8 research outputs found


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    Masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah kesadaran bahwa misi pemberitaan Injil adalahinti dari gereja. Namun, dalam pelaksanaan misi ini, itu tergantung pada bagaimanagereja menafsirkan ayat-ayat Alkitab tentang pokok misi. Interpretasi gereja itusendiri, akan sangat ditentukan oleh interpretasi pendeta gereja. Pemahamanalkitabiah yang dipahami oleh pendeta diajarkan kepada gereja, dan kemudian secaraumum akan diwujudkan dalam tindakan gereja dalam kehidupan sehari-hari ataudalam program gereja. Dalam hal ini penelitian ini akan menguji pemahaman parapendeta gereja di Konferensi Jawa Barat Kisah Para Rasul 1: 8, yang diyakinisebagai salah satu ayat misi utama dalam Perjanjian Baru, serta implementasinyapada kegiatan gereja. dalam konteks misi Injil lintas budaya


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    Amanat Agung diberikan oleh Tuhan Yesus sebagai pesan terakhir yang wajib untukdilaksanakan oleh semua umat yang menyatakan dirinya sebagai orang percaya.Sebagai umat yang sekaligus menjadi bagian dari komunitas orang-orang percaya,anggota jemaat dipanggil untuk melakukan bagiannya dalam penginjilan. Oleh karenaitu, pernyataan masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimana peranan pemahamankonsep Amanat Agung berdasarkan Matius 28:18 – 20 dan konsep pemberitaan injilterhadap keterlibatan anggota dalam menggenapi Matius 28:18 - 20


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    The author gives title to this study, “The Understanding of the Merbabu Seventh-dayAdventist Church Bandung about the Way of Living of the Early Church Based onActs 2: 44.45.” The author is motivated by the way of life of the church today that isalready away from the way of life of the church should, like the way of life of theearly church. At the present time many churches who do not care to about the poor,the church members had no care for other people who are around them, it can beseen in the church, that there was the rich and the poor. The author chose MerbabuBandung church to be a place of the research of the author. The author will discussthree issues in this writing. First, how the understanding of the Merbabu churchabout this verses, the second is, how the experts of the bible comments related to thispassage, and the third, according to this verse, how should be the church life, or doesthis verses only for the early church, or to the church in these days also.Answering the field conclusion, the authors have conducted research in thecongregation Merbabu, it turns out the church generally has been understood aboutthe meaning of the verse in Acts 2: 44.45. The Church should have a special cash tohelp poor people who are in the church. But not only the church, but each memberas individual base must be attentive to the needs of their fellow man in need. Inconclusion theory, the Bible experts gave their comments with respect thereto. EarlyChurch can perform these characteristics due to several important factors. The giftof their love of Christ among them, the Holy Spirit is with them after the event ofPentecost. These things allow members of the early church to care for one another.Therefore, it ought to God's people today live life together. The congregation iscurrently devoted by God to care for the poor that is between them, in the practice ofstewardship, the church is also a place where all people get the attention of others. Inaddition, church members, as well as individuals, should pay attention to each other,just like what was done by the members of the early churc

    Teologi Ekonomi: Konteks Penatalayanan Lukas 8:3 Serta Relevansinya Terhadap Kota Kinabalu Seventh-day Adventist Church, Likas, Sabah

