330 research outputs found


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    From 1991 to 2018, there was a decrease in the number of operating airports in the Russian Federation from 1,450 to 261, that is, for 27 years, 1,189 regional airports and hubs of local airlines located in Siberia, the Far East and the Far North ceased to function. During this period, the country's air transport potential decreased by more than 4 times. Today, the state of the airport infrastructure, including fixed assets and material and technical base, i.e. federal aerodromes of civil aviation remains unsatisfactory. Including the rules for safety. Thus, the consequence of all the existing problems of the industry was the destruction of domestic air transport and air transport links, which resulted in a significant deformation of the dynamics of the development of the air transport services market

    A hierarchical Bayesian model to infer PL(Z) relations using Gaia parallaxes

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    Aims. We aim at creating a Bayesian model to infer the coefficients of PL or PLZ relations that propagates uncertainties in the observables in a rigorous and well founded way. Methods. We propose a directed acyclic graph to encode the conditional probabilities of the inference model that will allow us to infer probability distributions for the PL and PL(Z) relations. We evaluate the model with several semi-synthetic data sets and apply it to a sample of 200 fundamental mode and first overtone mode RR Lyrae stars for which Gaia DR1 parallaxes and literature Ks-band mean magnitudes are available. We define and test several hyperprior probabilities to verify their adequacy and check the sensitivity of the solution with respect to the prior choice. Results. The main conclusion of this work is the absolute necessity of incorporating the existing correlations between the observed variables (periods, metallicities and parallaxes) in the form of model priors in order to avoid systematically biased results, especially in the case of non-negligible uncertainties in the parallaxes. The tests with the semi-synthetic data based on the data set used in Gaia Collaboration et al. (2017) reveal the significant impact that the existing correlations between parallax, metallicity and periods have on the inferred parameters. The relation coefficients obtained here have been superseded by those presented in Muraveva et al. (2018a), that incorporates the findings of this work and the more recent Gaia DR2 measurements.Comment: 14 pages, 12 figures. Submitted to A&

    Crisis of russian turism in recent time and methods of its resolution

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    В статье рассматривается кризисная ситуация в российской туристической отрасли в 2014 г., в сравнении с похожей кризисной ситуацией в 2008-2009 гг. Дается краткий обзор банкротств туристических компаний за период с июля по декабрь 2014 г. Называются причины кризиса, и его последствия. Перечислены меры по пресечению кризисных явлений на законодательной уровне, а так же рассмотрены альтернативные методы решения проблемы.The article highlights the crisis situation in Russian tourism industry in the year 2014 vs. the similar situation in Russian tourism industry in the years 2008-2009. Shortly reviewed the tourism company’s bankruptcy during the period since July till December 2014, and find the causes of this crises and its consequences. Specified steps to prevent crisis developments by legislative.Also viewed alternative solution techniques

    Beauty Magazines’ Discourse in the Dystopian World of Louise O’Neill’s Only Ever Yours

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    This article aims to question media and advertising discourses, exemplified by an issue of Cosmopolitan, from a critical discourse analysis perspective and in a multidisciplinary and interdiscursive manner. Irish novelist Louise O’Neill provides a poignant critique of familiar schemes and patterns through the dystopian setting of her thought-provoking novel Only Ever Yours (2014). She is interested in problematic issues of female identity, various stereotypes related to beauty myths, objectification, female body, commodification, ageism, and other forms of discrimination. The study of her dystopian world cannot be complete without tracing some sociocultural particulars so that the reader can identify the targets deeply rooted in our culture’s popular tropes

    Higher male mortality in Russia : a synthesis of the literature

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    Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI)Russian demographic statistics reflect the persistence of a dramatically wide gender gap in life expectancy and mortality over the last decades - about twice that found in the developed world. On average, men in Russia live 12 years less than Russian women, and 14.5 years less than men in Western Europe. This thesis provides an overview and synthesis of the most recently available literature that addresses the persistent gender gap in mortality and life expectancy in Russia. I reviewed the prevalent behavioral and social-structural drivers that explain the causes of higher male mortality in contemporary Russia. Especially, I looked at how the conceptualization of the male social role and related norms that shape masculine behavior contribute to high male mortality in Russia. The study reveals that men’s unhealthy, risky behavior and their higher vulnerability to stress are considered to be linked to their gendered social identity which is created and reproduced by the social-structural context of the Russia’s society

    Pulsating stars in the VMC survey

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    The VISTA survey of the Magellanic Clouds system (VMC) began observations in 2009 and since then, it has collected multi-epoch data at Ks and in addition multi-band data in Y and J for a wide range of stellar populations across the Magellanic system. Among them are pulsating variable stars: Cepheids, RR Lyrae, and asymptotic giant branch stars that represent useful tracers of the host system geometry.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, proceeding contribution of invited presentation at "Wide-field variability surveys: a 21st-century perspective", San Pedro de Atacama (Chile

    Coordinated development of inbound tourism with the needs of the national economy of the Republic of Belarus

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    In the article, the author analyzed the tourism sector on the basis of the decree on the approval of the National Tourism Development Strategy in the Republic of Belarus until 2035 in order to identify ways to develop inbound tourism, taking into account the needs of the national economy

    Improving the cosmic distance ladder. Distance and structure of the Large Magellanic Cloud

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    The Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) is widely considered as the first step of the cosmological distance ladder, since it contains many different distance indicators. An accurate determination of the distance to the LMC allows one to calibrate these distance indicators that are then used to measure the distance to far objects. The main goal of this thesis is to study the distance and structure of the LMC, as traced by different distance indicators. For these purposes three types of distance indicators were chosen: Classical Cepheids,``hot'' eclipsing binaries and RR Lyrae stars. These objects belong to different stellar populations tracing, in turn, different sub-structures of the LMC. The RR Lyrae stars (age >10 Gyr) are distributed smoothly and likely trace the halo of the LMC. Classical Cepheids are young objects (age 50-200 Myr), mainly located in the bar and spiral arm of the galaxy, while ``hot'' eclipsing binaries mainly trace the star forming regions of the LMC. Furthermore, we have chosen these distance indicators for our study, since the calibration of their zero-points is based on fundamental geometric methods. The ESA cornerstone mission Gaia, launched on 19 December 2013, will measure trigonometric parallaxes for one billion stars with an accuracy of 20 micro-arcsec at V=15 mag, and 200 micro-arcsec at V=20 mag, thus will allow us to calibrate the zero-points of Classical Cepheids, eclipsing binaries and RR Lyrae stars with an unprecedented precision