686 research outputs found

    Konsep Pengembangan Kawasan Minapolitan Ketapang Kabupaten Lampung Selatan

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    Kawasan perikanan Ketapang merupakan salah satu kawasan perikanan yang diarahkan untuk dikembangkan sebagai kawasan minapolitan perikanan tangkap di Kabupaten Lampung Selatan. Namun hingga saat ini masih terdapat beberapa kendala yang menyebabkan perkembangan kawasan minapolitan belum optimal. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menyusun konsep pengembangan Kawasan Minapolitan Ketapang. Metode analisa yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini meliputi analisa deskriptif kualitatif, analisa fisik dan non fisik. Bila dilihat dari hasil penelitian, permasalahan yang ada pada wilayah perencanaan adalah masih terdapat sarana dan prasarana yang kondisinya kurang baik, keterbatasan jenis produk olahan, lembaga yang ada belum berperan aktif baik lembaga permodalan maupun penyuluhan serta kurangnya informasi pasar. Apabila merujuk dari permasalahan yang ada, hal tersebut dapat diatasi dengan pengembangan kegiatan minapolitan yang terbagi menjadi beberapa sub pengembangan yaitu sistem mata rantai produksi hulu, hilir dan fasilitas penunjang. Penentuan mengenai lokasi sentra atau pusat pengembangan yang nantinya akan menjadi pusat kontrol pengembangan kawasan minapolitan agar lebih terkoordinir dan terintegrasi antara aspek satu dan lainnya yang berdampak kepada lapangan pekerjaan dan lapangan USAha bagi masyarakat

    Akuntansi dan Efektivitas Pemungutan Bea Perolehan Hak Atas Tanah dan Bangunan (BPHTB) dan Kontribusinya terhadap Pendapatan Daerah di Kota Semarang Periode Tahun 2008-2011

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    This study aims to analyze the effectiveness of the accounting and collection of customs acquisitionof land and buildings (BPHTB) and its contribution to regional income in the city of Semarangperiod 2008-2011. The effectiveness of tax revenue can be an indicator of performance in theDepartment of Revenue (Dipenda) Semarang. Tax revenues have been called effective ifacceptance in accordance with a predetermined potential. The purpose of this research is to gainknowledge of the effectiveness and contribution to the collection of customs acquisition of land andbuildings based on the target and the realization of the revenue in the city of Semarang. The dataused in this research is the realization of the target data and reports BPHTB from 2008-2010obtained from the Office of Tax Semarang and BPHTB reports in 2011 and reported revenue ofSemarang are dipeoleh years 2008-2011 from the Department of Finance and Asset ManagementDistrict (DPKAD) Semarang City Government. The data analysis techniques with descriptivequantitative methods to analyze the data. The results showed that (1) the effectiveness of revenue in2008-2011 experienced BPHTB kondusi fluctuating with an average revenue of 108% which isincluded in the criteria is very effective. (2) the rate of growth in the city of Semarang BPHTB theyears 2009-2011 average of 9.17% which is included in the criteria is very less. (3) contribution toregional income BPHTB average 6.81% were included into criteria lacking, contribute to the fundbalance BPHTB average of 10.96% which is included in the criteria less, BPHTB contribution toPAD with an average of 45, 41% included in the criteria of good and contribute to the local taxBPHTB with an average of 52.52% included in the excellent category

    Effect Of Motivaton And Creativity On Students' Psychomotor Ability

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    This research aims to determine: (1) the effect of motivation on students' psychomotor ability; (2) the effect of creativity on students' psychomotor ability; (3) the effect of motivation and creativity as in aggregate on students' psychomotor ability; and (4) the contribution of motivation and creativity on students' psychomotor ability in the subject of Web Programming. This research is an ex-post facto type. The population was sixth semester students of TIK Education Research Program of PGRI Pontianak totaling 217 students. The sample was 135 students with proportional random sampling techniques that determined by the Issac and Michael table. Data collection using a questionnaire. The data was analyzed using regression analysis to test the hypotheses. The results showed that: (1) motivation has a positive and significant effect on students' psychomotor Ability; (2) creativity has a positive and significant effect on students' psychomotor Ability; (3) motivation and creativity as in aggregate had a positive and significant effect on students' psychomotor Ability with 68.88%; and (4) the contribution of motivation is 12.5% and creativity is 32.5% on students' psychomotor Ability in the subject of Web Programming

    Karakteristik Getaran Dan Tekanan Ruang Silinder Akibat Variasi Putaran Kompresor Pada Lima Model Profil Dudukan Katup Tekan Sebuah Kompresor Torak

