36 research outputs found

    Mars 94 Mission: Current plans and science

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    The Soviet Space Program proposes large-scale investigations of Mars as one of the most important trends for the next 10 to 15 years. The objectives include global studies of the surface of Mars, its atmosphere, and the return of soil samples to Earth. The first stage of the program is to be implemented in the mid-90s. It includes measurements from an orbiter and a balloon in the atmosphere and on the surface from a rover as well. This can be done using the high energy upper stage of the launch vehicle. The payload mass could amount to about 1500 to 1700 kg. The capabilities of the Mars Mission in 1994 are discussed. As presently planned, Mars will be studied concurrently with the following facilities: an orbiter with instruments for remote sensing from a polar orbit; a balloon deployed in the Martian atmosphere; a rover on the surface; a network of smaller stations on the surface; a subsatellite; and a device to return a container with photo films of the Martian surface taken with a super high resolution. If the exploration of Mars with the MARS-94 spacecraft begins late in 1994 the American Mars-Observer will still be functioning in the near-Mars orbit. Thus, joint operation of the two satellites becomes possible providing coordinated exploration, the creation of joint data banks, joint data interpretation, and the development of a joint engineering model of Mars for its further exploration. There is an opportunity for experiments and instrumentation on the Soviet missions that address questions of interest to exobiology. American scientists are invited to participate in the upcoming Soviet missions, and lend expertise to further understanding of the relationship between the physical and chemical evolution of the solar system and the appearance of life

    A spinning wheel for YARN : user interface for a crowdsourced thesaurus

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    YARN (Yet Another RussNet) project started in 2013 aims at creating a large open thesaurus for Russian using crowdsourcing. This paper describes synset assembly interface developed within the project — motivation behind it, design, usage scenarios, implementation details, and first experimental results

    YARN : spinning-in-progress

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    YARN (Yet Another RussNet), a project started in 2013, aims at creating a large open WordNet-like thesaurus for Russian by means of crowdsourcing. The first stage of the project was to create noun synsets. Currently, the resource comprises 100K+ word entries and 46K+ synsets. More than 200 people have taken part in assembling synsets throughout the project. The paper describes the linguistic, technical, and organizational principles of the project, as well as the evaluation results, lessons learned, and the future plans

    Three-year survival rate and changes in the level of consciousness in outpatients after severe brain injuries

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    Introduction. There is a worldwide lack of statistical data about the patients with chronic disorders of consciousness (DOC). In Russia, there are no such data at all. Objective: to perform the first study in Russia to assess the survival rate and changes in the level of consciousness in outpatients with the chronic DOC after their hospital discharge as well as to identify the predictors of survival and improvement in the level of consciousness. Materials and methods. All the participants (n = 142) underwent their treatment and rehabilitation in Federal Research and Clinical Center of Intensive Care Medicine and Rehabilitology from January 2016 to January 2020. We recorded the changes in patient's vital status and their level of consciousness at the endpoints of 3, 6, 12, 24, and 36 months from the brain injury (both for hospital and outpatient stages). We used the KaplanMeier method to assess the survival rate. We also used the logistic regression model to determine the correlation between the predictors of the survival and the improvement in the level of consciousness at baseline and 36 months after the injury. Results. The mortality rate in the study group 3 years after the brain injury was 86.6%. Regardless of the survival rate, the level of consciousness had significantly improved (i.e., they regained communication) in 22.5% of patients within 3 years after the index event. The statistically significant final model of the regression analysis (for 142 patients) showed that younger age and higher overall CRS-R score improved the survival rate. The logistic regression model used to determine the predictors of the improvement in the level of consciousness among the survivors gave no significant results. Conclusions. High mortality rate among the outpatients, whose level of consciousness had improved at discharge, proves the ineffectiveness of the outpatient rehabilitation. Thus, we need to find a way to improve it. The authors hope that the data obtained in this study will form the basis of their research

    RF Discharge Mirror Cleaning System Development for ITER Diagnostics

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    This report summarizes the status of several R&D tasks devoted to characterization of the basic behavior and definition of some features of the RF discharge mirror cleaning systems for ITER spectroscopy diagnostics. First results of mirror cleaning system engineering development and its implementation on ITER are described. Key requirements and specifications for such mirror cleaning systems for ITER conditions are presented

    Biological Earth observation with animal sensors

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    Space-based tracking technology using low-cost miniature tags is now delivering data on fine-scale animal movement at near-global scale. Linked with remotely sensed environmental data, this offers a biological lens on habitat integrity and connectivity for conservation and human health; a global network of animal sentinels of environmen-tal change

    La coopération soviéto-américaine dans le domaine de la construction aéronautique de 1924 à 1941

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    Cet article étudiera la coopération soviéto-américaine dans le domaine aéronautique entre 1924 et 1941. La construction aéronautique soviétique a toujours symbolisé la puissance de l’État. Les dirigeants de l’URSS accordaient une attention particulière à l’essor de cette branche industrielle, tandis que les progrès de l’aviation étaient considérés comme un objet de fierté nationale. Avant la révolution d’Octobre, l’industrie aéronautique russe était en retard par rapport aux grands pays indus..

    A spinning wheel for YARN : user interface for a crowdsourced thesaurus

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    YARN (Yet Another RussNet) project started in 2013 aims at creating a large open thesaurus for Russian using crowdsourcing. This paper describes synset assembly interface developed within the project — motivation behind it, design, usage scenarios, implementation details, and first experimental results