80 research outputs found

    Legislative measures of the Russian State Russia relating to regulation of entrepreneurial activity between the mid-18th and early 20th centuries

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    This article deals with the laws created by the Russian government in the sphere of the legal regulation of business activity by the rising merchant class, which was characterised by its social status as much as entrepreneurship. Due to the reforms of Peter I and Catherine II, merchants, businessmen and industrialists were brought out of the burgher community and formed into a special group of taxpayers, liable to pay tributes to the treasury directly depending on the value of their capital. Consequently merchants, as well as commoners and guild members, were relieved of various state duties, especially such serious duties as military service. Consistent state support of entrepreneurial activity at the legislative level significantly strengthened the merchantry and encouraged its prominent representatives to conduct diverse business activities. As a result, by the middle of the 19th century the merchantry had become not only the most economically active segment of the population involved in commercial activities, but also the most privileged estate (social group) after the nobility and clergy. This study of the socio-legal status of the Russian merchantry of the mid-18th-early 20th centuries concludes that the merchantry was a special class with the inherent attributes of a closed estate corporation. Due to its relatively high socio-legal status and economic strength, the merchantry played an extremely significant role in the post-reform Russian society

    The technology of developing pupils’ decorative-applied creativity at school: On the example of embroidery

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    © 2016 Fedorenko and Bykova. Open Access terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.The relevance of the study is determined by a decrease in moral criteria among the youth, the loss of the sense of belonging to the homeland history, the collapse of the “connection of times”. To refocus students’ spiritual values is possible by increasing their interest in national traditions and art. The goal of the article is to reveal possibilities of the school subject of “Technology” in developing pupils’ decorative-applied creativity. The leading approach of the study of this problem is an activity approach allowing to consider peculiarities of the teacher and students’ decorative-applied activities on the example of embroidery. The article explores the importance of arts and crafts as a means of students’ personality development. It is proved that the subject area of “Technology” provide wide opportunities for developing decorative-applied creativity conditioned by the specificity of the subject content. The content of the worked out technology for developing pupils’ decorative-applied creativity in the basic school on the example of embroidery is revealed. The article explains the impact of the technology of developing pupils’ decorative-applied creativity within the subject area of “Technology” on the development of pupils’ creative abilities, preservation of national traditions. In this regard, the article will be useful to educators dealing with issues of spiritual and moral upbringing of the younger generation

    Historical reconstruction as a new space of patriotism for youth

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    © 2015 Canadian Center of Science and Education. All rights reserved. In recent years Russia has witnessed a massive expansion of national-patriotic youth associations. Following the decades of officially de-ideologised politics and withdrawal of the state from the discussion of national identity young people turned towards various informal interpretations and enactments of Russianness. The article investigates one particular case of such enactment. It describes cultural, economic, and political practices of the Orthodox military-patriotic club “Rus’” based at the Saint Vladimir church. The club is a scene uniting members of various subcultures. It was formed as a place for young people interested in history, and reconstruction of historical military equipment, and a platform to discuss and promote Russian nationalist ideas. The research, based on participant observation of the club’s activities, and interviews with its members, analyses internal organisation of the club, ideological orientations of its members, and relations with other similar organisations, notably, with the club of Orthodox bikers. The article demonstrates how in Russia a space of a religious institution becomes a platform where subcultural identities are discussed and negotiated

    Kazan educational district in 1917: Transformation of the educational system and problems of school communities

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    © 2017. In the article, the transformation of the Russian educational system caused by the events of the Great Russian Revolution has been studied. In 1917, the educational space of Russia was represented by educational districts. The Kazan Educational District Administration supervised educational institutions of six governorates of Russia under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Education: Kazan and Saratov Universities, Kazan Veterinary Institute, higher women's courses, secondary and lower educational institutions. In 1917, in the Kazan educational district the crisis phenomena were manifested in the instability of the district administrative staff, the politicization of teachers and students. By November 1917, in educational institutions under the authority of the Kazan district the educational process was suspended and the beginning of early Christmas holidays was announced. The Soviet government bodies that came to power in 1917liquidated the system of educational districts transferring their functions to the departments of public education under the governorate Soviets of Workers', Soldiers' and Peasants' Deputies

