7 research outputs found

    Hubungan antara Prestasi Belajar, Motivasi dan Etos Kerja dengan Kinerja Praktek Industri Siswa Smk Jurusan Mekanik Otomotif di Samarinda

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    The aims of Prakerin were: (1) in order that SMK students cool learn directly from world of venture/industry, by meant that they can feel the truly work world was; (2) to increase work ability; and (3) to enhance their experiences, to practice their attitude and discipline, so that after graduate, they have readiness to work approriatly with the criteria that needed for the job. It was switable with the purpose of SMK is to work immediately after graduate. The research was conducted for: (1) to know the correlation between academic achievement and Prakerin performance; (2) to know the correlation between work motivation and prakerin performance; (3) to know the correlation between work ethic and performance Prakerin; and (4) to know the correlation between academic achievement, work motivation and work ethic jointly with Prakerin performance of SMK students in Samarinda. The type of this research was Expost Facto. The population were all of the second grade of SMK majoring in automotive mechanics in Samarinda, with the samples were the second grade of SMKN 10 and SMKM 4 students in Samarinda. The data were collected by using performance assessment for Prakerin performance variable (Y), the valve of report book for academic achievement variable (X1), guestionnaire for work motivation variable (X2) and work ethic variable (X3). The data were analyzed by using statistic test of Product Moment and Double Regression. The conclutions of the research were: (1) a significant positive correlation between academic achievement and Prakerin performance; (2) a significant positive correlation between work motivation and Prakerin Performance; (3) a significant positive correlation between work ethic and Prakerin performance; and (4) a significant positive correlation between academic achievement, work motivation and work ethic jointly with Prakerin performance. The research recommended were: (1) education office of Samarinda city support that Prakerin activity of SMK; (2) part of SMK, teachers and venture/industry word as partnersip of vocational education more increase their guidance to the students, so it can be produce local human resource competitively in automotive; and (3) to other researcher, this result could be used as a reference to do the same lund of the lund of the research with another variable, that can influence the performance in Samarinda. Keywords: Performance Industry, Human Reseurce, Achievement, Motivation and Work Ethi

    Implementasi Perangkat Pembelajaran Berbasis Masalah Padapenataan Sanggulup Style untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa di Smk Negeri

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    Perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi memerlukan sumber daya manusia yang berkualitas, mampu mengembangkan ilmu pengatahuan dan menguasai teknologi melalui kegiatan pembelajaran yang mampu meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa pada ranah kognitif, ranah afektif dan ranah psikomotor yang secara otomatis membutuhkan peranan perangkat dan model pembelajaran. Salah satu jenis model pembelajaran yang dapat menjawab kebutuhan untuk sumber daya manusia yang mampu mengembangkan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi adalah model pembelajaran berdasarkan masalah. Desain penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah desain penelitian pengembangan dengan pola one group pretest and posttes design. Dalam penelitian pengembangan ini diperoleh hasil uji hipotesis statistik menggunakan uji tanda berupa nilai h hitung ≥ h tabel. Hasil ketuntasan belajar siswa pada masing-masing sekolah dengan model pembelajaran berdasarkan masalah diperoleh ketuntasan sebesar 79,98% pada SMK Negeri 1 Batu dan 76,69% pada SMK Negeri 6 Surabaya dengan nilai KKM sebesar 70%. Dari hasil ketuntasan yang diperoleh maka dapat ditarik kesimpulan dari hasil implementasi pengembangan perangkat pembelajaran berdasarkan masalah pada kompetensi sanggul up style mampu meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa dengan baik

    Pengaruh Tes Paperless dan Paper And Pencil terhadap Hasil Belajar Kompetensi Persiapan Pembuatan Dokumentasi Audio Video Ditinjau dari Kemandirian Siswa: Studi Eksperimen di SMK Negeri 5 Surabaya

