75 research outputs found

    EFL Learning Via Smart TV in Junior High School

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    The main objective of English Foreign Language learning via Smart TV in junior high school gives molestone improvement on the student capacity at interactive level of learning with the ongoing advancements in TV have offered ascend to the intelligent shrewd board innovation which can enhance student to learn english through new cutting-edge technology learning situation. The objective of this qualitative case study is to describe the implementation of Smart TV used in English Foreign Language Learning process in the classroom and Boarding School and the outputs of the implementation of Smart TV at SMP Unggulan Bilingual Boarding School (BBS) Zainul Hasan Genggong Probolinggo. The theory supporting utilization of TV as a general media apparatus in training is tangible incitement theory which has its essential reason that compelling learning happens when the senses are stimulated. TV assumes a huge job in preparing student for citizenship, encouraging the feeling of understanding, natural mindfulness and teaching of socio-political and social qualities. The eventual fate of TV in schools will rely upon whether there is adequate security to keep the device, stockpiling of these devices, wellsprings of electric supply, gracefully of internet facilities, streets to flexibly these devices in various schools and planning of teachers as an asset individual. To arrive at such a point, the researcher gathered the information by direct perception, in-depth interviewing and document review. Furthermore, the researcher examined the assembled data by using three huge periods of the data analysis: data reduction, data display, then drawing conclusion and verification


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    EFL students should have vocabulary mastery as basic unit to  support the understanding of the English learning process. This study is focused on several aims Those are to find out the features of vocabulary learning strategies, to find the most strategy which is used by efl learners, and to know the least common vocabulary learning strategy which is made by EFL  Darussalam Islamic Institute. The study was carried out to 61 students as samples to collecting data.  The majority of the respondent consist of 53 female respondents and 8 male respondents. The data collection involved observation, questionnaire, and interview instruments. Afterward, main instrument is a set of questionnaires which was adapted on Schmitt‘s (1997) taxonomy; determination strategy (DET), social strategy (SOC), memory strategy (MEM), cognitive strategy (COG), and metacoginitive strategy (MET). The 33 questions are adapted. The overall implication of vocabulary learning strategies indicated that the most strategy applied is a cognitive strategy which is preferably used strategy by EFL learners with the highest total average score among others 3.27. And the least vocabulary learning strategy used is social strategies with the lowest total average scores 2.81 And the features shown by the respondents are they tend to use a mechanical means. Keywords: “Language Learning Strategy (LLS)”, “Vocabulary learning strategies (VLSs)”, “EFL students”

    Students Perception towards the Use of Insert Learning App in Blended Learning to Enhance Reading Comprehension

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    One of essential skills to expand students’ knowledge and abilities is reading. Various media and platforms have been used by teachers to support the learning and teaching process moreover during the online class. However, to help students to easily understand about what they read, teachers have to make and provide technique, strategy and media for the needs of their students, including in reading mastery. The use of appropriate media can be pivotal for teachers in order to make the students understand by considering its efficiency. This paper focuses on investigating the students’ perception towards the use of Insert Learning App in Blended Learning and Teaching to enhance students’ comprehension in reading. This study uses a case study method. The participants were master degree students of English Department, in total 50 students consisted of 22 male students and 38 female students. To find out the students’ perception towards the use of Insert Learning, the data were collected mainly through questionnaires and interviews. The result of this study reveals that the majority of students have positive perceptions regarding the usage of Insert Learning as a teaching media for reading comprehension in blended learning. It is beneficial tools to makes reading more interactive and engaging. Students also claim that Insert Learning is easy to use because it is connected as an extension in Google Chrome

    The effect of using computer-assisted reading with inquiry-based learning on student reading comprehension

