189 research outputs found

    Impact of Production Location, Production System, and Variety on the Volatile Organic Compounds Fingerprints and Sensory Characteristics of Tomatoes

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    Consumers havemore andmore interest inwhere and howtheir foods are produced.However, it is often challenging to discriminate products from different production locations and systems. The objective of this study was to examine fingerprinting of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) as an approach for characterization and discrimination of tomatoes by their production location, production system, and variety using Proton Transfer Reaction Mass Spectrometry combined with multivariate statistics. Sensory analysis was complementing the VOC analyses. The study was part of the EU CORE Organic II project AuthenticFood. Tomato sample batches cultivated in two locations in Italy, according to the organic and conventional production system, comprising two varieties, and produced in two consecutive years were examined. Both factors production location and production systemimpacted considerably the VOC fingerprints, but compared to these two factors, minor differences were observed between the two varieties of tomatoes studied. VOC data were successfully used to predict the origin and production systemfor this sample set. Sensory data also primarily indicated the differences between origin and production systems, and several sensory attributes could be predicted from the VOC fingerprints. Therefore, VOC fingerprints reflect production conditions and are promising for substantiation and authentication of special tomato traits

    The association of acylcarnitines and amino acids with age in Dutch and South-Asian Surinamese living in Amsterdam.

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    Type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease occur more frequently, and at a younger age in South-Asians than Europeans. This may be related to differences in regulation of the fatty acid metabolism during aging. We compared age-related acylcarnitine and amino acid concentrations. We measured types of acylcarnitine and amino acid concentrations in plasma (by tandem-MS) in a random subsample of 350 Dutch and 350 South-Asian Surinamese origin participants of the HELIUS study (Amsterdam, The Netherlands). We derived principal components (PCs) from the metabolites. Linear regression was used to assess differences in PCs and individual metabolite concentrations, and their age-trends between the groups by sex. We adjusted for BMI and intake of fat and total energy. Mean age was 44.8 (SD 13.3) years. Many metabolite concentrations were higher among South-Asian Surinamese participants compared to Dutch participants; amino acids in women, and both acylcarnitines and amino acids in men. Metabolite levels increased similarly with age in both ethnic groups. Results remained similar after adjustment. Ethnic differences in metabolite concentrations suggest that fatty acid and amino acid metabolism are more dysregulated among South-Asian Surinamese compared to Dutch from a young age. During adulthood metabolites increase similarly in both ethnic groups

    Identifying inhibitory compounds in lignocellulosic biomass hydrolysates using an exometabolomics approach

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    BACKGROUND: Inhibitors are formed that reduce the fermentation performance of fermenting yeast during the pretreatment process of lignocellulosic biomass. An exometabolomics approach was applied to systematically identify inhibitors in lignocellulosic biomass hydrolysates. RESULTS: We studied the composition and fermentability of 24 different biomass hydrolysates. To create diversity, the 24 hydrolysates were prepared from six different biomass types, namely sugar cane bagasse, corn stover, wheat straw, barley straw, willow wood chips and oak sawdust, and with four different pretreatment methods, i.e. dilute acid, mild alkaline, alkaline/peracetic acid and concentrated acid. Their composition and that of fermentation samples generated with these hydrolysates were analyzed with two GC-MS methods. Either ethyl acetate extraction or ethyl chloroformate derivatization was used before conducting GC-MS to prevent sugars are overloaded in the chromatograms, which obscure the detection of less abundant compounds. Using multivariate PLS-2CV and nPLS-2CV data analysis models, potential inhibitors were identified through establishing relationship between fermentability and composition of the hydrolysates. These identified compounds were tested for their effects on the growth of the model yeast, Saccharomyces. cerevisiae CEN.PK 113-7D, confirming that the majority of the identified compounds were indeed inhibitors. CONCLUSION: Inhibitory compounds in lignocellulosic biomass hydrolysates were successfully identified using a non-targeted systematic approach: metabolomics. The identified inhibitors include both known ones, such as furfural, HMF and vanillin, and novel inhibitors, namely sorbic acid and phenylacetaldehyde

