5,647 research outputs found

    Temperature effects on dislocation core energies in silicon and germanium

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    Temperature effects on the energetics of the 90-degree partial dislocation in silicon and germanium are investigated, using non-equilibrium methods to estimate free energies, coupled with Monte Carlo simulations. Atomic interactions are described by Tersoff and EDIP interatomic potentials. Our results indicate that the vibrational entropy has the effect of increasing the difference in free energy between the two possible reconstructions of the 90-degree partial, namely, the single-period and the double-period geometries. This effect further increases the energetic stability of the double-period reconstruction at high temperatures. The results also indicate that anharmonic effects may play an important role in determining the structural properties of these defects in the high-temperature regime.Comment: 8 pages in two-column physical-review format with six figure

    Investigation of the spread bovine tuberculosis in Southern Brazil by Whole-genome sequencing.

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    Mycobacterium bovis is the causal agent of bovine tuberculosis, one of the most important diseases currently facing the cattle industry worldwide. Tracing the source of M. bovis infections that result from movement of livestock is an important tool to understand the epidemiology of bovine tuberculosis (bTB) and defining control/eradication strategies. Whole genome sequencing (WGS) provides a higher resolution than other established typing methods and greatly improves the definition of the regional localization of M. bovis types. Cultures of M. bovis were isolated from 58 bovine granulomatous tissue using conventional methods (Stonebrink medium) from eight dairy farms of the State of Rio Grande do Sul, Southern Brazil. The isolates were sequenced using both llumina technologies NextSeq 500 System and HiSeqX System

    Ocorrência de carvão-da-folha (Etyloma oryzae) na cultura do arroz irrigado no Rio Grande do Sul.

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    Divergência genética entre linhagens de melão do grupo Inodorus.

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    O presente trabalho teve como objetivo estimar a divergência genética entre linhagens Pele de Sapo e entre linhagens Honey Dew. Foram avaliadas dez linhagens de melão Pele de Sapo e dez linhagens de melão Honey Dew, em experimentos separados, conduzidos em blocos casualizados com três repetições. A divergência genética foi estimada pela distância de Mahalanobis. Foram utilizados os métodos de Tocher e UPGMA para o agrupamento das linhagens. Para as linhagens Pele de Sapo, constatou-se divergência genética com a formação de quatro e cinco grupos conforme os métodos de agrupamento de Tocher e UPGMA, respectivamente. Sugere-se cruzamento das linhagens PS-01, PS-05 e PS-7 entre si ou com as demais linhagens do grupo I. Para as linhagens Honey Dew, verificou-se a formação dos mesmos três grupos nos métodos de agrupamento de Tocher e UPGMA. O grupo II formado pelas linhagens OF-01 e OF-02; o grupo III pela linhagem OF-03 e o primeiro grupo pelas demais linhagens. Com relação às linhagens Honey Dew, recomenda-se os cruzamentos das linhagens OF-01 ou OF-02, com as demais linhagens avaliadas. A linhagem OF-03, com características semelhantes às linhagens OF-01 ou OF-02 pode ser cruzada com as linhagens do grupo I

    New sources of resistance to Myrothecium roridum and Podosphaeria xanthii in yellow melon.

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    The aim of this study was to identify sources of resistance to Myrothecium roridum and Podosphaeria xanthii. Initially, 86 inbred lines of the crossing AM-04 x Goldex, 91 inbred lines of the crossing AM-12 x Rochedo, and 75 inbred lines of the crossing ACP x AF-646 were evaluated. The trials were carried out in a greenhouse in a randomized block design with five replications. Seventeen inbred lines were identified as resistant to M. roridum. These inbred lines, as well as the parents and seven differential cultivars (checks) were evaluated for the reaction to P. xanthii. Ten inbred lines were selected as moderately resistant to M. roridumand resistant to P. xanthii

    Avaliação da reação de resistência de cultivares de arroz irrigado ao carvão-verde (Ustilaginoidea virens)

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