12,365 research outputs found

    Heat shock proteins in tendinopathy: novel molecular regulators

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    Tendon disorders-tendinopathies-are the primary reason for musculoskeletal consultation in primary care and account for up to 30% of rheumatological consultations. Whilst the molecular pathophysiology of tendinopathy remains difficult to interpret the disease process involving repetitive stress, and cellular load provides important mechanistic insight into the area of heat shock proteins which spans many disease processes in the autoimmune community. Heat shock proteins, also called damage-associated molecular patterns (DAMPs), are rapidly released following nonprogrammed cell death, are key effectors of the innate immune system, and critically restore homeostasis by promoting the reconstruction of the effected tissue. Our investigations have highlighted a key role for HSPs in tendion disease which may ultimately affect tissue rescue mechanisms in tendon pathology. This paper aims to provide an overview of the biology of heat shock proteins in soft tissue and how these mediators may be important regulators of inflammatory mediators and matrix regulation in tendinopathy

    Constancy of distributions: asymptotic efficiency of certain nonparametric tests of constancy

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    In this paper we study stochastic processes which enable monitoring thepossible changes of probability distributions over time. Theseso-called monitoring processes are bivariate functions of time andposition at the measurement scale, and in particular be used to testthe null hypothesis of no change: one may then form Kolmogorov--Smirnovor other type of tests as functionals of the processes. In Hjort andKoning (2001) Cram??r-type deviation results were obtained under theconstancy null hypothesis for [bootstrapped versions of] such``derived'' test statistics. Here the behaviour of derived test statistics is investigated underalternatives in the vicinity of the constancy hypothesis. Whencombined with Cram??r-type deviation results, the results in thispaper enable the computation of efficiencies of the correspondingtests. The discussion of some examples of yield guidelines for thechoice of the test statistic, and hence for the underlying monitoringprocess.Asymptotic efficiency;Constancy of distributions;Empirical distribution functions;Kernel density estimator

    Who Cares About Patents? Cross-Industry Differences in the Marginal Value of Patent Term

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    How much do market participants in different industries value a marginal change in patent term (i.e., duration of patent protection)? We explore this research question by measuring the behavioral response of patentees to a rare natural experiment: a change in patent term rules, due to passage of the TRIPS agreement. We find significant heterogeneity in patentee behavior across industries, some of which follows conventional wisdom (patent term is important in pharmaceuticals) and some of which does not (it also appears to matter for some software). Our measure is highly correlated with patent renewal rates across industries, suggesting the marginal value of patent term increases with higher expected profits toward the end of term

    Savings Behaviour in the Indian Economy

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    An attempt has been made in the present exercise to examine the savings behaviour in the Indian Economy in terms of shift in the growth rates of domestic savings, and in magnitude of income elasticity of the domestic savings at the aggregate and disaggregate levels during post economic reform period. The results show that there is no shift in the growth rate of the domestic savings both at aggregate and disaggregate levels during post economic reform period. However there has been acceleration in the growth rates of domestic savings of household and private sectors and deceleration in public sector during 1950--2002. The estimate of constant income elasticity of household savings is found to be more than unity implying that the marginal propensity to save is higher than the average propensity to save, all else equal. Further the constant income elasticity of household savings is moderately higher than that of the income elasticities of domestic savings estimated for private and public sectors during pre economic reform period. The results point out that there is no shift in the magnitude of income elasticity of savings of household, private and public sectors during post economic reform period showing the homogeneity in the size of the income elasticity of domestic savings. Thus the economic reforms that have been initiated in 1992 could not bump up the growth rate of savings and magnitude of the income elasticity of domestic savings both at aggregate and disaggregate levels in the Indian Economy during post economic reform period.

    RBAC in Practice

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    Constancy of distributions: nonparametric monitoring of probability distributions over time

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    In this paper we study stochastic processes which enable monitoring thepossible changes of probability distributions over time. These processes mayin particular be used to test the null hypothesis of no change. Themonitoring processes are bivariate functions, of time and position at themeasurement scale, and are approximated with zero mean Gaussian processesunder the constancy hypothesis. One may then form Kolmogorov--Smirnov orother type of tests as functionals of the processes. To study nulldistributions of the resulting tests, we employ KMT-type inequalities toderive Cram\\'er-type deviation results for (bootstrapped versions of) suchtests statistics.stochastic processes;bivariate functions;nonparametric monitoring

    Does Competition Reduce Costs? Assessing the Impact of Regulatory Restructuring on U.S. Electric Generation Efficiency

