21 research outputs found

    Screening Approaches for Methane Mitigating Potential of Tannin-containing Plants Under in Vitro Rumen Environment

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    The aim of the present study was to conduct univariate, bivariate and multivariate (principalcomponent analysis, PCA) approaches in the screening of tannin-containing plants from variouscollection sites for their CH4 mitigating properties. Plant samples were obtained from various collectionsites in different countries, i.e. Indonesia (n = 27 species), Mongolia (n = 14), Switzerland (n = 16) andGermany (n = 3). The plants were incubated in vitro with buffered-rumen fluid at 39oC for 24 h. Totalgas production was recorded as an indicator of feed quality and emission of CH4 was measured. Resultsshowed that, based on bivariate screening, generally, plants possessed low CH4 production had lowquality or low total gas production except Rhus typhina, i.e. 43 ml/200 mg DM. The loading plot of PCAshowed that all phenolic fractions were in the opposite direction with CH4 and total gas production.Plants clustered together in reverse direction to that of CH4 were Bergenia crassifolia root and leaf,Swietenia mahagoni, Clidemia hirta, Peltiphyllum peltatum, Acacia villosa and R. typhina. It wasconluded that, for tannin-containing plants, screenings based on univariate, bivariate and multivariateapproaches in relation to ruminal CH4 emission led to similar results

    Determination of Energy and Protein Requirements of Sheep in Indonesia Using a Meta-analytical Approach

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    The objective of this study was to determine energy and protein requirements, for both maintenance and gain, of sheep in Indonesia by using a meta-analysis method. A database was developed from various in vivo experiments involving sheep as the experimental animals in which energy intake, protein intake and average daily weight gain (ADG) were reported. A total of 38 articles consisting of 137 data points were integrated into the database. Different breeds (Priangan, fat-tailed and local) and sexes (male and female) were specified in the database. Maintenance and gain requirements of dry matter, energy and protein were determined by regressing ADG with dry matter intake (DMI), total digestible nutrient intake (TDNI) and crude protein intake (CPI), respectively. An intercept (where ADG= 0 g/kg MBW/d) and a slope (required nutrient intake per unit ADG) were taken as maintenance and gain requirements, respectively. Results revealed that all sheep breeds had similar energy requirement for maintenance (TDNm). Energy requirement for gain (TDNg) of Priangan breed was lower than other breeds; the breed required 0.860 g TDN for 1 g ADG. Fat-tailed and local breeds required 1.22 and 2.75 g TDN for 1 g ADG, respectively. All breeds also revealed relatively similar protein requirement for maintenance (CPm), i.e. 6.27-6.47 g/kg MBW/d. Priangan breed required less CP for 1 g ADG (CPg), i.e. 0.295 g. Requirements of CPg for fat-tailed and local breeds were 0.336 and 0.497 g/g ADG, respectively. It was concluded that each sheep breed in Indonesia had specific TDN and CP requirements for gain, but similar requirements for maintenance

    Determination of Cell Wall Protein from Selected Feedstuffs and its Relationship with Ruminal Protein Digestibility in Vitro

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    This study was aimed to analyze neutral detergent insoluble crude protein (NDICP) and acid detergent insoluble crude protein (ADICP) contents of various commonly used forage and concentrate feedstuffs in Indonesia. A number of forages and concentrates, i.e. gliricidia, trichantera, indigofera, calliandra, papaya leaves, cassava leaves, leucaena, rapeseed meal, corn gluten feed, soybean meal, copra meal, palm kernel meal, fish and bone meal and wheat bran were subjected to proximate analysis, cell wall nitrogen determination and in vitro rumen fermentation evaluation. Chemical composition analysis was done in duplicate. The in vitro incubation was conducted in 14 treatments and 3 replicates by following a randomized complete block design. Variables measured after the incubation were total volatile fatty acid (VFA), ammonia, dry matter digestibility (DMD), organic matter digestibility (OMD) and crude protein digestibility (CPD). Results revealed that among the forages, cassava leaf had the highest proportion of NDICP while corn gluten feed was the highest among the concentrates. Different from that of NDICP, the highest proportion of ADICP was obtained in papaya leaf and copra meal for the forages and concentrates, respectively. Higher proportion of NDICP tended to decrease CPD (P<0.1). Although higher ADICP apparently tended to decrease CPD as well, the relationship was insignificant due to the higher variation of the dependent variable. It was concluded that cell wall protein proportion in feed may be used as an indicator to determine the quality of protein and its utilization in the rumen

