201 research outputs found


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    Salah satu tujuan Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan adalah menghasilkan lulusan yang kompeten. Lulusan yang kompeten diharapkan menjadi karyawan yang produktif dimana ia bekerja. Salah satu yang mempengaruhi produktifitas adalah ergonomi dimana kerja sehat, selamat, efektif dan efisien dengan tingkat kecelakaan yang minimal. Berdasarkan teori Domino aksioma keselamatan industri oleh H.W Heinrich salah satu faktor terjadi kecelakaan adalah faktor pribadi dimana kemampuan fisik atau fisiologi tidak memenuhi syarat kelayakan melakukan tugas tertentu. Keterkaitan bahwa kesehatan adalah hak setiap manusia yang dilindungi oleh undang-undang, serta pencegahan terjadinya kecelakaan, perlu dilakukannya pengukuran postur tubuh yang dikenal dengan anthropometri. Penelitian eksplorasi pengukuran anthropometri dilakukan pada 72 siswa SMK di Kota Bandung. Pengolahan data berupa uji keseragaman data, uji kecukupan data dan indeks massa tubuh, kemudian di deskripsikan berupa rata-rata dan kriteria kecocokan. Hasil pengukuran anthropometri kondisi ketubuhan (postur tubuh) calon mekanik otomotif kendaraan ringan pada pemetaan tingkat keseragamannya relatif rendah. Perbedaan data yang tinggi dan rendah apabila dilihat secara keseluruhan dari rata-rata siswa mempunyai tinggi badan rata-rata 165,30 cm dan berat badan rata-rata 56,68 kg. Postur tersebut menunjukan bahwa calon mekanik otomotif kendaraaan ringan tersebut memenuhi syarat untuk menjadi mekanik otomotif di Indonesia.---------- One purpose of Vocational High School is to produce competent graduates. Competent graduates are expected to become a productive employee at his place of employment. One that affects productivity is where the working ergonomics are healthy, safe, effective and efficient with minimal accident rate. Based on the theory of industrial safety axiom, Domino by HW Heinrich, one factor is the factor of personal accidents where physical ability or physiology does not meet eligibility requirements to perform certain tasks. The concept that health is a right of every human being is protected by law contributing to the prevention of accidents. To ensure this concept, it is necessary to do the measurement posture known as anthropometry. Exploratory research of anthropometric measurements was carried out on 72 students of SMK in Bandung. Processing data in the form of the data uniformity test, tests the adequacy of the data and body mass index, and then describes the average form and suitability criteria. The results are anthropometric measurements of bodily condition (posture) of a light vehicle automotive mechanic candidate at a relatively low level of uniformity mapping. Data differences of high and low when viewed as a whole than the average students have an average height of 165.30 cm, and average weight 56.68 kg. The posture showed that light vehicle automotive mechanic candidates are eligible to become automotive mechanics in Indonesia


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    Dalamolahragabulutangkis, pemain tunggal dan ganda merupakan pemain yang memilikikarakterbermainyangberbedadalammelakukanperminannya.Tujuandalampenelitianiniadalah(1) Untuk mengetahui gambaran kondisi fisik dan teknik dasar pemain tunggal dengan pemain ganda dalam cabor bulutangkis,(2) Untukmengetahuiperbedaan kondisifisikpemaintunggaldenganpemaingandadalamcaborbulutangkis,(3)Untukmengetahuiperbedaanteknikdasarpemaintunggaldenganpemaingandadalamcaborbulutangkis.Metodepenelitian yang digunakanyaitudeskriptifkomparatif.Sampel yang digunakansebanyak30 orangpemainbulutangkis.15 orang daripemaintunggalPB.Mutiaradan15 orang daripemaingandaPB.Mutiara yang diambilmenggunakanmetodepurposive sampling.Instrumen yang digunakanadalahteskondisi fisik dantes teknik dasar. Hasilpenelitianmenunjukkannilairata-ratakondisi fisik pemain tunggaladalah35.86danuntukpemain gandaadalah37.33.Sedangkannilaiteknik dasar pemain tunggaladalah350.99danuntukpemain gandaadalah349.00.Nilaidariuji independent sample t-test untukperbandingankondisifisikadalah0.910dengannilaiprobabilitas0.370, yang berarti tidak terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara pemain tunggal dengan pemain ganda dalamcaborbulutangkis,sedangkanuntukperbandinganteknikdasaradalah0.156dengannilaiprobabilitas 0,877, yang berartitidak terdapat perbedaan yang nyata atau signifikanantarapemain tunggal dengan pemain ganda dalam cabor bulutangkis Kata kunci :kondisi fisik,teknik dasar,pemain tunggal,pemain ganda,bulutangkis. In badminton, singles and doubles players are players who have played different characters in conducting the game. The aim in this study were (1) To know the description of the physical condition and basic techniques single player with multiple players in the sports of badminton, (2) To determine differences in the physical condition of a single player with multiple players in the sports of badminton, (3) To know the basic techniques difference Single player doubles player in the sports of badminton. The method used is descriptive comparative. The sample used as many as 30 people badminton players. 15 people from the single player PB.Mutiara and 15 people from doubles player PB.Mutiara taken using purposive sampling method. Instruments used dalah tests physical condition and basic technical tests. The results showed the average value of the physical condition of the single player are 35.86 and 37.33 for doubles players are. While the basic technique of single-player value is 350.99 and for a doubles player is 349.00. The value of the test independent sample t-test for comparison of physical condition is 0.910 with probability value 0370, which means there is no significant difference between single player with multiple players in the sports of badminton, while the basic technique for comparison is 0156 with a probability value of 0.877, which means there are no real or significant differences between single player with multiple players in the sports of badminton. Keywords:PhysicalCondition,BasicTechnique,SinglePlayer,DoublePlayers,Badminton

