4 research outputs found


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    Ticari limanlar ve yat limanları, deniz taşımacılığı ve tekne turizmi açısından hayati önem taşımaktadırlar. Limanların tasarımında en önemli aşamalardan biri, konaklayan gemi ve teknelere güvenli bir demirleme sağlayacak olan liman koruma yapısının tasarımıdır. Liman koruma yapısı tasarımını etkileyecek dalga özelliklerini belirten dalga iklimi, göz önüne alınması gereken temel unsurdur. Dalga iklimin modellenmesi koruma yapısı tasarımın sağlıklı olabilmesi açısından büyük bir öneme sahiptir. Bugün dünyada olduğu gibi, Türkiye'de de dalga tahminleri, rüzgar ölçümlerine ya da modellerine dayanmaktadır. Ancak, Türkiye Kıyılarında dalga iklimi çalışmalarında kullanılabilecek ölçülmüş dalga verisi bulunmadığından tasarım sürecinde dalga modelleri tercih edilmektedir. Bu çalışmada Türkiye Kıyıları için geliştirilmiş üç boyutlu hidrodinamik taşıma modeli olan HYDROTAM-3D modelinin rüzgar ve dalga iklimi alt modelleri anlatılmakta ve uygulama çalışması olarak Edremit, Balıkesir bölgesinin rüzgar ve dalga iklimi sunulmaktadır Ports and marinas have a vital importance in sea transportation and boat tourism. In the design of these areas, one of the most important steps is the design of the coastal defence structure which provides the safe berthing of the ships and the boats calling ports and marinas. Wave climate providing information on the wave characteristics that will affect the design of the defence structure is the basic aspect of the design process. Modelling the wave climate is of great importance in reaching on sound coastal defence structure. Like the overall practice in the world, wave prediction studies in Turkey are based on either the data gained out of wave measurements or models. However, as there is no continuous wave measurement data along the Turkish coasts, models of wave climate are preferred in the design process. In this study, the wind and wave climate sub-models of HYDROTAM-3D, a three dimensional hydrodynamic transport model are used and and developed for Turkish coasts, and the results of a case study for Edremit, Balıkesir are discussed

    Göcek Koyları'daki yat hareketlerinin öykünümü

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    Fethiye-Göcek area is one of the nine coastal Specially Protected Area (SPA) in Turkey. Since mid-80̕s Göcek town has developed to be a yachting center, and the bays of Göcek have acquired a well-earned international fame as a paradise for boating vacations. However, the uncontrolled yachting in this bay area presents a growing pressure on the environment, and the coastal and marine ecosystem. In this thesis a computer model for simulating the movements of yachts in Göcek Bays is developed. The computer model uses the Multinomial Logit Model (MNL) to find the probabilities for the boaters to select the next bay to visit. The model predicts the number of boats in each bay at the end of a day, the number of boats visited each bay during the day and the distribution of boater categories among the bays throughout the simulation time. In order to get the data needed for the inputs, a questionnaire was formed, and a detailed survey was carried out in Göcek Bays. In addition to the questionnaires, the number of the boats anchored were also observed in the field studies. The model is applied to the Göcek Bays and the results obtained are compared with the data obtained in the field. In the following years, the yacht movements and distributions at various anchor locations can be predicted with this model. These predictions will be useful in a future management plan that aims to control of yacht movement and anchoring.Ph.D. - Doctoral Progra

    Risk Assessment of Sea Level Rise for Karasu Coastal Area, Turkey

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    Sea Level Rise (SLR) due to global warming is becoming a more pressing issue for coastal zones. This paper presents an overall analysis to assess the risk of a low-lying coastal area in Karasu, Turkey. For SLR scenarios of 1 m, 2 m, and 3 m by 2100, inundation levels were visualized using Digital Elevation Model (DEM). The eight-side rule is applied as an algorithm through Geographic Information System (GIS) using ArcMap software with high-resolution DEM data generated by eleven 1:5000 scale topographic maps. The outcomes of GIS-based inundation maps indicated 1.40%, 6.02%, and 29.27% of the total land area by 1 m, 2 m, and 3 m SLR scenarios, respectively. Risk maps have shown that water bodies, low-lying urban areas, arable land, and beach areas have a higher risk at 1 m. In a 2 m scenario, along with the risk of the 1 m scenario, forests become at risk as well. For the 3 m scenario, almost all the territorial features of the Karasu coast are found to be inundated. The effect of SLR scenarios based on population and Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is also analyzed. It is found that the 2 and 3 m scenarios lead to a much higher risk compared to the 1 m scenario. The combined hazard–vulnerability data shows that estuarine areas on the west and east of the Karasu region have a medium vulnerability. These results provide primary assessment data for the Karasu region for the decision-makers to enhance land use policies and coastal management plans