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    Kompresor torak memainkan peranan utama di dalam proses industri sehingga ketersediaan dan keandalannya menjadi sangat penting. Pada Kenyataannya, kegagalan katup kompresor menjadi penyebab utama shutdown tak terjadwal pada kompresor torak. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan modifikasi dudukan katup tekan dengan memberikan ketirusan pada lubang dudukan katup tekan. Evaluasi dilakukan terhadap karakteristik getaran pada cylinder head dan tekanan ruang silinder kompresor torak single stage, single acting. Tachometer optik digunakan untuk mentrigger vibration transducer agar pengukuran getaran dan tekanan dilakukan pada crank angle yang sama. Pada penelitian ini digunakan variasi putaran kompresor dan profil dudukan katup tekan dengan 3 jenis kondisi tekanan kerja kompresor. Hasil yang didapatkan dari penelitian ini adalah adanya perbaikan level getaran sebagai akibat adanya modifikasi dudukan katup tekan, rentang waktu pembukaan katup tekan menjadi lebih lama dibandingkan katup tekan normal sehingga jumlah udara yang di salurkan lebih banyak. Dari keempat katup tekan modifikasi, diketahui bahwa level getaran paling rendah dihasilkan oleh katup tekan dengan sudut tirus 300. Dari sisi P-Θ diagram, katup tekan dengan sudut tirus 300 mengalami rentang waktu pembukaan katup tekan paling lama dibandingkan dengan katup tekan modifikasi yang lain. Selain itu, peningkatan putaran pada kompresor menyebabkan level getaran meningkat serta sedikit pergeseran getaran berlebih ke kanan, pada 540 rpm sampai dengan 600 rpm. Pada P-Θ diagram, terlihat bahwa peningkatan putaran kompresor menyebabkan kenaikan titik puncak yang menunjukkan kenaikan tekanan ruang silinder

    Pelaksanaan Fungsi Badan Permusyawaratan Desa (BPD) di Desa Binabaru Kecamatan Kampar Kiri Tengah Kabupaten Kampar

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    The Village Consultative Board (BPD) as the policy and supervisory council in the implementation of village policy performs its function to build the village, where the success of village development is the basis for the achievement of the national development objectives. Currently there are still unfinished development in Binabaru Village, the society can not fully conduct their aspirations, lack of socialization, lack of member training, and lack of coordination of the village and BPD in Binabaru Village. This study aims to know clearly about the implementation of the functions of BPD and the factors that influence it.The theory used is Theory Widjaja said that the village consultative institution is a council that functions as follows: assign a plan of village regulations with the headman, collecting and distributing the aspirations of the society and take supervision of the headman performance. This research uses qualitative descriptive method with observation and interview data collection techniques. The factors that affect the implementation of the function is the factor of education, coordination and socialization. Research location in Binabaru Village Kampar Kiri Tengah District Kampar District. The research informants are Village Head, Head of BPD, Secretary of BPD and Member of BPD Binabaru Village. This research uses qualitative research method with descriptive analysis by using data collection method technique, observation interview and documentation.The result of the research shows that the implementation of BPD function in Binabaru Village has not run maximally due to the absence of transparency from the village head to the BPD in carrying out the task and the personal problems between the two causes the obstruction of the making of Village Regulation, the absence of facilities and infrastructure such as offices and supporting equipment BPD functions such as laptops and printers because no funds are derived from the Village to build BPD offices, there is no training provided by the local government due to the unavailability of the Technology Guidance Program (BIMTEK) from the District Government

    Robot Pintar Penyambut Costumer Pada Pusat Perbelanjaan Kota Manado

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    Aspects of robotics technology have now been able to explore and reach the entertainment, education, and health. Making robots with privileges and special expertise is closely related to the needs of the modern world that requires a device with a high capacity are useful to help the work of man. On the other hand, advanced technology is useful to complete the work that could not and did not want to do by men as a greeter job. Greeter costumer jobs is a very tedious job. So it is necessary in the field of robotics technology that is smart robot greeter customers that replace the role of humans to improve the quality of waiters, efficiency, and economical savings at shopping centers in the city of Manado. The smart robot is designed to greet the customer by giving the greeting on the customer entrance and exit shopping center. The robot system is powered with less use of multiple technologies including ultrasonic distance and PIR sensors to detect humans, servo and DC motor as an actuator of the robot, and use voice module so that the robot can speak. The robot system is also equipped with a remote control using the Android smartphone so the smart robot can perform monitoring, operation, and control over long distances. The test results describe the action of robots have been able to make the detection of costumer and activities greeting the customer with the analysis of determining the value of the parameter distance between ultrasonic sensors use trigonometry comparative analysis

    Model Penilaian Kewajaran Harga Penawaran Kontraktor Dengan Sistem Evaluasi Nilai

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    . Procurement is a significant factor for successful completion of a construction project. The bidding criteria have to be determined objectively and fairly for both the owner and the contractors. “Lowest bidder” is the most commonly used in public project procurement. While it is a valid factor, in some cases it is considered insufficient in projects where technical aspects are important in the evaluation process. An alternative method is the merit system, i.e., the determining factor is the combination of the scores awarded for the cost and the technical proposal with predetermined weights. The set of evaluation criteria (including the weights and the scores) should be objective, quantitative, and verifiable. In this paper, a model focusing on the evaluation of the aptness of a cost proposal is proposed for a tender process using the merit system on a lump sum contract scenario. A cost proposal is compared to both the owner\u27s estimate and its peers. The model basically involves two principals: the level of confidence in the owner\u27s estimate; and the variations of cost proposals. The model has been tested on a tender process of a low-rise building. The case study has been satisfactory, the winner was the contractor proposing low and “fair” cost. Sensitivity analyses have been performed for several factors: the level of confidence in the owner\u27s estimate; the number of proposals with low costs; the number of proposals with high costs. The analyses showed that the decision for the case study was not sensitive to the variations in those factors