59 research outputs found

    Magnetoelectric Effect in Two-Layer Composites with a Graded Magnetic Phase

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    ArticleSamples of a homogeneous (x = 0, 0.1, and 0.2) and multilayer ceramics with a gradient composition (x = 0.2 → 0.1 → 0 → 0.1 → 0.2) based on solid solutions of (Ni1 − xZnx)Fe2O4 nickel–zinc ferrites have been manufactured using the thick-film technology. After sintering in a two-step mode, the gradient samples exhibited a smooth non-uniform distribution of chemical elements (Zn, Ni) over the thickness. The longitudinal (αE33) and transverse (αE31) magnetoelectric effects in two-layer PZT–nickel ferrite composites have been studied. In the absence of an external magnetostatic field, the values of magnetoelectric coefficients were negligible. The maximum value of the longitudinal magnetoelectric coefficient for composites with the gradient magnetic phase was practically two times higher than value of αE33 for homogeneous structures

    Профилактика постишемического неврологического дефицита путем модуляции экспрессии АДФ-рибозилциклазы в клетках головного мозга (экспериментальное исследование)

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    Objective: to study the mechanism that is responsible for impaired neuronal cell electroexcitability and viability, which is associated with modification of ADP-ribosyl cyclase in cerebral ischemic lesion, as well as the possibilities of pathogenet-ically correcting these disorders.Materials and methods. Acute cerebral ischemia was simulated in vivo on noninbred albino male rats, by ligating the right common carotid artery under general anesthesia. y-Interferon was intraperitoneally administered to the mammal in a dose of 5000 IU/kg body weight once daily for 3 days until unilateral extravasal occlusion of the common carotid artery occurred. The activity of ADP-ribosyl cyclase was evaluated by the fluorometric technique. CD38 expression in the brain cells was immunohistohemically detected. The severity of neurological symptoms was evaluated using the international NSS scale for laboratory animals. Cognitive dysfunction was recorded employing the standard test — the Morris water maze. The validity of differences was assessed by Student’s t-test and T-test, by applying STATISTICA version 6.0 (StatSoft-Russia, 1999) and BIOSTATISTICA programs.Results. Progressive neurological and cognitive deficit-induced changes occurred in the activity and expression of ADP-ribosyl cyclase/CD38 in the neuronal and glial cells in the course of brain ischemia. Neuroprotection and prevention of postischemic cognitive dysfunction were achieved by the use of y-interferon as a modifier of the brain cell expression of CD38/ADP-ribosyl cyclase. Цель исследования . Изучение механизма нарушения электровозбудимости и жизнеспособности клеток нейрональ-ной природы, ассоциированного с изменением активности АДФ-рибозилциклазы, при ишемическом повреждении головного мозга, а также возможности патогенетической коррекции этих нарушений.Материалы и методы. Моделирование острой ишемии головного мозга in vivo осуществлялось перевязкой под общей анестезией правой общей сонной артерии на белых беспородных крысах-самцах. В течение 3 дней до унилатеральной экстравазальной окклюзии общей сонной артерии млекопитающему вводили внутрибрюшинно препарат гамма-интерферона в дозе 5000 МЕ/кг массы, 1 раз в сутки. Активность АДФ-рибозилциклазы оценивалась флуориметрическим методом. Детекция CD38 в клетках головного мозга осуществлялась иммуногистохимически. Оценка степени выраженности неврологической симптоматики осуществлялась с использованием международной шкалы NSS для лабораторных животных. Регистрация когнитивной дисфункции у лабораторных животных осуществлялась с использованием стандартного теста — водного лабиринта Морриса. Оценку достоверности различий осуществляли с использованием t-критерия Стьюдента и Т-теста, с помощью программ STATISTICA v. 6.0 [StatSoft-Russia, 1999] и BIOSTATISTICA.Результаты. В динамике ишемии головного мозга происходили изменения активности и экспрессии АДФ-рибозилцикла-зы/CD38 в клетках нейрональной и глиальной природы, ассоциированные с нарастанием неврологического и когнитивного дефицита. Нейропротективный эффект и профилактика постишемической когнитивной дисфункции достигались использованием гамма-интерферона как модулятора экспрессии CD38/АДФ-рибозилциклазы в клетках мозга.

    The Forward Physics Facility at the High-Luminosity LHC

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    High energy collisions at the High-Luminosity Large Hadron Collider (LHC) produce a large number of particles along the beam collision axis, outside of the acceptance of existing LHC experiments. The proposed Forward Physics Facility (FPF), to be located several hundred meters from the ATLAS interaction point and shielded by concrete and rock, will host a suite of experiments to probe standard model (SM) processes and search for physics beyond the standard model (BSM). In this report, we review the status of the civil engineering plans and the experiments to explore the diverse physics signals that can be uniquely probed in the forward region. FPF experiments will be sensitive to a broad range of BSM physics through searches for new particle scattering or decay signatures and deviations from SM expectations in high statistics analyses with TeV neutrinos in this low-background environment. High statistics neutrino detection will also provide valuable data for fundamental topics in perturbative and non-perturbative QCD and in weak interactions. Experiments at the FPF will enable synergies between forward particle production at the LHC and astroparticle physics to be exploited. We report here on these physics topics, on infrastructure, detector, and simulation studies, and on future directions to realize the FPF's physics potential

    The Forward Physics Facility at the High-Luminosity LHC

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    Thermalization of neutrons in infinite homogeneous media

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