9,511 research outputs found

    Fiscal Policy and Current Account Dynamics in Case of Pakistan

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    The study empirically investigates the effects of fiscal policy or government budget deficit shocks on the current account and the other macroeconomic variable: real output, real interest rate and exchange rate for Pakistan over the period 1960-2009. The structural Vector Autoregressive model is employed; the exogenous fiscal policy shocks are identified after controlling the business cycle effects on fiscal balances. The results suggest that an expansionary fiscal policy shock improves the current account and depreciates the exchange rate. The rise in private saving and the fall in investment contribute to the current account improvement while the exchange rate depreciation. The twin divergence of fiscal deficit and current account deficit is also explained by the output shock which seems to drive the current account movements and its comovements with the fiscal balance.Restricted Vector Autoregressive model, current account, government budget deficit, fiscal policy, exchange rate

    Mass transfer efficiency of a tall and low plate free area liquid pulsed sieve-plate extraction column

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    Acknowledgements The authors would like to acknowledge Chakwal group of industries for funding the project. Ms. Madiha, Ms. Zona, Mr. Sohaib, Mr. Abdullah, Mr. Mudassar, and Mr. Salahuddin also deserve our acknowledgements for their assistance in different ways.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    English Language Teaching Using the Whole Student Philosophy

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    Education in Kuwait is centered on rote learning methodology. Historically, the Kuwait educational system was created to mimic the Egyptian rote learning systems that date back to Pharaonic times. Furthermore, Kuwaiti educators are convinced that rote learning is the optimal form of education. In this paper, I will attempt to prove that this method is unsuccessful, and that educators, within their classroom and lesson planning, should adapt their teaching strategies to the adoption of the whole language philosophy. The major limitation of this research is that the observer is also participant. However, the fact that the observer is fully trained and cognizant of the methodology and procedure and will be referencing parts of the methodology within the paper in addition to applying other techniques in her lesson plans should be of assistance in overcoming this limitation. The whole student methodological construct of this research is a structured observation instrument based on definitions and theories as defined in Yvonne and David Freeman’s (1992) book Whole Language for Second Language Learners. The Freemans are professors in the Division of Language, Literacy and Culture from the graduate school at Fresno Pacific College. They have an intensive background in applying this philosophy and assisting in the training of teachers to improve their classroom learning environment. This research will be limited to high school students in Kuwait, at the International Academy of Kuwait, in Maidan-Hawaly, Kuwait. These students are from a mixture of Arabic heritages, mostly Kuwaiti, Lebanese, Egyptian and Syrian. The students whom I have applied these various methods on are in grades 9-12th. The whole language philosophy has been discussed in countless research mediums. This paper will explore Yvonne and David Freeman’s (1992) investigation of whole language usage for second language learners and their multiple application aspects that outline the scope of this philosophy. This information will likely impact my future teaching practices and increase the learning abilities of my students

    The teaching of Arabic translation and Interpreting in Australia

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    Mobile Computing for Trauma and Surgical Care Continuous Education

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    In medical domain, mobile computing has proven to be convenient, effective, and productive. With varying screen sizes, there is a challenge to present the right information in the right format such that medical practitioners can access information quickly. In this thesis, we discuss how mobile computing can be used as a way of continuous education for medical practitioners in the field of trauma and surgical care, and provide design guidelines on how to effectively present information on different mobile form factors. The focus is on three screen sizes- 4.7, 7 and 10.1 in., and three interaction methods - dropdown, slide, and tab menu. Results indicate that medical practitioners preferred 7 in. device that enabled them to have information at a glance and aid them in surgical decision making. In addition, the tab menu was the most convenient, intuitive and attractive out of the three interaction methods


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    Abstrak Putusan Pengadilan Negeri Kuningan Nomor 18/Pid.Sus/2014/PN.Kng adalah putusan yang memutus tentang tindak pidana aborsi Tindak pidana aborsi tersebut dilakukan oleh orang yang telah memasuki usia dewasa. Terdakwa dipidana selama tujuh bulan dan denda sebesar sepuluh juta rupiah. Penelitian ini menganalisis putusan yang digunakan untuk mendakwa terdakwa dan kaitannya dengan korban. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan memahami putusan yang dijatuhkan kepada terdakwa tersebut tidak sesuai dengan peraturan Perundang-undangan dan teori tentang korban. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian hukum normatif dengan pendekatan perundang-undangan dan konseptual. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang diperoleh, Putusan Pengadilan Negeri Kuningan  Nomor 118/Pid.Sus/2014/PN.KNG tidak sesuai jika dikaitkan dengan usia terdakwa. Terdakwa melakukan tindak pidana aborsi pada saat usianya memasuki usia 18 (delapan belas) tahun lebih 3 (tiga) hari tidak sesuai dikatkan dengan batasan usia dewasa pada Undang-undang perlindungan Anak.  Hakim kurang tepat mempertimbangkan hal meringankan yang menyebutkan bahwa terdakwa hakekatnya adalah anak-anak yang menjadi korban seksual orang dewasa, dan harus menanggung akibatnya. Terdakwa melakukan perzinahan dengan kakak iparnya tanpa paksaan dan berulangkal, maka hal peringan tersebut kurang sesuai. Putusan Pengadilan Negeri Kuningan  Nomor 118/Pid.Sus/2014/PN.KNG tidak sesuai jika dikaitkan dengan victimless crime. Terdakwa tidak bisa dibebaskan dari tuntutan karena terdakwa dianggap sebagai korban, terdakwa tetap harus mempertanggungjawabkan perbuatannya, karena menibulkan hilangnya nyawa janin yang ada dalam kandungannya. Kata Kunci: putusan pengadilan, korban, victimless crime Abstract The Court ruling the country Brass number 18/Pid. Sus/2014/PN. Kng is the verdict a disconnect about the crime of abortion abortion a criminal offence was committed by a person who has entered adulthood. The defendants are convicted for seven months and a fine of ten million rupiah. This research analyzes the decisions used to indict the accused and relation to the victim. This research aims to know and understand the verdict that dropped to the defendant is not in accordance with the regulations and a theory about the victim. This research uses research methods with normative law legislation and conceptual approach. Based on the results obtained, the Court ruling the country Brass Number 118/Pid. Sus/2014/PN. KNG is not appropriate if linked to the age of the accused. The defendant committing the crime of abortion on when he entered the age of 18 (eighteen) years three (3) days does not comply with the age limit dikatkan adult on child protection legislation. Judges consider less precise terms of ease that mention that the defendant is about children who are victims of sexual adult, and must suffer the consequences. The defendant committed adultery with his brother-in-law without coercion and berulangkal, the less appropriate peringan comment. The Court ruling the country Brass Number 118/Pid. Sus/2014/PN. KNG is not appropriate if attributed to a victimless crime. The defendant could not be exempt from prosecution because the defendants are considered as victims, the defendant must still account for his deeds, because menibulkan fetal loss of life that exists in their subjects. Keywords:  law enforcemen, victim, victimless crime

