20 research outputs found

    "Punishment, in fact, did not resolve the problem": The judicial perspectives on the sentencing of minor drug offenders in Indonesia

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    The purpose of this study is to explore the judicial perspectives on the sentencing of minor drug offenders; In order to understand the judiciary perspectives, it is important, as is the focus of this study in the case of Indonesia, to explore the judicial perspectives under social conditions where they operate (Hutton, 2006). The methodological design draws upon qualitative methods in order to undertake micro/meso levels of analysis. It comprises of the following phases: an in-depth case study of two Indonesian district courts ; and semi-structured interviews with key experts from the Indonesian Supreme court.  Judges perceive drug offences as global concern and more serious. Judges feel being constrained by prosecutor's indictment, appellate procedure, medical assessment, and the availability treatment facilities. Rehabilitation for minor drug offender were seen as being in the interests of judges and the society.http://www.britsoccrim.org/conference/conference2016

    Key Finding: Result of a Qualitative Study of Judicial Perspectives on the Sentencing of Minor Drug Offenders in Indonesia: Structural Inequality

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    Although there have been a number of recent developments in criminal justice research on the topic of structural inequality sentencing, much work is needed to explore the judicial perspective. Researchers use this paper illustrates how a recent study used qualitative semi-structure interviews to study current judicial perspectives on sentencing of minor drug offenders in Indonesia. This paper reports a recent study of judicial perspectives when sentencing minor drug offenders in Indonesia. Firstly, it reviews existing sentencing option and recent development that motivated me to explore the issues of justice among Indonesian Judges. Secondly, it reports the procedures and method used in the recent study. Thirdly, it reports the appropriateness of the methodology chosen, and how it may influence the finding of the study. Finally, it reports the judicial perception on structural inequality

    La perspective judiciare sur la réhabilitation des drogues en Indonésie

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    L'objectif de cette étude est d'explorer les perspectives judiciaires sur la condamnation des mineurs délinquants toxicomanes. Afin de comprendre les perspectives du système judiciaire, il est important, puisque l'objet de cette étude est l'Indonésie, d'explorer ces perspectives en fonction des conditions sociales dans lesquelles elles se trouvent. La conception méthodologique s'appuie sur des méthodes qualitatives afin d'entreprendre des analyses aux niveaux micro et méso. Les juges perçoivent les infractions liées à la drogue comme une préoccupation mondiale et comme étant graves. Les juges se sentent contraints dans leurs condamnations par les mises en accusation des procureurs, la procédure d'appel, les évaluations médicales et la disponibilité des installations de traitement. La réhabilitation des mineurs délinquants toxicomanes est considérée comme étant dans l'intérêt des juges et de la société

    Qualitative Method Used in Researching the Judiciary: Quality Assurance Steps to Enhance the Validity and Reliability of the Findings

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    In this paper, I present a qualitative method used in researching the judiciary. This article highlights the importance of employing a number of quality assurance steps and procedures to enhance the validity and reliability of the findings. I argue that to increase safety and reduce risk, procedural risk-assessment of the study project can be useful to deal with the real time practical difficulties that emerged from the fieldwork. To develop an understanding of what judges are trying to achieve when sentencing minor drug offenders, a total of thirty-one Indonesian judges were semi-structurally interviewed. The findings highlight that my methodology evolved by working in the field. When it was clear that not all participants were willing to be recorded, I decided to take notes. Also, I decided to conduct a kind of focus group by having two judges in the room concurrently. In this regard, I captured the participant's experience without being too intrusive. This paper contributes to the study of the method. The way in which I employed a number of quality assurance steps and procedures to enhance the validity and reliability of the findings. This fastidiousness and vigilance enhance confidence that this study's findings reflect closely the reality of drug sentencing in the courts studied over the period of fieldwork

    The News Media Representation of Acts of Mass Violence in Indonesia

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    The chapter discusses how the news media have presented specific aspects of the state of mass violence actions. This chapter explores how the presentation of mass violence has been portrayed in the Indonesian news media during the most recent election cycles and beyond. The researchers explore 2018 and 2019 for the Indonesian national news media’s representation of mass violence. This chapter explores the presence of mass violence by the use of selected media. This chapter compares the presentation of mass violence by Indonesian newspapers. The study used an analysis, qualitative presentation method. The analysis of qualitative presentation is considered as the most appropriate method to explore the presentation of mass violence in the Indonesian news media. The results presented in this chapter illustrate the way in which the media describes and informs the citizens of mass violence in the region

    Media pembelajaran berbasis digital multimedia terhadap motivasi belajar siswa pada pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam

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    Adapun penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penerapan media pembelajaran berbasis digital multimedia di SDN 189 Neglasari Kecamatan Coblong Kota Bandung dan untuk mengetahui motivasi belajar siswa kelas V di SDN 189 Neglasari Kecamatan Coblong Kota Bandung pada saat proses pembelajaran menggunakan media pembelajaran berbasis digital multimedia. Jenis pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan kuantitatif yang menekankan fenomena-fenomena objektif dan kajian secara kuantitatif dengan model koefisien korelasi serta analisis deskriptif. Hasil dalam penelitian ini, media pembelajaran berbasis digital multimedia dinyatakan baik dengan nilai sebesar 3.640 skor total responden 75%. Dan motivasi belajar dinyatakan cukup baik dengan nilai sebesar 2.761 skor total responden 75%, dan dinyatakan signifikan sebesar 0.000 lebih kecil dari tingkatan signifikan 0.05. Besarnya koefisien determinasi di atas dapat dilihat pada R Square sebesar 0.264, hasil ini mengandung pengertian bahwa media pembelajaran berbasis digital terhadap motivasi belajar siswa di SDN 189 Neglasari Sadang Serang, Coblong Kota Bandung 26%, sedangkan 74% lainya dipengaruhi oleh variabel lainnya

    Liability Incorporate between Transnational Corruption Cases Indonesia and the United States of America

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    This article compares corporate liability in transnational corruption cases between Indonesia and the United States. This article uses a statutory, case, conceptual, and comparative approach to document study to analyse what aspects of the arrangement and practical experience in the United States could be emulated and considered for application in Indonesia. This article concludes that Indonesia's anti-corruption laws are unclear and incomplete in regulating the accountability of transnational corruption-perpetrators so that prosecution of foreign corporations faces obstacles. US International Corrupt Practices Act United States (FCPA) has criminalised foreign corporations either as a holding or branch that has a working relationship with the corporation or someone involved in corruption in their country so that law enforcers and courts have the authority to prosecute accountability and decide on their conviction. In amending the anti-corruption law in Indonesia, it is necessary to criminalise corporate subjects that are holding company or associated with them abroad, which are involved in corruption both detrimental to state finances and in the private sector. Besides, for the effectiveness of cross-jurisdictional law enforcement authorities, it is also necessary to ratify the OECD and the United States so that the prosecution of corporate criminal liability involved in transnational corruption that occurs within and/or is related to Indonesia's interests can be sentenced by the Indonesian Court