    National gender policy in public education in the russian empire in the latter half of the 19th - Early 20th centuries

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    © 2016 Saifullova et al.This article presents the national gender policy in public education in the Russian Empire in the latter half of the 19th – early 20th centuries. In the course of work the authors have used special historical research methods enabling to hammer out the facts and to approach historical sources from a critical standpoint. The comparative method allowed the authors to compare statistical data of different periods and to determine the law of development of the educational system and teaching evolution. The structural method enabled to set forth the school system in the Russian Empire and to establish existing links between different school types. The method of historical retrospection served as a requisite for an objective evaluation of public education and position of a teacher. The research is based upon archive materials, statistical data, legal acts and periodicals resulting in deep analysis of public education, assessment of teachers’ position and detection of gender approach in the educational process. For the purpose of this research, the authors have compared the educational process in Vyatka Governorate and modern schools. Along with it, great attention was paid to the study of the teaching staff at those schools and gender peculiarities at selection of teachers. As a comparison, the authors have presented information on implementation of gender principles at selection of the teaching staff at European schools in the latter half of the 19th – early 20th centuries demonstrating that gender education in the Russian Empire was not peculiar only to Russian schools. In the course of work, the authors arrived at the conclusion that principles of gender education had been implemented at schools of the Russian Empire and are implemented at modern schools. At that, differences between schools of the periods under survey they connect to differences for educational purposes


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    © 2017. In the article, the transformation of the Russian educational system caused by the events of the Great Russian Revolution has been studied. In 1917, the educational space of Russia was represented by educational districts. The Kazan Educational District Administration supervised educational institutions of six governorates of Russia under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Education: Kazan and Saratov Universities, Kazan Veterinary Institute, higher women's courses, secondary and lower educational institutions. In 1917, in the Kazan educational district the crisis phenomena were manifested in the instability of the district administrative staff, the politicization of teachers and students. By November 1917, in educational institutions under the authority of the Kazan district the educational process was suspended and the beginning of early Christmas holidays was announced. The Soviet government bodies that came to power in 1917liquidated the system of educational districts transferring their functions to the departments of public education under the governorate Soviets of Workers', Soldiers' and Peasants' Deputies

    Analysis of Stochastic Splitting in the Two-Dimensional Rulkov Model

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    В статье исследуется двумерная модель Рулькова нейронной активности в зоне замкнутых инвариантных кривых канардного типа. Изучается эффект расщепления под воздействием случайных возмущений. Рассматривается переход от режима тонического спайкинга к режиму стохастического берстинга. Для исследования этих явлений используются метод прямого численного моделирования и метод функции стохастической чувствительности.In this paper, we investigate the two-dimensional Rulkov model of neural activity in the zone of Canard-type closed invariant curves. We are studying the phenomenon of splitting under random disturbances. We are considered the transition from the tonic spiking regime to the stochastic bursting one. The direct numerical simulation and the stochastic sensitivity function technique are used to study these phenomena.Исследование выполнено за счет гранта Российского научного фонда (проект №16-11-10098)


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    We study the nonlinear discrete Rulkov neuron model under the influence of random disturbances. We show that an increase of the noise intensity results in the noise-induced transitions from the quiescence and the tonic spiking regimes to the bursting one. The stochastic sensitivity functions technique and the confidence ellipses method are used for the analysis of these phenomena. The threshold values of the noise intensity are estimated by these techniques

    Kinesins: structure, functions, features of work

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    the article discusses the structure of kinesins, their functions in the body, the participation of kinesins in physiological processesв статье рассмотрено строение кинезинов, их функции в организме, участие кинезинов в физиологических процесса