5,989 research outputs found

    Dilalah dalam Perspektif Hukum Islam : Analisis Deskriptif Klasifikasi Dilalah sebagai Penunjukan Atas Hukum dalam Islam

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    In this context, Ulama Ushul defines ushul fiqh in two first ways, a definition based on the arrangement of two lafadz (tarkibil idlafi), namely lafadz ushul and fiqh. Second, the definition of ushul fiqh is the name of an independent knowledge without looking at the lafadz structure that forms it. Etymologically, the word ushul is a plural form of ashl which means "the foundation of something either material or non-material". In terms of terminology, the word ashal has five meanings, namely: Legal basis (al-dalil), such as the ulama's expression "ashl from the obligation to pray is al-Qur'an and al-Sunnah, "the meaning is the legal basis. Foundation or foundation (al-qa'idah al-kulliyah), as the prophet said: "Islam is built on five foundations (khamsati ushul", ushul in this word means the basic foundation (al-qa'idah al-kulliyah). al-rajih), like the ulama's expression "al-ashl fi al-kalam al-haqiqah", which means that the strongest of an expression is its true meaning. Branch or part (al-maqis alayh), such as the expression "al-khamar ashl li al-nabidz ", which means that khomer is part of nabidz which is forbidden because they are both intoxicating. The enforcement of the original law as long as there are no arguments that change it (al-mustashhab), such as the expression of al-ashl al-thaharah" for people who have ablution ' and doubt whether it has been canceled or not, which means that the original law is holy

    Penggunaan Keterampilan Proses dalam Pembelajaran Fikih di SD/MI

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    According to Djamarah, learning with process skills "aims to improve the ability of students to understand, realize and master a series of activities related to learning outcomes that have been achieved by students". According to Roestiyah, the purpose of the learning process is a very important component in the learning strategy; where students want to take it, what students must have, it all depends on the goals to be achieved. According to Indrawati as follows: process skills are social intellectual skills needed to be able to further develop their knowledge or concepts. With these skills, students have the opportunity to be able to acquire new concepts or information - new information. Learning and teaching are inseparable concepts. Beajar refers to what a person must do as a subject in learning. Meanwhile, teaching refers to what a teacher should do as a teacher. Two teaching and learning concepts carried out by students and teachers are integrated in one activity. Between the two, there was an interaction with the teacher. The abilities that students have from the teaching and learning process alone must be able to get results through one's creativity without the intervention of other people as teachers

    Problematika Pembelajaran Aqidah Akhlak di Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Negeri (MIN) Kota Banda Aceh

