67 research outputs found

    Factors Impacting Clinicians’ Adoption of a Clinical Photo Documentation App and its Implications for Clinical Workflows and Quality of Care: Qualitative Case Study

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    Background: Mobile health (mHealth) tools have shown promise in clinical photo and wound documentation for their potential to improve workflows, expand access to care, and improve the quality of patient care. However, some barriers to adoption persist. Objective: This study aims to understand the social, organizational, and technical factors affecting clinicians’ adoption of a clinical photo documentation mHealth app and its implications for clinical workflows and quality of care. Methods: A qualitative case study of a clinical photo and wound documentation app called imitoCam was conducted. The data were collected through 20 in-depth interviews with mHealth providers, clinicians, and medical informatics experts from 8 clinics and hospitals in Switzerland and Germany. Results: According to the study participants, the use of mHealth in clinical photo and wound documentation provides numerous benefits such as time-saving and efficacy, better patient safety and quality of care, enhanced data security and validation, and better accessibility. The clinical workflow may also improve when the app is a good fit, resulting in better collaboration and transparency, streamlined daily work, clinician empowerment, and improved quality of care. The findings included important factors that may contribute to or hinder adoption. Factors may be related to the material nature of the tool, such as the perceived usefulness, ease of use, interoperability, cost, or security of the app, or social aspects such as personal experience, attitudes, awareness, or culture. Organizational and policy barriers include the available clinical practice infrastructure, workload and resources, the complexity of decision making, training, and ambiguity or lack of regulations. User engagement in the development and implementation process is a vital contributor to the successful adoption of mHealth apps. Conclusions: The promising potential of mHealth in clinical photo and wound documentation is clear and may enhance clinical workflow and quality of care; however, the factors affecting adoption go beyond the technical features of the tool itself to embrace significant social and organizational elements. Technology providers, clinicians, and decision makers should work together to carefully address any barriers to improve adoption and harness the potential of these tools

    Diagnostic challenges within the Bacillus cereus-group: finding the beast without teeth

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    The Bacillus cereus-group (B. cereus sensu lato) includes common, usually avirulent species, often considered contaminants of patient samples in routine microbiological diagnostics, as well as the highly virulent B. anthracis. Here we describe 16 isolates from 15 patients, identified as B. cereus-group using a MALDI-TOF MS standard database. Whole genome sequencing (WGS) analysis identified five of the isolates as B. anthracis species not carrying the typical virulence plasmids pXO1 and pXO2, four isolates as B. paranthracis, three as B. cereus sensu stricto, two as B. thuringiensis, one as B. mobilis, and one isolate represents a previously undefined species of Bacillus (B. basilensis sp. nov.). More detailed analysis using alternative MALDI-TOF MS databases, biochemical phenotyping, and diagnostic PCRs, gave further conflicting species results. These cases highlight the difficulties in identifying avirulent B. anthracis within the B. cereus-group using standard methods. WGS and alternative MALDI-TOF MS databases offer more accurate species identification, but so far are not routinely applied. We discuss the diagnostic resolution and discrepancies of various identification methods

    Differential Stress-Induced Neuronal Activation Patterns in Mouse Lines Selectively Bred for High, Normal or Low Anxiety

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    There is evidence for a disturbed perception and processing of emotional information in pathological anxiety. Using a rat model of trait anxiety generated by selective breeding, we previously revealed differences in challenge-induced neuronal activation in fear/anxiety-related brain areas between high (HAB) and low (LAB) anxiety rats. To confirm whether findings generalize to other species, we used the corresponding HAB/LAB mouse model and investigated c-Fos responses to elevated open arm exposure. Moreover, for the first time we included normal anxiety mice (NAB) for comparison. The results confirm that HAB mice show hyperanxious behavior compared to their LAB counterparts, with NAB mice displaying an intermediate anxiety phenotype. Open arm challenge revealed altered c-Fos response in prefrontal-cortical, limbic and hypothalamic areas in HAB mice as compared to LAB mice, and this was similar to the differences observed previously in the HAB/LAB rat lines. In mice, however, additional differential c-Fos response was observed in subregions of the amygdala, hypothalamus, nucleus accumbens, midbrain and pons. Most of these differences were also seen between HAB and NAB mice, indicating that it is predominately the HAB line showing altered neuronal processing. Hypothalamic hypoactivation detected in LAB versus NAB mice may be associated with their low-anxiety/high-novelty-seeking phenotype. The detection of similarly disturbed activation patterns in a key set of anxiety-related brain areas in two independent models reflecting psychopathological states of trait anxiety confirms the notion that the altered brain activation in HAB animals is indeed characteristic of enhanced (pathological) anxiety, providing information for potential targets of therapeutic intervention