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    This paper explores the empirical effects of competition on technical efficiency in the context of electricity industry restructuring. Restructuring programs adopted by many U.S. states made utilities residual claimants to cost savings and increased their exposure to competitive markets. We estimate the impact of these changes on annual generating plant-level input demand for non-fuel operating expenses, the number of employees and fuel use. We find that municipally-owned plants, whose owners were for the most part unaffected by restructuring, experienced the smallest efficiency gains over the past decade. Investor-owned utility plants in states that restructured their wholesale electricity markets had the largest reductions in nonfuel operating expenses and employment, while investor-owned plants in nonrestructuring states fell between these extremes. The analysis also highlights the substantive importance of treating the simultaneity of input and output decisions, which we do through an instrumental variables approach.Efficiency, Production, Competition, Electricity restructuring, Electric Generation, Regulation

    Lotus tenuis tolerates combined salinity and waterlogging: maintaining O2 transport to roots and expression of an NHX1-like gene contribute to regulation of Na+ transport

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    Salinity and waterlogging interact to reduce growth for most crop and pasture species. The combination of these stresses often cause a large increase in the rate of Na+ and Cl− transport to shoots; however, the mechanisms responsible for this are largely unknown. To identify mechanisms contributing to the adverse interaction between salinity and waterlogging, we compared two Lotus species with contrasting tolerances when grown under saline (200 mM NaCl) and O2-deficient (stagnant) treatments. Measurements of radial O2 loss (ROL) under stagnant conditions indicated that more O2 reaches root tips of Lotus tenuis, compared with Lotus corniculatus. Better internal aeration would contribute to maintaining Na+ and Cl− transport processes in roots of L. tenuis exposed to stagnant-plus-NaCl treatments. L. tenuis root Na+ concentrations after stagnant-plus-NaCl treatment (200 mM) were 17% higher than L. corniculatus, with 55% of the total plant Na+ being accumulated in roots, compared with only 39% for L. corniculatus. L. tenuis accumulated more Na+ in roots, presumably in vacuoles, thereby reducing transport to the shoot (25% lower than L. corniculatus). A candidate gene for vacuole Na+ accumulation, an NHX1-like gene, was cloned from L. tenuis and identity established via sequencing and yeast complementation. Transcript levels of NHX1 in L. tenuis roots under stagnant-plus-NaCl treatment were the same as for aerated NaCl, whereas L. corniculatus roots had reduced transcript levels. Enhanced O2 transport to roots enables regulation of Na+ transport processes in L. tenuis roots, contributing to tolerance to combined salinity and waterlogging stresses


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    Praktik Pengalaman Lapangan (PPL) Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta merupakan mata kuliah wajib yang ditempuh oleh mahasiswa kependidikan. Kegiatan PPL merupakan kesempatan bagi mahasiswa untuk mempraktikkan ilmu yang bersifat teoritis yang diterima di perkuliahan. Kegiatan PPL dapat bertujuan untuk mendapatkan berbagai pengalaman mengenai proses pembelajaran dan kegiatan dalam lingkungan sekolah yang digunakan sebagai bekal bagi calon tenaga pendidik yang memiliki nilai, sikap, pengetahuan, dan ketrampilan yang digunakan sebagai tenaga pendidik. Melalui PPL, mahasiswa calon guru diterjunkan ke sekolah untuk mengamati, mengenal dan belajar mempraktikkan semua kompetensi mengajar yang telah dipelajari di bangku kuliah, sehingga mendapatkan pengalaman kependidikan secara faktual di lapangan dengan bimbingan dan arahan dari guru pembimbing, dosen pembimbing dan koordinator PPL di Sekolah. Praktik Pengalaman Lapangan (PPL) Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta tahun 2015 yang berlokasi di SMA Negeri 7 Purworejo, mulai dilaksanakan pada tanggal 10 Agustus 2015 sampai tanggal 12 September 2015. Dalam hal ini, Praktik Pengalaman Lapangan melakukan kegiatan mengajar baik yang bersifat terbimbing maupun yang bersifat mandiri. Dalam kegiatan PPL mahasiswa menjalankan program mengajar minimal dengan 4 kali Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP). Program mengajar yang dilakukan bervariasi, yaitu menggunakan metode Student Centered Learning, ceramah, diskusi informatif, dan tanya jawab. Dalam kegiatan PPL di SMA Negeri 7 Purworejo, penyusun mendapatkan kesempatan praktik mengajar di kelas XI MIPA 1, XI MIPA 2, XI MIPA 3, dan XI MIPA 4, XI MIPA 5, XI MIPA 6 Dengan adanya kegiatan PPL ini, praktikan mendapat bekal pangalaman dan gambaran nyata tentang kegiatan dalam dunia pendidikan khususnya di sekolah. Dengan terselesaikannya kegiatan PPL ini diharapkan dapat tercipta tenaga pendidik yang professional dan berkualitas