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    Showa Restoration movement emerged in Japan in the 1930s inspired by the Meiji Restoration of 1889 with the vision of attempting to return Emperor Hirohito to absolute power and radically change the social, economic, and political system of the Japanese Empire. Showa Restoration Movement emerged as a result of social inequality and clashes between political ideologies. Factionalism emerged as a result of the pros and cons of the movement which resulted in the birth of the young officer movement (Seinen Shoko Undo). The Young Officers Movement attempted several coup and assassinations of Japanese political and military figures throughout the 1930s. The largest and last assassination attempt and coup of young officers was the Ni Ni-Roku Jiken (26 February Incident). Based on several newspapers from the Hoji Shinbun digital archive, the rebellion involved at least 1,400 soldiers, occupied several key government buildings in Tokyo, and killed a number of high-ranking officials. After the coup, the army further strengthened its influence in Japanese politics. These influences include the selection of cabinet ministers, expansion doctrine, and military budget. Keyword: Showa Restoration, 26 February Incident, Kodoha, Militaris


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    ABSTRACT Abstract : Aesthetics as theory have expanded along with the developing it, especially in literature and generally in cultural. Modernist aesthetics have rounded into the postmodernist aesthetics. Besides that, aesthetics which is emphasizing at feminism view also expand, that is usually called the feminist aesthetics. These postmodernist aesthetics feminist aesthetics are made as the basis for theory to explain the social phenomena, cultural, and political that can be found on dwilogi Saman and Larung novels by Ayu Utami


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    Abstract Mangongkal holi is one of rituals which be done by society of Tapanuli Utara to regard the soal of forefathers. This ritual is digging, cleaning, and graving againt the bones of forefathers family into the new grave. This new grave is not for one forefathers only but can be fiil up much bones forefathers from the one of marga or klan. On this grave will be built a monument as a symbol of regarding to forefathers. In the ritual of building of the monument full by performance arts such as gondang and tortor


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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat bagaimana perkembangan industri di Kecamatan Driyorejo tahun 1973-1998. Selain itu juga melihat bagaimana dampak industrialisasi di Kecamatan Driyorejo terhadap kehidupan ekonomi masyarakat dan dampaknya terhadap lingkungan tahun 1973-1998. Maka penelitian ini berjudul “Industrialisasi Di Kecamatan Driyorejo Kabupaten Gresik Tahun 1973-1998”. Penelitian ini membahas tentang (1) Perkembangan industrialisasi di Kecamatan Driyorejo. (2) Dampak industrialisasi di Kecamatan Driyorejo. Metode penelitian Data-data yang digunakan penulis yaitu berupa sumber arsip yang didapatkan di Dinas Perpustakaan dan Kearsipan Jawa Timur. Selanjutnya juga menggunakan wawancara kepada orang-orang sejaman dan bersangkutan. Sumber koran Surabaya Post didapatkan di Perpustakaan Medayu Agung. Dan sumber literasi didapatkan di Perpustakaan Unesa, Perpustakan Daerah Jawa Timur, Perpustakaan Daerah Kabupaten Gresik, dan Yayasan Mata Seger. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan Salah satu perusahaan awal yang berdiri di Kecamatan Driyorejo pada tahun 1973 yaitu PT. Surya Kertas, kemudian disusul oleh perusahaan lain di dekade-dekade berikutnya. Total terdapat 68 industri di Kecamatan Driyorejo tahun 1993. Dampak industrialisasi juga berpengaruh pada lingkungan sekitar, salah satunya tercemarnya sungai akibat kegiatan industri. Selain itu juga berpengaruh pada sosial dan ekonomi masyarakat, kiranya pertumbuhan penduduk yang semakin meningkat maka dibangunlah beberapa perumahan oleh pemerintah dan juga swasta, total ada 6 perumahan yang siap huni di tahun 1998. Kata Kunci: Industrialisasi, Driyorejo, Gresik