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    This study aims to determine whether there is a difference between students who read using computer-assisted reading and those who read using other means in terms of reading. The sample was 23 students studying at two senior high schools in Sumenep, East Java, Indonesia. They were selected from student representatives based on their English language skills. The experiment was divided into six stages which include learning and testing. The researchers used lexical-tutor where there are audio-assisted reading, concordance, and online dictionary. For the learning process, researchers use inquiry-based learning, which focuses on student activity. To determine whether there is an effect on reading comprehension, the researcher used a paired sample t-test and an independent sample test to determine whether there is a difference in student reading comprehension score using an inquiry-based computer aid with those who do not use it. Based on the results of the study, there is no effect and no difference between reading using computer-assisted reading with inquiry-based learning and those who did not use computers. When viewed from individual scores, the results of the study showed little progress. The results of the observation show that not all students like to read while listening to audio


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    This study aims to determine whether there is a difference between students who read using computer-assisted reading and those who do not. Students' reading ability may depend on what they do every day. There are some students who understand vocabulary better by listening than what is written. reading while listening may be another way to overcome students' reading comprehension, There are some students who will memorize vocabulary for a long time because the vocabulary is often found in several sentences, and Some students will also easily memorize a lot of vocabulary because of the use of online dictionaries. With this, the researcher used lexical-tutor where there are audio-assisted reading, concordance, and online dictionary. For the learning process, researchers use inquiry based learning which focuses on student activity. For data collection, the researcher gave a question sheet based on what had been studied previously. The teaching materials are taken from the corpus in the lexical-tutor application    Research subject are selected from the student's representative on the basis of the student's English language skills. In order to understand whether students have an impact on their reading understanding of second-grade students, researchers use one-on-one T-TT test samples, as well as independent sample tests, to see if students use survey-based computer-aided reading to understand scores that differ from non-users. Based on the results of this study, the results of the study were then analyzed with paired TT-Test specimens, resulting in a Sig(2-Tailed) value of 0.052 > 0.05, while the data analyzed by the independent specimen test resulted in 679 >0.05. It can be concluded that there is no effect and no difference between survey-based learning with computer-assisted reading and reading without computer-assisted reading. In terms of individual scores, the findings suggest little progress. The researchers' monitoring results showed that not all students enjoyed reading while listening to audio. It is my hope that through this study, future researchers will be able to examine the learning process and the techniques used. In addition, more researchers can also take advantage of this research in the form of offline classes


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    In Indonesia, the spread of positive cases of Covid-19 has not shown a decreasing graph. Due to the constraints on interaction, the Indonesian Ministry of Education issued a policy, which included closing schools and replacing the Teaching and Learning Activities process with an online system. Online learning is not limited to ordinary students but is also carried out on children with special needs or students with mild mental retardation, which in this case indicates that a person experiences a special disorder that has different characteristics so that special attention and services are needed. In an inclusive school, services for children with special needs are not differentiated from normal students in their class, only learning material is differentiated. The objective of this study is to describe how teaching-learning activities for children with minor mental retardation are implemented. during the covid-19 pandemic and to identify teachers’ perception on teaching English to students with mild mental retardation during the covid-19 pandemic of SMPN 6 Tuban. This study used qualitative research as its method. The English teachers from VIII C and IX B, as well as a special partner teacher from SMPN 6 Tuban, were the subjects of this study. The instruments of this research were observation, interview, and documentation.        The result of this research can be described that this is a new challenge for them because learning activity is done online. During the Covid-19 pandemic, teachers must still be able to provide curriculum and support pupils throughout the learning process. They use the media, method and also apply special principles for students with mild mental retardation. For special companion teachers, the limited face-to-face opportunity twice a week is an opportunity that must be utilized as well as possible because during online learning for students with mild mental retardation is too difficult to understand the material due to the absence of assistance and lack of attention from their parents. The teacher hopes that the students find happiness in learning through online learning classes they enjoy and can understand the material, especially for students with mild mental retardation. Based on the result of this research, the researcher found that in learning English, the activities that are more often used are the drilling method and copying simple words or vocabulary, so the materials and teaching methods used with students with mild mental retardation are different. The outcomes of teachers' perceptions of teaching English to students with mild mental retardation during the Covid-19 pandemic vary greatly, the section on teachers' perceptions reveals that teachers believe that learning English for students with mild mental retardation is difficult to do online because students with mild mental retardation face technological difficulties and obstacles. Because learning is done online, teachers find it more difficult to control the condition and development of students with mild mental retardation.Keywords: mental retardation students, perceptio