    Islam dan Demokrasi: Kajian Fikih Siyasah Tentang Tantangan Dan Hambatan Demokratisasi Di Dunia Islam

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    Di dunia Islam, demokrasi merupakan system politik yang masih diperdebatkan oleh ulama, akademisi serta inetelektual Muslim. Bagi yang menerima system demokrasi dalam system pemerintahan, mereka menganggap bahwa demokrasi kompatibel dengan Islam. Setidaknya ada dua alasan yang dijadikan dasar, yaitu pertama ajaran Islam tentang nilai-nilai yang menjadi acuan kehidupan: 1) al-Musawah, 2) al-Hurriyah, 3) al-Ukhuwwah, 4) al-‘Ada>lah, 5) al-Shura, 6) al-Mas’uliyyat. Kedua, ajaran Islam tentang hak-hak yang harus diusahakan pemenuhannya oleh diri sendiri, maupun masyarkat atau Negara, yang meiputi: 1) hifz} al-din (hak beragama), 2) hifz al-nafs (hak Hidup), hifz al-Maal (hak milik individu/ porpeti righ), 5) hifz al-‘irdh hak mempertahankan nama baik

    Rekonstruksi Paradigma Pemikiran NU: Telaah Metode Istinbat Hukum Islam NU

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    oai:ojs2.e-jurnal.stai-nuruliman.ac.id:article/3NU society organizations in Indonesia, the largest Islamic world even, NU is a centrist and moderate thinking organitations. Lajnah Bah}th al-Masa>’il (LBM) is a religious fatwa institution owned by NU. Operationally it conduct a study of Islamic law to find the legal provisions of the problems that occur in the community (masa'il waqi'iyyah). There has been a paradigm shift in the thinking of qawli madhhab switch to a manhaji madhhab

    A Review: Is Ginger (Zingiber officinale var. Roscoe) Potential for Future Phytomedicine?

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    AbstractZingiber officinale Roscoe (red:ginger), is one of the most widely consumed medicinal herbs in the world has been widely used to treat various disorders in Indonesia. There are three known types of ginger: giant ginger or white ginger (Zingiber officinale var. Roscoe), small white ginger or ginger emprit (Zingiber officinale var. Amarum), and red ginger (Zingiber officinale var. Rubrum). The main components of ginger rhizome are carbohydrates, lipids, essential oils, terpenes, and phenol compounds such as gingerol (23-25%) and shogaol (18-25%). Many studies had confirmed benefical effects of ginger against inflammation, free radicals, diabetes melitus, bacterial infection, cancer, nausea, etc. Z. officinale var. rubrum is considered a safe herbal remedy with only slight and not significant adverse effects. This plant is potential fur future phytomedicine, however it needs further explorations on its clinical studies in humans is expected, especially the efficacy and safety of the risk of side effects


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    This study aims to determine (1) the effectiveness of rural community empowerment national program (PNPM-MP) and (2) factors related to the level of the effectiveness of the program in supporting agricultural development. Research was conducted in Ngambur sub district of West Lampung Regency from February to April 2012. Respondents were 68 farmers taken proportionally from 21 farmer groups. Method used was a descriptive analysis. The correlation between variables was tested using Rank Spearman correlation analysis. Result showed that the PNPM-MP was quite effective in supporting agricultural development in Ngambur Subdistrict of West Lampung Regency. The factors related to the level of the effectiveness in supporting agricultural development were the level of knowledge of the group members, the role of facilitator and district management team activities, and the amount of the PNPM-MP fund. The factor not related to the effectiveness of the PNPM-MP in supporting agricultural development in sub Ngambur West Lampung Regency was the level of participation of group members. Keywords: agricultural, effectiveness, independent, program, empowermen

