for dental and oral rehabilitation in the past decades, but with increasing numbers of inserted implants, complications are becoming more common. Methods A systematic literature research based on the PRISMA statement was conducted to answer the PICO question "Do diabetic patients with dental implants have a higher complication rate in comparison to healthy controls?". We included 40 clinical studies and 16 publications of aggregated literature in this systematic review. Results We conclude that patients with poorly controlled diabetes mellitus suffer more often from peri-implantitis, especially in the post-implantation time. Moreover, these patients show higher implant loss rates than healthy individuals in long term. Whereas, under controlled conditions success rates are similar. Perioperative anti-infective therapy, such as the supportive administration of antibiotics and chlorhexidine, is the standard nowadays as it seems to improve implant success. Only few studies regarding dental implants in patients with prediabetic conditions are available, indicating a possible negative effect on developing peri-implant diseases but no influence on implant survival. Conclusion Dental implant procedures represent a safe way of oral rehabilitation in patients with prediabetes or diabetes mellitus, as long as appropriate precautions can be adhered to. Accordingly, under controlled conditions there is still no contraindication for dental implant surgery in patients with diabetes mellitus or prediabetic conditions

    Introducing a Novel Experimental Model for Osseo-Disintegration of Titanium Dental Implants Induced by Monobacterial Contamination: An In-Vivo Feasibility Study

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    Background and Objectives: The aim of the current study was to establish an osseo-disintegration model initiated with a single microorganism in mini-pigs. Materials and Methods: A total of 36 titanium dental implants (3.5 mm in diameter, 9.5 mm in length) was inserted into frontal bone (n: 12) and the basis of the corpus mandible (n: 24). Eighteen implants were contaminated via inoculation of Enterococcus faecalis. Six weeks after implant insertion, bone-to-implant contact (BIC) ratio, interthread bone density (ITBD), and peri-implant bone density (PIBD) were examined. In addition to that, new bone formation was assessed via fluorescence microscopy, histomorphometry, and light microscopical examinations. Results: Compared to the sterile implants, the contaminated implants showed significantly reduced BIC (p < 0.001), ITBD (p < 0.001), and PBD (p < 0.001) values. Around the sterile implants, the green and red fluorophores were overlapping and surrounding the implant without gaps, indicating healthy bone growth on the implant surface, whereas contaminated implants were surrounded by connective tissue. Conclusions: The current experimental model could be a feasible option to realize a significant alteration of dental-implant osseointegration and examine novel surface decontamination techniques without impairing local and systemic inflammatory complications

    Microbiological Characteristics and Surgical Management of Animal-Bite-Related Oral & Maxillofacial Injuries: A Single Center's Experience

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    The objective of the current study is to retrospectively evaluate animal-bite injuries and to gain insight into the epidemiology, accident consequences and treatment concept of these accidents in oral and maxillofacial surgery. Data of patients, who were admitted January 2015 and April 2021, were retrospectively evaluated regarding the patients' characteristics (age, gender), facial distribution of substance defects/partial amputations, duration of hospitalization, operation treatments and antibiotic treatments. Data of 75 patients were included. Patients were bitten by dogs (n = 69.92%), cats (n = 4) and horses (n = 2). Lower eyelid/cheek complex was the most affected region (n = 37, 32.74%). Most of the patients between 0 and 3 years had to be operated on under general anesthesia (p = 0.011), while most of the adults could be operated on under local anesthesia (p = 0.007). In the age group 0-12 years, 30 patients (68%) were operated on under general anesthesia. Ampicillin/Sulbactam (48%) was the antibiotic most used. Antibiotics were adjusted after wound swabs in case of wound infections or critical wound conditions. This means that resistant antibiotics were stopped, and sensitive antibiotics were used. Structured surgical and antibiotic management of animal-bite wounds in the maxillofacial region is the most important factor for medical care to avoid long-term aesthetic consequences. Public health actions and policies under the leadership of an interdisciplinary committee could improve primary wound management, healing outcome and information status in the general population

    Consequences of the COVID-19 Pandemic and Governmental Containment Policies on the Detection and Therapy of Oral Malignant Lesions-A Retrospective, Multicenter Cohort Study from Germany

