9 research outputs found


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    The article analyses the research papers by American scientists of the XX – early XI centuries concerning problems of development of medical education in the USA. The necessity to systematize pedagogical information in order to summarize existing theoretical experience in the context of medical education has been proved. A large-scale analytical study of medical education in the United States and Canada, called the Flexner Report, resulting in fundamental reforms in American medical education, have been analysed. The modern scientific researches aimed at improvement of system of future doctors’ training in the USA have been discussed. On the basis of the analysed works, the conclusions about the vector of modern pedagogical science in the USA in the context of medical education have been made. It has been established that the main issues addressed in basic pedagogical studies of American medical education are the problems of quality of specialists’ training, who are competitive in the labour market, introduction of more advanced standards of doctors’ training, mechanisms of assessment of quality of medical education.У статті проаналізовано праці американських науковців ХХ – початку ХХІ ст., які стосуються проблем розвитку медичної освіти в США. Доведено необхідність систематизації педагогічної інформації для узагальнення наявного теоретичного досвіду в контексті медичної освіти. Узагальнено положення масштабного аналітичного дослідження медичної освіти в США та Канаді, яке отримало назву Звіту Флекснера і стало підґрунтям докорінних реформ американської медичної освіти. Проаналізовано сучасні наукові дослідження, спрямовані на вдосконалення системи підготовки лікарів у США. На основі проаналізованих праць зроблено висновки про вектор сучасної педагогічної науки в США в контексті медичної освіти. Встановлено, що до основних питань, які розглянуто у фундаментальних педагогічних дослідженнях американської медичної освіти, належать проблеми якості підготовки фахівців, конкурентоспроможних на ринку праці, впровадження більш досконалих стандартів навчання лікарів, механізми оцінки якості медичної освіти


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    The informatisation of modern education necessitates the development of a new model of physical education, based on interdisciplinary integrative processes using ICT. This paper considers using ICT for testing coordination skills in physical education of students. The main idea of integrating ICT into the monitoring is to intensify the pedagogical control process in order to reinforce its information capabilities. The purpose of the paper is to justify and show how to implement ICT in students’ coordination skills monitoring, while they undergo physical education. Foremost, it concerns a personalist approach to education and training, and an integrated approach in the implementation of monitoring and evaluating its results. The device that measures movement is the result of a research aimed at integrating ICT into students’ coordination skills testing. Its function is to provide a high level of control and assessment of students’ coordination skills. The device is based on the latest advances in energy-saving technologies, using optical sensors, multifunctional microcontroller development boards and software developed in Proteus Design Suite. The developed infrastructure of the device of movement control provides quick processing of received testing results using the methods of multidimensional mathematical analysis as well as the formation of integrated database for coordination skills controlling. The interface used for this provides a high level of ergonomic properties of the developed device and the possibility of effective work of specialists with the data of testing. The effectiveness of using the designed device in testing students' coordination skills is achieved through the ease of use and compactness of the device, student-friendly testing procedure and the efficiency and reliability of control. Implementation of the unique possibilities of ICT provides state-of-the-art didactic method of intensification of control process in physical education of students

    Public School Teachers Professional Development in Australia on the Basis of Informaton Communication Technologies Usage: Legal Issues

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    У статті розглянуто нормативно-правову базу професійного розвитку вчителів загальноосвітніх шкіл Австралії на основі використання інформаційно- комунікаційних технологій. Проаналізовано документи урядів штатів та територій Австралії щодо інтеграції ІНТ у викладацьку та навчальнудіяльність шкіл Австралії. Розглянуто стандарти професійного розвитку вчителів Австралії щодо використання ІНТ.Legal issues of public school teachers professional development in Australia on the basis of informaton communication technologies usage has been outlined in the article. Documents and reports of Australian governments of states and territories concerning integration of ICT into the teaching and learning activity of Australian schools have been analyzed. The standards of teacher professional development related to ICT in Australia have been considered

    Polycriterial diagnostics of the enterprise development

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    The method of polycriterial diagnostics of enterprise development on the basis of determination of the integral level of its development considering the development vscope and quality was developed. The model of calculation of integral levels of the development scope and quality was formed, the list of business-indicators that serve as basis for complex diagnostics of enterprise development was sustained