    Dinamika Positivisasi Fatwa (Legal Opinion) Ke Dalam Perundang-Undangan

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    Fatwa (legal opinion) merupakan produk pemikiran Hukum Islam disamping fkih, qad}a>’ dan qanu>n. Ia memiliki karakteristik tersendiri yang memungkinkan untuk berbeda dengan produk pemikiran hukum yang lain. Fatwa tidak mempunyai daya ikat, dalam arti si peminta fatwa (mustafti) tidak harus mengikuti isi atau hukum fatwa yang diberikan kepadanya, tetapi biasanya fatwa cenderung bersifat dinamis karena merupakan respon terhadap perkembanngan baru yang sedang dihadapi dan bersifat responsif, atau sekurang-kurangnya dapat dikatakan dinamis. Fatwa (Legal Opinion) sebenarnya tidak memiliki kekuatan hokum, sehinga ia tidak bisa memberkan sanksi terhadap pelangaran-pelangaran fatwa. Agar fatwa tersebut memiliki kekuatan hukum yang mengikat, maka diperlukan penyerapan fatwa tersebut ke dalam peraturan atau perundang-undangan. Proses penyerapan fatwa ini yang dimaksud dalam artikel ini sebagai positivisasi. Hasil dari positivisasi hukum tidak tertulis (fatwa dan fikih) menjadi hukum tertulis disebut dengan qanu>n. Proses pengubahan fatwa menjadi qanu>n atau undang-undang/peraturan disebut taqni>n. Proses taqni>n tersebut mencakup: (1) pembentukan peraturan  perundang-undangan yang memuat norma hukum yang mengikat secara umum; (2) penelitian atau pengkajian hukum yang dipertanggungjawabkan secara ilmiah mengenai pengaturan masalah tersebut dalam suatu ranangan peraturan perundang-undangan; dan (3) pengundangan/ penempatan peraturan perundang-undangan dalam Lembaran Negara, Tambahan Lembaran Negara, Berita Negara, dan Tambahan Berita Negara

    Upaya Meningkatkan Minat Belajar Siswa Melalui Layanan Konseling Kelompok

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    This research aims to improve MTs students’ learning interest at Al. Ma’arif  Wuluhan class Vll C through group counseling services with 30 students being studied. The data collection methods used were Observation and Questionnaire, which were then analyzed using descriptive data analysis. Based on the results of the initial observation by giving a questionnaire and obtaining the main data with the percentage of learning interest is 33,3% of 30 students, after being given action in the first cycle, the learning interest inceased with a percentage of 55% of 20 students, after continuing in cycle II the level of students’ learning interest increased with a percentage of 88,8% of 9 students. Providing group counseling services shows that students’ learning interest in schools has increased. Research avtivities have been categorized as successful becauce they reach a percentage above the success indicators that have been set at 80% they percentage of students’ interest in learning at school.  Keywords: group counseling, learning interest

    Pemanfaatan Software SPSS untuk Analisis Instrument Penelitian Dalam Penelitian Tindakan Kelas

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    Dalam kegiatan PTK instrument tes (soal) yang digunakan sebagai alat ukur untuk mengukur keberhasil suatu metode atau tindakan perlu diuji kualitasnya. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan metode deskriptif. Penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk mencari informasi dan data yang dapat digunakan untuk mendeskripsikan kualitas instrumen tes secara empiris berdasarkan unsur validitas, reliabilitas, indeks kesukaran, dan daya pembeda soal yang diolah dengan bantuan software SPSS versi 16.0. Diagnostik soal dengan menguji cobakan soal kepada 42 siswa kelas VIII B Madarash Muallimin Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta. Hasil uji coba didapatkan 20 item soal baik instrument tes subtema 1 dan 2 kesemuanya valid dan reliable. Tingkat kesukaran instrument tes subtema 1 terdapat 4 soal kategori sedang dan 16 soal kategori mudah. Instrumen tes subtema 2 terdapat 10 soal kategori sedang dan 10 soal kategori mudah. Uji daya pembeda instrument tes subtema 1 kesemua soal dalam kategori baik. Instrument tes subtema 2 terdapat 19 soal dengan kategori baik dan 1 soal dengan kategori tidak baik.  Manfaat setelah dilakukan analisis instrumen soal menggunakan SPSS ini adalah dapat membantu dalam evaluasi atas tes yang digunakan, mendukung penulisan butir soal yang efektif, menentukan apakah suatu fungsi butir soal sesuai dengan yang diharapkan, dan merevisi materi yang dinilai atau diukur


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    This article aims to describe the development of authentic assessment of Islamic Religious Education subjects. Authentic assessment basically focuses on the balance between assessing the competence of attitudes, knowledge, and skills in accordance with the development of student characteristics. The type of research in this article uses qualitative research with field study methods. The results of this study indicate that the obstacles in carrying out authentic assessments lie in the very diverse characteristics of students that make it difficult for teachers to provide assessments, the limited time in conducting assessments related to student activity, there are several aspects that must be assessed thoroughly, and the instruments used are more than one. Teachers can follow up on these obstacles by planning and managing the learning process properly, participating in several training related to assessments based on the 2013 curriculum, seeking information and references related to authentic assessment, and developing self-creativity in order to find new ways to assess students. The positive contribution that is expected from this article is that authentic assessments can be developed in every educational institution to provide quality assessments and are not limited to the cognitive realm
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