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    Penatalayanan adalah bagian penting dalam gereja Tuhan. Penatalayanan yang efektif bukan sahaja dapat meningkatkan kerohanian seseorang yang melakukannya tetapi juga akan memberi dampak yang besar kepada mereka yang membutuhkan pertolongan baik dari segi keuangan, tenaga, penghiburan, lawatan, dan lain sebagainya. Namun apabila penatalayanan itu suatu yang bermusim, maka ianya bukanlah penatalayanan yang sebenar. Sebagai contoh, hanya melakukannya ketika seseorang itu berada dalam kondisi yang aman atau apabila seseorang itu meminta pertolongan. Tidak ada usaha yang proaktif, yaitu sikap tidak menunggu dan melihat sahaja tetapi bertindak dengan pantas sebaik saja melihat ada orang berada dalam kesusahan atau sesebuah gereja itu membutuhkan sesuatu. Menolong orang yang membutukan tidak boleh dimotivasi untuk menerima pujian atau sanjungan dari orang lain tetapi harus dilakukan dengan niat yang tulus dan ikhlas untuk membantu. Umat Tuhan harus melakukan pelayanan untuk kemuliaan Tuhan agar banyak orang yang mendapat berkat  dari bantuan yang berikan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui tingkat kesedaran penatalayanan bagi jemaat di Kota Kinabalu Seventh-day Adventist Church, Likas. Apakah jemaat di gereja ini benar-benar mengaplikasikan  penatalayanan dalam kehidupan mereka sehari-hari atau apakah penatalayanan yang dilakukan secara musiman. Siapkah jemaat untuk menjalankan tanggungjawab mereka sebagai umat Tuhan yang setia dalam penatalayanan? Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan teknik in depth interview. Daripada penelitian ini, didapati sebahagian besar jemaat di gereja Kota Kinabalu Seventh-day Adventist Church, Likas memiliki kepahaman dan kesedaran yang baik akan pentingnya penatalayanan itu. Namun ianya tidak diusahakan secara maximal. Masih ada ruang yang harus diperbaiki agar kebutuhan gereja dan anggota-anggotanya serta orang-orang yang bukan seiman dapat diperhatikan dan dipenuhi sebaik mungkin

    Implementasi Amanat Agung dalam Penginjilan dan Pemuridan terhadap Pertumbuhan Gereja Berdasarkan Matius 28:18-20

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    The purpose of this study is that everyone is involved in implementing the Great Commission of Jesus Christ so that church growth occurs. The harvest is a lot but the workers are few, this is the Word of our Lord Jesus Christ. To produce a harvest of souls that are won for Christ, the Great Commission in Matthew 28:18-20 must be carried out namely “Go” (Preach) and Make disciples (Discipleship). Evangelism is the first step as a disciple. And being a disciple is an activity that aims to motivate and train spiritually mature believers to devote themselves wholeheartedly to God in order to become disciples. Evangelism and discipleship are one and cannot be separated. Evangelism is the first step as a disciple. If every church and its members carry out this great commission well, it will bring many people to come to Christ and this has an impact on the growth of the church. The book of Matthew was originally addressed to early Christians but God's Word is still relevant in every age, because the essence of the Word always directs everyone to believe Jesus is the savior of mankind. This study uses a qualitative method, by collecting data and information from various library sources such as the Bible, spiritual books and journals which are concluded and used in this research so as to lead everyone to carry out the Great Commission so that the church can grow well

    Eksegesis Kitab Daniel

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    Why is the book of Daniel is an attractive study? One thing is because it described the loyalty of Hebrew young people to God, although they are in captivity. Their experiences provides insights into how to behave when facing difficult circumstances and are tempted to sacrifice faith. The Book of Daniel contains dreams, imaginations, and an interesting interpretation that underscores the way and purpose of history, the rise and falls of great kingdoms, God’s intervention in human events, how the people of God will be persecuted, and how everything works for good. If you want to know the fate of the human race, to know the current era, then learn the Daniel’s prophecy. Ellen G. White admonish to read the book of Daniel because the light that God gave to Daniel's regarding the end of time is special and this is very important


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    The problem in this research is there is awareness that evangelism missions are the churches essential.  But in the implementation of this missions are depended on how the churches interpret the Bible fundamental verses about those missions. The church interpretation itself is depended on the interpretation of their pastors. The Bible interpretation which is understood by the Pastor is touched to the congregation and then it will be generally implemented in congregation’s daily life or in the church programs


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    Preaching the gospel is one of the main tasks of the believers in Jesus Christ. It clearly has been mandated by the Lord Jesus to his disciples in the Gospel of Matthew 28:19 - 20, Acts 1:8, so they went to preach the gospel to every creature, baptizing those who believe, and continue to teach gospel to them to grow in their faith in His grace. And preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ cannot be bargained good or not good condition must be submitted (II Timothy 4:2). Because the gospel is a message of joy for everyone and is universal, then there are other things more important and urgent that gives eternal life other than the gospel of Jesus Christ (John 3:16). So proclaim the Gospel is no longer affected by how many physical blessings received, but how much dedication do pastors and church activists over the response of the grace given to him freely