10 research outputs found

    Supply regulation at Russian regional markets

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    The central concept of the Russian agro-industrial production stabilization programme is a combination of market relations with government protectionist policy. The results achieved in the course of agrarian reforms in Russian regions indicate that there have been provided important legal and organizational conditions for successful functioning of multi-layer agriculture and formation of land market. However, as the paper shows, the agrarian reform still fails to bring about any growth in production. The present situation is such that if the current trends in AIC remain the downswing in production may make another 15% in the nearest years. This requires immediate measures to be taken in order to increase food supply and protect the domestic commodity producers. For the purpose of planning a strategy of further reforms in AIC there have been identified the basic factors of stabilization of regional food markets. The paper contains the results of correlation-regression analysis and the typology of Russian regions based on the evaluation of the factors that govern the food demand and supply and the complex indicator of the level and structure of nourishment. It is shown that if the Russian food market is localized within the bounds of individual regions then the principal factors restraining food consumption are the low level of quality ecologically pure products. The paper also contains suggestions associated with improvement of the taxation system in part it is applied to agricultural commodity producers. principal factors restraining food consumption are the low level of development of the agrarian sector in the region and the insufficient provision of the local processing enterprises with raw agricultural produce. It is proven that the regional agrarian policy must pay due respect for the specific natural and climatic features as well as for the resource potential of the region. Along with this it is clear that food self-provision of regions must not in any way neutralize the production specialization and hamper the development of inter-regional ties. The research shows that the existing underdeveloped market environment is the cause for the low effectiveness of market means of regulation like interest rates and tax privileges. The application of direct economic instruments of regulation such as compensations for the agricultural producers' expenses, intervention purchases, subsidies and budget allocations for realization of investment programmes seems more reasonable in this situation. It is important that the agricultural commodity producers be supported selectively, the most effective ones having the priority. The authors outline some fundamental principles of a flexible price mechanism. The latter allows for the prices adjusted on federal and regional levels, pledge and target prices and price differentials for high quality ecologically pure products. The paper also contains suggestions associated with improvement of the taxation system in part it is applied to agricultural commodity producers.

    Математическая модель коэффициента эластичности в анализе ценовой политики

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    The article deals the mathematical model of elasticity ratio of demand and supply functions as well as a function of income. Demonstrated the practical application of the coefficient of elasticity to support the adoption of effective economic decision

    Development of new compositions for dust control in the mining and mineral transportation industry

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    Dust control in summer and winter periods is a topical problem associated with conducting open pit mining operations; however, at negative temperatures the additional requirements are imposed on dust suppressants. Preventive compositions are proposed, in which light and heavy gas oils, obtained from catalytic cracking and delayed coking, are used as base components. Involvement of heavy fractions allows to increase the flash point, thereby reducing the flammability of dust suppressant, improve its adhesion properties by increasing the content of polyaromatic hydrocarbons and reduce the cost of the final product. In order to improve low-temperature and adsorption properties of developed dust suppressants, heavy oil residues (cracking residue and tar) are included in their composition in various concentrations: 2-10 wt.%. Alternative compositions of dust suppressants, obtained by water emulsification of vinylated alkyd oligomer, are developed; the ability of this dispersion to form strong films on dusty surfaces is examined. The efficiency of using aqueous solution of vinylated alkyd oligomer as a summer dust suppressant is demonstrated. The results of this study include the development of new preventive compositions with improved low-temperature properties and confirmation of the theoretical part of the study by the results of performance tests on a laboratory facility.Alternative compositions of dust suppressors have been developed, which were obtained by emulsifying a vinyl alkyd oligomer (VAO) in water; the ability of this dispersion to form strong films on dusty surfaces has been studied. The efficiency of using an aqueous solution of vinyl alkyd oligomer in the summer period as a dust suppressant is shown. The results of this study are the development of new prophylactic formulations with improved low-temperature properties and confirmation of the theoretical part of the study by the results of tests of operational characteristics in a laboratory facility

    Socio-economic aspects of the development of the tourism and hospitality industry in the Russian Federation