    Distance Learning of Adult Immigrants in Canada

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    У статті здійснено аналіз дистанційного навчання дорослих іммігрантів у Канаді. Розглянуто роль, значення і види дистанційного навчання, а також програми, що пропонуються дорослим іммігрантам через дистанційну формунавчання.The article is devoted to the analysis of distance learning of adult immigrants in Canada. Not only the role, importance and different kinds of distance learning, but also programmes that are offered to immigrants through distance learning are considered in the article

    Teachers’ Professional Development: Theoretical and Methodological Aspects

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    Стаття присвячена дослідженню теоретичних і методологічних основ професійного розвитку педагогів. Здійснено аналіз науково-педагогічної літератури, що висвітлює окремі аспекти проблеми. Розглянуто теорії, концепції, підходи, покладені в основу професійного розвитку вчителів загальноосвітніх шкіл у провідних країнах світу (теорія віку та фаз, теорія кар’єрного циклу педагогічної професії, концепція акмеології, системно-структурний, андрагогічний, інтеркультурний підходи). Виокремлено основні завдання сучасної системи професійного розвитку вчителів загальноосвітніх шкіл у розвинених англомовних країнах.The article is dedicated to the research on theoretical and methodological fundamentals of teachers’ professional development. The analysis of the scientific-educational literature which highlights some aspects of the problem has been conducted. Professional development is considered as a set of activities undertaken on a systematic basis in order to prepare teachers to their profession and comprises initial preparation, programs of introduction to the profession, postgraduate training and continuous professional development. The distinction is made between such notions as «a system of professional development» and «a model of professional development» of a public school teacher. A model is scheduled processes and capabilities designed to ensure the professional development of teachers from the beginning of their training. The system of professional development encompasses a broader perspective, which includes functional relationships between the aims and objectives of professional development; the context in which professional development will take place; personal and professional characteristics of participants; the applied models, methods and means of action; funds and results of professional development; the evaluation of the effectiveness of professional development; the infrastructure supporting professional development. The authors have analysed theories, concepts, approaches underlying public school teachers’ professional development in the leading countries of the world (а theory of age and phases, а theory of professional development cycle, а concept of acmeology, systemic-structural, andragogical and intercultural approaches). Special attention is given to the theory of professional development cycle. Summarising different approaches to this theory, the following stages can been identified: survival, which is characterised by the lack of knowledge about methodology of teaching the subject and the desire to correspond to the established image of a teacher; adaptation: conducting research and linking theoretical knowledge to everyday professional practice; accumulation of experience: enhancing knowledge about methodology of teaching, academic programs, competencies and developing your own teaching style; maturity, which is characterised by the awareness of belonging to a teaching profession, directing your activities to the all-round development of students, showing professional enthusiasm; decay and retirement. The main objectives of the modern system of public school teachers’ professional development in the English-speaking countries have been determined (i.e. to promote understanding of the new context of education at the beginning of the XXI century based on the pre-mastered knowledge; to acquaint teachers with the new requirements of academic programs; to introduce new educational technologies for thorough professional training; to stimulate exchange of experience among teachers; to identify current problems of everyday professional practice)

    Atmospheric trace gases support primary production in Antarctic desert surface soil

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    Cultivation-independent surveys have shown that the desert soils of Antarctica harbour surprisingly rich microbial communities. Given that phototroph abundance varies across these Antarctic soils, an enduring question is what supports life in those communities with low photosynthetic capacity. Here we provide evidence that atmospheric trace gases are the primary energy sources of two Antarctic surface soil communities. We reconstructed 23 draft genomes from metagenomic reads, including genomes from the candidate bacterial phyla WPS-2 and AD3. The dominant community members encoded and expressed high-affinity hydrogenases, carbon monoxide dehydrogenases, and a RuBisCO lineage known to support chemosynthetic carbon fixation. Soil microcosms aerobically scavenged atmospheric H2 and CO at rates sufficient to sustain their theoretical maintenance energy and mediated substantial levels of chemosynthetic but not photosynthetic CO2 fixation. We propose that atmospheric H2, CO2 and CO provide dependable sources of energy and carbon to support these communities, which suggests that atmospheric energy sources can provide an alternative basis for ecosystem function to solar or geological energy sources. Although more extensive sampling is required to verify whether this process is widespread in terrestrial Antarctica and other oligotrophic habitats, our results provide new understanding of the minimal nutritional requirements for life and open the possibility that atmospheric gases support life on other planets