    The use of a direct bronchial challenge test in primary care to diagnose asthma

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    Many asthmatics in primary care have mild symptoms and lack airflow obstruction. If variable expiratory airflow limitation cannot be determined by spirometry or peak expiratory flow, despite a history of respiratory symptoms, a positive bronchial challenge test (BCT) can confirm the diagnosis of asthma. However, BCT is traditionally performed in secondary care. In this observational real-life study, we retrospectively analyze 5-year data of a primary care diagnostic center carrying out BCT by histamine provocation. In total, 998 primary care patients aged ≥16 years underwent BCT, without any adverse events reported. To explore diagnostic accuracy, we examine 584 patients with a high pretest probability of asthma. Fifty-seven percent of these patients have a positive BCT result and can be accurately diagnosed with asthma. Our real-life data show BCT is safe and feasible in a suitably equipped primary care diagnostic center. Furthermore, it could potentially reduce diagnostic referrals to secondary care

    Thin and transient meltwater layers and false bottoms in the Arctic sea ice pack—Recent insights on these historically overlooked features

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    The rapid melt of snow and sea ice during the Arctic summer provides a significant source of low-salinity meltwater to the surface ocean on the local scale. The accumulation of this meltwater on, under, and around sea ice floes can result in relatively thin meltwater layers in the upper ocean. Due to the small-scale nature of these upper-ocean features, typically on the order of 1 m thick or less, they are rarely detected by standard methods, but are nevertheless pervasive and critically important in Arctic summer. Observations during the Multidisciplinary drifting Observatory for the Study of Arctic Climate (MOSAiC) expedition in summer 2020 focused on the evolution of such layers and made significant advancements in understanding their role in the coupled Arctic system. Here we provide a review of thin meltwater layers in the Arctic, with emphasis on the new findings from MOSAiC. Both prior and recent observational datasets indicate an intermittent yet long-lasting (weeks to months) meltwater layer in the upper ocean on the order of 0.1 m to 1.0 m in thickness, with a large spatial range. The presence of meltwater layers impacts the physical system by reducing bottom ice melt and allowing new ice formation via false bottom growth. Collectively, the meltwater layer and false bottoms reduce atmosphere-ocean exchanges of momentum, energy, and material. The impacts on the coupled Arctic system are far-reaching, including acting as a barrier for nutrient and gas exchange and impacting ecosystem diversity and productivity

    Impact of sea ice transport on Beaufort Gyre liquid freshwater content

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    The Arctic Ocean’s Beaufort Gyre (BG) is a wind-driven reservoir of relatively fresh seawater, situated beneath time-mean anticyclonic atmospheric circulation, and is covered by mobile pack ice for most of the year. Liquid freshwater accumulation in and expulsion from this gyre is of critical interest due to its potential to affect the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation and due to the importance of freshwater in modulating vertical fluxes of heat, nutrients and carbon in the ocean, and exchanges of heat and moisture with the atmosphere. Here, we investigate the hypothesis that wind-driven sea ice transport into/from the BG region influences the freshwater content of the gyre and its variability. To test this hypothesis, we use the results of a coordinated climate response function experiment with four ice-ocean models, in combination with targeted experiments using a regional setup of the MITgcm, in which we rotate the surface wind forcing vectors (thereby changing the ageostrophic component of these winds). Our results show that, via an effect on the net thermodynamic growth rate, anomalies in sea ice transport into the BG affect liquid freshwater adjustment. Specifically, increased ice import increases freshwater retention in the gyre, whereas ice export decreases freshwater in the gyre. Our results demonstrate that uncertainty in the ageostrophic component of surface winds, and in the dynamic sea ice response to these winds, has important implications for ice thermodynamics and freshwater. This sensitivity may explain some of the observed inter-model spread in simulations of Beaufort Gyre freshwater and its adjustment in response to wind forcing

    An Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Spot Assay Measuring Borrelia burgdorferi B31-Specific Interferon Gamma-Secreting T Cells Cannot Discriminate Active Lyme Neuroborreliosis from Past Lyme Borreliosis: a Prospective Study in the Netherlands.

