68 research outputs found
Persamaan Struktural: Aktivisme Institusi, Kepemilikan Institusional dan Manajerial, Kebijakan Dividen dan Utang
This study investigated the simultaneity of five financial variables that are hypothesized to agency problem. It builds a model showing that institution activism, institutional and managerial ownership, dividend, and debt policy are determined simultaneously as each of the variables is hypothesized to decrease agency problem. Furthermore, the research is aimed at examining the effect of institution activism, ownership structure by institutional and managerial ownership on the financing decisions by dividend and debt policy. The research tested hypotheses by using Hausman’s specification test and two-stage least squares test. Hypotheses testing was conducted by using research sample of 70 manufacture company the registered in the Indonesia Stock Exchange during the years of 2000-2006. The samples determined by using a purposive sampling method. The research tested one hypothesis by Hausman’s specification test and the research result shows that institution activism, institutional and managerial ownership, dividend and debt policy are determined simultaneously to decrease agency problem.The research tested other hypotheses by two-stage least squares test. The research results shows that institutional ownership has a significant affects on the dividend and negative significant affects on the debt policy. Further results, that institution activism has a significant affects on the debt policy and institutional ownership, and that managerial ownership negative significant affects on the institution activism. Other result, that relationship a substitute between the institutional and managerial ownership. On the contrary, result shows that institution activism does not have a significant affects on the dividend policy, and the managerial ownership do not have a significant affects on the dividend and debt policy. Finally, this study shows that dividend policy do not have a significant affects on the debt policy
Likuiditas Saham, Kebijakan Dividen dan Nilai Perusahaan
The objective of the paper is to investigate the effects of stock liquidity, dividend policy by the proxy of dividend payout ratio, and dividend policy by the proxy of dividend yield to the value of the firm. The research tested the hypotheses by using multiple regression. Hypotheses’ testing was conducted by using research sample of 25 banking company registered in the Indonesian Stock Exchange during the years of 2006-2008. The samples were determined by using purposive sampling method. The research result shows that stock liquidity has positive siginificant effect on the value of the firm. Other result shows that dividend policy by the proxy of dividend payout ratio has positive siginificant effect on the value of the firm. On the contrary, the result shows that dividend policy by the proxy of dividend yield does not have siginificant effect on the value of the firm.    Â
Identifikasi Perilaku Perataan Laba melalui Berbagai Konsep Laba
The objective of the paper is to identify income smoothing by the four income concepts: operating income, income from operations, income before extraordinary items and net income. This research using research sample of 151 the manufacture company registered in Indonesia Stock Exchange during the years of 1999-2007. The samples determined by using a purposive sampling method.The research results shows that 58 (38,41%) the firm identified as an income smoother by operating income and 69 (45,70%) the firm identified as an income smoother by income from operations and 67 (44,37) by income before extraordinary items. Further results show that 47 (31,13%) the firm identified as an income smoother by net income and 24 (15,89%) the firm identified as an income smoother by the four income approach simultaneously; operating income, income from operations, income before extraordinary items and net income. Finally, this study shows that 95 (62,91%) the firm identified as an income smoother during the research period
Identifikasi Neisseria Gonorrhoeae Pada Pekerja Seks Komersial Di Panti Sosial Mattirodeceng Makassar
Penelitian ini berlatar belakang Infeksi Menular Seksual (IMS) sampai saat ini masih merupakan masalah kesehatan masyarakat di seluruh dunia, baik di negara maju (industri) maupun di negara berkembang. Pekerja seks komersial dewasa ini dianggap merupakan penyebab utama penyebaran penyakit menular seksual. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi Neisseria gonorrhoeae pada pekerja seks komersial di Panti Sosial Mattirodeceng Makassar. Jenis Penelitian ini adalah observasi laboratorik yang bersifat deskriptif Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini dari 15 sampel tidak ditemukan Neisseria gonorrhoeae pada pekerja seks komersial di Panti Sosial Mattirodeceng Makassar. Dari hasil penelitian diatas disarankan untuk mencegah penularan Neisseria gonorrhoeae senantiasa menggunakan kondom atau seks aman. Setia kepada pasangan atau tidak berganti – ganti pasangan
