399 research outputs found

    The study of self-relationship and family attitudes and values in adult sportsman (on the example of ethnic and practicing Muslims)

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    The aim of this study is to identify the self-relationship and family attitudes and values correlation of professing Islam (practicing Muslims) and secular, ethnic Muslims in adolescence. The leading methods of this problem study are the theoretical analysis of scientific psychological literature as well as the empirical research method (testing), using techniques that allow to diagnose self-relationships, family attitudes and values. The experiment involved 100 people: 50 men religiously practicing Muslims, 50 - ethnic Muslims. The average age of the subjects is 18 - 23 years old. The study concludes that practitioners and ethnic Muslims have high self-relationship results in the components of "self-confidence", "self-esteem", "self-acceptance", "self-guidance." For religiously practicing Muslims there is no "internal conflict"; ethnic Muslims have high "internal conflict". The study of family attitudes revealed for both groups a strong focus on mainly joint activities in all areas of family life and a less loyal attitude to divorce, as well as for religiously practicing Muslims the importance of children's role in family life. Ethnic Muslims are characterized by personal identification with their spouse, social activity. The emotional and psychotherapeutic side of the family is important for them. And for practicing Muslims parent-educational attitude, personal identification with a spouse, and emotional-psychotherapeutic attitude are important. The study of terminal values has highlighted the importance of spiritual satisfaction, achievements, self-development for ethnic and practicing Muslims, as well as the importance of high material position for ethnic Muslims. Among life spheres, professional life and training are important for Muslims, for ethnic Muslims - the sphere of interests. The materials of this paper can be used by psychologists in working with students at Universities, Madrassas, Sunday and secondary schools. The relevance of the problem is due to the insufficient development of the correlation concept of self-relationship and family attitudes and values in adolescence (for example, ethnic and practicing Muslims). Despite there are many research options and methods for measuring it in this direction. The research materials are of practical value for psychological and pedagogical support in the educational process, as well as in the advisory work of young people who adhere to religious beliefs, observe the canons of Islam, or do not adhere to religious canons. The scientific novelty of the research problem and its originality is specified by the interest of self-consciousness, self-determination in adolescence, and family attitudes and values in the context of religious affiliation. Since juvenile period is a sensitive indicator of ongoing changes and determines the entire potential of the society development, the future of the society consequently depends greatly on the value foundation of the younger generation

    Vulnerability detection in the network traffic flow of the RADIUS protocol based on the object-oriented model

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    The RADIUS protocol was analyzed from the point of view of its functionality and security. The internal structure and the division into functions were shown. There were described the structure of the RADIUS network, the functions of the network access server or NAS, and the RADIUS server. The advantages of the centralized secure data processing technology based on the RADIUS protocol were shown. Mechanisms of secure processing of requests at the authentication and authorization stage were described. Sources and types of protocol vulnerabilities were studied and possible attack scenarios were identified. The relevance of creating models for evaluating the vulnerabilities of the RADIUS protocol was substantiated, and the methodology for building the model was chosen. An object-oriented model of the RADIUS protocol has been developed. A software application was developed and various attacks on the RADIUS protocol were tested. A number of potential vulnerabilities have been identified

    The impact of international society on mental health, performance and development of athlete

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    The purpose of this study is to identify the effect of anti-doping control on athletes' performance indicators. The authors have monitored 86 combined track and field events athletes who have been preparing for the competition for 6 months. Athletes have been divided into two groups: group I includes athletes that have not been subjected to doping control (n = 42), and athletes of group II (n = 44) have experienced such a control a month before the competition. Levels of insulin, cortisol, glucose in the blood serum have been determined for athletes to assess the intensity of stress reactions. The HOMA Index, the ratio of cortisol/insulin, and the Baevsky index have been calculated. Sports achievements have been measured on a 100-point scale of the average result of the team in such types of competitions as running, shooting, swimming, standing long jump, a hammer throw. In group II athletes, after doping control, the level of cortisol has increased by 1.9 times (p ˂ .05) compared to the initial level and remained 1.7 times higher before the competition. A significant increase in glucose, insulin and HOMA index has been observed among athletes of II group. In this group, the value of the Baevsky index after doping control has increased by 2.9 times compared with the initial value (p ˂ .05). Before the competition, the Baevsky index remained 2.6 times higher (p ˂ .05). Representatives of the first group have not shown a statistically significant difference between performance in the training period and in the competitions. Athletes of the second group have shown a decrease in results in competitions compared to the initial level of training. A correlation is observed between the value of the Baevsky index and the average team performance indicator in running 100 m (r = -0.76, p ˂ .05), running 2000 m (r = -0.68, p ˂ .05) shooting (r = -0.52, p ˂ .05) and long jumps (r = -0.53, p ˂ .05). Carrying out selective indicative doping control leads to a stress response in the target group, which turns into prolonged stress, leading to a significant decrease in the performance indicators of athletes

    Shiga Toxin Is Transported into the Nucleoli of Intestinal Epithelial Cells via a Carrier-Dependent Process

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    Shiga toxin (Stx) produced by the invasive Shigella dysenteriae serotype 1 (S. dysenteriae1) causes gastrointestinal and kidney complications. It has been assumed that Stx is released intracellularly after enterocyte invasion by S. dysenteriae1. However, there is little information about Stx distribution inside S. dysenteriae1-infected enterocytes. Here, we use intestinal epithelial T84 cells to characterize the trafficking of Stx delivered into the cytosol, in ways that mimic aspects of S. dysenteriae1 infection. We find that cytoplasmic Stx is transported into nucleoli. Stx nucleolar movement is carrier- and energy-dependent. Stx binding to the nucleoli of normal human enterocytes in vitro supports possible roles for nucleolar trafficking in toxin-induced intestinal pathology

