4 research outputs found

    Effectiveness of »doll therapy« in nursing care for people with dementia

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    UČINKOVITOST UPORABE »TERAPIJE Z LUTKO«V ZDRAVSTVENI NEGI OSEB Z DEMENCO Izhodišča, namen: Število ljudi z demenco se povečuje, zato se vedno bolj iščejo rešitve za zdravljenje le-te. Ena izmed rešitev je terapija z lutkami. V zaključnem delu smo želeli raziskati učinkovitost uporabe lutke pri osebah z demenco, zanima nas tudi, kako lutka vpliva na njih. Raziskovalne metode: V zaključnem delu smo uporabili metodo pregleda literature. Podatke smo zbrali s pregledom mednarodnih podatkovnih baz PubMed in Science Direct. Potek iskanja smo prikazali s PRISMA diagramom. V končno analizo smo vključili 7 študij. Rezultati: Po analizi podatkov smo oblikovali dva tematska sklopa: počutje in socialno življenje. Iz študij je razvidno, da se ljudje po uporabi lutke počutijo bolje, izboljša se njihov odnos do prehranjevanja, osebne urejenosti, izboljša se tudi fizično počutje, počutijo se varnejše in udobnejše. Osebe z demenco postanejo bolj družabne in se aktivneje vključujejo v socialno življenje. Interpretacija in zaključek: Ugotavljamo, da je »terapija z lutko« učinkovita predvsem pri izboljšanju počutja oseb z demenco. Lutka jim omogoča, da dobijo občutek pripadnosti in povezanosti, izboljša se njihova komunikacija njihovi družbeni stiki.EFFECTIVNESS OF THE USE OF “DOLL THERAPHY” IN NURSING CARE OF PEOPLE LIVING WITH DEMENTIA Theoretical background: Number of people living with the dementia is increasing, therefore solutions are being increasingly looked for. One of the solutions is doll therapy. Our purpose of the final work is to explore the efficiency and usefulness of »doll therapy« in nursing care of people living with dementia. Research methods: The literature review was used. Searching was conducted in international data bases PubMed and Science Direct. The PRISMA flow chart was used to present the searching process. Seven studies were included into the final analysis. Results: Two main thematic themes were designed: Well-being and Social life. We found out that the »doll therapy« improve attitude to eating, personal hygiene and their physical condition gets better in persons living with dementia. They feel safer and more comfortable. They become more communicative and engaging with social life. Interpretation and conclusion: We found out that the »doll therapy« is useful and effective in improving well-being in nursing people living with dementia. The doll allows people living with dementia to get a feeling of togetherness and connection and they improve their communication and relationship with others

    The impact of a wolf conservation project on attitudes of the public, hunters and farmers toward wolves in Slovenia

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    For successful conservation of large carnivores, charismatic and controversial species, ensuring human tolerance is essential. Therefore, wolf conservation projects aim to improve both the biological and socio-political conditions. I used a mixed methods approach to explore the effectiveness of a wolf conservation project in improving the coexistence of wolves and humans in Slovenia. I evaluated the effectiveness of the project to improve the social acceptance of wolves in Slovenia by quantitatively investigating attitude change, an indicator of social acceptance, over a two year period. Although attitudes toward wolves generally seem to have remained stable, I documented change in beliefs about the extent of wolf-caused damage and actual and acceptable wolf population size, as well as changes in individual statements about attitudes toward wolf management. To explore the role of public participation in improved wolf conservation, I carried out 19 semi-structured interviews with a range of participants that were involved in different public involvement actions. For the basis of the evaluation of the process, Reed’s (2008) criteria for effective stakeholder participation in environmental management were used. I found considerable evidence of learning through participation and increased social capital that positively influences the coexistence between wolves and humans in Slovenia