8 research outputs found

    MIGRATION PATTERN OF YOUNG PEOPLE IN RURAL (Case Study of young people in Ciasmara Village, Pamijahan District Bogor Regency)

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    Low natural resources that support the economy and the inability of people in access is one factor that makes many villagers unable to accumulate capital. Mobilization out of the village is the most logical step taken by villagers to keep them alive. The existence of job opportunities elsewhere and the condition of the village that is no longer conducive will affect the mobility patterns of household members in the village. This research aimed:1) Identify portraits of young villagers on the potential of Ciasmara Village Resources; 2) Identify the driving factors that make young people in rural areas migrate to the city. Quantitative method was used to processed the data using descriptive analysis to know the characteristics of respondents the data processed using the average score is the perception of youth against the village resources and the factors driving and pulling migration. This research found thatPortrait of young people towards Ciasmara Village Resources is generally considered good. In general the attraction of the City is greater than the appeal of the Village. There are four indicators of towing power of the City that is high salaries, the number of job options, the opening of vacancies and work more than one

    Effect of social behaviors in the opinion dynamics qq-voter model

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    Order-disorder phase transition is one of the interesting features in the opinion dynamics model of sociophysics. This phenomenon is caused by noise parameters, which can be treated as social responses such as anticonformity and independence in a social context. This paper explores the effect of anticonformity and independence in the occurrence of the order-disorder phase transition in the model. A probability pp represents anticonformity and independence, and the model is defined on the complete graph and two-dimensional (2D) square lattice. We also introduce a skepticism parameter represented by s={0,1}s =\{0,1\}, which describes a voter's propensity to behave independently and anticonformist. Our results analytically and numerically show that the model undergoes a continuous and discontinuous phase for all values of non-zero ss and at specific qq-sized agent. No phase transition is observed in the model with independent voters on the 2D square lattice, and the model with anticonformist voters undergoes a continuous phase transition. We also analyze the effect of the probability pp and skepticism level ss on the outcome of the system's opinion.Comment: 15 pages and 16 figure

    Independence role in the generalized Sznajd model

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    The Sznajd model is one of the most popular opinion dynamics models in sociophysics. The model is based on the social validation concept that has been applied to various social systems and is still interesting to study today, especially when agents who interact with each other do not follow the prevailing norms. This paper examines the generalized Sznajd model involving independent agents defined on a complete graph and a two-dimensional square lattice. Agents on the networks act independently with probability pp, that is, change their opinion or state without the influence of others. In this model, we defined a paired agent size rr, which persuades its nearest neighbor size nn to follow their opinion. Based on our results, both analytically and numerically, on the complete graph, the macroscopic state of the system is not affected by the neighbor size nn but only depends on the number of the paired agents rr. The time required to reach a stationary state is inversely proportional to the number of neighboring agents nn. We obtain two critical points p=pcp = p_c in the two-dimensional square lattice depending on the configuration agents. Our results suggest that the model universality class defined on the complete graph still belongs to the mean-field Ising universality class. In addition, the model universality class defined on the two-dimensional square lattice with two different configurations is identical and belongs to the two-dimensional Ising universality class.Comment: 9 pages, 10 figure

    Las estrategias competitivas y el desarrollo empresarial en las Pymes comerciales de productos de consumo masivo en el cantón Milagro, Ecuador 2012 - 2016

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    El documento digital no refiere un asesorSe basa en dos teorías, la de Porter acerca de la competitividad, para conocer el tipo de estrategias competitivas que influyen en el desarrollo empresarial, el mismo que es analizado desde la óptica de la teoría de Vásquez Barquero. Se propone una estrategia competitiva basada en el Modelo de Competitividad y Desarrollo Empresarial para las PYMES (modelo ecléctico), la estrategia propuesta se centra en el Enfoque a Bajo Costo, considerando las siguientes actividades: concentración (segmento y línea de productos), abastecimiento (proveedor fijo), control de inventarios, condiciones de crédito (pago con tarjetas y créditos institucionales) y precios bajos en el segmento seleccionado; esta estrategia convertirán a las PYMES en especialistas en un segmento, asegurando la fidelidad de los clientes y por ende logrando el desarrollo empresarial.Tesi

    The external field effect on the opinion formation based on the majority rule and the qq-voter models on the complete graph