    Results on cascade production in lead-lead interactions from the NA57 experiment

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    The NA57 experiment has been designed to study the production of strange and multi-strange particles in Pb-Pb and p-Be collisions at the CERN SPS. The predecessor experiment WA97 has measured an enhanced abundance of strange particles in Pb-Pb collisions relative to p-A reactions at 160 GeV/c per nucleon beam momentum. NA57 has extended the WA97 measurements to investigate the evolution of the strangeness enhancement pattern as a function of the beam energy and over a wider centrality range. In this paper, we report results on cascade production for about the 60% most central collisions at 160 GeV/c per nucleon

    Single-Unit Activity in the Medial Prefrontal Cortex during Immediate and Delayed Extinction of Fear in Rats

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    Delivering extinction trials minutes after fear conditioning yields only a short-term fear suppression that fully recovers the following day. Because extinction has been reported to increase CS-evoked spike firing and spontaneous bursting in the infralimbic (IL) division of the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC), we explored the possibility that this immediate extinction deficit is related to altered mPFC function. Single-units were simultaneously recorded in rats from neurons in IL and the prelimbic (PrL) division of the mPFC during an extinction session conducted 10 minutes (immediate) or 24 hours (delayed) after auditory fear conditioning. In contrast to previous reports, IL neurons exhibited CS-evoked responses early in extinction training in both immediate and delayed conditions and these responses decreased in magnitude over the course of extinction training. During the retention test, CS-evoked firing in IL was significantly greater in animals that failed to acquire extinction. Spontaneous bursting during the extinction and test sessions was also different in the immediate and delayed groups. There were no group differences in PrL activity during extinction or retention testing. Alterations in both spontaneous and CS-evoked neuronal activity in the IL may contribute to the immediate extinction deficit

    Profiling Trait Anxiety: Transcriptome Analysis Reveals Cathepsin B (Ctsb) as a Novel Candidate Gene for Emotionality in Mice

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    Behavioral endophenotypes are determined by a multitude of counteracting but precisely balanced molecular and physiological mechanisms. In this study, we aim to identify potential novel molecular targets that contribute to the multigenic trait “anxiety”. We used microarrays to investigate the gene expression profiles of different brain regions within the limbic system of mice which were selectively bred for either high (HAB) or low (LAB) anxiety-related behavior, and also show signs of comorbid depression-like behavior

    Die Situation hörgeschädigter Kinder in den Regelschulen Tirols (Österreich)

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    Nahezu 70% aller hörgeschädigten Kinder in Österreich werden in Regelschulen integriert. Auch in Deutschland ist ein deutlicher Trend zur vermehrten Integration hörgeschädigter Kinder in Regelschulen zu beobachten. Im deutschsprachigen Raum liegen erst wenige Untersuchungen zur schulischen Integration hörgeschädigter Kinder in Regelschulen vor. In der 2007 durchgeführten Untersuchung an der Universitätsklinik für Hör-, Stimm- und Sprachstörungen in Innsbruck wurden via Fragebögen bei hörgeschädigten Kindern (N=40) bzw. deren Eltern die Konstrukte "Selbstkonzept", "schulisches Integrationserleben", "psychosoziale Auffälligkeiten" und "Rahmenbedingungen für Entwicklung und Integration im schulischen Klassenverband" erfasst. Bei den untersuchten Kindern handelt es sich um peripher hörgeschädigte Kinder, welche u.a. technisch versorgt und zwischen 8 und 15 Jahren alt sind. Alle Kinder besuchen eine Regelschule im österreichischen Bundesland Tirol. Der Fokus der Befragung richtet sich in erster Linie auf die Qualität der Integration hörgeschädigter Kinder in den Regelschulen Tirols und welche Faktoren und Rahmenbedingungen wesentlich dazu beitragen. Es zeigten sich u.a. Zusammenhänge zwischen dem Selbstkonzept und dem Integrationserleben bzw. zwischen dem Selbstkonzept und psychosozialen Auffälligkeiten. Daraus lassen sich in der Zusammenschau mit vorangegangenen Untersuchungen Faktoren und Mechanismen ableiten, welche Impulse für die Arbeit mit hörgeschädigten Kindern (Diagnostik, Therapie, pädagogische Begleitung, Elternarbeit) mit sich bringen. Für eine erfolgversprechende Beschulung in Regelschulen ist ein bedeutender Faktor die koordinierte Arbeit eines multidisziplinären Teams, beispielsweise eines pädaudiologischen Zentrums und dessen Partner
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