199 research outputs found

    The Relationship between Japanese Compliments and Discourse Development: Analysis of Tester’s Compliments in Dialogic Language Assessment

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    This study clarified the relation between Japanese compliments and discourse development by analyzing a tester’s compliments in dialogic language assessment (DLA). By focusing on the type of compliment and its expression, this paper revealed the following two points: 1) specific kinds of compliments (“envy”, “facts”, “appreciation”) are used in the specific environment of the discourse; and 2) when compliments are expressed by “feelings”, specific expressions are used regardless of the environment. However, when compliments are expressed by “evaluation”, the expression varies according to the environment. These results show us that various kinds of compliments are used properly depending on the aspects of the discourse development. In other words, by using various kinds of compliments in each environment, conversation participants can understand the aspects of the discourse.本研究は,2016年度JSPS科研費JP25284096(基盤研究(B)『アーティキュレーションを保証する言語能力アセスメント実施支援システムの構築』研究代表者:渡部倫子)および2017年度JSPS科研費JP16H03435(基盤研究(B)『多文化共生社会におけるホストパーソン・支援者の接触支援スキルと意識の変容』研究代表者:義永美央子)の助成を受けたものである

    A Review of Research on Compliments in Japanese

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    This paper reviewed studies related to compliments in Japanese with respect to the factors of type, expression, subject, personal relations, response, and utterance sequence. From the viewpoint of Japanese language education, developing subjects of analysis is crucial to ensure that Japanese language learners can maintain and construct interpersonal relationships by using compliments within conversations. By analyzing conversations in their entirety, the workings of compliments in maintaining and constructing interpersonal relationships will become clearer, and the issues that Japanese language learners encounter will be elucidated

    The Compliments of Practitioner in DLA<Reading>: Focus on the number of practice of DLA

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    This study clarified that the practitioner’s compliments change, as the number of practice increases. By analyzing the practitioner’s compliments in dialogic language assessment (DLA), this paper revealed the following points: 1) Japanese practitioner praises more than foreign practitioner. 2) Both Japanese practitioner and foreign practitioner, the percentage of the “evaluation compliments” keeps decreasing, as the number of practice of DLA increases. On the other hand, the “emotional compliments” keeps increasing, as the number of practice of DLA increases. 3) Both Japanese practitioner and foreign practitioner, the kind of compliments is different depending on the grades of the target child. 4) Both Japanese practitioner and foreign practitioner, the percentage of the compliments keeps increasing in the specific aspects of discourse processing. This research shows us that in both Japanese practitioner and foreign practitioner, their consciousness change from “evaluation person” to “dialogist” as the number of practice of DLA increases.本研究は,2018年度JSPS科研費16H03435(基盤研究(B)『多文化共生社会におけるホストパーソン・支援者の接触支援スキルと意識の変容』研究代表者:義永美央子)の助成を受けたものである

    Analysis of Japanese Conjunctive Particles in Tasks Related to Dialogic Language Assessment with Emphasis on Student Developmental Stage

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    This paper aims to clarify the use of Japanese conjunctive particles in tasks related to Dialogic Language Assessment (DLA). With a focus on the students’ developmental stage and the kind of tasks, this study made the following two findings. (1) Speaking in DLA involves two kinds of tasks: one relates to frequently used conjunctive particles (i.e., daily routine, fire truck, and story-telling tasks); the other relates to rarely used conjunctive particles (i.e., vocabulary check, classroom, sports, and new teacher tasks). (2) In tasks that involve frequent use of conjunctive particles, the particle te is most commonly selected. In addition, with increasing student developmental stage, various conjunctive particles, such as tara, kedo, kara, and node, are employed.本研究は,2013年度JSPS科研費25284096(基盤研究(B)『アーティキュレーションを保証する言語能力アセスメント実施支援システムの構築』研究代表者:渡部倫子)の助成を受けたものである