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    ABSTRACT   The preliminary observations on MIN 5 Banda Aceh and MIN 11 Banda Aceh found that the learning plan that teachers had carried out was not yet optimal, affecting the implementation of learning. Learning evaluation had also not yet included all aspects of competence, in addition to the lack of efforts by schools to improve teacher competency. In this study, the aim was to elucidate the learning problems of morals and aqeedah at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Negeri (MIN/Islamic public elementary school) of Banda Aceh City. This study used the exploratory method with the inductive approach. Data were collected by observation, interview, and documentation, from the school principals, vice principal of curriculum affairs, and teachers. The results showed that the planning of morals and aqeedah learning at MIN 5 Banda Aceh and MIN 11 Banda Aceh was conducted in an initial annual meeting, by compiling a complete set of learning tools and their components by each teacher. The implementation of morals and aqeedah learning at both schools was carried out in varied teaching methods using relevant learning materials. Moreover, the teachers have displayed a good example in front of the students. They have also evaluated the learning with predefined learning objectives. Further, the evaluation of the curriculum at the executive level such  as  the  teachers  was  conducted  in   a  variety  of  ways   including supervising, reminding, reprimanding, giving examples, giving rewards, and giving punishments. In terms of learning evaluation in class, the teachers assessed the students through written tests, practice tests, or observations in accordance with the materials being taught. The efforts taken to improve morals and aqeedah learning at MIN of Banda Aceh were carried out in relation with the problems. For example, on the issue related to the teachers, both schools tried to improve teacher professionalism by holding training in the school and allowing the teachers to take part in training/workshops outside of school. By enhancing teacher professionalism, the learning process in the classroom can also be improved ABSTRAK   Sebagaimana pengamatan awal pada MIN 5 Banda Aceh dan MIN 11 Banda Aceh didapatkan perencanaan pembelajaran belum maksimal, sehingga berpengaruh terhadap pelaksanaan pembelajaran. Evaluasi belum mencakup semua aspek kompetensi serta masih kurangnya upaya sekolah terhadap peningkatan kompetensi guru. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan problematika Pembelajaran Aqidah Akhlak pada MIN Banda Aceh. Penelitian ini mengunakan metode eksploratif dengan pendekat induktif. Melalui metode eksploratif peneliti melakukan pemecahan masalah yang digali secara luas tentang hal-hal yang mempengaruhi terjadinya sesuatu berdasarkan fakta-fakta yang terjadi di lapangan. Untuk mendapatkan data yang akurat dan terpercaya, hal ini dilakukan dengan teknik pengumpulan data melalui observasi, interview dan dokumentasi, baik dengan kepala madrasah, waka kurikulum dan guru. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan Bahwa  perencanaan pembelajaran aqidah akhlak di MIN 5 Banda Aceh dan MIN 11 Banda Aceh dilakukan dalam rapat awal tahunan, dengan menyusun secara lengkap perangkat pembelajaran beserta dengan komponen-komponennya oleh setiap guru aqidah akhlak. Pelaksanaan pembelajaran aqidah akhlak di MIN 5 Banda Aceh dan MIN 11 Banda Aceh sudah digunakan metode pengajaran bervariasi, dan media yang digunakan juga sesuai dengan materi pembelajaran. Guru sudah menampilkan keteladanan baik dihadapan peserta didik. Bahwa evaluasi pembelajaran aqidah akhlak di MIN 5 Banda Aceh dan MIN 11 Banda Aceh dilaksanakan untuk mengetahui apakah tujuan-tujuan pembelajaran telah tercapai sesuai dengan rencana yang telah ditetapkan. Evaluasi terhadap kurikulum pada tingkat pelaksana seperti guru dengan melakukan beragam cara seperti dalam bentuk supervisi, mengingatkan, menegur, memberikan contoh, memberikan reward, memberikan punishment. Untuk evaluasi belajar di kelas, melalui pelaksanaan penilaian siswa baik secara tertulis, praktik, atau pun pengamatan sesuai dengan materi yang diajarkan. Upaya yang ditempuh dalam peningkatan pembelajaran aqidah akhlak di MIN Banda Aceh, dilakukan sesuai dengan problematikanya, misalnya berhubungan dengan guru, MIN 5 Banda Aceh dan MIN 11 Banda Aceh untuk peningkatan profesionalisme guru, maka sekolah mengadakan pelatihan-pelatihan peningkatan kompetensi guru, juga memberikan izin bagi guru yang mengikuti pelatihan/workshop di luar sekolah. Dengan professional guru maka terjadinya peningkatan pembelajaran yang dilakukan guru terhadap peserta didik dalam kelas

    Peran Partisipasi Orang Tua terhadap Motivasi Belajar Siswa di Madrasah Tsanawiyah NW Teros

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    Participation is about taking part in an activity or participation or participation. Participation is the mental and emotional involvement of a person in a group situation that encourages them to support the achievement of the goals of the group and take responsibility for the grup.Motivation is a change in energy in a person (person) which is marked by the emergence of feelings and reactions to achieve goals. Motivation is a force that drives individual activities to carry out activities to achieve goals.Motivation is a condition that causes certain behavior and gives direction and resistance to that behavior. High motivation to learn can be seen from the persistence to achieve success even though it is blocked by various obstacles. High motivation to learn can increase student learning activities. There are three main components in motivation, namely: Needs, encouragement, goals

    Network on Chip: a New Approach of QoS Metric Modeling Based on Calculus Theory

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    A NoC is composed by IP cores (Intellectual Propriety) and switches connected among themselves by communication channels. End-to-End Delay (EED) communication is accomplished by the exchange of data among IP cores. Often, the structure of particular messages is not adequate for the communication purposes. This leads to the concept of packet switching. In the context of NoCs, packets are composed by header, payload, and trailer. Packets are divided into small pieces called Flits. It appears of importance, to meet the required performance in NoC hardware resources. It should be specified in an earlier step of the system design. The main attention should be given to the choice of some network parameters such as the physical buffer size in the node. The EED and packet loss are some of the critical QoS metrics. Some real-time and multimedia applications bound up these parameters and require specific hardware resources and particular management approaches in the NoC switch. A traffic contract (SLA, Service Level Agreement) specifies the ability of a network or protocol to give guaranteed performance, throughput or latency bounds based on mutually agreed measures, usually by prioritizing traffic. A defined Quality of Service (QoS) may be required for some types of network real time traffic or multimedia applications. The main goal of this paper is, using the Network on Chip modeling architecture, to define a QoS metric. We focus on the network delay bound and packet losses. This approach is based on the Network Calculus theory, a mathematical model to represent the data flows behavior between IPs interconnected over NoC. We propose an approach of QoS-metric based on QoS-parameter prioritization factors for multi applications-service using calculus model

