6 research outputs found

    Long-Term Management of Hepatitis C-Seropositive Subjects with AntiOxidant Biofactor (AOB®), a Fermented Food Supplement

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    The efficacy of AntiOxidant Biofactor (AOB(R)) for the management of apparently healthy subjects with chronic hepatitis C infection was investigated. A total of 60 subjects (35 males, 25 females) participated in the trial. AOB was given orally in 2 packs (3g per pack) 3 times per day. 17 subjects had taken AOB for 3 years, 31 subjects up to 2 years, and 41 subjects up to one year. The initial mean (SD) serum alamine aminotransferase (ALT) level was 46.3+/-35.4IU/L, and significant (p0.05, paired t-test) reductions in the mean serum ALT levels were observed at 6 months (38.6+/-21.5IU/L), 18 months (31.9+/-18.1IU/L), 2 years (31.2+/-14.6IU/L), and 3 years (28.0+/-15.9IU/L). Those presenting with high serum ALT levels (30 subjects) demonstrated significant levels (p0.05, paired t-test) of reduction in the mean serum ALT levels at 6, 12, 18, 24, and 36 months of treatment. No side effects were observed and the AOB treatment was well tolerated by all subjects

    Molecular Epidemiology of Dengue Viruses Co-circulating in Upper Myanmar in 2006

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    To understand the molecular epidemiology of circulating dengue viruses (DENV) in Upper Myanmar, DENV isolation was attempted by inoculating the sera of a panel of 110 serum samples onto a C6/36 mosquito cell line. The samples were collected from dengue (DEN) patients admitted at Mandalay Children’s Hospital in 2006. Infected culture fluids were subjected to a RT-PCR to detect the DENV genome. Three DENV strains were isolated. This was the first DENV isolation performed either in Mandalay or in Upper Myanmar. One strain belonged to DENV serotype-3 (DENV-3), and two other strains belonged to DENV serotype-4 (DEN-4). The sequence data for the envelope gene of these strains were used in a phylogenetic comparison of DENV-3 and DENV-4 from various countries. Phylogenetic analyses revealed that this DENV-3 strain was clustered within genotype II, and the two DENV-4 strains were clustered within genotype I in each serotype. The Myanmar strains were closely related to strains from the neighboring countries of Thailand and Bangladesh. These results are important for elucidating the trends of recent and future DEN outbreaks in Myanmar

    A first absolute chronology for Late Neolithic to Early Bronze Age Myanmar: New AMS 14C dates from Nyaung'gan and Oakaie

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    Late prehistoric archaeological research in Myanmar is in a phase of rapid expansion. Recent work by the Mission Archéologique Française au Myanmar aims to establish a reliable Neolithic to Iron Age culture-historical sequence, which can then be compared to surrounding regions of Southeast Asia. Excavations at Nyaung'gan and Oakaie in central Myanmar have provided 52 new AMS dates, which allow the creation of Myanmar's first reliable prehistoric radiometric chronology. They have also identified the Neolithic to Bronze Age transition in central Myanmar, which is of critical importance in understanding long-range interactions at the national, regional and inter-regional level. This research provides the first significant step towards placing late prehistoric Myanmar in its global context

    A first absolute chronology for Late Neolithic to Early Bronze Age Myanmar: new AMS C-14 dates from Nyaung'gan and Oakaie

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    Late prehistoric archaeological research in Myanmar is in a phase of rapid expansion. Recent work by the Mission Archeologique Francaise au Myanmar aims to establish a reliable Neolithic to Iron Age culture-historical sequence, which can then be compared to surrounding regions of Southeast Asia. Excavations at Nyaung'gan and Oakaie in central Myanmar have provided 52 new AMS dates, which allow the creation of Myanmar's first reliable prehistoric radiometric chronology. They have also identified the Neolithic to Bronze Age transition in central Myanmar, which is of critical importance in understanding long-range interactions at the national, regional and inter-regional level. This research provides the first significant step towards placing late prehistoric Myanmar in its global context