8 research outputs found

    Sınıf İçi Durum Belirleme Tekniklerine Dayalı Öğretimin Öğrencilerin Araştırma Teknikleri Yeterlik Düzeyleri Üzerindeki Etkisi

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    Research has shown that classroom assessment techniques (CATs) provide important benefits to students and instructors in learning and teaching processes. Hence, this study examines the contributions of these techniques in gaining competency in the context of a research techniques course. The obtained results reveal that students’ competency levels of research techniques in the experiment group (instructed through CATs) are significantly higher than those of the students in the control group (instructed without these techniques). Opinions of the students in the experiment group on whether or not the use the related techniques are positive. This finding of the study is also considered to be important in that it is in compliance with the competency levels of research techniques of the students in the experiment group at the end the teaching process. Yapılan araştırmalar, sınıf içi durum belirleme tekniklerinin, öğrenme/öğretme sürecinde öğrencilere ve öğretim elemanlarına önemli katkılar sağladığını göstermektedir. Bu araştırmada, bu tekniklerin yeterlik kazanmaya sağladığı katkılar, Araştırma Teknikleri Dersi bağlamında ele alınarak incelenmiştir. Elde edilen sonuçlar, sınıf içi durum belirleme tekniklerine dayalı olarak öğretim yapılan deney grubundaki öğrencilerin araştırma teknikleri yeterlik düzeylerinin, bu tekniklereyerverilmedenöğretimyapılankontrolgrubundakiöğrencilerinyeterlikdüzeylerinden manidar biçimde yüksek olduğunu göstermektedir. Ayrıca, ilgili tekniklerin kullanımının öğrenmeye katkı sağlayıp sağlamadığına ilişkin olarak deney grubundaki öğrencilerden alınan görüşlerin tamamı olumlu yöndedir. Elde edilen bu bulgu da deney grubundaki öğrencilerin öğretim süreci sonunda araştırma teknikleri yeterlikleri bakımından ulaştıkları nokta ile tutarlılık göstermesi bakımından önemli görülmektedir


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    The purpose of this to equate ALES (Academic Personnel and Postgraduate Education Entrance Exam) scores with linear equating and equipercentile equating methods in the periods of 2011 spring and autumn conducted by SPSS, to determine the most suitable one of these two methods for research and to propose the most suitable one thanks to the findings in case of a similar study. The study population was 21860 people participating in ALES made in the periods of both 2011 spring and 2011 autumn. The sample of the study was 2186 individuals, respectively selected %10 of population randomly via computer. In the study, the internal consistency was calculated without eliminating items by using KR-21 formula because data were raw scores. Analyzes were carried out because of the fact that internal consistencies were high without eliminating agents of heights. Linear and equipercentile methods applied separately to the raw scores of sizes. Error quantities were measured by WMSE formula to determine which equating method was more appropriate for research and when the data of research findings were analyzed it was found that WMSE coefficient of equipercentile method was lower. As a result of this study equipercentile equating was found more appropriate on the equating study concerning to the field of quantitative, verbal, equiponderant.  Article visualizations

    Determining the degree of measurement of valid outcomes in the 2010 6th grade science and technology subtest items in the high school placement exam (SBS)