    Gender dalam Islam: tela’ah pemikiran Siti Musdah Mulia

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    Dalam kajian pemikiran Islam, isu gender merupakan pembahasan penting yang tidak ketinggalan bahkan menjadi isu kontemporer, baik di dunia Islam sendiri maupun Barat. Urgensi pembahasannya berkaitan dengan kondisi riil dalam ranah semua kehidupan sosial, politik dan budaya. Mengingat hal itu, maka dalam penelitian Gender dalam Islam: Telaah pemikiran siti Musdah Mulia ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan konsep gender menurut Siti Musdah Mulia, sebagaimana ditemukan dalam tafsir-tafsir klasik, masih banyak mempersepsikan perempuan setengah hati bahkan dianggap berada di bawah laki-laki. Akibatnya, dalam konteks prilaku dukungan tafsir bias gender turut menjadi legitimasi sosial akan terjadinya marginalisasi perempuan dalam setiap proses. Terkait dengan teks-teks keagamaan yang berkaitan dengan laki-laki dan perempuan harus kembali ditafsirkan dengan bertolak pada prinsip-prinsip pokok Islam, sebagai agama penebar rahmah bagi semua. Untuk melepas hegemoni tafsir bias jender. Menurut Musdah alangkah baiknya interpretasi atas teks-teks agama harus dilakukan dengan model pendekatan kritis, yaitu pendekatan dengan teori-teori kontemporer dan pendekatan Kebahasaan (Linguistik) baik itu yang bersifat khas maupun ‘am, Tematik. Dengan kata lain, menurut Musdah, sebuah penafsiran harus dilakukan dengan pendekatan tektual dan kontekstual sekaligus. Dengan demikian, untuk menampilkan wajah Islam yang sejati sebagai agama yang mengajarkan konsep tauhid, yang melakukan gerakan reformasi di segala aspek kehidupan, pembebasan manusia dari kezaliman, ketidakadilan, menghapus seluruh bentuk diskriminasi dan subordinasi, persamaan menuju masyarakat yang adil dan makmur (baldatun thayyibatun wa rabbun ghafur) dengan upaya interpretasi baru terhadap teks-teks agama yang bias gender sangat cocok untuk diterapkan dalam konteks kontemporer

    Pemilihan Gubernur Jawa Timur Tahun 2008

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    The 2008 East Java Governor Election was the first opportunity for the People of East Java to elect the Governor and Deputy Governor directly. Many pairs of candidates from various political parties and mass organizations welcomed the 2008 East Java Pilgub with enthusiasm. This study aims to reveal how the 2008 East Java Governor Election process was carried out and the fraud that occurred during the 2008 East Java Governor Election process. Historical research methods were used in this study. Topic selection, heuristics, verification, interpretation, and historiography are the 5 steps of the Historical Research Method used in compiling this research. The recapitulation results of the Election Commission for East Java Province, the Constitutional Court's decision, the latest newspapers, online news portals, and books related to the formulation of the problem are used as the source of this analysis. The Khofifah-Mudjiono (Kaji) and Soekarwo-Syaifullah Yusuf (Karsa) pair advanced to the second round of the 2008 East Java gubernatorial election. In the first round, the Kaji pair won 24.82 percent of the vote, while Karsa won 26.43 percent. Kaji won 7,669,721 votes and Karsa won 7,729,944 in the second round of the 2008 East Java gubernatorial election. After Kaji's defeat, his supporters filed a lawsuit against Karsa with the Constitutional Court. Votes cast in the provinces of Sampang, Pamekasan and Bangkalan were declared invalid by the Constitutional Court, prompting a recount and re-vote. Re-voting was conducted in Bangkalan and Sampang Regencies. Recalculation was carried out in Pamekasan Regency. The final vote recapitulation showed that Karsa won with 7,660,861 votes (50.11%) compared to Kaji's 7,626,757 votes (49.89%). Karsa emerged victorious. Keywords: Regional Election, Pilgub, East Java, Karsa, Kaj

    Peran Dinas Kesehatan Sipil (Burgerlijke Geneeskundigen Dienst) Dalam Penanganan Epidemi Pes di Jawa Timur Pada Tahun 1910-1916

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    At the beginning of the 20nd century the Dutch East Indies was hit by a disease disaster, the disaster was the plague epidemic. This plague epidemic attacked first time in the East Java Province,at the beginning of its arrival caused many victims. In East Java, which was the first area to be infected with the palgue epidemic , the total number of victims was nearly 36.000 people. From the large number of the victims, it can be seen that this disaster is a serious disease disaster, from 1910-1916 various eefforts were also made by the colonial government to overcome this plague epidemic. One of which is the realization of the separation between the Burgerlijke Geneeskundigen Dienst (BGD) with Militaire Geneeskundigen Dinest (MGD) whic is the institution that specifically handles civil society health. Research with the theme of history of health is important to do to find out the health condition of the people during the Dutch East Indies period, especially during the arrival of a major epidemic. Research on health history is also still minimal, so this research is carried out. Conducting in this reasearch, there are four stage of historical reasearch that are passed, the first is heuristic process which is the stage of collecting sources from primary sources in the form of archives belonging to the Dutch East Indies colonial government, the reports of the Burgerlijke Geneeskundigen Dienst (BGD) and Dienst der Pesbestrijding and also the newspapers reporting of the plague epidemic in East Java in 1910-1916, the Medayu Agung Library and interviews with resources persons who have conducted research on the plague epidemic in Java. The second stage is critized of the sources which is a test and verification of the sources that have been obtained, this criticism is carried out internally and externally to the archives, in addition comparisons were also made between these archives with similiar writings. The third stage is interpretation, which is in this stage is interpreting the sources after being verified with the help of social and political sciences. The fourth is historiography, in this stage is the writing of history chronologically and analitically based on the research theme that has been selected. This study will discuss (1) How the beginning of the outbreak of the plague epidemic in East Java ini 1910’ (2) How the policies adopted by Burgerlijke Geneesundigen Dienst (BGD) in handling the plague epidemic in East Java in 1910-1916; (3) How the role of Burgerlijke Geneeskundigen Dienst (BGD) in carrying out handling of the plague epidemic in East Java in 1910-1916. The results of the study is revealed that the origin outbreak of the plague epidemic was from the rice import activities carried out by the colonial government, where the rice was contaminated with the plague bacteria. Due the import activities, then the plague spread which was later designated as an epidemic by the colonial government. With this determination, Burgerlijke Geneeskundigen Dienst (BGD as an intitutions that responsible for the health of civil society must take a role. This role through the polices making such as research and treatment, quarantine/isolation, vaccination and disinfection and the issuance of autonomous institutions, this was carried out as a form of the role of Burgerlijke Geneeskundigen Dienst (BGD) in dealing with the plague epidemic in East Java in 1910-1916 which was carried out directly and indirectly role. Keywords: Plague Epidemic, Burgerlijke Geneeskundigen Dienst (BGD), East Jav