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    Two-tier serology testing is most frequently used for the diagnosis of Lyme borreliosis (LB); however, a positive result is no proof of active disease. To establish a diagnosis of active LB, better diagnostics are needed. Tests investigating the cellular immune system are available, but studies evaluating the utility of these tests on well-defined patient populations are lacking. Therefore, we investigated the utility of an enzyme-linked immunosorbent spot (ELISpot) assay to diagnose active Lyme neuroborreliosis. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) of various study groups were stimulated by using Borrelia burgdorferi strain B31 and various recombinant antigens, and subsequently, the number of Borrelia-specific interferon gamma (IFN-γ)-secreting T cells was measured. We included 33 active and 37 treated Lyme neuroborreliosis patients, 28 healthy individuals treated for an early manifestation of LB in the past, and 145 untreated healthy individuals. The median numbers of B. burgdorferi B31-specific IFN-γ-secreting T cells/2.5 × 105 PBMCs did not differ between active Lyme neuroborreliosis patients (6.0; interquartile range [IQR], 0.5 to 14.0), treated Lyme neuroborreliosis patients (4.5; IQR, 2.0 to 18.6), and treated healthy individuals (7.4; IQR, 2.3 to 14.9) (P = 1.000); however, the median number of B. burgdorferi B31-specific IFN-γ-secreting T cells/2.5 × 105 PBMCs among untreated healthy individuals was lower (2.0; IQR, 0.5 to 3.9) (P ≤ 0.016). We conclude that the Borrelia ELISpot assay, measuring the number of B. burgdorferi B31-specific IFN-γ-secreting T cells/2.5 × 105 PBMCs, correlates with exposure to the Borrelia bacterium but cannot be used for the diagnosis of active Lyme neuroborreliosis

    A new era for people with cystic fibrosis

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    Cystic fibrosis is the most prevalent inherited disease caused by a defect in the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) gene. The impaired electrolyte homeostasis caused by the mutated or absent protein leads to symptoms in multiple organ systems. However, the pulmonary manifestation with chronic infections and eventually respiratory failure remains the most important threat. Until one decade ago, only symptomatic treatment was available. However, since 2012, different combinations of CFTR modulators are available for people with cystic fibrosis (pwCF) that carry different mutations. The advent of these drugs has impressively changed life expectancy and quality of life in people with cystic fibrosis and raised new challenges regarding long-term complications and tapering of conventional therapies. Conclusion: In this review, we provide an update on the latest developments around diagnostics, treatment, and prognosis of pwCF.What is Known:• Cystic fibrosis is an incurable and life-shortening disease asking for life-long symptomatic treatment.• Three combination CFTR modulating drugs has gained marked approval over the last 10 years.What is New:• The emerge of new (modulating) therapies contribute to the increasing life expectancy.• A high unmet need to develop new therapies for people with CF who cannot access or benefit from these drugs remains. This review gives an update on the current status

    Measuring burden of disease in both asthma and COPD by merging the ACQ and CCQ:less is more?

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    Symptoms of asthma and COPD often overlap, and both diseases can co-exist in one patient. The asthma control questionnaire (ACQ) and clinical COPD questionnaire (CCQ) were developed to assess disease burden in respectively asthma or COPD. This study explores the possibility of creating a new questionnaire to assess disease burden in all obstructive lung diseases by integrating and reducing questions of the ACQ and CCQ. Data of patients with asthma, COPD and asthma-COPD overlap (ACO) were collected from a primary and secondary care center. Patients completed ACQ and CCQ on the same day. Linear regression tested correlations. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) was used for item reduction. The secondary cohort with asthma and COPD patients was used for initial question selection (development cohort). These results were reproduced in the primary care cohort and secondary cohort of patients with ACO. The development cohort comprised 252 patients with asthma and 96 with COPD. Correlation between ACQ and CCQ in asthma was R = 0.82, and in COPD R = 0.83. PCA determined a selection of 9 questions. Reproduction in primary care data (asthma n = 1110, COPD n = 1041, ACO = 355) and secondary care data of ACO patients (n = 53) resulted in similar correlations and PCA-derived selection of questions. In conclusion, PCA determined a selection of nine questions of the ACQ and CCQ: working title ‘the Obstructive Lung Disease Questionnaire’. These results suggest that this pragmatic set of questions might be sufficient to assess disease burden in obstructive lung disease in both primary as secondary care.</p
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