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    Bu çalıĢmanın genel amacı, Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı‘nın 2010 yılında uyguladığı Seviye Belirleme Sınavı (SBS) 6. sınıf Fen ve Teknoloji alt testi maddelerinin geçerli kazanımları ölçme derecelerini alan uzmanlarının görüĢlerine göre belirlemektir. ÇalıĢmanın araĢtırma grubunu, Türkiye‘nin çeĢitli üniversitelerinde görev yapan 10 fen bilgisi eğitimi alan uzmanı oluĢturmaktadır. AraĢtırmada kullanılacak veriler, araĢtırmacılar tarafından oluĢturulan ―Seviye Belirleme Sınavı 6. Sınıf Fen ve Teknoloji Alt Testi Uzman GörüĢleri Formu‖ ile sağlanmıĢtır. Uzman görüĢleri formu oluĢturulmadan önce, Eğitim Teknolojileri Genel Müdürlüğü‘nden (EĞĠTEK), SBS 2010 Fen ve Teknoloji alt testindeki her bir maddenin ilköğretim 6. Sınıf Fen ve Teknoloji programında yer alan hangi öğrenme alanını ve hangi kazanımları ölçmeye yönelik yazıldığını gösteren kazanım tablosu alınmıĢtır. Uzman görüĢleri formunda fen bilgisi eğitimi alan uzmanlarından, maddelerin listede yer alan kazanımların her birini ölçme derecesini ―tamamen ölçüyor‖, ―belirsiz‖ ve ―kesinlikle ölçmüyor‖ seçenekleri ile belirtmeleri istenmiĢtir. Testte yer alan her bir madde için uzmanların verdiği puanların ortalaması ve madde-hedef uyum katsayıları hesaplanmıĢtır. AraĢtırma sonucunda elde edilen bulgulara göre uzmanlar, SBS Fen ve Teknoloji alt testinde yer alan 16 maddeden 10‘unun geçerli kazanımları ölçtüğü konusunda hemfikir olup; diğer kazanımları ölçmediği konusunda görüĢ birliğine varamamıĢlardır.The general aim of this study is to determine the degree of measurement of valid outcomes in the 6th grade science and technology subtest items in the high school placement exam administrated by the Ministry of National Education in 2010, based on the views of experts in the field. The research sample of the study consists of 10 experts in the field of science and technology education who work for various universities in Turkey. The data used in the study were obtained via the "Expert Opinions Form for the 6th Grade Science and Technology Subtest in the High School Placement Exam" developed by the researchers. Before the Expert Opinions Form was developed, an outcomes table was obtained from the General Directorate of Educational Technologies (EĞİTEK) that indicated which particular item in the 2010 6th grade science and technology subtest had been written to measure which particular learning domain and which particular learning area in the 6th grade science and technology curriculum. In the Expert Opinions Form, the experts in the field of science and technology education were asked to evaluate the extent each subtest item measured the outcomes listed on the table, by choosing "clearly measuring", "partially measuring," and "clearly not measuring". The average of expert scores and item-objective congruence indexes were calculated for each item. Based on the results, the experts expressed agreement that 10 out of the 16 items in the science and technology subtest measured the valid outcomes, yet could not reach agreement on whether or not they measured other outcomes

    Üniversite öğrencilerinin akademik sahtekarlık eğilimlerinin ölçülmesine yönelik bir ölçek geliştirme çalışması

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    The aim of this study is to develope an Likert type “Akademic Dishonesty Tendency Scale” (ADTS) for University Students. The results of analyses shows that ADTS has four factors. First factor has 5; second factor has 7; third factor has 4 and fourth factor has 6 items. Factors are called as “tendency towards cheating”, “dishonesty tendency at studies as homework, project, etc. – common”, “dishonesty tendency at resrearch and process of write up” and “dishonesty tendency towards reference”.  The construct validity of ADTS is tested by Confirmatory Factor Analysis. Conbach alpha reliability coefficents of four factor and whole scale is 0,71; 0,821; 0,785; 0,776 and 0,90 respectively. Test-re test reliability coefficient is 0,88. The final form of ADTS is adequate for measuring the academic dishonesty tendency levels of University Students.Bu çalışma üniversite öğrencilerine yönelik bir Akademik Sahtekarlık Eğilimi Ölçeği (ASEÖ) geliştirmek amacıyla gerçekleştirilmiştir. Yapılan analizler sonucunda ölçeğin 4 faktörlü olduğu saptanmıştır. Birinci faktör 5, ikinci  faktör 7, üçüncü faktör 4 ve dördüncü faktör 6 maddeden oluşmaktadır. Belirlenen faktörler içerdikleri maddelerin yapılarının incelenmesinden sonra sırasıyla “kopya çekme eğilimi”, “ödev, proje gibi çalışmalarda sahtekarlık eğilimi-genel”, “araştırma yapma ve raporlaştırma sürecinde sahtekarlık eğilimi” ve “atıflara yönelik sahtekarlık eğilimi” biçiminde isimlendirilmişlerdir. Ölçeğin yapı geçerliği doğrulayıcı faktör analizi ile test edilmiştir. Her bir faktör ve ölçeğin bütününe yönelik Cronbach alfa güvenirlik katsayıları sırasıyla 0,71; 0,821; 0,785; 0,776 ve 0,90’dır. Test-tekrar test güvenirlik katsayısı ise 0,88’dir. Ölçeğin nihai formu üniversite öğrencilerinin akademik sahtekarlık eğilimini ölçebilecek niteliktedir.&nbsp

    Sınıf içi durum belirleme tekniklerine dayalı öğretimin öğretmen adaylarının başarısı üzerindeki etkisinin incelenmesi