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    (1) Background: In response to the global COVID-19 pandemic, governmental measures have been undertaken. The impact of the crisis on the healthcare of patients with cancer is largely unexplored. This multicenter cohort study aimed to investigate a potential screening delay and its consequences in patients with oral cancer (OC) during the pandemic. (2) Material and Methods: Data of patients who were first diagnosed with OC during different periods were collected, especially in terms of OC incidence, tumor stage/entity and time to intervention. The periods lockdown (LD) (13 March-16 June 2020), post-lockdown (PLD) (17 June-1 November 2020), and the corresponding equivalents in 2018/19 were differentiated and compared. (3) Results: There was no obvious trend towards a higher incidence of OC or higher tumor stages, whereas a trend towards a shorter time to intervention during the LD2020 could be observed. Subgroup analyses revealed an increased incidence in OC within the PLD2020 in Mainz, which might be explained by the partial closure of dental practices in this federal state during LD. (4) Conclusions: While there was no overall higher incidence of OC, we found closure of practices during LD to possibly delay cancer diagnosis. Therefore, measures must be taken to identify patients at risk and to ensure basic healthcare, especially in the context of dental screening measures

    A Novel Surface Modification Strategy via Photopolymerized Poly-Sulfobetaine Methacrylate Coating to Prevent Bacterial Adhesion on Titanium Surfaces

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    Recent investigations on the anti-adhesive properties of polysulfobetaine methacrylate (pSBMA) coatings had shown promising potential as antifouling surfaces and have given the impetus for the present paper, where a pSBMA coating is applied via photopolymerization on a macro-roughened, sandblasted, and acid-etched titanium implant surface in order to assess its antifouling properties. Current emphasis is placed on how the coating is efficient against the adhesion of Enterococcus faecalis by quantitative assessment of colony forming units and qualitative investigation of fluorescence imaging and scanning electron microscopy. pSBMA coatings via photopolymerization of titanium surfaces seems to be a promising antiadhesion strategy, which should bring substantial benefits once certain aspects such as biodegradation and osseointegration were addressed. Additionally, commercial SAL-titanium substrates may be coated with the super-hydrophilic coating, appearing resistant to physiological salt concentrations and most importantly lowering E. faecalis colonization significantly, compared to titanium substrates in the as-received state. It is very likely that pSBMA coatings may also prevent the adhesion of other germs

    Marine Algae Incorporated Polylactide Acid Patch: Novel Candidate for Targeting Osteosarcoma Cells without Impairing the Osteoblastic Proliferation

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    Biodegradable collagen-based materials have been preferred as scaffolds and grafts for diverse clinical applications in density and orthopedy. Besides the advantages of using such bio-originated materials, the use of collagen matrices increases the risk of infection transmission through the cells or the tissues of the graft/scaffold. In addition, such collagen-based solutions are not counted as economically feasible approaches due to their high production cost. In recent years, incorporation of marine algae in synthetic polymers has been considered as an alternative method for preparation grafts/scaffolds since they represent abundant and cheap source of potential biopolymers. Current work aims to propose a novel composite patch prepared by blending Sargassum vulgare powders (SVP) to polylactide (PLA) as an alternative to the porcine-derived membranes. SVP-PLA composite patches were produced by using a modified solvent casting method. Following detailed material characterization to assess the cytocompatibility, human osteoblasts (HOBs) and osteosarcoma cells (SaOS-2) were seeded on neat PLA and SVP-PLA patches. MTT and BrdU assays indicated a greater cytocompatibility and higher proliferation for HOBs cultured on SVP-PLA composite than for those cultured on neat PLA. SaOS-2 cells cultured on SVP-PLA exhibited a significant decrease in cell proliferation. The composite patch described herein exhibits an antiproliferative effect against SaOS-2 cells without impairing HOBs' adhesion and proliferation

    Circadian Desynchrony Promotes Metabolic Disruption in a Mouse Model of Shiftwork

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    Shiftwork is associated with adverse metabolic pathophysiology, and the rising incidence of shiftwork in modern societies is thought to contribute to the worldwide increase in obesity and metabolic syndrome. The underlying mechanisms are largely unknown, but may involve direct physiological effects of nocturnal light exposure, or indirect consequences of perturbed endogenous circadian clocks. This study employs a two-week paradigm in mice to model the early molecular and physiological effects of shiftwork. Two weeks of timed sleep restriction has moderate effects on diurnal activity patterns, feeding behavior, and clock gene regulation in the circadian pacemaker of the suprachiasmatic nucleus. In contrast, microarray analyses reveal global disruption of diurnal liver transcriptome rhythms, enriched for pathways involved in glucose and lipid metabolism and correlating with first indications of altered metabolism. Although altered food timing itself is not sufficient to provoke these effects, stabilizing peripheral clocks by timed food access can restore molecular rhythms and metabolic function under sleep restriction conditions. This study suggests that peripheral circadian desynchrony marks an early event in the metabolic disruption associated with chronic shiftwork. Thus, strengthening the peripheral circadian system by minimizing food intake during night shifts may counteract the adverse physiological consequences frequently observed in human shift workers