    Analyzing higher order thinking skills (HOTS) questions of reading essay tasks in senior high school English textbook

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    English textbooks, particularly for senior high school students, should provide competent English reading activities to help students improve their English skills by simultaneously training them in reading and vocabulary knowledge. The researcher aims to investigate the Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) in essay reading exercises distributed in the English SMK/MAK textbook for grades X, XI, and XII. The researcher selected the English textbook published by Bumi Aksara. This study was carried out using the qualitative method.. The data analysis method was sequentially started from textbook observation, question selection, data reduction, and finally the HOTS data analysis. According to the results, there are 6 HOTS reading essay questions (C4: 2, C5: 4) in the English textbook for X grade, 7 HOTS reading essay questions (C4: 5, C5: 2) in the English textbook for XI grade, and 12 HOTS reading essay questions (C5: 12) in the English textbook for XII grade. It can be concluded from the findings that HOTS reading essay questions are distributed less than LOTS. These results may suggest to English teachers to be selective in utilizing English textbooks to improve student's critical thinking and for the further researcher to investigate HOTS effects on students’ achievement

    Error Analysis of Students’ Comment Writing in Online Learning at FLSP Class

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    Grammatical errors are one of the issues that students face during the writing process. The main goal of this research was to discover the most common grammatical errors committed by FLSP students in comment writing at the University of Muhammadiyah Malang in 2021. The goal of this study was to distinguish, categorize, and display the percentage of students that committed each sort of error. The research approach employed was qualitative and descriptive methods. This study included 30 first semester students as participants in the Communication (A), Accounting (B), Elementary School Teachers (D), Psychology (J), Engineering at FLSP class of UMM. Documentation of student comment writing debate was utilized as the tool. The Surface Strategy Taxonomy, developed by Dulay et al., is used to assess all grammatical mistakes found in student comments in Canvas (LMS). According to the findings, there are a total of 230 errors. The most common error was omission (120 errors / 52.18 percent), followed by misformation (70 errors / 30.43 percent), addition (30 errors / 13.14 percent), and misordering (10 errors / 4.38 percent). Based on these findings, it can be inferred that students continue to struggle with understanding grammatical structures throughout the writing process


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    Abstract: The aims of this research is to improve students’ reading comprehension using Collaborative Strategic Reading. The method used in this research is experimental research with one group pre-test posttest design. The populations in this study were fourth semester students of the Department of English Education in the academic year 2019/2020. The sampling technique used was cluster random sampling. Data collection techniques are tests and observation. Data analysis technique used is Paired sample t-test.The result shows that the average value of the post-test reading comprehension was higher than the results of the pretest reading comprehension (81,250> 51,875). From the mean data obtained it can be seen that there are differences in reading comprehension students of English Education with Collaborative Strategic Reading (CSR) techniques. In addition, it was proven statistically, the results of the paired sample t-test revealed that the value of thitung obtained was 30,371 or thitung greater than ttabel (30,371> 1,684). In addition, the significance value obtained was 0,000 or the significance value was smaller than the significance standard of 0.05 (sig <0.05). Thus, it indicates that Collaborative Strategic Reading (CSR) learning model can improve reading comprehension students of English Education in Islamic University of Malang. Key words: Collaborative Strategic Reading, Reading Comprehension, Teaching Strateg

    “Black Parade” Song: How Beyonce Criticized Racism

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    From time to time, the communication media in order to propose social criticism which is expected to provide better changes are increasingly diverse. One of them is through the delivery of messages in the lyrics of a song. Beyonce is one of the artist who often uses song as a media to propose her social criticism. In the case of the death of George Floyd a black American, murdered by the white Minesotta police (white supremacist) he released an album with one of the song in it entitled "Black Parade" to convey her response to this case. This research aims to reveal the meaning contained in the lyrics of the song. In order to find this meaning, the researchers use a qualitative approach to the type of document studies. There are three findings of meaning implied in the lyrics of this song, there are self-confidence, social criticism (racism) and race emancipation
