75 research outputs found

    Fish stock estimation in Sikka Regency Waters, Indonesia using Single Beam Echosounder (CruzPro fish finder PcFF-80) with hydroacoustic survey method

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    Sikka regency waters including fishery management with a high utilization status so that the necessary stages of an intensive monitoring and research potential of fish resources. This study aimed to obtain the estimated value of stock biomass and density of fish resources with the acoustic method. Quantitative data obtained will be a source of current information on the state of fish resources in the Sikka regency waters, Indonesia. The research was conducted in May 2015. Acoustic data retrieval, using instruments CruzPro fish finder PcFF-80 with sound velocity of 1516 m / s, power 2560 Watt, and method in survey acoustic use hydroacoustic long transect. The horizontal distribution shows a fluctuation striking at research location has the highest salinity levels in the range of 29.3-29.8 psu. Total biomass of fish in this study showed more the number is at a depth of 11-20 m that is 2,008 tons/km and at a depth of 1-10 m have the total fish biomass is 12.33 tons/km, single detection is done using a single target hydroacoustic show more dominance at a depth of 11-20 m in Sikka regency waters, MTB, Indonesia in May 2015. Number of data from results obtained by looking at the relationship between the number of the data with the total biomass in 1-10 m depth has equation Y = 0.0967x + 0.0486 with R2 is 0.0464 (4%) , while at a depth of 11-20 m has a regression equation is Y = 0.0003x + 0041 with the R2 is 0.0091 (0.9%). Variations in the data or the detection of single targets have variations over the data that is at a depth of 11-20 m with the lowest regression is 0.9%.Keywords:   Hydroacoustic, Salinity, Biomass, Stock estimation, Sikka regency waters

    Geology Structure Identification Using Pre-Stack Depth Migration (PSDM) Method of Tomography Result in North West Java Basin

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    North West Java Basin is a tertiary sedimentary basin which is located in the right of the western part of the Java island. North West Java Basin is geodynamic where currently located at the rear position of the path of the volcanic arc of Java that is the result of the India-Australia plate subduction to the south towards the Eurasian plate (Explanation of Sunda) in the north. Geology structure observation is difficult to be conducted at Quaternary volcanicfield due to the classical problem at tropical region. In the study interpretation of fault structures can be done on a cross-section of Pre-Stack Depth Migration (PSDM) used prayer namely Hardware Key Device, ie Central Processing Unit: RedHat Enterprise Linux AS 5.0, prayer Monitor 24-inch pieces, Server: SGI altix 450/SuSe Linux Enterprise Server 9.0, 32 GB, 32 X 2,6 GHz Procesor, network: Gigabyte 1 Gb/s, and the software used is paradigm, product: Seismic Processing and Imaging. The third fault obtained in this study in accordance with the geological information derived from previous research conducted by geologists. The second general direction is northwest-southeast direction represented by Baribis fault, fault-fault in the Valley Cimandiri and Gunung Walat. This direction is often known as the directions Meratus (Meratus Trend). Meratus directions interpreted as directions that follow the pattern of continuous arc Cretaceous age to Meratus in Kalimantan

    Produksi Suara dan Tingkah Laku Lumba-Lumba Jantan Hidung Botol (Tursiops Aduncus) dengan Metode Bioakustik

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    Produksi suara merupakan bagian dari metode bioakustik, yaitu menggabungkan biologi dan akustik yang biasanya merujuk pada penelitian mengenai produksi suara, dispersi melalui media elastis, dan penerimaan pada hewan, termasuk manusia. Penelitian ini mengamati tingkah laku lumba-lumba jantan dengan melakukan pendekatan ilmu bioakustik yang melihat karakteristik dari lumba-lumba tersebut. Lumba-lumba jantan (Tursiops aduncus) yang dipelihara di Taman Safari Indonesia, Cisarua Bogor memiliki nilai intensitas terendah sebesar 28,03 dB dan tertinggi adalah sebesar 32,01 dB. Dengan rata-rata parameter yang terukur yaitu salinitas sebesar 30 ‰ dan suhu 23 °C dengan kedalaman kolam 4,5 meter. Range frekuensi suara klik dengan nilai intensitas tertinggi yaitu sebesar 32 dB dengan suara klik sesudah makan pada hari ke 2 yang terdapat pada range frekuensi yaitu 14 - 16 kHz. Range frekuensi suara klik lumba-lumba jantan hidung botol (Tursiop saduncus) di Taman Safari, Cisarua Bogor, Indonesia yaitu pada frekuensi 14,2- 15 kHz

