576 research outputs found

    Structural changes in employment in old industrial regions of Ukraine

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    The formation of independent economy in Ukraine and its transition to the market is going under the low competitiveness of its main productive complexes and worn-out fixed capital. That will cause undesirable structural changes, which will be and already is associated with structural unemployment. These and similar issues are the main subject of the paper. The principle of full employment is being realized in Ukraine at present. A very low rate of unemployment, about 2-3 percent, has been shown by the official statistics of the country. It is quite obvious that there is a hidden unemployment and the large number of lay out people will appear soon, and first of all in basic industries. Eastern Ukraine, called Donbass, is exactly the region with such an economy. More than 30 percent of population of the region work for coal and steel industries. There are following tools elaborated in the course of the study and discussed in details in the paper to overcome the problem: * tax exemptions for priority sectors, for investment in socially important projects (employment, social infrastructure development, R&D), for specific geographical entities (underdeveloped districts, territories with high level of unemployment, settlements with ecological hazards); * setting up associations of enterprises to concentrate investment resources on socially important and economically profitable projects of the region's restructuring; * creation of the Fund for Regional Development and the Bank for Restructuring and Economic Development of Donbass which are aimed at financial support of investment projects of economic restructuring; * direct budget investments in different sectors, large industrial companies which are very important for the region.

    Notes on the Morphology of the Genus Lycæides (Lycænidæ, Lepidoptera)

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    The formation of professional personnel in the public service

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    Обеспечение профессиональными и качественными кадрами залог успешной деятельности в любой организации. Но формирование кадрового состава на государственной службе сложный процесс, требующий глубокого изучения и профессионализма.Providing professional and qualitative personnel guarantee of success in any organization. But the formation of the personnel of the state service complex process, which requires in-depth studies and professionalism


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    The relevance of studies Ukrainian comic tradition is to determine the characteristic patterns of mass celebrations and spectacles as a means of ethnic and cultural identity and expressions of consciousness of the people.Laughter – is an indispensable part of people's mass performances, is not limited to the medieval carnival. Modern culture has some humorous features. Expanding the range of phenomena that ridiculed compared with previous periods: together with surface derision of all inexplicable rise to new forms of highly targeted to an audience at the discerning viewer. Christmas – one of the brightest and most beautiful Christian holidays that comes in the light of the stars and candles and accompanied by heartfelt Christmas carols.In January Doughnut Feast traditionally invites all citizens and visitors to experience the true spirit of Christmas in the heart of the Lion. The celebration begins with a large Christmas parade (over a thousand participants). In the parade there is an echo of the ancient carnival performances "Goat" and "Malanka". Traditional Ukrainian Christmas is part of nativity scene at the same time; this puppet show is an inexhaustible source of Ukrainian festive and fun culture.Now at the Doughnut Feast over 20 dens participate in the carnival procession, and then – in a creative competition to be the best. Den – original art, exclusively national. It accepted the dual form, which adapted the school drama: the venerable text or cheerful interlude.According to L. Sofronova, den maximize learned forms of folk art; word, music, dance, characters den inextricably linked with folklore elements. Thus, the category of laughter in the Ukrainian high culture was not isolated from the sacred meanings arise between mandatory fluctuations, as evidenced desecration mystery motifs in a cave, the absorption  these motifs popular culture, and of course, the intensive development of parody. At the time, M. Bakhtin has shown that there is a unique humorous culture where laughter has the World contemplative character reveals another truth about the world, makes our perception of it more versatile. Thanks to laughter as a meaning of eternal rebirth of living nativity scene in ages.Comic represented in compressed, condensed form, enhances its effects many times. Den, as evidenced by a long history, designed to embody the world through laughter. On the example of Doughnut Festival we see that den is actively revived, particularly in the western regions ofUkraine, bringing its vastness and urgency. This mass form of theatrical art collects on its stage the best dens of Lviv that demonstrate their performances and carol singing, glorifying Christ.Doughnut Festival impossible without donuts (in fact, the very name of the holiday comes from this dish). Sweet symbol of Christmas is one of twelve dishes of Christmas table, which readily sweetly feed adults and children. For the first time in 2013 at the festival opened "Doughnut house." The festive atmosphere created by artistic means of expression, an important place among them belongs to the suit. Lviv is still happy to wear the national Ukrainian costume elements that provide to a Doughnut Festival colorful flowers and yet sophistication. It should be noted that the basis of artistic style of Ukrainian national dress is the Baroque style, which turns into ostentation, brightness and picturesque fabrics, intricate pattern ornament with a great report, exaggerating the basic forms of clothing and decorative ornaments.One of the most important scenography elements of Doughnut Festival is the "Star of Bethlehem" which heralds the birth of Christ. Stars come in many forms and are always decorated in a special way, because every detail is important. Not surprisingly, theMarket Squareduring the Doughnut Festival is decorated with big stars that create the festive atmosphere at the festival.The sources of joyful laughter at the doughnut festival are annual competitions for the best hostess, best doughnut eater, cute angel and devil. During the holidays have passed various doughnuts fun. The culmination of the celebration was a grand performance called "Christmas Extravaganza" – a theatrical performance in the open, played by actors of Lviv Academic spiritual theater "Resurrection."Thus, people's traditions and customs are one of the main factors revival and preservation of the nation. We believe that each of us is the successor of the great treasury of festive and fun culture, the successor of its traditions and customs. Doughnut Festival reproduces national and regional flavor ofUkraine, promotes national identity, national laughter embodies the Christmas traditions through performances, song and plastic art and images of the mask.В статье рассматриваются элементы празднично-смеховой культуры на примере современных рождественских праздников с акцентом на вертепном действии. В частности, раскрыты сущностные характеристики смеховых традиций рождественских праздников на примере праздника Пампухи.У статті розглядаються елементи святково-сміхової культури на прикладі сучасних різдвяних свят з акцентом на вертепному дійстві. Зокрема, розкрито сутнісні характеристики сміхових традицій різдвяних свят на прикладі свята Пампухи

    A Third Species of Echinargus Nabokov (Lycaenidae, Lepidoptera)

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    Notes on Neotropical Plebejinæ (Lycænidæ, Lepidoptera)

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