    複文発話の構文的特徴と聞き手の言語的反応との関わり : ケド,タラ,カラを中心に

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    鳴門教育大学Naruto University of Education複文とあいづちをはじめとする聞き手の言語的反応に関しては,文(発話)を産出する話し手と文(発話)を理解する聞き手の観点からそれぞれ研究が行われ,その構文的特徴や談話における機能がこれまで明らかにされてきた。本稿においては,そこでの研究成果に基づきつつ,談話の中で観察することにより,次の2点を明らかにした。Ⅰ.従属節末と主節末とでは聞き手の言語的反応が異なる。Ⅱ.従属節末における聞き手の言語的反応は従属節の従属度と密接に関わる。従属節末に比べて,主節末では情報の充足を前提とした聞き手の言語的反応が多く生起する。また,同じ従属節末でありながら,B類のタラに比べてC類のケドやカラの従属節末には多くのあいづちが見られ,その中でも理解や共感を示すあいづちが特徴的に見られる。これには複文という文の形やC類の従属節が持つ情報の完結性という特徴が関わっており,複文発話に対する聞き手の言語的反応は発話の構文的特徴と密接に関わると考えられる。The purpose of this paper is to make clear the relationships between the syntagmatic features of the utterance and the hearer\u27s linguistic responses in the discourse. By observing the utterances of the complex sentences in the discourse, this paper reveals the following two points. (I) Hearer\u27s linguistic responses at the end of the main clause are different from those of the subordinate clause. Hearer\u27s linguistic responses which presuppose sufficient information tend to occur at the end of the main clause than the subordinate clause. (II) Hearer\u27s linguistic responses at the end of the subordinate clause differ according to the degree of subordination. The stronger the independence of the subordinate clause becomes, the more backchannels which represent understanding and sympathy to the speaker tend to occur at the end of the clause. These evidences show us that there are close relationships between the syntagmatic features of the utterance and the hearer\u27s linguistic responses in the discourse

    トクシマケン ニオケル ガイコクジン ジドウ セイト ニ タイスル シエン ニ カンスル コウサツ シエン ネットワーク ノ コウチク オ メザシテ

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    In recent years, the number of foreign students in Japanese public school is gradually increasing. Those foreign students have the right to receive the school education in Japan, but various problems arise when they study at Japanese public schools. This paper considers those problems on the basis of preceding research and argue to build the support network based on the present condition of Tokushima Prefecture in order to solve those problems. Firstly, it is important to build a small network based on human and material resources which exist in the school and the community to support foreign students. It is also important to combine those networks and to build a bigger one

    Study of Role Language Impression: Comparison between Korean Learners of Japanese and Native Japanese Speakers

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    Yakuwarigo is a Japanese role language defined by Kinsui (2003). Yakuwarigo is a particle, always used in the end of the sentences such as "Taberu-zo", "TO EAT : verb- ZO : particle" It is said that Yakuwarigo has gender difference by using this. For example. wa is used by females and zo and nojya used by males. Recently, learners of Japanese have greater opportunities to expand their ability through manga and anime. However, Tei (2008) has observed that the Yakuwarigo used in manga and anime emphasizes gender differences. In this study, We investigated the impression that Yakuwarigo exerts in terms of gender differences by means of a questionnaire, which was completed by Korean learners of Japanese and native Japanese speakers. I found that Yakuwarigo produces a similar effect in both groups. However, with the particle zo. which previous studies have identified as being used only by males, I found that it was believed to be used by both males and females. Further, I determined that native Japanese speakers have a different image with respect to the particle wa depending on the associated verb. These results indicate that Korean learners of Japanese have a fixed impression with respect to Yakuwarigo

    Listening comprehension of garden-path sentences by advanced Chinese learners of Japanese: An experimental study on working memory capacity and the presence of context

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    In this study, we clarified how Japanese garden-path sentences are listened to and processed as a second language (L2) in terms of disambiguation by advanced Chinese learners of Japanese, and an experimental investigation was performed to examine working memory (WM) capacity and the presence of context. The results indicate that listening comprehension of garden-path sentences is difficult for learners of Japanese, regardless of WM capacity. In addition, WM capacity is involved in the comprehension of sentences regardless of sentence type or context. Further, contrary to the findings of prior studies on L1 speakers, for learners, the preceding context interferes with the comprehension of the target sentence. The present study suggests that learners’ WM capacity should be considered when listening to garden-path sentences. In this case, the presentation of context should be discussed with caution. Based on the outcomes of this study, showing a context does not always facilitate listening comprehension, although there is still scope for deeper exploration in terms of the content of the context provided