    Whistle sound detection and behaviour of male dolphin bottle nose (Tursiops aduncus) using noisy time domain modelling in captivity

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    Whistle sound is a voice that is intended to echolocation, whistle sound is a major role in internal and inter-group communication. The objective research is to know the power spectral patterns and fluctuations in sound based on frequency of the sounds produced by dolphins and observing the position of dolphins. Noisy Time Domain (NTD) and behaviour using the underwater camera, and also comparing between time and sound spectrum. Data recording was taken at the Safari Park of Cisarua Bogor in Indonesia, by taking data in show pool. The results showed that salinity before feeding time in the show pool with replication 1,2, and 3 has salinity value that is equal to 30 ‰. Data at the show pool before feeding with replications 1,2, and 3 has a salinity of 29 ‰. Sound whistle 3 before feeding time of 28.03 dB with the frequency interval of 14 642 Hz-16000 Hz. F-test at the show pool before meals has heterogeneous value. Treat before meals at the show pool has a value of P 0.001 and P 0.001. Value Noisy Time Domain have differences with each other and have a lot of different sound patterns. In general, there are real differences are evidenced by F test on a range of time at each whistle on show pool in the time before meals. In general, there is a noticeable difference in the range of time at each whistle on show pool in the time before meals. The behaviour of dolphins have a habit that has the movement toward the surface of the pool and movement and position will be influenced frequency and intensity value

    Seabed Detection Using Application Of Image Side Scan Sonar Instrument (Acoustic Signal)

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    The importance of knowing the method for seabed detection using side-scan sonar images with sonar instrument is a much-needed requirement right now. This kind of threat also requires frequent sonar surveys in such areas. These survey operations need specific procedures and special equipment to ensure survey correctness. In this paper describes the method of observation and retrieval of marine imagery data using an acoustic signal method, to determine a target based on the sea. Side scan sonar is an instrument consisting of single beam transducer on both sides. Side scan sonar (SSS) is a sonar development that is able to show in two-dimensional images of the seabed surface with seawater conditions and target targets simultaneously. The side scan sonar data processing is performed through geometric correction to establish the actual position of the image pixel, which consists of bottom tracking, slant-range correction, layback correction and radiometric correction performed for the backscatter intensity of the digital number assigned to each pixel including the Beam Angle Correction (BAC), Automatic Gain Control (AGC), Time Varied Gain (TVG), and Empirical Gain Normalization (EGN)


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    ABSTRAKIndonesia passed the equator make Indonesia get some kind of wind. The wind helps the formation ofsand dunes such as those on parangtritis. Human population is growing and is not supported by theincrease of the land, then the existence of sand dunes began to interfere with land transfer function for thefulfillment of human needs. The purpose of this research is to determine the extent of damage andreduction of the sand dune area in parangtritis and the cause of its damage. The method used in thisresearch is the extraction of information from spatial data in each year of data recording then analyzed toobtain data or information regarding changes in sand dunes area. The interpretation results show that thearea of sand dunes in 2003 was 277,083 Ha, while the area of sand dunes with visual interpretation of theimage of 2015 shows that the current sand dune area is 169.378 Ha. The results of both areas of the sanddunes experienced a reduction of 107,705 hectares or it can be said that the sand dunes area over the yearspan experienced a reduction of 47.4%.Key Word: Sand dunes; Spatial Data; Land Transfer Function