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    Students need to be educated in order to have an independent character. "Independence of taking the test" has a positive influence on students' independence. The aim of this study; (1) researchers know the effect of "paperless test" against "cognitive student learning outcomes" compared to "paper and pencil test", (2) researchers know the effect of "paperless test" against "the independence of the students taking tests," as opposed to "paper and pencil tests ". This research was conducted by observing differences in learning outcomes scores, and observed differences in students' scores independence in carrying out the test. This difference is expected because influenced by the ways of implementing the test. Implementation of these tests done in two ways, ie the test is paperless and paper and pencil testing. The test is performed three times. In each will be obtained data in the form of a score of independence and data in the form of scores of learning outcomes, both tests are performed by means of a paperless or done by paper and pencil. Research data to test paperless is data in the form of scores of learning outcomes, and scores independence for the first test, 2nd, and 3rd. Comparative data is data from paper and pencil test namely learning outcomes scores and scores of independence for the first test, 2nd, and 3rd. Data will be analyzed by t-test. T-test performed on learning outcomes between test scores paperless with paper and pencil. T-test was also carried out on students' independence between test scores paperles with paper and pencil. Paperless test data are average scores of learning outcomes: 19.10, 20.30, and 21.10, the average of students' independence: 19.17, 19.20, and 19.13. Meanwhile, paper and pencil test data are average scores of learning outcomes: 19.00, 20.03, and 21.03, the average of students' independence: 18.93, 19.13, and 19.07. The average variance of paperless test is 1.044, while the average variance of paper & pencil test is 1.056. Total students each class is 30. Research concluded; (1) score of "cognitive learning outcomes" paper and pencil tests ≤ paperless, at three times the test. (2) Score "independent execution of test “paper and pencil” ≤ paperless, at three times the test. Research suggests; (1) computers can be used by students to take turns, (2) training of about done to improve the "independent student". Keywords: independent character, the test is paperless, paper and pencil test, student independence, learning outcome

    Increased Competitiveness and Work Readiness of Students Four Year Vocational High School (VHS)

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    This study aims to determine the level of achievement of the fourth year Vocational School education program towards increasing student competitiveness and work readiness. The main objective of the fourth year vocational program is to equip students and graduates with various competencies in order to develop graduates capabilities in finding jobs, assigning work, entrepreneurship, pursuing the work faced and renewing their work skills. This research was conducted through a literature review of references originating from the theories and results of relevant research, and continued through focus group discussions. Relevant references include the policies of the Government of the Republic of Indonesia, guidance on the implementation of the fourth year vocational program, relevant research results, namely evaluations of four years vocational programs, and influencing factors in increase in competitiveness and work readiness graduates. The study found: (1) reviewed from the curriculum of fourth years vocational school graduates having more work experience in the industry in the fourth year; (2) in terms of the competency of fourth year vocational school graduates having better competence than the third year vocational program; (3) in terms of industry interest, fourth year vocational graduates have more acceptance as labor in the industry than third year graduates

    Kajian Kritis terhadap Beberapa Studi Kelayakan Potensi Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Mikro Hidro (Pltmh) di Indonesia

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    Electrical energy needs will continue to increase in line with the needs of the community, both on an industrial scale and the household in general. On the other hand the supply of fuel oil and coal as a driving force for power station centers is increasingly depleting. Because of that, a lot of research is needed to obtain renewable energy, as well as being environmentally friendly. One of the abundant energy sources in Indonesia is water resources. Utilization of water resources can be done by building a Micro Hydro Power Plant (MHPP). Based on the results of the study through literature studies, from as many as 13 journals (in 2009-2019) it can be seen that in Indonesia there are still many regions that have not yet received electricity supply from PT. PLN, with the following reasons: (1) the availability of PT. PLN is not enough to meet the needs of the community; and (2) many areas are located far from the PLN electricity network; and (3) many regions whose infrastructure does not support the expansion of the PLN electricity network. This condition is hampering the speed of economic development in the regions concerned. The study found that: (1) there were 13 points of water resources that could potentially be built by MHPP with electrical power varying depending on the amount of water resources concerned; and (2) from the results of the study, there are a number of studies that have been implemented and some of them are still in preparation for the construction of the MHPP

    Contents. Analitika i kontrol. 2005. № 4

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    The research aims to find out: (1) how far PBL has been used as a learning model in the vocational environment; and (2) how far is the influence of PBL on learning outcomes? The study was conducted with literature studies through theoretical and empirical studies of references and relevant research results, and continued with focus group discussions (FGD). The relevant references include learning theories, and theories about problem base learning (PBL). While the study of the results of relevant research, is a study of studies on the influence of PBL on "learning out comes" in vocational high school students as an integral part of technical, vocational, education and training (TVET). The study concluded that: (1) PBL has been widely used in learning in the vocational environment; (2) PBL is able to improve student learning achievement both process and results; and (3) the number of students who actively study, the number of students who ask questions, and student learning outcomes increase significantly on the application of PBL