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    Classroom Assessment Techniques (CAT’s) provide substantial benefits for students and instructors in the process of teaching and learning. This study investigates the contribution of these techniques on the success of teacher candidates in the context of test and item statistics in measurement and evaluation courses. The study, utilized pretest-posttests control group experimental design, showed that the success levels of the teacher candidates in the experimental group who experienced CAT’s in classroom use were higher than those of the control group who had no experience of CAT’s. Extended SummaryThe study aims to investigate the effects of teaching with Classroom Assessment Techniques (CATs) on the success of teacher candidates regarding the test and item statistics of measurement and assessment courses. In context with this purpose the questions below were examined:1.    Regarding the test and item statistics, is there a statistically significant  difference between pre-test and post-test means of success of the experimental  group of candidate teachers who were subjected to classes utilizing CATs and the control group of candidate teachers who did not experience CATs in the classroom?. 2.    Is there a statistically significant  difference between the post test success means related to competence in problem solving regarding the test and item statistics for the experimental  group of candidate teachers who were subjected to classes utilizing CATs and the control group of candidate teachers who did not experience CATs in the classroom?.3.    Is there a statistically significant  difference between the post test success means related to interpretation of results of different problems regarding the test and item statistics for the experimental  group of candidate teachers who were subjected to classes utilizing CATs and the control group of candidate teachers who did not experience CATs in the classroom?. CATs provide various important benefits in the teaching-learning process for both teachers and students. Some of these benefits are providing the competence to plan changes and make decisions that can develop the teachers and the students; achieving student participation in classes to motivate them for learning (Harwood, 1998); providing the students with useful feedback related to their learning (Soetaert, 1998; Steadman 1998) and ensuring that students express themselves more easily (Cuttic et.al, 1999).This study is considered important in identifying the contribution of CATs to the success of learning and in teaching specific subjects that are regarded as difficult for the students to learn in some fields.  Limitations of the study:1.    The study is limited to the topic of test and item statistics in educational measurement and assessment classes (measures of central tendency and variation, dependent standard scores, the interpretation and type of distributions, correlations and item analysis).2.    CATs is limited in the areas of application cards, problem recognition tasks, half sheet response, muddiest point, punctuated lectures, teacher-designed feedback forms.3.    The study is limited to the third year day time and evening students of Abant İzzet Baysal University Department of Education, Faculty of Teaching Arts in the 2008-2009 educational period.The study uses an experimental design model with pre-and post-test and control groups.The study group consisted of a total of 68 teacher candidates studying at Abant İzzet Baysal University Department of Education, Faculty of Teaching Arts. 30 of these students (21 females and 9 males) attended day time classes whereas 38 of them attended evening classes (23 females and 15 males).Using randomization, the day time students formed the experimental group and the evening students took part in the control group. A test with open-ended questions was utilized in order to determine the pre-application and post- application levels of students related to topics in measurement and assessment courses (measures of central tendency and variation, dependent standard scores, the interpretation and type of distributions, correlations and item analysis).In the process of test preparation, attention was paid to include all the topics that were in the scope of the research. Expert views were sought to provide content validity and revisions were undertaken in line with the received feedback. Inter-rater reliability coefficient was found 0,97. Answer sheets were prepared first for the questions in the test in order to obtain reliable results in measurement and later a graded point was assigned to the question out of 100 in line with the ease and difficulty level of each question.The results of the pre and post tests for both experimental and control groups were processed by the help of a statistical program and the solutions that required operations and interpretations were also taken into consideration. 'Two-way ANOVA for Mixed Measures" was used in the analysis of the first research question and independent samples t-test for the second and third research questions.Following the identification of the subjects to be taught, development of the materials to be used in the process and finalizing the plans for teaching application that would be used both for the experimental and the control groups, the applications started in the spring term of 2008-2009 educational period. Applications lasted from the 4th week to the 9th week of the teaching process related to measurement and assessment courses. A pre-test was given to the teacher candidates in the experimental and control groups in class hours in order to identify their competence levels in test and item statistics.Before the teaching process, the teacher candidates in the experimental group were provided with information about the techniques and examples of different ways of utilizing these techniques in teaching test and item statistics. The order of content and teaching of the topics were the same in both experimental and control groups. Explanations were given below related to the process undertaken in experimental and control groups about the teaching of the topics. First of all, the concepts related to the week's topics were explained to the experimental group theoretically. This exercise was followed by examples related to the concepts and sample problems were solved. Later, students were asked to solve examples of similar processing situations. CATs were used in the process in order to identify whether meaningful learning took place and to support the process. The development and application of the tools related to the techniques in the format required in the teaching process was undertaken by the researcher along with the evaluation of the results. In line with the results obtained through utilizing the techniques, points that were not clear to the students or learned partially were reassessed and repeated in the first class of the following week. Revisions were done in context with the results in the teaching of the topics and in any other matter that was deemed important. Similar to the experimental group, the control group was also given the concepts related to the week's topics in a theoretical manner. This exercise was followed by examples related to the concepts and sample problems were solved. However, in this group, CATs were not utilized in the teaching process. The teacher candidates were encouraged to ask for clarifications and ask questions in areas they felt unclear and additionally they were given reviews each week at the first class hour so as to reinforce learning and not to leave any topics half mastered. At the end of the application process the pre-test that was administered previously was given as a post test to the teacher candidates. The results of the study are summarized below:The success levels of experimental and control group teacher candidates were rather low in test and item statistics at the beginning of the teaching process. There was no meaningful difference between the success grade means of the two groups.The difference between the success levels of teacher candidates in both groups before and after the instruction was found to be statistically meaningful in favor of post test success levels. The difference between the teacher candidates in regards to post test success levels was found to be meaningful in favor of the experimental group in the following areas and in the total success levels: to be able to solve different problems regarding the test and item statistics and to be able to interpret the results of the different problems. Results show that teaching that utilizes CAT's has substantially increased the success of the teacher candidates in the related fields.The results of the study support the research results stating that use of CAT's in the teaching process increases learning (Goldstein, 2007; Gaeddert, 2003; Juergen, 1999; Soetaert, 1998; Steadman, 1994; Walker, 1991).Sınıf içi Durum Belirleme Teknikleri, öğrenme/öğretme sürecinde öğrencilere ve öğretim elemanlarına önemli katkılar sağlamaktadır. Bu araştırmada, bu tekniklerin öğretmen adaylarının başarısına sağladığı katkılar, ölçme ve değerlendirme dersinin test ve madde istatistikleri konusu bağlamında ele alınarak incelenmiştir. Ön test- son test kontrol gruplu deneysel desen modeli temel alınarak yapılan araştırmada, Sınıf içi Durum Belirleme Tekniklerine dayalı olarak öğretim yapılan deney grubundaki öğretmen adaylarının başarı düzeylerinin bu tekniklere yer verilmeden öğretim yapılan kontrol grubundaki öğretmen adaylarının başarı düzeylerinden manidar biçimde yüksek olduğu sonucuna ulaşılmıştır