    A valuable shift in the reproductive behavior of the provincial population

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    © 2016 Murtazina.The urgency of the investigated problem is caused by the fact that in Russian society family values are gradually being replaced by values of individualism, rationalism and hedonism. The intensity of the taking place changes leads to essential changes in marriage and family relations, sexual practices of the provincial cities population. With changing values and normative foundation of the family, marriage, children it leads to transformation of reproductive behavior, the crisis of the family as a social institution. The purpose of the article is to subject to sociological analysis the changes of valuable shift in the reproductive behavior of the provincial population. The leading method of the research is the method of triangulation, which is reflected in the use of quantitative and qualitative collection methods. The sociological analysis of changes of valuable shift in the reproductive behavior of the provincial population allowed to reveal the social consequences of cross-conflict marriage values, family and children in the structure of value orientations, which have led to valuable shift in the reproductive behavior of the provincial population and changes (at the level of values) practices of everyday relations of individuals in the matrimonial and sexual spheres. The results of research can be used by public authorities in the development of projects and programs for the development of population and family planning. The practical value of the results related with the possibility of their use in the teaching of the humanities, such as the courses on sociology, demography, as well as special courses on the family sociology of the family, mass communication, literature; gender, economic sociology

    World experience of spatial polarization smoothing management in the regional economy of Russia

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    The article describes the basic concepts related to the process of spatial polarization in the economy of Russian regions. We analyzed the main factors contributing to the smoothing of spatial economic polarization in a region. In particular, we analyzed the world experience of spatial disparity reduction, also due to the accumulation and consumption of human capital, which can be successfully applied in the economic system of Russia

    Essential-content characteristic of the concept "readiness for psychological-pedagogical work with a family"

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    © Medwell Journals, 2015. The topicality of the issue being considered is determined by the society need for preparation of future teachers-psychologists able to efficiently work with the family is aimed at theoretical development and scientific substantiation of the concept of readiness for psychological-pedagogical work with a family in the future teachers-psychologists. The leading approach to analysis of this problem is the axiological (value) approach according to which a person is considered as a supreme value in the society and the goal in itself of the social development. The theoretical framework of the study is the system approach and system analysis, personal and programmatic approach, fundamental psychological-pedagogical theories and concepts. Results of the study with due account for modern approaches, during the study there was developed the improved definition of the concept "readiness for psychological-pedagogical work with a family". Theoretical search has shown that the efficient components of determination of levels of readiness for psychological-pedagogical work with a family are the following: intellectual, psychological, pragmatic value. On this basis the three levels of readiness for working with a family have been distinguished in the future teachers-psychologists

    Estudio de los problemas emocionales de los futuros docentes

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    This article addresses the adverse factors that affect teachers’ emotional states. Literature review has shown that recent years have seen a shift in the study focus towards emotional intelligence, emotional competence, its components and development methods. Modern psychologists’ lack of interest in the study of teachers’ emotional issues has encouraged us to conduct an empirical study of emotional stability, trait and state anxiety as well as frustrators of teachers’ basic needs. We have developed our own questionnaire to study the latter indicators. The study covering a selection of young teachers under 30 years of both sexes has allowed us to conclude that the major part of respondents feature emotional instability and are exposed to trait and state anxiety. We have also identified teachers’ frustrators specific of educational work that hamper the maintenance of professional effect and performance.Este artículo aborda los factores adversos que afectan los estados emocionales de los maestros. La revisión de la literatura ha demostrado que en los últimos años se ha observado un cambio en el enfoque del estudio hacia la inteligencia emocional, la competencia emocional, sus componentes y métodos de desarrollo. La falta de interés de los psicólogos modernos en el estudio de los problemas emocionales de los docentes nos ha animado a realizar un estudio empírico de la estabilidad emocional, el rasgo y la ansiedad del estado, así como frustrantes de las necesidades básicas de los docentes. Hemos desarrollado nuestro propio cuestionario para estudiar los últimos indicadores. El estudio que abarca una selección de maestros jóvenes menores de 30 años de ambos sexos nos ha permitido concluir que la mayor parte de los encuestados presentan inestabilidad emocional y están expuestos a rasgos y ansiedad estatal. También hemos identificado las frustraciones específicas de los maestros del trabajo educativo que obstaculizan el mantenimiento del efecto profesional y el rendimiento

    Pedagogical support aimed to form future pedagogue-psychologists' readiness to work with the family

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    The growing contradiction between the objective need of the society to train future pedagogue-psychologists capable to perform the effective work with the family and the insufficient development of technological support of this problem realization within the context of higher education institutions have caused the urgency of this research. This general contradiction at the theoretic-methodological level is expressed in the form of a scientific problem: what are the pedagogical conditions of future pedagogue-psychologists readiness formation to work with the family. The urgency of the problem under consideration, its insufficient elaboration determines the subject-matter of our research. The goal of the research is to elaborate theoretically, to ground scientifically and to test experimentally pedagogical conditions aimed to form future pedagogue-psychologists' readiness for psychological-pedagogical work with the family. © IDOSI Publications, 2014

    Study of the relationship between emotional attachment of preschool children to parents and their age and gender identity

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    © 2015, Mediterranean Center of Social and Educational Research. All rights reserved. The article deals with the investigation of the emotional attachment to parents of children with adequate and inadequate age and gender identity. Characteristics of the age and gender identity in children of preschool age (with adequate and inadequate age and gender identity) were established. Similar and distinctive features of the emotional attachment to parents of children with adequate and inadequate age and gender identity were revealed. We have also determined the presence and specificity of the relationship between characteristics of the emotional attachment to their parents and the age and gender identity in children of preschool age