213 research outputs found

    Democratic Institutions and Variability of Economic Growth in Pakistan: Some Evidence from the Time-series Analysis

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    This paper explores the empirical association between democracy and per capita output growth in Pakistan using data for the period 1947 to 2006. The findings of the paper indicate a weak negative association between democracy and output growth. Consistent with some current empirical literature, democracy is also found to influence output growth indirectly. The empirical results are robust to different democracy variables and output growth equation specifications. The empirical findings also highlight the role of other variables in determining output growth and, except for rising oil prices, show its positive linkage to physical and human capital, government consumption, openness of trade practices and inflation.Democracy, Growth, Time-series

    Democratic Institutions and Variability of Economic Growth in Pakistan: Some Evidence from the Time-series Analysis

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    This paper explores the empirical association between democracy and per capita output growth in Pakistan using data for the period 1947 to 2006. The findings of the paper indicate a weak negative association between democracy and output growth. Consistent with some current empirical literature, democracy is also found to influence output growth indirectly. The empirical results are robust to different democracy variables and output growth equation specifications. The empirical findings also highlight the role of other variables in determining output growth and, except for rising oil prices, show its positive linkage to physical and human capital, government consumption, openness of trade practices and inflation. JEL classification: C22, O43 Keywords: Democracy, Growth, Time-serie


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    Kebutuhan akan teknologi informasi semakin dirasakan oleh masyarakat, Dilatarbelakangi keinginan PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia, Tbk. untuk memperluas bisnis ke tingkat global, maka PT.Telekomunikasi Indonesia,Tbk. berencana mengembangkan berbagai kemungkinan layanan Non-POTS (Plain Old Telephone Services). Yang termasuk dalam layanan Non-POTS adalah layanan yang berbasis high speed network multimedia, VoIP untuk corporate customer, dan juga layanan view. Layanan View merupakan layanan broadband yang mengurai banyak simpul komunikasi. Layanan ini meliputi layanan pay TV, interaktif TV, home shopping, pay per view, video on demand dan akses internet berkecepatan tinggi. Layanan View yang diselenggarakan PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia, Tbk. adalah TelkomVision. Mengingat investasi yang akan dikeluarkan untuk produk ini sangat besar, maka segala sesuatu yang bisa memberi gambaran tentang prospek produk ini di pasaran perlu mendapatkan perhatian serius. hal ini yang mendorong penulis untuk melakukan formulasi strategi pemasaran TelkomVision, yaitu untuk mengetahui profil dan tipe perusahaan, SWOT TelkomVision, segmentasi pasar, target pelanggan, serta positioning produk, sehingga diharapkan hasil akhir penelitian dapat membantu dalam proses pemasaran TelkomVision di wilayah Bandung.Penelitian ini menggunakan metode diskriptif dengan pendekatan Marketing Audit dari MarkPlus&Co. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan penyebaran kuisioner yang terdiri dari tiga jenis, yaitu kuisioner customer, kuisioner internal, dan kuisioner eksternal. Dengan metode proportional random sampling, ukuran sampel representatif dilakukan dengan metode rule’s of thumb. Penelitian diawali dengan pengidentifikasian karakteristik dari tipe perusahaan, kondisi pesaing, dan kondisi pasar. Penentuan pasar potensial layanan TelkomVision merupakan langkah awal untuk penetapan dan perumusan strategi pemasaran yang terdiri dari segmentasi, targeting, dan positioning.Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa tipe dari perusahaan adalah marketing oriented, dengan pasar potensial TelkomVision sebesar 61,8%. Segemntasi dari customer layanan view bertipe psikografi yang dibagi menjadi 4 segmen, yaitu (1) akan menggunakan layanan TelkomVision, (2) akan menggunakan layanan view dari provider/operator lain, (3) belum tahu akan menggunakan layanan view dari provider/operator yang mana, (4) tidak akan menggunakan dan atau pindah ke layanan view yang lain. Berdasarkan hasil dari marketing audit, targeting TelkomVision adalah memilih perusahaan-perusahaan yang berada pada segmen pelanggan yang paling efektif (choosen one) yaitu segmen 1 dengan prosentase 13%. Sementara positioning yang dilakukan adalah one statement yaitu strategi pemasaran dengan menitik beratkan pada jenis layanan yang berupa kualitas gambar dan kualitas suara untuk membedakan TelkomVision dengan provider/operator yang lain dalam mendapatkan kepercayaan dari pelanggan