    Evaluation of Some Insects as Potential Feed Ingredients for Ruminants: Chemical Composition, in Vitro Rumen Fermentation and Methane Emissions

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    This experiment was aimed to evaluate chemical composition, in vitro rumen fermentation, digestibility and methane emissions of some insects, i.e. Jamaican field cricket (JFC), mealworm (MW) and black soldier fly larvae age 1 and 2 weeks (BSF1 and BSF2). Insect samples were oven-dried at 60oC for 24 h, and ground to pass a 1 mm sieve. The ground samples were used subsequently for chemical composition determination and in vitro rumen fermentation test. Incubation was carried out in a water bath maintained at 39 ºC for 48 h in three replicates. Results revealed that all insect meals contained high crude protein, i.e. above 40% DM. Proportions of neutral detergent insoluble CP (NDICP) and neutral detergent insoluble CP (ADICP) were high in the insect meals than that of soybean meal (SBM), and these were particularly very high in BSF2. All insect meals had lower IVDMD and IVOMD than that of SBM (P<0.05). All insect meals had lower methane emissions as compared to SBM at 12, 24 and 48 h (P<0.05). It can be concluded that insect meals are potential protein supplements and have low methane emissions in vitro. However, their digestibility is rather low and may limit their utilization

    Suplementasi Sabun Mineral Dan Mineral Organik Serta Kacang Kedelai Sangrai Pada Domba

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the use of mineral soap, organic mineral and roasted soybean supplementations to improve productivity in ruminant animals. Thirty two Garut Sheep (initial body weight 22.38 ± 3.56 kg) were assigned into a randomized block design with eight treatments. Body weight was used as a block (4 blocks). Eight rations evaluated in this trial were FO: basal diet + fish oil, CO: basal diet + corn oil, CaFO: basal diet + calcium soap of fish oil, CaCO: basal diet + calcium soap of corn oil, ZnFO: basal diet + zinc soap of fish oil, ZnCO: basal diet + zinc soap of corn oil, RS: basal diet + roasted soybeans, MM: basal diet + mineral mix. The experimental diets were fed for 8 weeks. The result of the experiment showed that calcium soap improved animal growth better than did zinc soap. Daily gains of sheep fed FO (99 g/d), CaFO (114 g/d), CaCO (103 g/d), RS (105 g/d), and MM (103 g/d), diets were higher (P < 0.01) than those of sheep fed CO (86 g/d), ZnFO (88 g/d), and ZnCO (53 g/d) diets. Dry matter intake of sheep fed CO (903 g/d), CaCO (947 g/d), RS (933 g/d) diets were higher (P < 0.01) than those fed FO (820 g/d), CaFO (856 g/d), ZnFO (847 g/d), ZnCO (785 g/d), and MM (805 g/d) diets. Dry matter digestibility of CO (70%) and CaFO diet (76%) were higher (P < 0.01) than other diets. Nitrogen retention of sheep fed CaFO (11.8 g/d), RS (12.2 g/d), and MM (13.2 g/d) diets were higher (P < 0.01) than those fed FO (10 g/d), CO (10 g/d), CaCO (9.8 g/d), ZnFO (9.0 g/d), and ZnCO (9.0 g/d) diets. Organic mineral, calcium soap of fish oil, calcium soap of corn oil, and roasted soy bean supplementation increased daily gain up to 105 g/d. It was concluded that calcium soap, organic mineral and roasted soybean improved growth of sheep