    Initial Effects of Mandatory XBRL Adoption Across the Indonesia Stock Exchange`s Financial Information Environment

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    This research aims to investigate the initial effects of mandatory eXtensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL) across the Indonesia Stock Exchange`s financial information environment. Financial information environment is measured by event return volatility, absolute cumulative abnormal return, change in standard deviation of returns, abnormal bid-ask spread, and abnormal trading volume. Comparing the effects of pre- and post- XBRL period, we provide evidence that there is no significant implication in the first year of XBRL adoption. It is showed that event return volatility, changes in the standard deviation of returns, and abnormal bid-ask spread was not reduced in the post- XBRL period. On the other hand, it was able to intensify the stock trading volume which noted by the increased abnormal trading volume after mandatory XBRL policy was enacted.JEL Classification: G31; G32; G34DOI: https://doi.org/10.26905/jkdp.v22i2.209

    Reverse Engineering Blok Silinder, Comp-Head Genset X Dan Pengaruh Developer Terhadap Hasil 3D Scanning

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    Reverse engineering is a process in manufacturing, which aims to reproduce or recreate an existing model either component, sub-assembly, or product without using the data document design or picture of the existing work. Reverse engineering on the cylinder block and com.head conducted to determine the actual size and shape of the part is to create a 3D surface or solid using Geomagic software design x based stl-file of the 3D scanning using ATOS II. Critical part of this part is located in the combustion chamber and the position of head hole, so the tolerance used is ± 0.03 mm. By testing the differences between type A developer using the addition of an average dimension of 2 – 8 mm. With the addition of developer type B average dimension of 4 – 14 mm. While the difference between type A and type B by a margin dimensions of ± 0 – 11 mm, which developer A can affect the size of the work piece is better than the developer B.Keywords. Reverse Engineering, Developer, Cylinder block, CAE, CAM

    Tindakan Provokatif Spanyol Menekan Inggris di Wilayah Kedaulatanya di Gibraltar

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    This research analyzes the reason of Spain preassured England over sovereignty of Gibraltar. This research want to know why did Spain keep on preassuring Gibraltar. The small region on point of Europe has much values such as economic, geopolitic and tourism. Those values made England and Spain had conflict. This is the reason why the writer interested in this research. This dispute started when Spain transfered sovereignty of Gibraltar to England in Spanish Succession War. Spain dispute Gibraltar from England because it had much potentials and very strategic. As the consequence, Gibraltar made twice referendum; on 1967 and 2002. The result of the referendum was Gibraltar people continued to live under England and rejected be apart of Spain. In another side, Spain preassure Gibraltar because Spain believed that Gibraltar as the main income for Spain in tax and fishing sector. Spain got protest about so much smuggling of tobacco in border Gibraltar-Spain and sink spiked concrete blocks into the sea by Gibraltar. This is reason why Spain lose out income from smuggling of tobacco and fisherman can not fishing on Algeciras Bay/ Gibraltar Bay. In this research writer using theory of Kenneth Waltz; Three Image. The Theory has three level analysis, that is individual, state and international system. Writer using level analysis of state, because this conflict involve two state. This study used methode of explanation, that is method to explain the problem in a particular and method library research, such as books, journals, magazine, media electronic, and the other source. The research showed Spain keep on preassureGibraltar,that is provocate on border of the sea (Algeciras Bay/ Gibraltar Bay), push down borderland, threat a ÂŹ50 ($67) charge on crossings borderland and threat to close air of Spain for Gibraltar flight.These is all of provocate about the economic.Keyword: Dispute of Gibraltar, Utrech Treaty 1713, referendum, smuggling of tobacco, sink spiked concrete blocks into the sea, lose out income of Spain, provocated, Three Image Theory