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    Perubahan iklim mempengaruhi komunitas dan wilayah di seluruh dunia. Perubahan iklim merupakan akibat dari pemanasan global yang disebabkan oleh peningkatan gas rumah kaca yang disebabkan oleh aktivitas manusia.Sektor terbesar emisi gas rumah kaca adalah industri, transportasi dan rumah tangga. Peningkatan konsentrasi beberapa gas rumah kaca telah menyebabkan peningkatan penyerapan energi matahari dan peningkatan refleksi panas matahari, sehingga meningkatkan suhu di bumi dan memicu perubahan iklim, sehingga secara tidak langsung meningkatkan jumlah air di laut dan menyebabkan kenaikan permukaan laut. Naik karena pemuaian air laut dan pencairan salju. Di kutub utara dan selatan bumi. Satu dampak perubahan iklim mungkin memiliki banyak dampak yang berbeda. Di antara banyak kemungkinan dampak pemanasan global, masalah yang paling sering dibahas adalah terkait dengan kenaikan permukaan laut. Pengukuran tinggi muka air laut ini dengan berkembangnya teknologi, pengukuran tinggi muka air laut dapat dilakukan dengan berbagai cara. Salah satunya dengan menggunakan citra satelit SPOT 5 untuk merekam perubahan muka air laut secara berkala dan kemudian menyajikannya dalam bentuk citra dengan tujuan untuk membuat scenario kenaikan tinggi muka air laut pada rentang kenaikan 0-50 m dan dampaknya terhadap scenario kenaikan tersebut terhadap area permukiman dan perkebunan. Untuk mengembangkan model kenaikan tinggi muka air laut di wilayah timur Pulau Bintan yaitu Kecamatan Gunung Kijang maka diperlukan data GDEM SPOT, yang berisikan informasi ketinggian dan karakteristik topografi, dalam hal ini data ketinggian adalah dalam kedetilan yang cukup tinggi. Data GDEM SPOT akan diolah dengan menggunakan teknologi SIG berbasis raster. Berdasarkan pemodelan ketinggian air laut yang sudah dilakukan dapat diketahui bahwa pada kenaikan tertinggi scenario 50 meter luas lahan yang bakal terdampak terhadap kenaikan tinggi muka air laut di Kecamatan Gunung Kijang yaitu daerah pemukiman seluas 261,880 ha & daerah perkebunan seluas 965,815 ha. Semakin tinggi muka air laut, maka semakin luas daerah yang terkena dampak kenaikan tinggi muka air lau

    Factors affecting land transfer function and its impact on farmers' income in Srigading Village, Sanden Sub-district, Bantul Regency

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    Coastal area is a specific area where the region can be used as a tourist area, settlements, and agriculture. Some forms of utilization in the field of agriculture, among others, is farming of paddy fields or fishery ponds. As is the case along the southern coast of the Special Territory of Yogyakarta. Coastal residents of Bantul and Kulon Progo districts utilize coastal land as dryland farming and fishery ponds. This study aims to determine the effect of land use change in the Srigading Village (especially for the conversion of shrimp ponds) to the farmers' income in the Village. This research uses the tools of remote sensing technology to identify land use change that happened in the research area and combine with interview result data to know earnings difference from a farmer. The result of the analysis shows that land use in the coastal area of Srigading Village, Sanden Sub-District, Bantul Regency, before being used as shrimp pond is dominated by agricultural land and garden/moor. There are also settlements, and bodies of water contained in the study area. Land in the form of gardens/moor and agricultural land is a land that has the potential to switch function to shrimp farms as long as get enough brackish water supply. The distance is quite close to the beach and the river makes the land is very potential to switch functions into ponds. The results of the analysis also showed that farmers' income before and after shrimp farming in Srigading village experienced an average increase of almost 50%.Kawasan pesisir merupakan wilayah yang berpotensi mengalami perubahan penggunaan lahan. Penduduk pesisir Kabupaten Bantul dan Kulon Progo memanfaatkan lahan pesisir sebagai pertanian lahan kering dan kolam perikanan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh perubahan penggunaan lahan di Desa Srigading (terutama untuk konversi tambak udang) terhadap pendapatan petani di desa. Penelitian ini menggunakan alat teknologi penginderaan jauh untuk mengidentifikasi perubahan penggunaan lahan yang terjadi di daerah penelitian dan digabungkan dengan data hasil wawancara untuk mengetahui perbedaan pendapatan dari petani. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan lahan di wilayah pesisir Desa Srigading, Kecamatan Sanden, Kabupaten Bantul, sebelum digunakan sebagai tambak udang didominasi oleh lahan pertanian dan kebun/tegalan. Ada juga pemukiman, dan area air yang terdapat di wilayah studi. Kebun/tegalan dan lahan pertanian adalah lahan yang berpotensi untuk beralih fungsi ke tambak udang selama mendapat pasokan air payau yang cukup. Jaraknya yang cukup dekat dengan pantai dan sungai menjadikan tanah sangat potensial untuk beralih fungsi menjadi kolam. Hasil analisis juga menunjukkan bahwa pendapatan petani sebelum dan sesudah budidaya udang di desa Srigading mengalami peningkatan rata-rata hampir 50%.DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17977/um017v24i12019p03