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    K-Pop diawali dengan adanya soft power di Korea Selatan pada mulanya soft power hanya ditujukan untuk kepentingan politik dan juga keuangan negara Korea Selatan akan tetapi lambat laun semakin banyak masyarakat di luar Korea Selatan terutama di Asia menggemari K-pop. Pada mulanya di Indonesia K-pop ditandai dengan adanya drama-drama Korea yang mulai masuk ke stasiun TV Indonesia, musik K-Pop atau lagu-lagu yang umumnya berbahasa Korea. Di Sidoarjo komunitas K-pop pertama muncul tahun 2013 pada mulanya komunitas ini terdiri hanya dari beberapa remaja saja mereka merasa memiliki tujuan dan dan kesamaan dalam menyukai budaya Korea Selatan .Tujuan penelitian ini adalah (1) menganalisis latar belakang munculnya K-Pop; (2) menganalisis perkembangan komunitas KPop di Sidoarjo tahun 2013-2018; (3) menganalisis identitas sosial anggota komunitas K-Pop di Sidoarjo. Berdasarkan hasil analisis terhadap fakta serta sumber-sumber yang telah didapatkan telah diperoleh hasil bahwa. Munculnya K-Pop dilatar belakangi oleh konsep soft power dari Korea Selatan. Konsep modern soft power didasarkan pada penyebaran nilai-nilai budaya tradisional Korea dan budaya pop. Korea Selatan menempatkan penekanan yang besar pada soft power budaya, untuk membentuk citra positif dalam menciptakan merek atau ke-khasan Korea Selatan yang menarik di panggung dunia serta dunia industri entertainment internasional. Perkembangan komunitas K-Pop di Sidoarjo tahun 2013-2018 berawal dari beberapa kelompok remaja yang memiliki kegemaran sama dengan budaya pop Korea berkumpul dan membentuk Fandom dan juga dance cover, hingga pada akhir tahun 2018 mereka memutuskan untuk bergabung menjadi satu komunitas dengan nama Komunitas K-Pop Sidoarjo. Identitas sosial anggota komunitas K-Pop di Sidoarjo umumnya memiliki identitas yang sama yaitu dilihat dari gaya berpakaian yang cenderung menduplikasi artis idola mereka. Kedua dari gaya bahasa kebanyakan anggota komunitas K-Pop menyelipkan bahasa korea ketika mereka mengobrol satu sama lain dengan sesama anggota, dua hal ini yang umumnya menjadi identitas utama dari penggemar anggota K-Pop Sidoarjo pada tahun itu. Kata Kunci: K-pop, Sidoarjo

    The Importance Of Work Life Balance To Improve Work Satisfaction

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    Work-Life Balance as an independent variable consists of three indicators of balance, namely the balance of time, the balance of involvement and the balance of satisfaction. The job satisfaction as a dependent variable is divided into four factors, namely psychological factors, social factors, physical factors and financial factors. This study aims to determine the effect of Work-life balance on employee Job Satisfaction at the Bima Regency Social Service. This type of research uses causal quantitative methods with primary data sources obtained from interviews and questionnaires distributed to 60 respondents. The sampling technique used is simple random interconnection with the Slovin formula. The analytical tool used is the validity and reliability test, simple linear regression, correlation coefficient, coefficient of determination and T-test. The results of this study indicate that Work-life balance has a significant effect on job satisfaction of Bima Regency Social Service employees. This can be seen from the significant value of 0.00