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    This trend has affected both tourist countries and countries where tourism is not the primary economic sector. This paper examines the socio-economic aspects of the development of the Russian Federation's tourism industry in recent years. The objective of the study is to evaluate the development of the tourism industry in Russia. For this purpose, the issues of methodology for collecting official statistical information in tourism are considered, statistical data on tourism development are analyzed, and key indicators of the Tourism Development Strategy in the Russian Federation for the period up to 2035 are analyzed. The authors used general scientific research methods, namely, methods of reviewing the economic literature on the stated topic, analyzing statistical data characterizing the development of tourism in the Russian Federation in 2014–2018, and synthesizing the results obtained. The data source was indicators characterizing the development of the tourism and hospitality industries in Russia, the activities of collective accommodation facilities, and tourist companies. The study describes the social and economic aspects of the development of the tourism and hospitality industries in Russia for 2014–2018, identifies the necessary organizational and economic conditions to increase the volume of domestic tourism through administrative, fiscal, and social measures, proposes mechanisms to stimulate national tourism development to achieve the key indicators of tourism development until 2035

    Innovative development of the building complex on the basis of environmental and energy-efficient technologies

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    The objective of the current study was to determine the priorities of innovative development of the building complex on the basis of the analysis of the environmental and energy-efficient technologies that were applied. Analysis of energy efficiency and environmental technologies in the construction industry showed that residential housing consumes 23% of the total primary energy supply in Russia. The construction sector is responsible for 30% of CO2 emissions into the atmosphere. Russia annually spends approximately 170 million tons of fuel equivalents for heating, ventilation and air conditioning of residential housing. Comparing Russia with the countries of similar climatic conditions it should be noted that energy consumption value in Russia is significantly higher (the excess ranges from 24 to 47% depending upon the building). Having analyzed the housing the authors offer the ways of building complex innovative development that mean the following: reindustrialization of material and technical resources of construction companies and the introduction of managerial innovations; the development and application of new high-tech building structures, products and materials that are to ensure the economic and environmental efficiency of buildings’ construction and operation

    Innovative development of the building complex on the basis of environmental and energy-efficient technologies

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    The objective of the current study was to determine the priorities of innovative development of the building complex on the basis of the analysis of the environmental and energy-efficient technologies that were applied. Analysis of energy efficiency and environmental technologies in the construction industry showed that residential housing consumes 23% of the total primary energy supply in Russia. The construction sector is responsible for 30% of CO2 emissions into the atmosphere. Russia annually spends approximately 170 million tons of fuel equivalents for heating, ventilation and air conditioning of residential housing. Comparing Russia with the countries of similar climatic conditions it should be noted that energy consumption value in Russia is significantly higher (the excess ranges from 24 to 47% depending upon the building). Having analyzed the housing the authors offer the ways of building complex innovative development that mean the following: reindustrialization of material and technical resources of construction companies and the introduction of managerial innovations; the development and application of new high-tech building structures, products and materials that are to ensure the economic and environmental efficiency of buildings’ construction and operation

    Circularly Permuted Dihydrofolate Reductase of \u3cem\u3ee.coli\u3c/em\u3e Has Functional Activity and a Destabilized Tertiary Structure

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    Three circularly permuted variants of Escherichia coli dihydrofolate reductase genes were constructed. Linkers coding tri- and pentapeptides were used to connect the natural 5\u27- and 3\u27-terminal ends. Only one variant of circularly permuted protein with tripeptide linker and the cleavage of the peptide bond between 107 and 108 amino acid residues was produced in a good yield. The expressed protein was insoluble in the cells, but at pH 8.0 and higher the isolated protein was soluble. Enzymatic assay and physical studies have shown that permuted dihydrofolate reductase has a destabilized tertiary structure. Only the addition of the natural substrates or Inhibitors lead to the protein with the native-like structure and functional activity

    Application of non-traditional raw materials in the production of low-humidity bakery products

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    Recently, the use of non-traditional plant components as a functional ingredient in the development of fortified products for healthy and therapeutic nutrition has been very relevant. An analysis was carried out of the influence of the type of functional additive from brown algae and blackcurrant pomace powder on the organoleptic and physico-chemical properties of bakery products of reduced importance - wafer bread. A decrease in dough density, an increase in humidity and wetness of finished products was established when functional ingredients were added to the wafer bread recipe. An increase in the acidity of the experimental samples of enriched wafer breads was noted in comparison with the control sample. An increase in the acidity of the experimental samples of enriched wafer breads was noted in comparison with the control sample with a slight change in their organoleptic characteristics. A high content of iodine and dietary fiber in new types of bakery products with reduced humidity has been established