    Accuracy Evaluation of Regional and Global Tidal Models (TPXO9 and Goddard Ocean Tide) at Kabil Tidal Station

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    Indonesia  is an archipelagic country with a total marine area of 5.9 million km², consisting of 3.2 million km² of territorial  waters  and  2.7  km²  of  Exclusive  Economic  Zone waters, not including the continental shelf. With the vast waters in  Indonesia,  sufficient  information  about  the  tides  is  needed. Limitations of terrestrial tide data amidst the increasing need for marine information can be overcome by using global and regional tide models. This study uses the regional tidal data model released by BIG (Geospatial Information Agency) and the global tide model TPXO9 and GOT (Goddard Ocean Tides). From the two global tidal models, the tidal harmonic constant values are extracted at the tidal observation point in Kabil. Evaluation of global and regional tide models is carried out by comparing the amplitude values of the main harmonic constants of the tide models of global and regional tides with the amplitude values of the harmonic constants of terrestrial tidal measurement data to obtain a comparison of accuracy. The results of this research show the value of main tidal harmonic

    Pemetaan Kedalaman Laut Menggunakan Multibeam Echosounder, (MB1) di Perairan Punggur, Kepri

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    This research was conducted in April 2018 at Punggur waters. The methods used were bathymetric and tidal survey which aimed at obtaining depth and position information in Punggur waters which play a role in supporting activities around Punggur waters. This research was done by performing generalization using the Multibeam Echosounder (MBES) System instrument. Tides know the dynamics or changes in sea level. Thus, a bathymetric and tidal survey are carried out simultaneously namely the tides in the bathymetry survey activities aiming as a reference depth field to determine the kind/type of tide and the height of sea level average MSL (Mean Sea Level) as a reference point (zero points) for elevation measurements. It is known that the Formzahl value is 1.35 so that the tide type in the waters around the port is mixed mainly diurnal tides. The corrected bathymetry measurement results with an MSL value of 1.35 meters which results in an accuracy of the depth value. This indicates that there is a change in the depth value in Punggur waters, Batam. The results showed that the depth value in Punggur waters ranged from 16 to 25 meters below sea level so that the depth or bathymetry value in these waters was not included in the continental shelf area, which explains the presence of sloping topography values.   Keywords: Bathymetry, Punggur waters, tides, Multibeam Echosounder (MBES)Penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan April 2018 di perairan Punggur untuk melakukan penelitian ini dilakukan menggunakan metode survei batimetri dan pasut bertujuan mendapatkan informasi kedalaman dan posisi di perairan Punggur yang berperan untuk mendukung aktifitas di sekitar perairan Punggur. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan melakukan pemeruman menggunakan intrumen Multibeam Echosounder (MBES) System. Pasang surut mengetahui dinamika atau perubahan permukaan laut dengan demikian maka di lakukan survei batimetri dan survei pasang surut secara bersamaan yaitu pasang surut pada kegiatan survei batimetri bertujuan sebagai bidang acuan kedalaman untuk menentukan jenis/tipe Pasut dan ketinggian muka air laut rata-rata MSL(Mean Sea Level) sebagai titik referensi (titik nol) untuk pengukuran elevasi. Nilai Formzahl diketahui nilai besaran bilangan Formzahl adalah 1,35 Sehingga tipe pasut pada Perairan sekitaran pelabuhan yaitu tipe campuran condong ganda (Mixed mainly diurnal tides). Hasil pengukuran batimetri yang telah di koreksi dengan nilai MSL 1,35 meter yang menghasilkan akurasi pada nilai kedalaman. Hal ini menunjukkan dengan adanya perubahan nilai kedalaman di perairan punggur, Batam. Hasil penelitian menunjukan nilai kedalaman di perairan punggur berkisar antara 16 sampai 25 meter di bawah permukaan laut, sehingga nilai kedalaman atau batimetri di perairan tersebut tidak termasuk berada di daerah continental shelf yang menjelaskan dengan adanya nilai topografi landai. Kata kunci:  Batimetri, Perairan Punggur, Pasang Surut, Multibeam Echosounder (MBES
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