    Polemics on Interfaith Marriage: Law and Civil Law Perspectives

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    Marriage is seen as a bridge to a long journey that has shared visions and missions. We can not recklessly hold a wedding. There are a few things to be considered. Umumnya adalah budaya dan agama yang menjadi sorot utama ketika pemuda pemudi atau calon mempelai pria dan wanita akan melangsungkan pernikahan. Budaya merupakan hal yang juga akan dibawa ketika acara pernikahan akan dilangsungkan. Generally, culture and religion become the highlight once man and woman or prospective brides and grooms plan to get married. Culture is presented on the wedding day. However, a different culture is not allowed or prohibited. This also applies to religion. It becomes an important matter to consider before marriage. Marriage must be carried out according to each partner's religion. Thus, it is considered valid. In general, marriages are held in the same religion. However, this study will discuss massive interfaith marriages done by young people in Indonesia. The study employed a literature approach. This approach requires more reading and collecting library data. The findings generated new ideas in civil matters, the registration of interfaith marriages and the challenges of holding such marriage. In conclusion, interfaith marriages bring countless problems if they insist

    Numerical reckoning fixed points via new faster iteration process

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    [EN] In this paper, we propose a new iteration process which is faster than the leading S [J. Nonlinear Convex Anal. 8, no. 1 (2007), 61-79], Thakur et al. [App. Math. Comp. 275 (2016), 147-155] and M [Filomat 32, no. 1 (2018), 187-196] iterations for numerical reckoning fixed points. Using new iteration process, some fixed point convergence results for generalized α-nonexpansive mappings in the setting of uniformly convex Banach spaces are proved. At the end of paper, we offer a numerical example to compare the rate of convergence of the proposed iteration process with the leading iteration processes.Ullah, K.; Ahmad, J.; Khan, FM. (2022). Numerical reckoning fixed points via new faster iteration process. Applied General Topology. 23(1):213-223. https://doi.org/10.4995/agt.2022.11902OJS21322323

    Exploring Gender Dynamics in On-Farm Climate Change Adaptation Strategies and Food Security among Smallholder Farmers in South Punjab, Pakistan

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    The study aims to explore the determinants of on-farm climate change adaptation strategies along with food security in the South Punjab Province of Pakistan. On-farm climate change adaptation strategies are the actions that farmers apply to mitigate the influence of climate change on their specific farms. The study stands out by comprehensively addressing five sub-strategies of on-farm adaptation strategies. The previous studies employed qualitative techniques or frequency analysis, but this study applied regression analysis.  Notably, there is a dearth of research on the intersection of gender, climate change adaptation, and food security in South Punjab. The study collected data from 1152 small landholders in four divisions (Multan, Bahawalpur, DG Khan) of South Punjab with a sample size of 384 small landholders from each division by using the Krejcie & Morgan (1970) sample size determination formula. The study employed a binary logistic technique to estimate the results.  The findings suggest that male farmers exhibit greater confidence in adopting on-farm climate change adaptation measures compared to their female counterparts. Planned adaptation strategies demonstrate a positive influence on autonomous climate change adaptation measures. Additionally, the study identifies various constraints or barriers, such as limited access to services, shortage of non-land assets, and farmers’ constrained income, as primary obstacles in the adoption of on-farm strategies. The study further reveals that food security negatively influences the adoption of on-farm strategies
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