    Karakteristik Endapan Cairan Rumen Sapi Asal Rumah Potong Hewan Sebagai Feed Supplement

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    The aims of this experiment were to identify and characterize of sediment product from cattle rumen liquor as a source of amino acids, minerals and vitamins. The sediment were obtained as pellets upon centrifugation of rumen liquor at 10,000 g for 10 minutes for collection of supernatant. The sediment were evaluated for amino acids, minerals and vitamins composition and chararacterized for the pH, solubility of dry matter, specific density, bulk and compacted bulk densities and angle of response. Result of the experiment showed that sediment contained higher minerals: Na, K and Fe compared with the commercial premix, but lower in B-vitamins and amino acids. The composition of mineral Na, K, and Fe from rumen liquor of local cattle was 13.47%, 7.73 % and 14.52 %, while Na, K, and Fe from rumen liquor of imported cattle was 18.40%, 10.25%, and 14.52% respectively. The sediment had pH range from 10.01-10.03, the dry matter solubility was 35.5% up to 39.1%. The sediment from imported cattle had higher specific density, bulk and compacted bulk densities and angle of response than that of local cattle. It is concluded that sediment from cattle rumen liquor contained high Na, K and Fe, low amino acids and B-vitamin, high pH and low solubility

    In Vitro Evaluation of Concentrate Feed Containing Indigofera Zollingeriana in Goat

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    This study was conducted to evaluate the fermentability and nutrient digestibility of concentrate feed containing Indigofera zollingeriana using in vitro technique. Randomized complete block design was used on 3 types of concentrate feed and 4 groups (replicates) of goat\u27s rumen liquid. The concentrate feeds were R1, R2 and R3 containing I. zollingeriana at 0 (control), 20 and 40%, respectively. Variables observed were total gas production, in vitro dry matter digestibility (IVDMD), organic matter (IVDOM), and crude protein (IVDCP), volatile fatty acid (VFA) profiles and NH3 concentration. Data were analyzed using analysis of variance (ANOVA). Results showed that there was no significant effect of R3 on IVDMD, IVDOM and IVDCP as compared to R1 and R2. However, there was significant difference (P<0.05) of the parameters between R1 and R2 (P<0.05). There was no significant effect (P<0.05) of different Indigofera levels on total gas production. The partial VFA of each concentrate feeds was not significantly different, but the percentage of acetic acids of concentrates containing I. zollingeriana were higher than those of control (P<0.05). The concentration of rumen NH3 of R2 was lower than R1 and R3 (P<0.05) even though the IVCPD of R2 was higher than R1. It could be concluded that the inclusion of I. zollingeriana as concentrate feed ingredient at 20% maximum level

    Ecological sustainability of smallholder dairy farm with Leisa pattern

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    This study was conducted to determine the sustainability status of smallholder dairy farms applying Low External Input Sustainable Agriculture (LEISA) pattern, and to formulate sustainable model. Eight smallholder dairy farms located in livestock business area (KUNAK) were purposive selectedwith criteria was they had 11 heads dairy cows, planted an elephant grass, dispose the manure to grassland, did not use chemicals fertilizer, 4250 m2 land area of dairy farming. Data were analyzed by: 1) attribute determination, 2) ordinal scale determination based on sustainability criteria;3) data analysis (Rap Dairy software);4) assessment of index and sustainability status;5) review sensitive attributes (leverage analysis)and 6) validation model (Monte Carloand Square Correlation (SQR) analysis). Attributes and ordinal scale on ecological sustainability weredensityof dairy cow, carrying capacity, supply water, drainage cages, soil fertility, topography, rainfall, humidity, temperature and altitude. Results of Rap Dairy analysis showed that smallholder dairy farms who apply LEISA pattern ecologically was quite sustainable with index of 57.95.The index could be increased to 88.39 (sustainable) through model simulation with respect to sensitive attributes. The results of Leverage analysis showedthat topography, densityof dairy cow, carrying capacity, supply water availability were sensitive attributes.Analysis Monte Carlo and SQR showedthat model could explain data well