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    We investigate the external field effect on opinion formation based on the majority rule and qq-voter models on a complete graph. The external field can be considered as the mass media in the social system, with the probability pp agents following the mass media opinion. Based on our Monte Carlo simulation, the mass media effect is not strong enough to make the system reach a homogeneous state (complete consensus) with the magnetization m=1m = 1 for all values of pp, indicates that the existence of a usual phase transition for all values of pp. In the qq-voter model, the mass media eliminates the usual phase transition at p≈0.21p \approx 0.21. We obtain the model's critical point and scaling parameters using the finite-size scaling analysis and obtain that both models have the same scaling parameters. The external field effect decreases both models' relaxation time and the relaxation time following the power-law relation such as τ∼Nβ\tau \sim N^{\beta}, where NN is the population size, and β\beta depends on the probability pp. In the majority rule model, β\beta follows a linear relation, and in the qq-voter model, β\beta follows a power-law relation

    Mass media and its impact on opinion dynamics of the nonlinear qq-voter model

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    With the success of general conceptual frameworks of statistical physics, many scholars have tried to apply these concepts to other interdisciplinary fields, such as socio-politics, economics, biology, medicine, and many more. In this work, we study the effect of mass media on opinion evolution based on the nonlinear qq-voter by mean with probability pp a voter adopts the mass media opinion whenever a qq-sized agent in the population is in unanimous agreement (have the same opinion). We perform analytical and numerical calculations for some quantities of macroscopic parameters of the model such as order parameter (representing an average of public opinion), consensus (relaxation) time, and exit probability, and obtain the agreement results. We find the power-law relations for some quantities of the model. (1) The probability threshold ptp_t, i.e a probability that makes the system reaches a homogeneous state, follows the power-law relation pt∼qγp_t \sim q^{\gamma} with the qq-sized agent, where γ=−1.00±0.01\gamma = -1.00 \pm 0.01 is the best fitting parameter. The probability threshold ptp_t also eliminates the standard phase transition of the model. (2) The relaxation or consensus time (which is the time needed by the system to reach consensus) τ\tau with the population size NN is obtained in the form of τ∼Nδ\tau \sim N^{\delta}, where δ\delta depends on the probability pp and qq-sized agent. We also approximate the critical point rcr_c and the system's scaling parameters by employing the standard finite-size scaling relation. Our results suggest a similar scaling behavior to the voting distribution in the 1998 Brazilian election reported by Costa et al.Comment: 14 pages and 12 figure

    Phase transition in the majority rule model with the nonconformist agents

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    Independence and anticonformity are two types of social behaviors known in social psychology literature and the most studied parameters in the opinion dynamics model. These parameters are responsible for continuous (second-order) and discontinuous (first-order) phase transition phenomena. Here, we investigate the majority rule model in which the agents adopt independence and anticonformity behaviors. We define the model on several types of graphs: complete graph, two-dimensional (2D) square lattice, and one-dimensional (1D) chain. By defining pp as a probability of independence (or anticonformity), we observe the model on the complete graph undergoes a continuous phase transition where the critical points are pc≈0.334p_c \approx 0.334 (pc≈0.667p_c\approx 0.667) for the model with independent (anticonformist) agents. On the 2D square lattice, the model also undergoes a continuous phase transition with critical points at pc≈0.0608p_c \approx 0.0608 (pc≈0.4035p_c \approx 0.4035) for the model with independent (anticonformist) agents. On the 1D chain, there is no phase transition either with independence or anticonformity. Furthermore, with the aid of finite-size scaling analysis, we obtain the same sets of critical exponents for both models involving independent and anticonformist agents on the complete graph. Therefore they are identical to the mean-field Ising model. However, in the case of the 2D square lattice, the models with independent and anticonformist agents have different sets of critical exponents and are not identical to the 2D Ising model. Our work implies that the existence of independence behavior in a society makes it more challenging to achieve consensus compared to the same society with anticonformists

    Strategi Pengembangan UMKM Krupuk Bawang 6 Saudara dalam Digitalisasi dan Legalisasi Usaha

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    Tujuan dari kegiatan pengabdian ini yaitu berfokus pada pengembangan UMKM Krupuk Bawang 6 Saudara melalui pemasaran digital dan legalitas usaha. Metode yang digunakan dalam pengabdian ini yaitu kualitatif deskriptif. Objek pengabdian pada UMKM Krupuk Bawang 6 Saudara dengan metode pelaksanaan pengabdian meliputi diskusi, pendampingan, dan sosialisasi. Dari kegiatan pengabdian ini telah membantu dalam mengatasi berbagai masalah yang dihadapi oleh mitra UMKM Krupuk Bawang 6 Saudara. Dari serangkaian kegiatan yang telah direncanakan dengan tujuan memberikan solusi atas permasalahan yang dihadapi UMKM Krupuk Bawang 6 Saudara yaitu meliputi kegiatan pendampingan kepada mitra UMKM untuk mendapatkan Nomor Induk Berusaha (NIB) dan membuatkan akun sosial media yang berguna untuk meningkatkan omset dalam berjualan