    Oil Exports, Non Oil GDP and Investment in the GCC Countries

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    This paper studies the long and short-run relationship between oil exports, non oil GDP and investment in five major oil exporting countries. Its goal is to verify the effect of natural resources exports on the economic performance. It considers the effect of cross sectional correlations and uses the corresponding panel unit root tests to study the long-run characteristics of our series. The results show that resources' exports have no long-run relationship with the macro variables. A VAR analysis is used to estimate the short-run dynamics and shows that the effect of oil exports on those variables depends on local policies.GCC, Natural Resources, Oil, Productivity, Investment, Labor Force, Unit root, Growth, Cointegration, VAR.

    Pengaruh Penyuluhan dengan Boneka Tangan Terhadap Pengetahuan dalam Menyikat Gigi Siswa Kelas IV SD Negeri 58 Kota Banda Aceh

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    Oral health is a problem that needs comprehensive handling because it will have many impacts. Therefore, counseling is needed to help provide knowledge in brushing teeth, especially in children. Many interesting media are used in counseling such as hand puppets. The use of hand puppets is intended because children like to learn while playing. The results of the initial examination of fourth grade students of SD Negeri 58 Banda Aceh City using the DMF-T index, that the dental caries status of students was 4.5 with a high category. This study aims to determine the effect of counseling with hand puppets on knowledge in brushing teeth of fourth grade students of SD Negeri 58 Kota Banda Aceh. Using the Quasi Experiment method and one group pre-post test design. The study was conducted on the population, namely all fourth grade students of SD Negeri 58 Kota Banda Aceh, totaling 40 people. Data analysis using paired T-test. The results showed that knowledge before counseling with hand puppets was 1.35 increased to 1.88 with a p value of 0.001. There is a significant effect on counseling with hand puppets on knowledge in brushing teeth of fourth grade students of SD Negeri 58 Kota Banda Aceh. &nbsp

    Import Demand in Heterogeneous Panel Setting

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    To study the elasticities of import demand function, we build a heterogeneous panel with data of 40 counties and use panel unit root tests (Im, Pesaran and Shin, 1997) and panel cointegration tests (Pedroni, forthcoming). We test our model with two previously used activity variables: GDP and GDP minus Export for a performance comparison. To estimate our elasticities, we make use of two modified panel version of FMOLS and DOLS developed by Pedroni (1996, 2000, 2001). Our tests prove that GDP outperforms GDP minus Exports as an activity variable in the cointegration context. FMOLS and DOLS give close results when we do individual estimates. When we use between-dimension estimators, we get conflicting results. Hence, we split our sample into developed and developing groups and show that income elasticity in developing countries are not different than unity on average and are higher than in developed countries contradicting previous results in the literature.Import Demand elasticities, Time series, Panel cointegration, FMOLS, DOLS

    Nilai-nilai Fiqih dalam Membangun Karakter Peserta Didik di SD/MI

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    The search for thoughts about the education of fiqh, where fiqh inquiry has in essence has a great significance for the continuity of education in the modern era as nowadays. Besides, this research also to be used as an information material for the community of the importance of the meaning of fiqh education for life, especially in order facing modern life that has tendency of waning of values or norms of law in order of life of society also as material of information and documentation for planner and educational designer, Values in Islam contain two categories of meaning seen from normative aspect, that is good and bad. The spiritual values of jurisprudence have a close connection with a day's amaliah especially concerning worship to God. The value of jurisprudence is also a spirit (spirit) to go to the pleasure of Allah. Spiritual fiqih were extracted from two ways namely; Through faith and piety and through worship Building the Islamic character departs from two ways closely related to the basic of akhlaki. The concept of pious faith is the foundation of all activities while the concept of worship centers on an important basic principle that man was created as the holder of the mandate of Allah Almighty. who carries the treatise and exercises His Shari'a
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