    Kayıp Veri Sorununun Çözümünde Kullanılan Farklı Yöntemlerin Ölçeklerin Geçerlik ve Güvenirliği Bağlamında Karşılaştırılması

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    The purpose of this research is to compare the effectiveness of various methods used in solving missing data problems in the context of validity and reliability of the scales. For this purpose PISA 2012 Turkey sample and “Math Work Ethics” scale was used. For the analysis, complete data set of 200 persons were chosen from the Turkey sample at random. After the process of data deletion at different rates from complete data set and transforming them into new complete data sets, under missing completely at random (MCAR) mechanism, analysis of validity and reliability were realized. During the phase of transforming missing data set into new complete data sets, series mean, mean of nearby points, median of nearby points, linear interpolation, linear trend at point, listwise deletion, expectation maximization, regression imputation and multiple imputation methods were used. The values obtained from the complete data set were used as reference values in interpreting the values by comparing the values of validity and reliability at the new complete data sets. The research results reveal that the values obtained for the listwise deletion at different rates of missing data are the values with the least similarity to the ones generally obtained from the complete data set. While the values obtained for the approximate value imputation methods resulted in proximal or same values as the ones generally obtained from the complete data set in cases where the missing data rate is low multiple imputation, expectation maximization and regression imputation methods resulted in close proximal values at all missing data rates as the ones obtained from the complete data se

    Psychometric Properties of Academic Dishonesty Tendency Scale for Graduate Students and Investigating Academic Dishonesty Tendency Levels with CHAID Analysis

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    The number of unethical academic dishonesty behaviours is increasing with each day in higher education. Thus, it is important to determine the level of the behaviour of academic dishonesty in the education system, the tendencies of students to perform this behaviour, and the individuals who have a tendency to show this behaviour in advance. The research has two different aims. The first one is to determine the psychometric properties of the Academic Dishonesty Tendency Scale (ADTS) originally developed for undergraduate students, not for graduate students. The second aim is to investigate the variables that best explain the academic dishonesty tendency levels of the students who continue their graduate education by using the CHAID analysis method. As a result of the analyses, it was determined that the Academic Dishonesty Tendency Scale is also a valid and reliable measurement tool for graduate students. The only significant variable explaining the students' Tendency Towards Cheating was found to be the level of graduate education. It was also determined that the most important variable affecting the "dishonesty tendency at studies as homework, project, etc.-common" is the level of graduate education. The only significant variable explaining the "dishonesty tendency at research and process of write up" was found to be the reason for receiving graduate education. The most significant variable explaining the "dishonesty tendency towards reference" of the students was found to be the level of graduate education. It was determined that the most significant variable explaining the Academic Dishonesty Tendency of the students is the level of graduate education