Campur Kode Bahasa Buton Terhadap Bahasa Indonesia Pada Rapat Organisasi Himpunan Mahasiswa Buton di Kota Samarinda
The purpose of this study was to describe the form and factors causing code mixing at the Buton Student Association Organization Meeting in the city of Samarinda. This research uses the matching and agih method. The data collection technique used the listening method and the speaking method. The results of the study show the form of code mixing between Butonese and Indonesian at the Buton Student Association Organization Meeting in the city of Samarinda and the factors that cause code mixing. The forms of Code Mixing are 1) Code Mixing in the form of words, 2) Code Mixing in the form of phrases, 3) Code Mixing in the form of clauses. There are 2 factors that cause code mixing, namely 1) the speaker factor, 2) the language factor. From the results of this study, it can be concluded that the communication process that occurs at the Buton Student Association Organization Meeting in the city of Samarinda is in the form of code mixing in the form of words, phrases and clauses. Factors causing code mixing are speaker factors and language factors
Penentuan Centroid Awal Pada Algoritma K-Means Dengan Dynamic Artificial Chromosomes Genetic Algorithm Untuk Tuberculosis Dataset
Data merupakan hal penting diera sekarang begitu juga dengan metode data mining yang dapat mengekstraksi data menghasilkan informasi. Klastering 1 dari 5 peran data mining yang berfungsi untuk mengelompokkan data berdasarkan tingkat kemiripan dan jarak minimum. Algoritma K-Means termasuk algoritma yang populer banyak digunakan diberbagai bidang seperti bidang pendidikan, kesehatan, sosial, biologi, ilmu komputer. Seringkali metode K-Means dikombinasikan dengan metode optimasi seperti algoritma genetika untuk mengatasi permasalah pada K-Means yaitu sensitif dalam penentuan centroid awal .Namun metode algoritma genetika memiliki kekurangan yaitu mengalamai konvergen prematur sehingga hasil dari algorima genetika terjebak pada optimum lokal. Penelitian ini mengkombinasikan dynamic artificial cromosomes genetic algorithm dengan K-Means dalam menentukan nilai centroid awal pada k-means. Hasil eksperimen menunjukkan bahwa metode DAC GA + K-Means lebih unggul dibandingkan dengan K-Means dan GA + K-Means pada 2 dataset yang diuji dengan optimal nilai klaster sebanyak 2 dan 1 dataset sebanyak 3 klaster. Metode tersebut perolehan nilai DBI sebesar 0.138, 0.279 serta 0.382, nilai Sum Square Error sebesar 92.56, 332,39 dan 1280.68 serta nilai fitness yang tebentuk adalah 7.12, 3.57 dan 2.13
Analisis Perilaku Mimetik Di Kalangan Siswi SMA Negeri 1 Makassar Terhadap Tren Fashionista Instagram
The purpose of this research are to define how the process of mimetic behavior are forming which indicated in teenagers as an impact from social media, Instagram in this case, and also to know the represent of mimetic behavioral forms in nonverbal communication. To achieve the goal which mention earlier, this research applied descriptive-qualitative research method using deep interview and observation, during the research process writers also using a direct analysis toward informant\u27s Instagram account. Writer attempt to comprehend how informant\u27s fashion creativity process which inspired by Instagram\u27s fashionista. Result of the research showing there\u27s some phase of process be passed before the teenagers fully applied mimetic behavior toward Instagram\u27s Fashionista users. Furthermore representation of mimetic behavior on nonverbal communication such dress style, posture and proxemics indicating intentionally ardor from imitating behavior. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana proses terbentuknya perilaku meniru (mimetik) yang ditunjukkan oleh remaja sebagai dampak dari penggunaan media sosial Instagram serta mengetahui bentuk-bentuk perilaku tersebut yang direpresentasikan dengan komunikasi non verbal. Untuk mencapai tujuan diatas, maka penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif kualitatif dengan melakukan wawancara mendalam dan melalui observasi, dimana selama proses penelitian penulis juga melakukan analisis langsung terhadap akun media sosial Instagram masing-masing informan. Penulis mendalami bagaimana para informan sebagai remaja berkreasi pada diri mereka sendiri terkait fashion yang terilhami para fashionista Instagram. Dari hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada tahapan proses yang dilewati sebelum para remaja benar-benar melakukan perilaku mimetik terhadap fashionista Instagram. Selain itu bentuk-bentuk perilaku mimetik sebagai hasil dari perilaku rujukan terhadap fashionista direpresentasikan dalam komunikasi non verbal yakni gaya berbusana, postur, dan prosemik menunjukkan adanya maksud tertentu dari perilaku mimetik tersebut. Para remaja ingin menunjukkan pada lingkungan sosialnya terkait penampilan mereka yang terbaik serta meningkatkan eksistensi diri baik di dunia maya maupun dunia nyata
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